Issue sales growth "Samsung Galaxy S4"

A study of factors affecting the sales of Samsung Galaxy 4. Designing, developing sophisticated database structures and systems the telephone. The study of the pricing strategy. Consideration of the company's activities, telephone sales profitability.

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Research proposal & report

Issue sales growth "Samsung Galaxy S4"

Instructor: Natalia Viatkina

Prepared by: Helen Rachyna

Anna Serebrennikova

Alla Royuk

Vera Bojkova

Fall 2013

1. Our research design: A Historical one

Our design is historical because we try to answer the questions like “Why?” and is based on historical data, what already happened in the past. Besides, our research won't effect “Samsung” performance and profitability ratios directly. In order to test our project's hypothesis brought up above, we collected, verified, and synthesized evidence from the past to establish facts that defend or refute the hypothesis. We also came up with historical design because we're dealing with trends (in our case, with trends in “Samsung” revenue growth and in overall smart phone market performance). In this type of research design we gathered historical records (previous years or quarters sales, market share, prices) which added important contextual background required to more fully understand and interpret a research problem.

Research Questions, or Goals of the Project

We seek to answer the following research questions:

What were the main reasons for “Samsung Galaxy S4” to fail in forecasted sales?

How and to what extent can they collaborate these gaps?

How and to what extent may they loose market share to its main direct competitor in the face of “Apple iPhone”?

How have some already implemented tactics change in their overall performance & profitability?

Data collection methods involved for exploring “Samsung Galaxy S4”:

Site interview: Researcher conducted one short (average.5 hour) semistructured interview with a manager before contacting participants. See Appendix A which is a YouTube video interview located at

Small group (committee) interview: Researchers conducted one short (average.25 hour) semistructured interview with focus group immediately before each observation to collect information about their personal experience in “Galaxy S4” usage and history with project management, collaboration, and related tools and practices. Appendix B.

Post-observational self opinion: Researchers provided own thoughts after the device usage. See Appendix D.

Users reviews based: Researchers collected comments from the respected web source which is related to project main problems. See Appendix C.

The research sponsorship

In a corporate setting, the research sponsor is a manager leading certain related to the research project. In our case, this research sponsor is the person to whom our team reports, our instructor, Natalia Viatkina.

2. Type of our proposal

We came up on internal proposal as our research is snappy and not too long; this memo to “Samsung” management will outline the problem statement (in this case, it is the fall in “Samsung” smart phone sector sales), study the objectives in details (by exploring latest model strengths and weaknesses and benchmarking it to the nearest competitor, “Apple iPhone”, provide a research design and unstressed literature review.

Executive summary

“SAMSUNG” brief history

It all began back in 1938, so the company's already 75 years old! Yes, this year it's celebrating another good round figure and 8th anniversary is coming soon! Anyway, it used to start as a tiny trading company responsible for dried seafood and noodles sales. Can you imagine that? So, how did it cope with all of the difficulties on the way up to electronics leading monster? To begin with, we should mention that it all started in 1969 when the company finally changed its direction completely and entered a new market segment, so fresh and perspective up-to-date. “Samsung Electronics” pushed it all with the massive release of b/w TVs not only throughout U.S. (despite the origins are Korean), but also in Panama. It all occurred just in one year! So, the basic strategy was not only to penetrate new industry sector, but new market as well. They launched two product lines of such TVs offering 480 thousand products annually. The extreme investment expansions and fast market occupation didn't seem enough. Then “Samsung” created its own TV model which was the first loud success. Loyal customers were born at that same moment as well as powerful brand recognition. In 1978 it reached the top in industry by making it up to 00 million dollars on exports. Later on it enables synergy easier creation by involving a semiconductor. Even today it still holds its position in this particular area. Besides, in the year mentioned above, the company finally went globally. Portugal and Mexico were the first destinations. After having released and produced all possible electronic innovations of that time, it positioned itself as a serious sponsor of 80's supporting such events as 1986 Asian Games and 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. The greatest benefit was the fact that Samsung's communications network was used in the world's biggest sporting events, showcasing Samsung's advanced technology to the world. After the final breakthrough was made on semiconductors, we know the rest of the story so far. Most of us recognize “Samsung” since 90's when it covered the rest of the world's markets and introduced more goods (phones, PCs, laptops, modernized TVs etc.)

Closest future

As informed in Nikhil Subramaniam studies, Samsung Galaxy S4 sold 20 million units within two months of its launch, this was back in June this year. Samsung Galaxy Note 2 sold 5 million units within two months of its launch last year. The upcoming dilemma of “Samsung” company is whether to improve “Galaxy S4” profitability or leave it all behind and concentrate on “Galaxy Note 3” by making sure its sales results won't disappoint the Board of Directors.

