Private sector participation in the water and wastewater services industry
Definitions and models of control in water supply and sanitation industry. Concession model of control sanitation industry in international practice. Condition of networks and evolution of model. Research limitations and future research directions.
Рубрика | Производство и технологии |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.11.2015 |
Размер файла | 628,7 K |
Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже
Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
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33. Ministry of regional development in Russian Federation decree from 23 August 2010 № 378 "On affirmation of guidance in utilities fees' calculation". SPS Consultant Plus. (Original: Приказ Министерства регионального развития Российской Федерации от 23 августа 2010 г. № 378 "Об утверждении методических указаний по расчету предельных индексов изменения размера платы граждан за коммунальные услуги". СПС Консультант Плюс.)
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- Appendix 1. Capital investments' estimation in economic activity "water collection, purification and distribution" by regions in 2003-2013
- Table 1
- Capital investments, thousands of roubles
- Table 2
- Population, thousands of people
- Table 3
- Capital investments per capita, roubles
- Appendix 2. Conditions of concession agreements in Perm and other cities
- Appendix 3. Main financial indicators of LLC Novogor-Prikamye's activity
- Table 1
- Balance sheet (2003-2013), thousands of roubles
- Table 2
- Income statement (2003-2013), thousands of roubles
- Appendix 4. Data used for a comparative analysis of financial indicators of LLC Novogor-Prikamye and other companies
- Table 1
- Financial indicators of companies (2010-2013)
- Table 2
- Financial analysis results (2010-2013)
- Размещено на
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
St Petersburg |
2 805 746 |
4 299 674 |
9 198 692 |
7 249 449 |
6 535 375 |
8 481 949 |
6 989 175 |
7 288 042 |
6 976 295 |
8 280 060 |
11 535 976 |
Tatarstan |
192 379 |
425 870 |
324 847 |
816 918 |
542 410 |
2 231 307 |
409 262 |
769 680 |
966 547 |
1 163 509 |
988 742 |
Sverdlovsk region |
84 668 |
133 604 |
78 504 |
135 521 |
1 299 217 |
2 117 485 |
1 669 262 |
2 779 501 |
1 423 040 |
1 749 300 |
1 505 062 |
Perm region |
84 148 |
69 238 |
71 315 |
174 569 |
321 418 |
327 285 |
532 034 |
496 849 |
740 715 |
409 545 |
349 887 |
Rostov-on-Don region |
228 095 |
164 104 |
756 171 |
602 108 |
862 402 |
683 124 |
1 035 420 |
1 156 205 |
757 212 |
1 163 016 |
856 446 |
Krasnodar region |
307 899 |
366 605 |
124 074 |
95 177 |
256 773 |
608 625 |
377 925 |
432 543 |
682 952 |
910 308 |
1 144 152 |
Russia (average) |
136 910 |
155 400 |
239 023 |
276 177 |
384 702 |
544 674 |
472 144 |
550 355 |
509 305 |
554 861 |
601 950 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
St Petersburg |
4 656 |
4 624 |
4 600 |
4 580 |
4 571 |
4 568 |
4 581 |
4 740 |
4 899 |
4 953 |
5 028 |
Tatarstan |
3 777 |
3 772 |
3 768 |
3 761 |
3 760 |
3 762 |
3 768 |
3 784 |
3 787 |
3 803 |
3 822 |
Sverdlovsk region |
4 477 |
4 448 |
4 428 |
4 409 |
4 399 |
4 395 |
4 394 |
4 308 |
4 297 |
4 307 |
4 315 |
Perm region |
2 813 |
2 791 |
2 769 |
2 748 |
2 730 |
2 718 |
2 708 |
2 648 |
2 633 |
2 631 |
2 634 |
Rostov-on-Don region |
4 396 |
4 365 |
4 334 |
4 303 |
4 275 |
4 254 |
4 241 |
4 284 |
4 275 |
4 260 |
4 254 |
Krasnodar region |
5 119 |
5 106 |
5 100 |
5 096 |
5 101 |
5 121 |
5 141 |
5 214 |
5 230 |
5 284 |
5 330 |
Russia (average) |
1 746 |
1 738 |
1 732 |
1 725 |
1 720 |
1 720 |
1 719 |
1 721 |
1 721 |
1 722 |
1 726 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
St Petersburg |
603 |
930 |
2 000 |
1 583 |
1 430 |
1 857 |
1 525 |
1 537 |
