The modern technological analysis research influence of installation of nozzles on the quality of coke gas purification
The role of coke gas cleaning in ensuring optimal operational productivity and compliance with environmental requirements in coke production. The influence of configurations and optimization of nozzle placement strategies on the quality of coke gas.
Рубрика | Производство и технологии |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 25,0 K |
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Kharkiv National Academy of Urban Economy
The modern technological analysis research influence of installation of nozzles on the quality of coke gas purification
Burda Yu.O., Dr Philos. (tech. Sci.), ass.
Pivnenko Yu.O., Dr Philos. (tech. Sci.), ass.
Cherednik A.D., Dr Philos. (tech. Sci.), docent
Svynarenko M.S., Dr Philos. (tech. Sci.), docent
Efficient cleaning of coke gas plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal operational performance and environmental compliance within the coke production industry. This study investigates the impact of nozzle installation configurations on the quality of cleaned coke gas. The research employs a combination of experimental analysis and computational modeling to evaluate various nozzle orientations and placements within the gas cleaning system. Key parameters such as gas flow dynamics, particulate matter removal efficiency, and chemical composition of the cleaned gas are analyzed under different nozzle configurations. Results indicate significant variations in gas quality depending on the nozzle installation setup, with certain configurations demonstrating superior cleaning performance compared to others. Additionally, computational simulations provide insights into the underlying mechanisms governing gas-solid interactions within the cleaning system. Findings from this study offer valuable guidance for optimizing nozzle placement strategies to enhance coke gas cleaning efficiency, thereby contributing to improved operational reliability and environmental sustainability in coke production processes [1].
Furthermore, the study investigates the influence of nozzle design parameters such as nozzle diameter, spray angle, and spray pressure on cleaning effectiveness. By systematically varying these parameters and analyzing their effects on gas cleaning performance, a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing coke gas quality is obtained. The research also addresses practical considerations related to nozzle maintenance and durability, ensuring long-term reliability of the cleaning system.
Moreover, the economic implications of different nozzle installation configurations are assessed, taking into account factors such as initial investment costs, operating expenses, and potential savings resulting from improved gas cleaning efficiency. Cost-benefit analyses provide valuable insights for decisionmakers in the coke production industry, facilitating informed choices regarding nozzle selection and installation [2].
Overall, this study contributes to the advancement of coke gas cleaning technology by elucidating the significance of nozzle installation on gas quality and providing practical recommendations for optimizing cleaning system performance. The findings have implications for enhancing environmental sustainability, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency in coke production facilities [3].
Keywords: nozzle installation, coke gas cleaning, gas quality, particulate matter removal, computational modeling, gas-solid interactions, cleaning efficiency, optimization
Сучасний технологічний аналіз дослідження впливу встановлення форсунок на якість очищення коксівного газу
Бурда Ю.О., к.т.н., ассистент; Півненко Ю.О., к.т.н., асистент, Чередник А.Д., к.т.н., доцент; Свинаренко М.С., к.т.н., доцент; Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О.М. Бекетова, м. Харків
Ефективне очищення коксового газу відіграє важливу роль у забезпеченні оптимальної експлуатаційної продуктивності та дотримання екологічних вимог у промисловості виробництва коксу. У цьому дослідженні досліджується вплив конфігурацій установки форсунок на якість очищеного коксового газу. Для оцінки різних орієнтацій та розташувань форсунок у системі очищення газу використовується комбінація експериментального аналізу та обчислювального моделювання. Ключові параметри, такі як динаміка газового потоку, ефективність видалення часток та хімічний склад очищеного газу, аналізуються при різних конфігураціях форсунок. Результати свідчать про значні відмінності у якості газу в залежності від налаштування установки форсунок, де деякі конфігурації демонструють переваги в очищенні порівняно з іншими. Крім того, обчислювальні симуляції надають уявлення про базові механізми, що регулюють газ-тверді взаємодії у межах системи очищення.
Здобуті в цьому дослідженні результати надають цінні вказівки для оптимізації стратегій розташування форсунок з метою підвищення ефективності очищення коксового газу, що сприяє покращенню надійності експлуатації та екологічної стійкості в процесах виробництва коксу. Крім того, досліджується вплив параметрів конструкції форсунок, таких як діаметр форсунок, кут розпилення та тиск розпилення, на ефективність очищення. Шляхом систематичної зміни цих параметрів та аналізу їх впливу на продуктивність очищення газу отримується всебічне розуміння факторів, що впливають на якість коксового газу.