3. Targets of this research proposal

Our major aim is to analyze the failure of such an expected giant as “Samsung Galaxy 4”. Despite we cannot call it a complete disaster as there are still a lot of satisfied customers (just as one of our team mates, for instance), we were still curious about which reasons led to the undesirable sales decrease of world's number one electronics manufacturer. At least, “Samsung” is always somewhere there, in a Top-5.

In order to value the situation from various points of view and under different angles, we decided to implement next objectives on the way to complete our research:

a) Numerous Internet resources where the comments and reviews of satisfied and unsatisfied customers can be found;

b) Some newspapers/magazines articles reviewing the problem;

c) “Samsung” personnel opinions shared via Internet;

d) Some official site data;

e) Finally, some surveys like oral interviews and polls.

Problem itself: When “Samsung Galaxy S4” was first released (we're talking about world wide right now), it used to reach the impressive mark of 40 mln units sold in just half of 2013 year sales (including summer, autumn, winter part). Impressive … for anyone else, but it didn't hit “Samsung” actual targets and beliefs concerning their new born device. its latest flagship puts that number to shame. They used to hit the same mark in 2011 with famous Galaxy notes, so in 2 years the same revenue makes “Samsung” board a bit disappointed. Samsung's JK Shin didn't give inews24 specifics on how the sales broke down between the device's assorted models, but we're betting that the golden S4didn't take the lion's share. The situation is not alarming so far, but for this particular company with world build image it's the case to solve. Our research conducted was about exploring “Samsung Galaxy 4” failure case and finding the ways to avoid the same problem in the future just as if it was up to us.

This data analysis chart was kindly presented by Larry Dignan for “Between the Lines” issue this spring, 2013. As we observed, “Galaxy S4” and upcoming “Note 3” were supposed to overtake the success of their predecessors, “Galaxy S3” and “Note 2” respectively. In reality, this forecasting diagram represents the truth only about the first operating quarter when the device has just penetrated the market. And even then it was almost equal to “Galaxy 3” outcomes when it was supposed to excel them.

Problem statement

When customers are promised something really benefiting, never seen before and qualitative, they always expect even more, Especially when speaking about world recognized brands with huge loyal customer base. That's why good enough product can be criticized and fail as the result. It happened so this year with “Samsung” newborn baby “Galaxy 4”. We'll tell more: this one was the most anticipated phone of 2013. It all started from the very beginning - from the launch itself. They say it was a complete disaster, but some circumstances avoided it from being that perfect and in reality customers were not that much disappointed. Among all, we would like to mention the basic problems of this little crisis.

Sales problem

1) The model was promised to contain 16 GB after the successful U.K. sales. However, immediately after that the memory was cut to 9GB edition. The outcome is a serious PR problem. So, from one side, people felt that the editions will differ for various countries, but on the other hand they still dreamt of carrying those valuable 16GB edition with them which also caused some kind of cognitive dissonance among most of the buyers. It got even worse when the famous TV show called “Watchdog” made laugh of “Samsung” attempt to overbeat “Apple iPhone”. Here “Samsung” is an obvious loser in front of its main competitor for using “Android” for which a less user-accessible memory is a negative ratio. Besides, the fact of micro SD memory slot makes it a bit annoying for the customers ss the phone treats memory card storage slightly differently to native internal storage.

2) Wi-Fi connections not that simply available. Most of the time the user of “Galaxy 4” won't face any problems with Wi-Fi connections. However, he/she might still be having bad times in the case of D-Link router (it may lead to a problem connecting with some models from the popular router manufacturer). It may often happen in public places like universities, libraries, cafes etc.

3) Hey, people always see only the worst. Despite the camera resolution reached 16mpx (!) and more impressive sound, they paid attention only to the speed of its work. And the offer like “Wanna shoot - buy a digital camera” won't work for such a giant this time. People want to know what do they pay for. The only tiny problem, actually, is the slow speed of changing to a different mode.

4) FM radio absence. This problem seems a bit of a joke as far we're living in a modern world where every desired composition can be simply downloaded rather than trying to catch it “on the wave”. Anyway, this one caused some noise as well. Before launching a product “Samsung” discovered a trend of falling FM radio popularity, so sometimes market research may push our innovation in a wrong direction. People wish to have everything just in one smart phone.

5) Low battery life expectancy. Actually, it depends on a personal demand of each individual, we guess, but it really annoys when you don't use the phone for a while, playing few games before, and all of a sudden you loose half of a battery and there is no way to recharge for taking picture or making an important call.

6) Overall “when size doesn't matter”. Sometimes it seems like “Samsung” was about to enlarge only the phone's size, not the result. Several of the features trip us normal phone use.

