Керамічні кордієритвмісні покриття для захисту вогнетривких матеріалів

Особливості механізму руйнування кордієритомулітових вогнетривів та розроблення нового класу захисних керамічних покриттів на основі силіційорганічних зв’язок та оксидних наповнювачів, які дозволять збільшити термін експлуатації вищезгаданих вогнетривів.

Рубрика Производство и технологии
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 20.07.2015
Размер файла 62,1 K

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Dissertation is devoted elaboration of compositions of ceramic coatings for protection of cordierite-mullite fireproof materials from the influence of aggressive furnace environment. In the process of scientific research by electron microscopy, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and X-ray-phase analysis was examined the factors that influence onto duration of the operation of cordierite-mullite refractory in industrial conditions.

The theoretical basis for improving of exploitation term of fireproof materials cordierite-mullite composition are presented, which are based on protecting of it surface by ceramic coatings.

The influence of temperature on processes of phase and structure formations of studied compositions is investigated. Is substantiated the choice of mineralizing additions and calculated their optimal content in protective compositions.

Was defined the influence of additives of different chemical nature on the phase composition, microstructure, the values of linear subsidence, the temperature coefficient of linear expansion and the set of operational properties of protective coatings.

The processes occurring at the interface of substrate-coating are investigated. It is shown that at the zone of the contact between substrate and coating occurring migrate of coating layer elements into the bulk of substrate material and as well as forming a strong adhesive contact.

Keywords: cordierite-mullite refractories, high-temperature corrosion, ceramic coating, mineralizing oxides.

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