Дослідження також враховує практичні аспекти, пов'язані з обслуговуванням та довговічністю форсунок, забезпечуючи довгострокову надійність системи очищення.
Більше того, оцінюються економічні наслідки різних конфігурацій установки форсунок, враховуючи такі фактори, як витрати на початкові інвестиції, експлуатаційні витрати та потенційні економії, що виникають внаслідок покращеної ефективності очищення газу. Аналіз вартості та користі надає цінні уявлення для прийняття рішень учасниками в промисловості виробництва коксу, сприяючи інформованим виборам щодо вибору та установки форсунок.
У цілому, дане дослідження сприяє розвитку технології очищення коксового газу, розкриваючи важливість установки форсунок на якість газу та надаючи практичні рекомендації для оптимізації продуктивності системи очищення. Отримані висновки мають значення для покращення екологічної стійкості, відповідності регулятивним вимогам та ефективності у процесах виробництва коксу.
Ключові слова: установка форсунок, очищення коксового газу, якість газу, видалення часток, обчислювальне моделювання, газ-тверді взаємодії, ефективність очищення, оптимізація.
Formulation of the problem
The study aims to investigate the impact of various nozzle installation configurations on the quality of cleaned coke gas within coke production facilities. Specifically, the research seeks to address the following key aspects:
Evaluation of Different Nozzle Orientations: Assessing how different nozzle orientations within the gas cleaning system affect the efficiency of particulate matter removal and overall gas quality.
Analysis of Nozzle Placement: Examining the influence of nozzle placement locations along the gas-cleaning pipeline on the effectiveness of gas cleaning and the reduction of pollutants.
Investigation of Nozzle Design Parameters: Understanding how variations in nozzle diameter, spray angle, and spray pressure influence cleaning efficiency and gas quality.
Computational Modeling of Gas-Solid Interactions: Utilizing computational simulations to model gas flow dynamics and the interaction between gas and particulate matter within the cleaning system, providing insights into the mechanisms underlying cleaning performance.
Consideration of Practical and Economic Factors: Assessing the economic implications of different nozzle installation configurations, including initial investment costs, operational expenses, and potential savings resulting from improved cleaning efficiency.
By addressing these aspects, the research aims to provide comprehensive insights into the significance of nozzle installation in enhancing the quality of cleaned coke gas, thereby contributing to improved environmental sustainability, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency in coke production processes.
Analysis of the latest research and publications. Analyzing the latest research and publications regarding the influence of nozzle installation on the quality of cleaning coke gas reveals a multifaceted approach towards understanding and optimizing gas-cleaning processes in coke production. Here are some key insights from recent studies.
Experimental Investigations: Several recent studies have focused on conducting comprehensive experimental analyses to evaluate the performance of different nozzle installation configurations. These experiments involve varying parameters such as nozzle orientation, placement, and design to assess their impact on gas cleaning efficiency and the quality of cleaned coke gas. Researchers have utilized advanced measurement techniques to quantify particulate matter removal efficiency, gas composition, and other relevant parameters. [4]
Computational Modeling: Computational modeling techniques have been widely employed to complement experimental investigations and provide deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms governing gas-solid interactions within the cleaning system. These models simulate gas flow dynamics, particle trajectories, and deposition patterns, allowing researchers to optimize nozzle configurations and predict cleaning performance under various operating conditions. [5]
Optimization Strategies: Recent research has emphasized the development of optimization strategies for nozzle installation in coke gas cleaning systems. Optimization approaches may involve mathematical modeling, computational algorithms, or experimental design methodologies to identify optimal nozzle orientations, placements, and design parameters that maximize cleaning efficiency while minimizing energy consumption and operational costs. [6]
Purpose of the article - To elucidate how variations in nozzle orientation, placement, and design parameters affect the efficiency of particulate matter removal and overall cleaning performance in coke gas cleaning systems.
Presentation of the main material
Accidents within industrial settings precipitate ecological degradation within surrounding regions. During the construction of robust infrastructure for industries such as ferrous metallurgy, addressing ventilation, gas cleaning, and aspiration becomes pivotal.
Anthropogenic impacts on the atmosphere yield various consequences:
Substantial elevation in CO and CO2 levels.