This scatter diagram is performed by Jason Mick, summer, 2013, a respected financial analyst which searched this magnificent release. We can see that the problem really exists. Probably, “Samsung” is still ahead from “Apple”, but this distance decreases each time “Samsung” fails to reach the target sales. We can see that in smartphone segment “Samsung” risks of losing share thabks to slow global sales growth. “Apple's” sales grow more rapidly which is a real risk for “Samsung” of losing its leadership at least in this sector. Conclusion may be drawn out only out of this chart: Overall smartphone sales growth for Samsung (including budget models) follows more of a consistent (in a linear sense) growth track, reaching an estimated 76 million units in Q2 2013. But analysts' earnings expectations were anchored largely on a more bullish growth of sales of the premium Galaxy units.

List of Solutions explored: For the first problem related to the lack of memory company decided to free-up some extra memory with software optimization (instead of handling free memory cards to the check owners). In fact, this action will entail a software update that will make some of the Galaxy S4's extras optional.

Most probably, the slot should be rearranged for standardized SD memory cards instead of micro.

Solution for the second, Wi-Fi problem may be found in changing firmware stored which is up to customers, “Samsung” spokesperson believes. Suggestions: D-Link DIR-655 and DIR-855.

Third solution: In one case, “Samsung” may stay stubborn with its believes the radio is behind the times, but it's important to take into consideration any consumers' whim and request when being number one or at least in Top-3 leaders of a market segment. So, the best alternative for “Samsung” lovers here is to use the BBC iPlayer radio app, although this will use up some of your mobile data allowance

Camera solution: enlarge the sensor size, fix the mode change speed, preventing “glitching out in the heat of the moment”. Low-light performance makes it rough, so this has to be fixed as soon as possible.

This issue may be caused by Wi-Fi being turned on and any 3G connections which simply have to be turned off in order to save energy and your nerves. So, this problem can be rather combated by a customer on his own. From the side of “Samsung” a software up-date is required. As we've been informed, this problem is being fixed currently.

Size solution. Turn off the features. That's the only obvious way out, but it still robs the phone of its supposedly “new and exciting” features. This point is the most crucial as far as it's the most complicated to solve.

Competition problem

The benchmark gently presented by “AxeeTech” as on 2012 year end proving the main competitor of “Samsung” in smart phones sales is “Apple” with its “iPhones”.

As we can see, “iPhone” used to overbeat “Galaxy” since early 2010. The only moment “Samsung” had a real chance to win was 2012 quarter 3, but it missed the strategy somehow and lost again in 2012-2013. Our research also touches this problem.

Small group (committee) interview

(Appendix B)

- What influenced the purchasing decision of an individual?

Person 1: A strong commercial.

Person 2: A pal's recommendation.

Person 3: Also influenced by advertising campaign.

Person 4: Ads.

Person 5: I'm a loyal customer.

- What was the first impression of “Samsung Galaxy S4”?

Person 1: Very nice.

Person 2: It looked so stylish!

Person 3: As for the first time user I had no complaints.

Person 4: The first one was just fine, but…

Person 5: It didn't meet all of my expectations even then.

- Have any technical issues disappointed you?

Person 1: Just a bit.

Person 2: Not that much.

Person 3: Yes.

Person 4: A lot!

Person 5: I would upgrade it hardly.

- Are you completely satisfied with:

*outfit (design)?

Person 1: Yes.

Person 2: Yes.

Person 3: Yes.

Person 4: It's too huge for me!

Person 5: (having some doubts)

*memory accessable?

Person 1: I expected more!

Person 2: I was promised 16GB, I received 9 instead.

Person 3: I use phone mostly for conversations and Internet conection, so that was okay with me.

Person 4: Of course I was in rage!

Person 5: I have enough money to purchase another piece of memory in the shape of a SD card.

*WiFi connections?

Person 1: Yes.

Person 2: Yes.

Person 3: Quite satisfied.

Person 4: Kidding? The routers simply annoy me!

Person 5: I would agree on that point with Person 4.

*the processing speed?

Person 1: Sometimes it slows down, but not that crucially.

Person 2: Yes.

Person 3: Yes.

Person 4: I'd better keep it silent.

Person 5: Sometimes it shut downs for no reason.

*with applications to be included?

Person 1: Yes, so much of them.

Person 2: That's pretty much for me.

Person 3: Yes.

Person 4: Yes, of course, everything's just fine…

Ha-ha, got you! I hate these stupid applications, all I need is my radio to tune it on!

Person 5: Yes.

*battery life expectancy?

Person 1: Yes.

Person 2: I used to stuck on this question, but when I found out Wi-Fi has to be turned off, it really saved me a lot.

Person 3: Yes.

Person 4: No.

Person 5: I expected more.

