Удосконалення конструкції жіночого плечового одягу з еластичних тканин

Методика визначення антропометричних характеристик і топографії форми тіла. Оцінка деформаційних властивостей еластичних тканин при двовісному навантаженні. Поліпшення конструкції жіночого плечового одягу шляхом корегування параметрів плечової виточки.

Рубрика Производство и технологии
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.07.2015
Размер файла 1,9 M

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The thesis is dedicated to solving the issues of the enhancement of the design of women's shoulder dress made of elastic fabric.

The calculation of the dynamic component of the supplement to the free cling to clothes design drawings of elastic tissue on the basis of analysis of the topographic maps of the human body surface in statics and dynamics is improved. Areas and the magnitudes of the largest dynamic changes are found, the direction and nature of their distribution, causing deformation of the fabric of clothing. In accordance with established areas of loads the properties of elastic tissue were investigated and the degree of compensation for their dynamic effect of the human body was determined, taking into account the structural parameters of the fabrics and the HTT. The parameters of shoulder dart based on consideration of certain improvements of tissue shaping elastic properties are calculated. The percentage redistribution of basic structural tolerance for the design of shoulder wear area is scientifically substantiated by determining the maximum dynamic growth of the central surface area about the back vertical Spade (32%) and about the critical back (68%).

Keywords: dynamic anthropometry, anthropogeodesic mesh, elastic fabric, design of shoulder dress, plus the free cling.

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