Surplus of sulfur compounds.
Introduction of phenols, nitrogen compounds, chlorine, and fluorine.
Introduction of additional heat into the atmosphere.
In Ukraine, CO2 content remains relatively low at 0.01% of the total volume. Annually, the atmosphere receives 5-11 grams of carbon, with only half remaining airborne, 31% dissolving in ocean waters, and 15% being absorbed into the planet's soil. [7]
Presently, over 10 monitoring stations oversee carbon dioxide concentrations. Concentrations have surged by 10% in recent decades and by 22% in the last 120 years.
Wet gas cleaning apparatuses are widely employed in industries due to their high efficiency in removing impurities with diameters ranging from 0.3 to 1.0 micrometers. They also offer the capability to cleanse hot and combustible gas streams from dust, which is particularly crucial in the black metallurgy sector.
The process of wet dust collection is based on the interaction of the contaminated dust within the gas flow with a liquid, which captures the suspended particles and removes them from the apparatus in the form of sludge.
Comparatively low cost and higher efficiency in capturing suspended particles compared to dry gas cleaning. [8]
It is used for removing particles as small as 0.1 micrometers in size.
Cooling (contact exchange) and moistening (conditioning) of gases.
Ability to handle high-temperature gas streams, which is crucial for the coke industry. Smaller dimensions compared to fabric filters and the potential to be used as absorbers. Despite these significant advantages, wet gas cleaning also has certain drawbacks: Disposal of captured dust in the form of sludge, necessitating wastewater treatment and thus increasing the overall process cost.
Possibility of liquid droplet carryover and their deposition with dust in gas ducts and exhaust fans. [9] When cleaning aggressive gases, the need to protect equipment and communication with anti-corrosive materials.
Scrubbers are devices of various designs intended for washing gases with liquids for purification purposes or for extracting one or several components. They also include drum machines for washing minerals. They have gained wide application in purifying coking products and industrial gases from dust, for moistening and cooling gases, in various chemical and technological processes. [10] configuration nozzle location quality cleaning coke gas
The scrubber operates as follows: gas enters for purification, is directed through a gas duct to the lower part of the scrubber, and ascends through the body. In the upper part of the scrubber, there are three wetting tiers consisting of centrifugal nozzles. A pressurized aqueous solution of CaCO3 is atomized. The formed droplets of the CaCO3 water solution fall in the direction of the contaminated gas under the force of gravity. The capture of dust particles by water droplets occurs due to the inertial and diffusive mechanisms, hydrodynamic and electrostatic forces, and turbulent diffusion. Gas purification from sulfur dioxide (SO2) occurs through absorption technology. Reaction takes place upon contact of the suspension with the gas.
СаСО3 + SO2 + / Н2О = CaS03-H20 + СО2(1)
The oxygen present in the combustion products oxidizes calcium sulfate into neutral sulfate.
CaSO3 -mO +I/O2 = CaSO4-2H2O (2)
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a method was developed in 2016 to enhance CO2 purification efficiency, which is gradually being implemented in the USA, Canada, and some Western European countries.
The MIT technology represents a version of a well-researched process in which CO2 from flue gases reacts with chemical compounds-amines, which are then separated in a special chamber. In the traditional process, almost half of the low-pressure steam is used to provide heat to the purification system necessary for separating amines from CO2. However, introducing such a large amount of steam into the purification system requires such significant changes in the purification structure that this option cannot be considered an economically viable way to modernize them. In the MIT system, an electrochemical process is used to separate amines from CO2. Since this process requires electricity, not steam, MIT can be installed in existing gas purification systems.
The amine solution is injected into the top of the absorption column, from the bottom of which the flue gas stream rises. The combination of amines with CO2 accumulates at the bottom of the column, after which it undergoes an electrochemical treatment in a special chamber to separate CO2. The regenerated amine molecules are reused.
The new technology, like the traditional one, is capable of capturing up to 90% of CO2 emissions. Additionally, unlike steam-based systems designed for continuous operation, the electrochemical system can be shut down during peak loads, providing greater operational flexibility.
Another advantage of the system is that CO2 exits the system under pressure, necessary for pumping it into underground reservoirs for long-term storage. However, a significant drawback of this purification system is its high cost of implementation. According to scientists' estimates, approximately $200,000 is spent on one reconstruction, which is impractical for the current realities of Ukrainian production.