*digital camera?

Person 1: Yes.

Person 2: Yes.

Person 3: 5 by 5.

Person 4: It slows down the processing - how can I admire this fact?!

Person 5: (supporting previous opinion)

- How can the overall market position and this model's characteristics be improved?

Person 1: Software optimization.

Person 2: Second slot availability.

Person 3: Enlarge the sensor size, fix the mode change speed.

Person 4: Change everything!

Person 5: I would the price to be lower.

- Would you recommend “Galaxy S4” to anyone else?

Person 1: Why not?

Person 2: Yes.

Person 3: I would rather prefer “Apple's” iPhone.

Person 4: (supporting person 3 for the first time)

Person 5: Yes, but I like iPhone more.

List of comments from web resources

(Appendix C)

Jen, preston

Score 8.0/10

Good points:

1080p screen 5 inch display


extendable memory

full of features

really good camera

fastest android

Bad points:


speakers located at the rear of the phone



Vil, Chelmsford

Score 7.0/10

Good points:

Lot of new features and functions and the phone itself looks good also

Bad points:

Shame about not being about to sync with MicroSoft Outlook notes which I rely on greatly, and Samsung customer services department is not the most customer focus in term of customer concern!!

Battery life is disappointing, although better than my previous phone. A fully charged battery is just about lasting a whole day without too much browsing on the net or phone usage!!

Sheena, Cumbria

Score 7.0/10

Good points:

fast processor

lovely big screen

superb colours

Only easy to use if you have used previous samsung, if you have - great otherwise you'll have to play around for a good while to discover all features... and then some more.

Bad points:

Pretty full of bloatware which unless you're a bit of a techie you can't get rid of. Price of samsung s4 phone is generally pitched slightly too high ideally should sit in £480 - 500 bracket - however this company is about the cheapest for guaranteed quality handset

Although a samsung Galaxy 2 owner, still took a little way to find my way around.


Score 7.0/10

Good points:

Camera and weight

Bad points:

Bluetooth rubbish.

Paul, Barking

Score 5.0/10

Good points:

The S4

Its a good mobile, it has every thing that we come to expect from Samsung and it is just as good as the S3.

Bad points:

Its is no better than the S3, it has a few new features but nothing to go nuts about.

The battery life is very bad and if you use all of the new features it will drain in under 4 hours.

I would stick to the S3 or better still the Lumia 950.

Literature review

This part is dedicated to discussions on this research with few financial experts as well as electronic devices experts and reviewers. We've discussed the risks faced by “Samsung” in front of its competitors.

“Samsung” vs. “Apple”

In 2012 “Samsung” announced the launch of the most imperfect and updated smart phone ever, “Galaxy 4”, which was supposed to cover all of its predecessor “Galaxy 3” weaknesses at a time. The noise was that loud buyers' demand grew to amazing and unreachable tops. The main aim seemed to be the overheat of “Samsung” greatest competitor ever, “Apple” with its imposing iPhone 5S and iPhone 6. However, this time we found out Galaxy S4 is undoubtedly the most lusted after Android smartphone of 2013. In our literature review part we decided to look at these two hot competitors and discover whose innovation actually hanged over. Our judgement will be based on the following experts review and some data. We discovered a bit more loyal customers of “Apple” who stayed satisfied. Personally our team is mostly “Samsung” users, so we wondered what exactly went wrong. So, we compared “Galaxy 4” to “iPhone 6” as detailed as possible.

(From Seth Barton express reviews, December, 2013)

First, the bigger the better approach simply didn't work here. Per contra, many complains appeared due to the huge and uncomfortable size of “Galaxy 4”; it hardly suits any pocket. Even special cases were impossible to find during first selling months. So, there is a huge opportunity it will be noticed from anywhere which won't leave some potential thieves indifferent. In contrast, “iPhone 5S” seems a bit more compact and the cases are found easier. But that's not the point.

Second, iOS against Android. Comparison of two different approaches in operating systems and thus software. (Gareth Beavis, “Techradar”, November, 2013) As we know, “Samsung” prefers and bases everything on Android platform. Not many people are captured in a rapture with that fact. We'll tell even more: most wish “Samsung” will change it someday. “Apple” users seem to be more satisfied and less disrupted with various system glitches. (Gareth Beavis for “Techradar”, 2013) Anyway, it was announced that glitches and slowdowns are the first things to be fixed and are being carried out currently (“We're currently testing the updated version of the Galaxy S4 software now Android 4.3 has landed - stay tuned”)

Third, promises. Promises are nothing in the world of business, only facts and data. “Samsung” stated Galaxy S4 will be the most hotly anticipated smart phone ever and with a glut of top end features, it's the most powerful and desirable device Samsung has created yet. “Apple” didn't say a word about “iPhone 5S” in this manner, they simply whispered “iPhone 6” will be still coming by the year end/year 2014 beginning. So, no broken dreams have already faced the “Apple” admirers. Unless “iPhone 6” will be released meeting no hopes.

