Marketing opportunities in social networks for client experience management
Fundamentals of marketing social networks, the specifics of social media. Customer experience and the concept of "Customer journey". The study of activities in social networks at different stages of the concept of "Customer journey" in terms of consumers.
Рубрика | Маркетинг, реклама и торговля |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.08.2017 |
Размер файла | 676,1 K |
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Возможности маркетинга в социальных сетях для управления клиентским опытом
Nowadays new technologies such as access to the high speed Internet and affordable gadgets have attracted many new users. In 2016 approximately 40% of the world population was users of the Internet. What is more, in Russia this number is much higher and equals 71,3% (Internet live statistics, 2016). Moreover, the number of people using the Internet is increasing every year as there was approximately 8% growth from 2015 to 2016. The number of social network users is growing even faster. It increased by 9% from 2015 to 2016 (The statistics portal, 2016).
Thus, social networks play a significant role in people's life. They have become not only a way of communication and entertainment but also a method to promote goods and services. Companies understand that actions in social networks can significantly influence company marketing and sales. According to the research of IBM (2011), 80 of companies CEOs say that they have a profile or presence on social networks, and more than 50% of them use microblogging sites and media sharing sites. However, the difficulty of developing SMM refers to the fact that many social media marketing activities are customer-driven, which means that customers' actions in social networks cannot be influenced by companies directly (Baird, Parasnis, 2011). Thus, it is crucially important to understand the processes from the point of customer's view that is why concepts considering customer experience (in particular customer journey) are becoming more popular (Lemon, Verhoef, 2016). Customer journey is a contemporary approach conceptualizing customer experience in the process of sequence of stages. This approach enables companies to have a complex view on customer interactions with company. Understanding customer journey leads to increased customer loyalty and higher company performance (Rawson et al, 2013).
Overall, many works were devoted to analyzing SMM tools or concepts regarding customer experience. However, there is a research gap in studying possible ways to SMM activities to different stages of customer journey. Thus, a theoretical significance of this work refers to the necessity of more detailed investigation of social media marketing activities from the theoretical point of view and application them to the modern concept of customer journey.
Therefore, the goal of this paper is investigating which SMM activities are appropriate in managing customer journey. Moreover, in my work I am going to make the analysis of customers from different countries to compare customers' behavior from Russia and abroad, which can be useful for companies operating in more than one market or preparing for entering a new market.
To achieve the goal, several objectives are performed.
1) To analyze literature about social media marketing and customer journey.
2) To create a theoretical framework suggesting which SMM activities are the most appropriate on different stages of a customer journey.
3) To conduct a research investigating SMM activities on which customers pay attention for each of the stages of customer journey.
4) To give recommendations about SMM in managing customer journey based on the results of the research.
The object of the study is customer social media activities form customers' perspective. The subject of the study is managing customer journey through social media marketing.
The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that social media networks are becoming popular and can be used for business purposes. Understanding which SMM activities suit better for different stages of customer journey can be crucial as it allows company to improve relations with customers. This work contributes to explaining which SMM activities are more appropriate and helping to avoid extra expenses on activities which are unnecessary. Moreover, the study is devoted to comparing what consumers from different countries think about SMM activities, therefore, the work will be useful for companies operating in different countries or entering a foreign market since successfully developed and fulfilled social media marketing strategy can lead to increased sales and profits.
The structure of my work is the following. Theoretical part will describe and analyze the main concepts I am going to use, which are social media marketing and customer journey. In practical part I will set up the several suggestions considering which SMM activities are appropriate on every stage of customer journey. Next, I will describe the results of conducting field research. After analyzing those results, I will make a conclusion about SMM activities on each stage of customer journey. Finally, I will discuss the practical implications, limitations of my work and directions for future research.
The method of conducting field research is an online questionnaire. It was chosen for the several reasons. First, it is convenient for respondents to fill the form online as all of them are present in social networks. Moreover, this type of research is quantitative, which means that it allows collecting the information from many respondents. Since social media marketing is a mass tool of communication online questionnaire is an appropriate method to study it. Main information sources are articles from academic journals. As customer journey is a contemporary approach and social media marketing is a sphere developing extremely fast up-to-date literature was chosen for the analysis. It is necessary to say that mostly cited authors were used such as Heinonen K., Lemon K., Verhoef P., and others.
