Технологія розділення алмазографітової суміші у виробництві синтетичних алмазів

Розробка технології розділення алмазографітової суміші газофазним окисненням графіту в присутності каталізатора. Встановлення механізму процесу газофазного окиснення графіту, визначення впливу температури, висоти шару та лінійної швидкості повітря.

Рубрика Производство и технологии
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.07.2014
Размер файла 72,5 K

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Разработана принципиальная технологическая схема обогащения алмазографитовой смеси производства синтетических алмазов и рассчитаны технико-экономические показатели. Разработанная технология прошла промышленные испытания на ЧФ "СИТ" (г. Харьков) и ОАО "Прецизионные абразивы" (г. Киев).

Ключевые слова: алмазографитовая смесь, катализатор окисления, разделение, обогащение, соединения ванадия, соединения молибдена.


Sinitskaya A.М. Technology of purification graphite diamond mixture in the production of synthetic diamonds. - Manuscript.

The thesis for a candidate's degree of technical science by specialty 05.17.01 - technology of inorganic substance. - National technical university "Kharkiv polytechnic institute", Kharkiv, 2008.

The thesis is devoted to working out of technology of division of diamond-graphite mixture in manufacture of synthetic diamonds.

Thermodynamic calculations of interactions of components of diamond-graphite mixture with V2O5 and МоО3 in the presence of air oxygen are carried out. Influence of additives on thermal oxidation of graphite and synthetic diamonds is investigated and V2O5 as the most active additive is chosen.

Investigations of influence of technological parameters, such as temperature, concentration of the additive, layer height of mixture, linear speed of giving of air and duration of process of oxidation process of diamond-graphite mixture are carried out. On the basis of the received data it mathematical model of process of oxidation of graphite and synthetic diamonds in diamond-graphite mixture without the additive and with V2O5 is offered. The design of the oxidizing furnace, which allows of carrying out of division of diamond-graphite mixture with the optimum expense of reagents, air and powering resources is proposed. It is shown, that for extraction of vanadium substances of from diamond-graphite mixture and for their return to a work cycle can be used, both for ammonia solution, and for mix of H2SO4 and Н2О2. The basic flow chart of division of diamond-graphite mixture mixes of manufacture of synthetic diamonds is developed and economic indicators are calculated.

Key words: diamond-graphite mixture, oxidation catalyst, division, enrichment, vanadium connection, molybdenum connection.

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