According to “Digital SLR Photography magazine”, December, 2013, there is no secret “Samsung” stole a piece of pie from familiar “Sony Xperia Z” along with “HTC One”, but it can boast a comparable lightness. Despite the fact overall area was decreased, the only touch button needs an appreciably lighter press and we had no trouble hitting the touch sensitive controls. “Samsung” advantage in front of competitors: the jaw-dropping clout of the Super AMOLED HD screen on offer here. The handset and design is taken by “Samsung”. 1:2 in favor of “iPhone 5S”.

In an extensive study of Luke Johnson, “Trusted reviews” honorable subscriber and ideologist, “Samsung Galaxy 4” experiences some cons in the shape of poor plastic design, overall price and limited storage space. He names other pros: 5-inch stunning full HD screen, vast array of features and very powerful quad-core processor.

On the other hand, as described in Evan Kypreos, electronics segment specialist, late 2013 studies, he gives even more pros to “iPhone 5s” (perfect touch ID performance, excellent overall work, great all-round camera and lightness + comfort). Evan names only three minuses: not enough battery life expectancy, 4-inch screen feels not enough for some users and the cost of extra storage.

Now, we would like to sum up more reasons for “Samsung Galaxy 4” versus “iPhone 5s” in order to show it hasn't lost (“”, the most reliable comparisons source, November, 2013):

- Higher resolution than “iPhone” possesses;

- Pixels density higher;

- Screen size is larger.

Those were screen options. Next group:

- Accumulator capacity larger;

- Operating memory is greater

- More applications available;

- The overall speed and work faster;

- Changeable slot etc.

Under “etc” we mean more kind of trifles, so those features are not essential. How comes many people are disinformed and consider “iPhone 5S” to perform better? That is another question and another research topic. The official sources proclaim 25 reasons for choosing “Galaxy 4” and only 20 reasons for “iPhone 5S”. So, “Samsung” baby has won at least this battle.

Importance of this study

The primordial purpose of this study is to provide the public with a complete and balanced overview of “Samsung” latest smart phone release, explain its advantages and disadvantages, benchmark to main competitors and to develop the avoidance scenario (where the revenue target is reached). Thus, the results of this study should benefit not only “Samsung” top managers and sales representatives along with R&D employees, but create a consumer-added value. This study is significant for this world known brand as far as it will provide the indispensable facts about the existing product line in order to improve the general performance in the future.

This study shall serve as the basis for future plans of action by the “Samsung” team of managers with regard to the necessary actions for the recovery of the unfinished “Galaxy 4” model. Furthermore, this study will serve as a theoretical model for future studies of the same nature if ever the existing problem has penetrated in this case will exist in the future (in the sphere of electronics). Future researchers will benefit from this study, we hope, and it will provide them the facts needed to compare their study during their respective time and usability.

Prequestioning hypothesis statement. “What was the number one reason for “Samsung Galaxy 4” to fail in sales?”

Benefits to the researchers of “Galaxy S4” case.

This proposal allows to plan and review the research steps, serves as a guide in electronics industry investigation, forces time and budget estimates.

Hypothesis testing

If the overall design, total inside memory, operating speed and battery life expectancy are all improved, the target sales of “Samsung Galaxy 4” smart phone will be reached.

Tested hypothesis.

“Galaxy 4” attracts less buyers because of comparatively weak plastic design, limited storage space and a bit overestimated pricing strategy.

Promotion & ads. sale pricing samsung telephone

The advertising campaign was most probably the most influential among all the initiatives. As relied on Surbhi Chawla of “Gadgets NDTV” issue, mid 2013, the first video was related to the 'Sound Shot' feature of the Galaxy S4, second was about the 'Group Play' feature. Finally, the third of the first three had to do with the 'S Translator' feature in action. Each of them was applied to a certain real life circumstances under which this features may play a great role.

More of the naked facts.

From the official “Samsung” Profit&Loss statement. Among all data available, we chose the most reliable source such as income statement of the company published on the official site, so the mistakes and disinformation are excluded. We'll list only the basic parts below:

Null hypothesis.

We tested our best guess that “Samsung Galaxy 4” will be able to hit the target sales after the required optional changes in 6 months. Our null hypothesis looks like:

H?: µ = 6 (months)

Defining an alternative hypothesis.

Our alternative statement sounds like: “6 months won't be enough for “Samsung Galaxy 4” to recover and hit the target revenue.”

Há: µ ? 6.