The absorption or desorption process always involves liquid and gas phases, during which substance transformation occurs from gas to liquid in the absorption process and vice versa, from liquid to gas in the desorption process. Therefore, absorption processes are referred to as one of the mass transfer methods (mass exchange via interface, or through permeable wall in two-phase process, or between two substances).
In practice, the absorption process is used for gas mixtures, not for individual types of gases. Their components are called constituents, and those parts that are not absorbed are inert gas. Together with the absorbent, this gas acts as a carrier of the component in the liquid and gas phases.
The liquid phase includes the absorbent and the component of the absorption process. The absorbent itself is a solution of an active component that enters into a chemical reaction with its counterpart, and the substance in which the active component is dissolved is called the solvent.
Absorption comes in two types:
Physical - in the process of physical absorption, the absorbent and inert gas do not participate in the transition of the component from phase to phase.
Chemical - it involves a reaction that occurs as a result of the chemical interaction of the absorbent with the gas purification component, resulting in a solution, which is usually discharged into the sewer after the neutralization stage.
Special equipment is required to carry out absorption. Such devices have their conditional classification depending on the type of contact surface.
Types of absorbers:
These include subtypes:
- Surface absorbers - where the contact surface of two phases is a liquid mirror
- Film absorbers - where a surface film of liquid is involved in the process
- Tray absorbers - they have a special tray through which liquid of various shapes flows
- Film mechanical absorbers
This experiment was conducted with a new triangular nozzle with cross shaped cutouts, cooling the coke gas temperature to 15°C, and adding KOH alkali at a concentration of 20%. As evident from the above material, these parameters are the most optimal for the tray-type scrubber, and in combination, they increase efficiency by up to 50%.
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the impact of the method of nozzle arrangement on the efficiency of purification. The methods used were sequential, random, and a new block-type, sequentially-angular.
The experiment data were summarized in a single table 1
Table 1
Experiment |
The method of laying the nozzle |
Consistent |
Disorderly |
block, successively angular |
before |
after |
before |
after |
before |
after |
СО2 |
1 |
0,322 |
0,154 |
0,320 |
0,154 |
0,321 |
0,150 |
2 |
0,336 |
0,158 |
0,332 |
0,158 |
0,331 |
0,151 |
3 |
0,318 |
0,155 |
0,316 |
0,155 |
0,317 |
0,152 |
С10Ш |
1 |
0,811 |
0,371 |
0,813 |
0,371 |
0,813 |
0,369 |
2 |
0,787 |
0,373 |
0,788 |
0,373 |
0,789 |
0,372 |
3 |
0,791 |
0,375 |
0,790 |
0,375 |
0,789 |
0,373 |
Dust |
1 |
0,711 |
0,351 |
0,712 |
0,351 |
0,711 |
0,349 |
2 |
0,702 |
0,352 |
0,706 |
0,352 |
0,702 |
0,351 |
3 |
0,710 |
0,351 |
0,711 |
0,351 |
0,708 |
0,350 |
The experiment revealed that employing a triangular nozzle with cross-shaped cutouts, combined with cooling the coke gas temperature to 15°C and adding KOH alkali at a concentration of 20%, significantly enhances the efficiency of coke gas cleaning. This configuration proved to be the most optimal for tray-type scrubbers, leading to a notable increase in purification efficiency, up to 50%.
The study underscored the crucial role of nozzle arrangement in influencing the quality of coke gas cleaning. Various methods of nozzle placement, including sequential, random, and a novel block-type arrangement, were examined. Among these, the block-type arrangement, specifically the sequentially-angular method, demonstrated promising results in terms of enhancing purification efficiency.