1. Theoretical framework of social media marketing and customer journey
1.1 Characteristics of social media and social media marketing
Social media
To start with, I would like to define the concepts I am going to use. First concept I will introduce is social media. Nowadays, this term is widely used, nevertheless, there are different points of view on what is social media. Thus, I will discuss different opinions and finally make a conclusion about what is included in social media in my work.
Although the ideas of social media appeared in 20th century, the first formal definition of it was given in relation with two concepts which are also necessary to be considered. The first concept is Web 2.0. This term was introduced to describe the new situation in World Wide Web when all the content can be modified not only by few individuals but by all the Internet users. Appearing blogs and other types of activities that allow users to give feedback is a main distinctive feature of Web 2. Another concept which is necessary to define briefly is User Generated Content. This term describes different types of media content which are available for audience and made by users. Based on those 2 definitions it is possible to formulate what is social media. Social Media is a collection of Internet applications which is created on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and which allows to publish User Generated Content and exchange it among users. Social media includes different type of content ranged from basic forms such as text, for example, blogs, or microblogs to more complicated forms such as photo and video (Berthon et al 2012).
However, different definitions of social media exist and, therefore, I will make an attempt to describe the borders of this definition. There is a research made by Kaplan A. and Haenlein M. in 2010 investigating two key characteristics of social media which can help to classify various social media. The first characteristic is connected with social richness and media presence. Social presence is a category which can be described by two parameters. One parameter shows if communication is synchronic (like life chat or telephone talk) or not (like email). Another parameter describes if communication is interpersonal (for example face-to-face talk) or mediated (for example telephone talk). Those parameters can define the effect people can have on each other through the communication. Media richness helps to estimate the amount of information which is possible to deliver in exact time.
The second category is connected to the concept of self-presentation or self-disclosure. A degree of self-presentation shows how much information a person is ready to give through communication because of his desire to make a right impression on others and influence them.
Therefore, the scholars have combined those dimensions together and classified all the social media into categories depend on high or low degree of social presence and low, medium, or high degree of media richness and social presence
In my work I will regard only social media with medium social richness such as networking sites (for example Facebook, Vkontakte and other) and content communities (such as YouTube) since different types of social media has significant distinctive features, therefore, it is better to investigate them separately to analyze all the details. (Kaplan, Haenlein 2010).
Social networking sites
First, let me describe social networking sites. Social networks are special sites which allow users to communicate with each other through creating profile which includes different type of data (personal details, photo, video etc.). However, social networking sites are not only sites containing different types of information. They are representing a shift from the individual to the collective, as they show the power of relationships. (Berthon et al 2012)
Content communities
In my work I will consider social communities also. The main goal of content communities is to share the content between users. Basically content communities are not supposed to contain much information about the user (for example, only the date he or she joined the community and his or her nickname) (Kaplan, Haenlein, 2010). However, YouTube allows to put more personal information and, thus, it can be said that it has some features of social networks. For example, it is possible to create a profile and fill in some personal data (name, personal photo) and use this profile to comment videos and put like or dislike. Such an application as Instagram not only requires some personal detail but also has an opportunity to send direct messages and connected with other social network Facebook, which is obviously, a social networking site. Moreover, some photos and videos are personal though they are regarded as content. Thus, I claim that there is no exact border between social networking sites and content communities that is why I decided that in my work I will consider YouTube and Instagram as social networks.
Social media marketing
Social networks are a way for users to communicate with each other and to share different content that has significantly changed situation in the market for both companies and consumers. There is a study generalizing those changes in two categories. First, social networks, for example Facebook, provide customers with an opportunity to interact with brands in companies directly, thus, social media allows two ways communication instead of one way communication as it used to be. Moreover, social networks allow consumers to share their experience and information they have with each other. Due to social networks nowadays there is a tendency that many marketing activities are customer driven (Lipsman et al, 2012). It means that a huge part of value added activities are conducted by customers, who can be called “creative consumers” (Berthon et al, 2012).