In the case of accepting this theory we will suggest to increase this time to one full year (double it, in other words).


Unit of Analysis: “Samsung Galaxy S4”

n: 6 (period during which the model has to reach the aim)

Dependent Variable: Overall company's sales (revenue)

Conceptual Model Equation: TARGET = DESIGN + $ + STORAGE + APPS


TARGET = target sales “Samsung” had to hit after “Galaxy S4” launch (60 mln units instead of 40 sold)

DESIGN = the device lightness to be created

$ = average price to be reduced

STORAGE= memory space increased

APPS = adding some special features like FM radio just to please customers' demand in full


The data will be collected by an online-based opinion survey of current “Samsung Galaxy S4” users implying Internet data bases and reliable web sources. Given the relatively low cost of such a survey, and the likelihood that buyers will be willing to participate by answering such relatively non-embarrassing questions, the study appears to be highly feasible.

The data suggested for solving “Samsung” related problem is presented in the form of various bar graphs, pie charts and scatter diagrams attached to this proposal. See the description of figures under each graph.


Unfortunately, we didn't insert any budget into this project.

The proposal schedule

Day 01

Day 02

Day 03

Day 04

Day 05

Day 06

Day 07

Day 08

Day 09

Obtaining sources

Researching principles formation

Evaluating effectiveness of precursors

Preparing illustrations

Preparing graphs

Preparing presentation

Drafting final report

Revising final report

Proofing final version

Binding it













Qualifications of researchers

Our proposal is unsolicited, so we'll describe our qualifications in brief. All four of us are involved in obtaining MBA degree in business administration from WIUU and had experience in: trading, funding, accounting, human resources, management and valuation areas before. So, our judgements for this project were based on both, our own educational conclusions (+ experience in “Galaxy S4” usage on our own) and the informative data gathered from reliable sources such as web, print media, statistics tables and qualified experts.

Name of the position

Research consultants

Position purpose

Design, develop and maintain sophisticated database structures and systems that effectively and efficiently support data collection. Provide input and analyses for multi-focused research project(s). Works under the general direction of a Principal Investigator or with other research staff.

Sample of Typical Duties

NOTE: If a high percentage of time is spent performing complex computing duties, ProStaff Computer exemption may be more appropriate.

Develop or assist with development of data collection instruments

* Design, develop and maintain various databases using MS Access, SQL, SAS or STATA includes establishment of relational databases and systems programming

* Perform quality assurance and integration of multiple data streams for research studies, student projects and administrative needs

* Conduct multivariate statistical analyses using standard and advanced statistical techniques

* Prepare or assist in preparation of results for reports, publications and/or presentation

* Lead continued development of the infrastructure for the assemblage of data and computer models

* May also perform other research support functions such as contribute to research study design including methodology and analysis for grant proposals

Minimum Qualifications

Specific Grade Level Assignment Is Dependant On The Complexities Of The Duties Performed And The Required Minimum Qualifications

Bachelor's degree in relevant field of study such as mathematics, bioinformatics, computer science, statistics and at least two years of related work experience OR the equivalent combination of education and experience

Master's degree in relevant field of study such as mathematics, bioinformatics, computer science, statistics and at least one year of related work experience OR the equivalent combination of education and experience

Master's degree in relevant field of study such as mathematics, bioinformatics, computer science, statistics and at least two to three years of related work experience OR a PhD in a relevant field of study and one year of related experience OR the equivalent combination of education and experience

Final Results

After all the material collected, observed and analyzed, we came up with the conclusion that the null hypothesis should be accepted as far as half a year would be more than enough for “Samsung” to complete the sales plan dependant on “Galaxy S4” sales because of the reasons listed below:

- It alarmed and reacted immediately

- It has already implemented several of the mentioned changes

- The progress has no doubt - other few stages are work-in-process

- The advertising campaign of “Samsung” is always powerful

- On the whole, “Samsung” is still electronics leader, despite in smartphone's sector it is closely beaten by “iPhones”

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  • Strategy and major stages of project’s fruition. Production of Korean cuisine dishes. Analysis of the industry sector, of produce’s market, of business rivals. Marketing plan, volume of sales, personnel and company management. Cost of the project.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [724,1 K], äîáàâëåí 17.02.2013

  • Ìàðêåòèíãîâàÿ ñðåäà âûáðàííîãî ïðîäóêòà. SWOT-àíàëèç èññëåäóåìîãî ïðîäóêòà. Îñíîâíûå ïîòðåáèòåëüñêèå ñâîéñòâà òîâàðà. Öåëè ïðîäâèæåíèÿ ïðîäóêòà íà ðûíîê è åãî öåíîîáðàçîâàíèå. Èñòîðèÿ è îïèñàíèå ñëóæáû ìàðêåòèíãà ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ "Samsung Electronics".