1 424 |
1 672 |
2 294 |
Tatarstan |
51 |
113 |
86 |
217 |
144 |
593 |
109 |
203 |
255 |
306 |
259 |
Sverdlovsk region |
19 |
30 |
18 |
31 |
295 |
482 |
380 |
645 |
331 |
406 |
349 |
Perm region |
30 |
25 |
26 |
64 |
118 |
120 |
196 |
188 |
281 |
156 |
133 |
Rostov-on-Don region |
52 |
38 |
174 |
140 |
202 |
161 |
244 |
270 |
177 |
273 |
201 |
Krasnodar region |
60 |
72 |
24 |
19 |
50 |
119 |
73 |
83 |
131 |
172 |
215 |
Russia (average) |
78 |
89 |
138 |
160 |
224 |
317 |
275 |
320 |
296 |
322 |
349 |
Criterion |
Sydney |
Buenos-Aires |
Abidjan |
Sofia |
Brno |
Bucharest |
Lugansk |
Almaty |
Guinea |
Perm |
Involvement of international companies |
N.A. |
yes |
N.A. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
N.A. |
no |
Contract term |
25 years |
30 years |
20 years |
25 years |
25 years |
N.A. |
N.A. |
N.A. |
10 years |
49 years |
Influence on tariffs |
N.A. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
N.A. |
yes |
no |
Competition |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
N.A. |
yes |
no |
Concessionaire |
Suez |
Suez |
Sofia's Water |
Apa Nova |
Lugansk Water |
"J.V." |
Novogor-Prikamye |
Share of local authorities |
0% |
0% |
3% |
23% |
51% |
16% |
0% |
48% |
49% |
0% |
Share of private investor |
100% |
100% |
97% (SAUR) |
77% (Veolia Water) |
49% (Suez) |
84% (Veolia Water) |
100% |
52% (Veolia Water) |
51% |
100% |
Investments |
Aus $200 million |
$1,05 billion annually |
N.A. |
€31 million |
€61,7 million |
$1 billion |
500 million of hryvnias |
$100 million |
N.A. |
?18,9 billion |
Result |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+/- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
+/- |
? |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Assets |
I. Non-current assets |
20 953 |
41 241 |
96 721 |
250 680 |
314 322 |
554 110 |
1 061 578 |
1 266 521 |
1 681 961 |
1 949 045 |
5 032 490 |
including fixed assets |
146 |
19 850 |
51 279 |
183 800 |
238 131 |
328 778 |
459 043 |
845 423 |
1 533 981 |
1 634 220 |
4 702 058 |
II. Current assets |
122 504 |
227 721 |
550 608 |
693 572 |
1 100 937 |
1 504 768 |
1 621 290 |
2 009 681 |
2 446 876 |
2 971 523 |
2 943 069 |
including receivables |
38 841 |
96 039 |
258 213 |
522 486 |
909 129 |
1 151 728 |
1 219 257 |
1 521 331 |
1 921 418 |
2 315 528 |
2 115 769 |
Liabilities |
III. Equity |
24 659 |
88 547 |
243 689 |
277 450 |
528 688 |
855 892 |
1 080 507 |
1 230 310 |
1 398 051 |
1 489 786 |
1 678 914 |
including retained income |
24 647 |
88 535 |
243 677 |
277 438 |
528 676 |
643 328 |
851 584 |
1 000 310 |
1 168 051 |
1 259 786 |
1 448 914 |
IV. Long term liabilities |
38 |
0 |
0 |
192 437 |
170 675 |
56 244 |
73 813 |
319 026 |
70 806 |
320 783 |
4 899 639 |
including debt |
0 |
0 |
0 |
190 215 |
165 141 |
0 |
0 |
258 295 |
0 |
222 096 |
1 753 725 |
V. Short term liabilities |
118 760 |
180 415 |
403 640 |
474 365 |
715 896 |
1 146 742 |
1 528 547 |
1 726 866 |
2 659 981 |
3 109 999 |
1 397 007 |
including debt |
2 377 |
10 331 |
67 643 |
30 025 |
118 364 |
253 010 |
378 885 |
419 713 |
1 183 288 |
1 448 252 |
105 916 |
including payables |
116 383 |
169 960 |
296 690 |
444 185 |
586 607 |
799 694 |
1 060 140 |
1 203 989 |
1 296 486 |
1 467 138 |
1 084 627 |
Balance |
143 457 |
268 962 |
647 329 |
944 252 |
1 415 259 |
2 058 878 |
2 682 868 |
3 276 202 |
4 128 838 |
4 920 568 |
7 975 560 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Sales |
88 329 |
1 068 240 |
1 272 619 |
2 612 564 |
3 051 145 |
3 385 897 |
3 704 867 |
4 203 041 |
4 685 244 |
4 913 367 |
4 381 579 |
Costs of goods sold |
47 410 |
776 523 |
920 872 |
2 013 576 |
2 348 055 |
2 472 341 |
2 940 075 |
3 395 151 |
3 814 420 |
4 374 146 |
3 972 268 |
Gross profit (loss) |
40 919 |
291 717 |
351 747 |
598 988 |
703 090 |
913 556 |
764 792 |
807 890 |
870 824 |
539 221 |