Overall, currently social networks are widely used for commercial purposes. Managing social networks allows promoting different goods and services. Moreover, some companies organize a distribution channel in social networks (Kaplan, Haenlein, 2010). Thus, in my work I am going to consider social networks as a marketing tool.
First, I will define the term social media marketing and discuss it in detail. Social media marketing is a technique that employs content created by everyday people using highly accessible and scalable technologies such as blogs, message boards, podcasts, microblogs, bookmarks, social networks, communities, wikis, and vlogs (Singh, Diamond, 2012).
SMM is a marketing tool which can be very effective. It was proved that company presence in social media positively affects relationships between a company and customers and among customers with each other. Those actions increase brand loyalty, which is a goal for many companies (Laroche et al, 2013). One of the most significant points in favor of using social media marketing is its small cost. Currently, firms need to have more cost effective tools to implement marketing strategy. In comparison to other tools such as a big advertising campaign SMM is much cheaper as it does not require costs for using social media (social networks and social media sites are free or have minimal establishing costs) (Chena et al 2011). However, there are some features of SMM which should be taken into account, for example, the fact that SMM activities are mostly customer-driven. For companies it means that they cannot influence customer's actions in social networks directly (Baird, Parasnis, 2011).
Moreover, social media is not only a marketing tool. Thomas (2010) called social media a customer relationship management for millennia, trying to emphasize the importance of social media for building relationship with customers (Thomas, 2010).
It is possible to conclude that promotion through social networks is an up-to date, effective, and low-budget way to develop the business (Zborovskaya, 2015). Nevertheless, there are some recent researches claiming that social media marketing is becoming overestimated though actually it is not always necessary. Consumers are supposed to be active, nevertheless, the fact that the most content is generated by the small proportion of users. In addition, a wide range of choice makes customer indecisive and less active (Heinonen, 2011). In order to understand what functions can be fulfilled with a help of SMM I am going to investigate social media marketing tools more deeply.
Ways to shape the discussion with a help of SMM
As I have already said social media is a consumer driven activity. However, a company can shape the discussion. There were regarded several ways how it is possible to do. I will briefly discuss these ways.
? The first way to manage customer discussion is to provide social networking platforms. It is a place where like-minded people can communicate with each other. For example, a brand Dove has created a platform for people who wish to make standards of beauty more realistic and help women to improve their self-esteem and feel happier. It is necessary to say that currently social networks are so popular that those platforms can be performed as online brand community in Facebook or Instagram.
? Another way to engage customers is to provide them an opportunity to give feedback. The feedback can include many things like positive and negative reviews, suggestions and criticism, fan art, various photos and videos. This feedback can be organized in a form of a discussion in a community brand page or a poll in which a company can ask different questions about a product.
? A research has shown that consumers who feel that they know a lot about the product and the company will probably more discuss it. Thus, giving information about a product can encourage people to discuss the product more and be interested in it. This idea can be realized through posting information in a brand or other community in social networks. One more way to provide customers with information about a product is to ask bloggers or stars to promote it. Nowadays, it is popular to give a blogger a free sample of product and ask to review it or even invite him or her to see the product production.
Furthermore, authors advise to be outrageous and unique and to support causes which are important to consumers. However, those points should be considered creating marketing strategy in general and SMM is only one way to fulfil those recommendations. That was the reason why I decided not to consider those points in detail (Glynn Mangold, Faulds, 2009).
Overall, different ways to shape the discussion were outlined and some examples were given, however, it is necessary to analyze exact tools which SMM can use in more detail.
SMM tools
There are different tools which can be implied in social networks in order to understand which of them are possible to use during the customer journey.
The first tool I'm going to consider is online brand community.
Online brand community
There are different definitions of social media based brand community, however, I will use the definition discussed by Laroche and others (2013), who defines this term as special type of a community which is not geographically bound and was created for loyal customers of an exact brand. Online brand community includes different activities such as information about products, customer reviews, and technical support from a company, polls about existing and new products, and other sources. Usually brand communities facilitate the process of information exchange between consumers and company, give a company an opportunity to provide technical support for customers, and increase brand trust. All these factors are positively influence customer loyalty (Laroche et al, 2013).