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [96,9 K], äîáàâëåí 06.05.2011

  • Ïðîèçâîäñòâî âûñîêîêà÷åñòâåííûõ äèñïëååâ äëÿ òåëåâèçîðîâ è ìîíèòîðîâ. Àíàëèç ïîòðåáèòåëüñêèõ ñâîéñòâ LED-òåëåâèçîðà Samsung è LED-òåëåâèçîðîâ êîíêóðèðóþùèõ ïðîèçâîäèòåëåé Sony è LG. Óñòàíîâëåíèå òåõíè÷åñêèõ õàðàêòåðèñòèê ïðîäóêöèè. Òåõíîëîãèÿ ìåòîäà QFD.

    êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [1,0 M], äîáàâëåí 27.06.2015

  • Èíôîðìàöèÿ îá îáúåìàõ ïðîäàæ. Ýôôåêòèâíîñòü ðåêëàìíûõ êàíàëîâ è ðàáîòû sales-ìåíåäæåðîâ. Ñòåïåíü ðåíòàáåëüíîñòè òîðãîâûõ òî÷åê. Ñáûòîâàÿ ñåòü, åå ôóíêöèè è âèäû. Îáåñïå÷åíèå ôèíàíñîâîé ýôôåêòèâíîñòè ñáûòîâûõ îïåðàöèé è êîìïëåêñíîãî ñåðâèñà êëèåíòóðû.

    ðåôåðàò [49,8 K], äîáàâëåí 19.01.2011

  • Îãëÿä ìàðêåòèíãîâèõ ñòðàòåã³é, îð³ºíòîâàíèõ íà çáóò. Ìåòîäè ñòèìóëþâàííÿ ïîêóïö³â äî ïðèäáàííÿ òîâàðó. Ïðàâèëà ïîâåä³íêè òîðãîâîãî ïðåäñòàâíèêà. Ñåãìåíòóâàííÿ ðèíêó çà ãðóïàìè ñïîæèâà÷³â. Ñêëàäàííÿ ñåãìåíòàðíîãî ðåéòèíãó ðèíêîâèõ ïð³îðèòåò³â áàíêó.

    êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [166,9 K], äîáàâëåí 23.05.2014

  • Marketing of scientific and technical products and services in the field of information technology. Differences sales activity in B2B and B2C. The role of the procurement center and features of the procurement decision-making in the industrial market.

    ðåôåðàò [167,3 K], äîáàâëåí 27.05.2014

  • Âûÿâëåíèå è ðàññìîòðåíèå ïðåäïî÷òåíèé ïîòðåáèòåëåé ê ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíå ìàðêè Samsung. Îïðåäåëåíèå ðûíî÷íûõ íèø äëÿ òîâàðà íà ðûíêå ñ öåëüþ åãî ïîçèöèîíèðîâàíèÿ íà âûÿâëåííûõ ñåãìåíòàõ. Îïðåäåëåíèå ñïðîñà, êîíêóðåíòîñïîñîáíîñòè è æèçíåííîãî öèêëà òîâàðà.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [2,9 M], äîáàâëåí 17.06.2011

  • The internal and external communication systems of the Nestle company. Background of the company. SWOT analysis: strength, weaknesses, opportunities. Architecture of Intranet systems. Business use of intranet systems. Intranet tools and its benefits.

    êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [304,7 K], äîáàâëåí 28.10.2013

  • Purpose of the Marketing Plan. Organization Mission Statement. The main strategies employed by BMW. Sales volume of automobiles. New records set for revenues and earnings. Current models of BMW. Product life cycle. Engagement in Celebrity Endorsement.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [879,4 K], äîáàâëåí 03.05.2015

  • Õàðàêòåðèñòèêà äåÿòåëüíîñòè è âèäû óñëóã îçäîðîâèòåëüíîãî öåíòðà "Êðîíà". Ïðîâåäåíèå SWOT–àíàëèçà ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ. Êîíöåïöèÿ ïðîäâèæåíèÿ ïðåäëàãàåìûõ óñëóã. Ïðîâåäåíèå ðåêëàìû íà ðàäèî è òåëåâèäåíèè. Sales promotion è òâîð÷åñêèé ýòàï ðåêëàìíîé êàìïàíèè.

    òâîð÷åñêàÿ ðàáîòà [48,9 K], äîáàâëåí 05.03.2011

  • Ôóíêöèè ìîáèëüíîãî òåëåôîíà, åãî çíà÷åíèå â ñîâðåìåííîé æèçíè. Âîçìîæíîñòè áèçíåñà, öåëè èííîâàöèîííîãî ïðîåêòà. Õàðàêòåðèñòèêà èííîâàöèîííîãî ïðîäóêòà. Ïîòåíöèàëüíàÿ äîëÿ ðûíêà äëÿ Samsung GalaxySkin. Êîíêóðåíöèÿ è êîíêóðåíòû, ïëàí ìàðêåòèíãà ïðîäóêòà.