409 311 |
Commercial expenses |
7 640 |
104 476 |
162 614 |
261 058 |
340 147 |
484 842 |
530 339 |
553 221 |
554 750 |
0 |
0 |
Earnings (losses) before interests and taxes |
33 279 |
187 241 |
189 133 |
337 930 |
362 943 |
428 714 |
234 453 |
254 669 |
316 074 |
539 221 |
409 311 |
Interests to receive |
0 |
1 808 |
7 072 |
10 315 |
20 376 |
5 844 |
578 |
327 |
11 194 |
9 812 |
25 888 |
Interests to pay |
21 |
226 |
1 245 |
13 692 |
38 388 |
23 128 |
45 780 |
49 614 |
40 619 |
114 246 |
164 638 |
Other income |
15 |
149 901 |
291 800 |
399 683 |
386 687 |
681 919 |
749 338 |
241 716 |
361 121 |
80 761 |
225 676 |
Other expenses |
445 |
248 821 |
293 160 |
520 823 |
399 811 |
674 819 |
683 036 |
299 778 |
418 160 |
174 907 |
266 174 |
Earnings (losses) before taxes |
32 828 |
89 903 |
193 600 |
213 413 |
331 807 |
423 088 |
255 554 |
148 060 |
229 610 |
340 641 |
230 063 |
Taxes paid |
8 141 |
25 956 |
49 494 |
44 950 |
82 667 |
45 173 |
13 572 |
11 452 |
48 772 |
51 077 |
32 925 |
Net profit (loss) |
24 649 |
63 888 |
151 680 |
159 361 |
251 238 |
327 204 |
212 305 |
150 152 |
169 842 |
261 577 |
189 127 |
Veolia Water (millions of euro) |
Ekaterinburg (thousands of roubles) |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Assets |
51 511 |
41 067 |
38 477 |
36 242 |
12 059 672 |
13 703 681 |
15 210 342 |
Equity |
10 895 |
8 540 |
8 498 |
9 683 |
6 135 669 |
7 099 747 |
8 337 403 |
Long term liabilities |
22 507 |
17 629 |
15 121 |
12 140 |
4 507 366 |
4 890 054 |
4 887 410 |
Short term liabilities |
18 110 |
14 898 |
14 858 |
14 419 |
1 416 638 |
1 713 880 |
1 985 528 |
Sales |
34 787 |
22 482 |
23 239 |
22 315 |
4 126 606 |
4 706 214 |
5 178 416 |
Profit on sales |
2 120 |
572 |
711 |
491 |
1 344 485 |
1 446 591 |
1 679 162 |
Net profit |
872 |
-488 |
404 |
-135 |
985 257 |
919 130 |
832 504 |
Rostov-on-Don (thousands of roubles) |
St Petersburg (thousands of roubles) |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Assets |
5 502 842 |
6 095 053 |
7 068 569 |
7 577 994 |
127 685 809 |
155 176 602 |
175 880 233 |
Equity |
1 718 658 |
1 597 024 |
1 615 391 |
1 690 172 |
110 325 956 |
137 677 360 |
152 804 118 |
Long term liabilities |
3 024 356 |
3 897 470 |
4 873 243 |
4 375 705 |
8 661 023 |
7 538 918 |
10 040 384 |
Short term liabilities |
759 828 |
600 559 |
579 935 |
1 512 117 |
8 698 830 |
9 960 324 |
13 035 731 |
Sales |
3 551 741 |
3 843 688 |
3 877 037 |
4 234 983 |
20 059 571 |
22 797 415 |
23 649 007 |
Profit on sales |
695 922 |
627 439 |
730 188 |
860 022 |
2 365 558 |
2 944 168 |
4 102 656 |
Net profit |
170 221 |
63 168 |
52 367 |
74 781 |
378 973 |
403 784 |
1 073 604 |
Russia |
Veolia Water |
Ekaterinburg |
Indicator |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Return on sales |
8,0% |
7,3% |
6,0% |
4,7% |
6,1% |
2,5% |
3,1% |
2,2% |
32,6% |
30,7% |
32,4% |
Return on equity |
3,6% |
2,6% |
2,0% |
0,7% |
8,0% |
-5,7% |
4,8% |
-1,4% |
16,1% |
12,9% |
10,0% |
Return on assets |
2,6% |
1,9% |
1,5% |
0,5% |
4,1% |
1,4% |
1,8% |
1,4% |
11,1% |
10,6% |
11,0% |
Debt to equity proportion |
0,38 |
0,36 |
0,37 |
0,38 |
3,73 |
3,81 |
3,53 |
2,74 |
0,97 |
0,93 |
0,82 |
Long term liabilities to equity proportion |
14,9% |
14,4% |
14,5% |
15,7% |
43,7% |
42,9% |
39,3% |
33,5% |
37,4% |
35,7% |
32,1% |
Rostov-on-Don |
St Petersburg |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
Return on sales |
19,6% |
16,3% |
18,8% |
20,3% |
11,8% |
12,9% |
17,3% |
Return on equity |
9,9% |
4,0% |
3,2% |
4,4% |
0,3% |
0,3% |
0,7% |
Return on assets |
12,6% |
10,3% |
10,3% |
11,3% |
1,9% |
1,9% |
2,3% |
Debt to equity proportion |
2,20 |
2,82 |
3,38 |
3,48 |
0,16 |
0,13 |
0,15 |
Long term liabilities to equity proportion |
55,0% |
63,9% |
68,9% |
57,7% |
6,8% |
4,9% |
5,7% |
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