Online customer reviews
Online customer reviews are reviews which are posted in the Internet. There are many different researches claiming that online customer reviews have an impact on product sales and its forecasting (Chena et al, 2011). It is necessary to say that in my work I will consider only reviews which are posted in social networks. There are many other tools which can be used such as direct messages, using opinion leaders, organizing and assistance service for customers. I will not point it in detail; I gave an overview of some of them in order to get an understanding of what is considered as SMM tools in this work.
1.2 Customer experience and customer journey
Nowadays interactions between companies and customers are becoming more complex as customers use different touchpoints in multiple channels to interact not only with firms but also with each other. It results in the fact that companies moved their focus from developing company strategies to the research of customer experience as it can be a key of improving company performance and increasing sales (Lemon, Verhoef, 2016).
First, let me define what customer experience is. It is possible to find different definitions of customer experience in the literature. In my work I discuss the most common ones. First, scholars describing customer experience said that it is customer's interpretation of his or her interaction with a brand (Frow, Payne, 2007). They emphasize that neither products nor services themselves but a special kind of experience is actually a thing which consumer looks for (Lemon, Verhoef, 2016).
Scholars studying customer experience later pay attention to the fact that this kind of experience is multidimensional, which means that it is connected with every aspect of customer interactions with firm. For instance, De Keyser and others suggest that customer experience includes physical, emotional, cognitive, sensorial, spiritual, and social elements which can appear during the process of customer communication with the company (De Keyser et al, 2015). Other scholars add that those interactions can be direct and indirect. Direct interactions mean that it can be controlled by the company like the process of purchase or after-sale service. In contrast, indirect interactions stand for processes which a firm cannot control directly, for instance, some customer reviews or news reports.
There is a point of view that customer experience can be improved by managing each of touchpoints separately. Moreover, according to P. Frow and others' study there are some cases demonstrating that improving each customer touchpoint leads to better customer experience (Frow, Payne, 2007). Considering this concept many companies try to improve individual interactions with customers not paying attention to the whole process. However, this approach is not completely right. More recent studies have shown that in many cases making better service on each separate touchpoint is not enough for getting high satisfaction level from customers. A company needs to look at the process from the customer point of view, thus, a holistic approach should be used while considering customer experience. Furthermore, there is a study claiming that customer experience should be perceived as a journey since this concept is useful in regarding the whole process of customer experience instead of separate interactions (Rawson et al, 2013).
Overall, I came to the conclusion that customer experience is a multidimensional holistic concept which focuses on a customer's cognitive, emotional, behavioral, sensorial, and social responses to actions of the company during the entire purchase journey. Thus, a journey is a contemporary approach which should be studied more carefully as this concept is more appropriate for describing customer experience. Therefore, let me move to discussing the concept of customer journey.
Scholars define customer journey as a recognized concept illustrating customer experience across all the touchpoints with the company (Lemon, Verhoef, 2016). As this concept enables companies to have more complex view on customer interactions with company many firms try to apply this concept to their own business. However, it has become noticeable that every company has its own customer journey. Moreover, every customer can have his or her own way of moving through the touchpoints of the company. This fact leads to the opinion that customer journey is too complicated to be created and analyzed. It can be true, nevertheless, the purpose of the customer journey concept is to analyze weaknesses of the process of interactions with customers, which can be a problem not only for one customer, but for quite many people, and lead to sales losses and worse firm performance. Thus, customer journey can be an indicator of processes optimization needed (Myron D. 2016). Furthermore, the fact that studying customer journey can be important and influence company strategy significantly is proved by practical experience, therefore, it is needed to be studied as it can be useful for companies (Rosenbaum et al 2017).
In addition, despite the fact that customer journey differs among different companies; there are some commonly recognized models, which can be applied for most goods and services. In my work I will discuss some of them and choose one which is the most appropriate for the research purposes. To get the full understanding I will consider several customer journey models from the first ideas of tracking customers' interactions with company till the recent customer journey models.