    ðåôåðàò [740,5 K], äîáàâëåí 08.11.2012

  • Îïðåäåëåíèå öåëåé è èññëåäîâàíèå ïðîöåññà îöåíêè îáîðóäîâàíèÿ. Àíàëèç ïîêàçàòåëåé ðûíêà ïðîäàæ ñîòîâûõ òåëåôîíîâ â Ðîññèè. Ðàñ÷åò ñòîèìîñòè è ïðîâåäåíèå ðûíî÷íîé îöåíêè ñîòîâîãî òåëåôîíà "Samsung GT-B5702" çàòðàòíûì, äîõîäíûì è ñðàâíèòåëüíûì ñïîñîáîì.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [3,4 M], äîáàâëåí 04.08.2012

  • Getting to know the sources of competitive advantage. Consideration of the characteristics of the implementation of the marketing strategy. Characteristics of branding forms: corporate, emotional, digital. Analysis of the online advertising functions.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [66,3 K], äîáàâëåí 09.02.2016

  • Author create own Cinema "Grand Record" and according to the Golden Screen Cinema authors design a website with electronic commerce enabled functions. Discuss areas in which standards are emerging. Internet Security and Legal Concerns, financial Plan.

    ïðàêòè÷åñêàÿ ðàáîòà [5,8 M], äîáàâëåí 01.07.2010

  • Crisis in Russia and international tobacco enterprises. International tobacco companies in the Russian market. Ðroper suggestions with the purpose to adapt them to the Russian tobacco market in the new circumstances to maintain the level of profit.

    ðåôåðàò [15,4 K], äîáàâëåí 15.05.2016

  • Êëàññèôèêàöèÿ ñïóòíèêîâûõ äåêîäåðîâ. Êîìïàíèÿ Galaxy Innovations íà ðûíêå. Êîìïëåêòíîñòü, óñòðîéñòâî, íàçíà÷åíèå è îñîáåííîñòè ýêñïëóàòàöèè ñïóòíèêîâîãî äåêîäåðà. Õàðàêòåðèñòèêà ìîäåëåé ðàçëè÷íûõ ôèðì è èññëåäîâàíèå ïîòðåáèòåëüñêèõ ñâîéñòâ äåêîäåðîâ.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [64,3 K], äîáàâëåí 19.10.2012

  • Ïîíÿòèÿ, öåëè è çàäà÷è ìàðêåòèíãîâûõ èññëåäîâàíèé. Ýòàïû, îðãàíèçàöèÿ è ïðèíöèïû èõ ïðîâåäåíèÿ. Ìåòîäû ñáîðà èíôîðìàöèè, èõ äîñòîèíñòâà è íåäîñòàòêè. Ôóíêöèè è ïîäôóíêöèè ìàðêåòèíãà. Èññëåäîâàíèå êîíêóðåíòîñïîñîáíîñòè êîììåð÷åñêîãî ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ íà ðûíêå.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [137,7 K], äîáàâëåí 10.01.2014

  • The concept of brand capital. Total branded product name for the whole company. Nestle as the largest producer of food in the world. Characteristics of technical and economic indicators. Nestle company’s brands. SWOT-analysis and Nestle in Ukraine.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [36,2 K], äîáàâëåí 17.02.2012

  • The main products of the company Apple. The first programmable microcomputer. Apple's marketing policy. The encoding of the voice signal. Secure data transfer protocols. Infringement of the patent in the field of wireless data company Motorola Mobility.

    ïðåçåíòàöèÿ [640,7 K], äîáàâëåí 25.01.2013

  • Êëàññèôèêàöèîííûå ïðèçíàêè íîâîãî òîâàðà; ðîëü ñëóæáû ìàðêåòèíãà â åãî ñîçäàíèè è ðåàëèçàöèè. Õàðàêòåðèñòèêà òîâàðà - ìèêðîâîëíîâîé ïå÷è Samsung CE 1000 R-TS. Îöåíêà ñèëû ìàðêè è êîíêóðåíòîñïîñîáíîñòè. Èííîâàöèîííîå óñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèå áàçîâîãî òîâàðà.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [61,3 K], äîáàâëåí 06.10.2013

Ðàáîòû â àðõèâàõ êðàñèâî îôîðìëåíû ñîãëàñíî òðåáîâàíèÿì ÂÓÇîâ è ñîäåðæàò ðèñóíêè, äèàãðàììû, ôîðìóëû è ò.ä.
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