1. Burda Y., Pivnenko Y., Cherednik A., Surnina O. Purification of gas emissions in the urban modernization system. Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria. 2024. Pp. 19-21
2. Andriy Redko, Adam Ujma, Anna Pavlovska, Yurii Burda, Volodymyr Andoniev // Heat recovery in hybrid flash/ORC power plants // Engineering for Rural Development. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Latvia), 2021
3. Burda Yu., Pivnenko Yu., Cherednik A., Chaika Yu., Tkachenko R. // Analysis of the cleaning efficiency of gas emissions from the venturi scrubber // V Міжнародна науково- практична конференція “Current challenges of science and education”, 15-17.01.2024, p 140-147
4. S. Celik, F. Drewnick, F. Fachinger, J. Brooks, E. Darbyshire, H. Coe, et al. Influence of Vessel Characteristics and Atmospheric Processes on the Gas and Particle Phase of Ship Emission Plumes. In Situ Measurements in the Mediterranean Sea and around the Arabian Peninsula, Atmospheric Chem Phys, 20 (8) (2020, 10.5194/acp-20-4713-2020), pp. 4713-4734
5. Wang Z. Energy and Air Pollution. In Comprehensive Energy Systems; Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018; Vol. 1-5, p. 909-49
6. S. Endres, F. Maes, F. Hopkins, K. Houghton, E.M. Martensson, J. Oeffner, et al. A New Perspective at the Ship-Air-Sea-Interface: The Environmental Impacts of Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge. Front Mar Sci, 5 (2018)
7. Olenius T, Yli-Juuti T, Elm J, Kontkanen J, Riipinen I. New Particle Formation and Growth: Creating a New Atmospheric Phase Interface. In Physical Chemistry of Gas-Liquid Interfaces; Developments in Physical & Theoretical Chemistry; Elsevier; 2018, p. 315-52
8. L. Liu, H. Li, H. Zhang, J. Zhong, Y. Bai, M. Ge, et al. The Role of Nitric Acid in Atmospheric New Particle Formation. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 20 (25) (2018), pp. 17406-17414
9. J. Elm An Atmospheric Cluster Database Consisting of Sulfuric Acid, Bases, Organics, and Water ACS Omega, 4 (6) (2019), pp. 10965-10974
1. Burda Y., Pivnenko Y., Cherednik A., Surnina O. Purification of gas emissions in the urban modernization system. Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria. 2024. Pp. 19-21
2. Andriy Redko, Adam Ujma, Anna Pavlovska, Yurii Burda, Volodymyr Andoniev // Heat recovery in hybrid flash/ORC power plants // Engineering for Rural Development. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Latvia), 2021
3. Burda Yu., Pivnenko Yu., Cherednik A., Chaika Yu., Tkachenko R. // Analysis of the cleaning efficiency of gas emissions from the venturi scrubber // V Міжнародна науково-практична конференція “Current challenges of science and education”, 15-17.01.2024, p 140-147
4. S. Celik, F. Drewnick, F. Fachinger, J. Brooks, E. Darbyshire, H. Coe, et al. Influence of Vessel Characteristics and Atmospheric Processes on the Gas and Particle Phase of Ship Emission Plumes. In Situ Measurements in the Mediterranean Sea and around the Arabian Peninsula, Atmospheric Chem Phys, 20 (8) (2020, 10.5194/acp-20-4713-2020), pp. 4713-4734
5. Wang Z. Energy and Air Pollution. In Comprehensive Energy Systems; Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018; Vol. 1-5, p. 909-49
6. S. Endres, F. Maes, F. Hopkins, K. Houghton, E.M. Martensson, J. Oeffner, et al. A New Perspective at the Ship-Air-Sea-Interface: The Environmental Impacts of Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge. Front Mar Sci, 5 (2018)
7. Olenius T, Yli-Juuti T, Elm J, Kontkanen J, Riipinen I. New Particle Formation and Growth: Creating a New Atmospheric Phase Interface. In Physical Chemistry of Gas-Liquid Interfaces; Developments in Physical & Theoretical Chemistry; Elsevier; 2018, p. 315-52
8. L. Liu, H. Li, H. Zhang, J. Zhong, Y. Bai, M. Ge, et al. The Role of Nitric Acid in Atmospheric New Particle Formation. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 20 (25) (2018), pp. 17406-17414, 10.1039/C8CP02719F
9. J. Elm An Atmospheric Cluster Database Consisting of Sulfuric Acid, Bases, Organics, and Water ACS Omega, 4 (6) (2019), pp. 10965-10974
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реферат [262,7 K], добавлен 25.06.2010General characteristics of antibiotics. Production of penicillin, statement of the process. Fermentation, filtering, pre-treatment of native solution. Extraction, purification of penicillin, isolation of crystalline salts. The thermal properties of air.
курсовая работа [851,9 K], добавлен 01.11.2013Consideration of the mass media as an instrument of influence on human consciousness. The study of the positive and negative aspects of the radio, television, press, magazines, Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of the media in the Great Britain.
дипломная работа [2,3 M], добавлен 14.10.2014