AIDA and DAGMAR models
First models illustrating the idea that customer moves through the sequence of stages during the process of making a purchase were introduced in 19th century. The basic model demonstrating this fact was called AIDA. It was introduced in 1978 by McGuire. The model consists of four main stages: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Similar model, which is called Development of Hierarchy of Effects Model in Advertising (DAGMAR), was created a little bit later and also included four stages: Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, and Purchase. The stage of Awareness is similar to stages of Attention and Interest in AIDA, as it represents the process of attracting attention to the product. The stage of Comprehension stands for consumers understanding of advertising message. Conviction is a stage when consumers believe in the advertising message and want to buy a product. Therefore, this stage is similar to Desire in AIDA. Finally, the last stage is Purchase in DAGMAR or Action in AIDA. It represents the process of buying goods or services(Wijaya, 2012).
However, those models are not complete as they do not consider some important stages. Lately the models were significantly improved but the different scholars and now I am going to consider one of the last models.
The AIDA model was extended till AISDALSLove. “A” stands for Awareness, which is a stage when people first pay attention to advertisement. The next stage is Interest when potential consumers become interested in a product. “S” stands for search, which is a process when customers try to find information about the product they are interested in. “D” for Desire describes the stage on which audience has already found the information about the product and wants to buy it. “A” (Action) is a process of making a purchase. The next stage is “L” (Like/Dislike) demonstrating post purchase experience when a customer like or dislike the product according to his experience. “S” stands for sharing, which means a consumer's intention to tell other customers about his or her personal experience connected with a usage the product. Finally, last stage Love/Hate represents customer long-term feelings about the product after using it and sharing his or her opinion about it (Wijaya, 2012).
Nevertheless, this model illustrates only effect of advertising while nowadays it is not enough to fully understand customers. Thus, I aim to consider some models regarding the whole process of customer interaction with company.
Sales funnel model
First ideas considering customers moving during interactions with a company were represented in market funnel. It consists of the following stages: awareness, opinion, consideration, preference, and purchase. This model was convenient to demonstrate how customers move from the point when they just aware of the product till the moment they make a purchase, which is really useful in understanding how to develop some processes, however, there were significant improvements required as model does not represent some important stages and is not detailed enough (Sauro, 2015). To improve these drawbacks a concept of customer journey was introduced.
At first sight, it is possible to think that sales funnel and customer journey are the same concepts as they both have stages representing awareness, consideration and purchase. However, a concept of customer journey has quite significant distinctive features. Firstly, it is focused on analyzing process from customer's point of view while purchase funnel is oriented on considering touchpoints from the perspective of a company. The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of interactions with customers from their point of view, therefore, the concept of customer journey is more appropriate in this case.
Moreover, the customer journey has other advantages in comparison to sales funnel. I will consider them using the example of several customer journey models.
Customer journey models
Katherine N. Lemon and Peter C. Verhoef in their work have created a model of customer journey which consists of three main stages: Prepurchase, Purchase, and Postpurchase.
The first stage, Prepurchase, considers the whole process of interaction with customer before he or she makes a purchase. This phase includes recognition (when a customer becomes aware of his need or goal), search, and consideration (when a customer is thinking of satisfying a need or achieving a goal with a particular purchase).
The second stage is a stage of Purchase. This stage is the most compressed in time because it includes the process of making a purchase (choice, order, payment) itself, which obviously takes less time than Prepurchase and Postpurchase.
The last stage of the model is a Postpurchase stage. It consists of usage and consumption and can lasts till the end of consumer's life. This is a significant improvement which allows analyzing customers' way more fully (Lemon, Verhoef, 2016).
The model discussed above is full and considers all important stages; nevertheless, the more detailed model is required for the purposes of the research. Thus, I will consider one more model introduced by McKinsey Company.
Their model is supposed to be a basic one. It suggests that there are four main stages. The first stage is called Initial consideration. This stage includes a situation when a person realizes his or her need and imagines some goods or services of some brands which can satisfy it. Researchers pointed out that brand awareness is very important on this stage as the possibility that a person will finally buy the product of a particular brand is significantly higher for brands he or she has already known before the process of research for suitable goods or services. Thus, I will include brand awareness as a separate stage in the customer model since it is possible to conduct some social media marketing activities in order to increase brand awareness.
The second stage of the model is a stage of Active evaluation. This phase includes the process of searching for potential purchases. Unlike the metaphor of purchase funnel, this stage can broaden the number of possible options for consumers since during the search some more suitable product or services can be added.
