Розроблення ефективних режимів та обладнання для просочення тканих наповнювачів полімерними зв’язуючими

Розроблення уточненої математичної моделі процесу капілярного просочення тканих волокнистих наповнювачів полімерними зв'язуючими. Методика прогнозування технологічних параметрів процесу просочення. Визначення капілярного радіуса волокнистого наповнювача.

Рубрика Производство и технологии
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 24.06.2014
Размер файла 152,5 K

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Ключевые слова: процесс, оборудование, пропитка, полимер, наполнитель, связующее, эпоксид, ткань, технология, ультразвук, нанос, дозирование

Kudryachenko V.V. Investigation of effective impregnation process routines and equipments of woven filaments by polymer binders - Manuscript

Dissertation to receive the Candidate of Technical Sciences Degree on the speciality 05.17.08 - Processes and Equipment of Chemical Technology, National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, 2002.

The manuscript represents the theoretical and experimental researches, which fixed in elaboration base of effective impregnation process routines of woven filaments by polymer binders.

In dissertation is contained a funds productivity rise aspects analysis for impregnation of fibred materials by polymer binders by dint of application of mechanical oscillations. On foundation of theoretical researches was got a specified mathematical impregnation process model of woven fibred filaments by polymer binders. Describes worked up approach to prognostication of technological impregnation processes parameters on foundation of woven filaments by polymer binders with use of optical method lightpretermiting. Explores parameters dominance effectiveness of ultrasonic processing on descriptions technological and strengthening epoxy olygomers, binders and polymers on their base. Analyses of advanced research of worked up and inculcated technical funds for impregnation of fibred filaments and measured out in doses drawing polymer binders with application ultrasonic. The recommendations on application of effective routines of ultrasonic processing for upgrading impregnation process, and also to size constancy of measured out in doses drawing polymer binders in impregnated with filament are given.

Key words: process, equipment, impregnation, polymer, filament, binder, epoxy, cloth, technology, ultrasonic, drawing, dosage

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