The next stage is called Closure, which is actually a stage when consumers make purchase.
The Postpurchase period includes the period when customers consume goods and services they have bought. It is necessary to say that consumers can search for substitutes or competitive brands after making a purchase. It means that this stage influence whether a customer becomes loyal to a brand or not, therefore, loyalty, it is very important.
The loyalty loop is a last part of customer journey model described by McKinsey. This stage requires additional attention. First, loyalty is an important process, which can be the result of the funnel. However, loyalty is not only the end point of it since it influences customer's future purchasing decisions (Court al, 2009). Thus, it is crucial to be studied.
Let me discuss the stage of loyalty more in detail. It is necessary to distinguish two types of loyalty. Active loyalists are people who like the brand and ready to recommend it. In opposite, passive loyalists stick to the brand for some reasons but they are ready to choose another brand, which means that passive loyalists are open or trying new products from other brands.
All the models described are presented on the Table 1.
Тable 1.Customer journey models
Model |
Sales funnel |
Lemon K., Verhoef P. customer journey model |
McKinsey model |
Stages |
Attention |
Awareness |
Attention |
Awareness |
Prepurchase phase |
Initial consideration |
Interest |
Comprehension |
Interest |
Opinion |
Desire |
Conviction |
Desire |
Consideration |
Preference |
Active Evaluation |
Action |
Purchase |
Action |
Purchase |
Purchase |
Closure |
Like/Dislike |
Postpurchase phase |
Postpurchase period |
Sharing |
Love/Hate |
Loyalty |
Overall it can be seen that customer journey has some significant advantages such as following:
? Customer journey model helps to understand the process of interacting between customer and company in more detail in comparison to sales funnel.
? Customer journey model includes the post purchase phase and loyalty loop which is very important since nowadays goals of many companies moved from attracting new customers to retaining current customers, thus, understanding the process of making them loyal and repurchase can be crucial for companies.
? Customer journey model considers exact touch points, which is really important. Instead of sales funnel customer journey maps it shows the main moments of delight for customers. However, as I have already said more recent researches show that customer journey should not be perceived only as a collection of touchpoints but consider the whole customers way, which is also possible to see with a model of customer journey (Rawson et al, 2013).
? Customer journey models are useful not only for sales and marketing. Usually sales and marketing department has a goal to increase sales. However, customer journey map includes the whole process of interaction with customers, which can be interesting not only that one but also for other departments (Sauro, 2015).
Thus, a customer journey is the up-to-date concept considering customers. Having considered different models of customer journey, I needed to choose the most appropriate one for the research purposes. There is no doubt that one of the last models should be used as it considers the process of customer journey more fully. In addition, the model should not be too brief as Lemon K. and Verhoef P. who define only 3 stages of customer journey claims that every stage can consists of different process. All things considered, I decided to use the customer journey model, which has following stages:
? Awareness,
? Consideration and Evaluation,
? Purchase,
? Retention,
? Loyalty loop.
Managing customer journey
Previously, I considered activities which can be appropriate in different stages of customer journey. Nevertheless, customer journey is not a not a sequence of separate stages but a continuous process but which requires managing and control all over it. That is why next I am going to consider different aspects of managing customer journey.
According to the study made by Stan Maklan, Paolo Antonetti, and Steve Whitty the model of managing customer experience was introduced and implemented in a real organization. Though it was Royal Bank of Scotland, received experience can suitable to other companies (Maklan et al, 2017). The suggested framework of managing customer experience is the following:
· First, it is necessary to define customer journey which means understanding all the experience a customer gets from the interactions with a company.
· Next, it is necessary to identify the quality of every interaction with customers and its costs.
· The third stage of the process is an assessment of the journey made by customers. This is an extremely important stage as company is not able to understand all the process of customer journey from customers' perspective. This can lead to the situation that a company wants to improve its customer journey but cannot do it since it does not notice existing problems or does not pay attention to them (Rawson A. et al, 2013).
· The last stage of the process is to identify the events which are the most important for customers in their interaction with a company and analyze a company performance across these moments (Maklan S. et al, 2017).
I have already said there is a point of view that managing customer journey is not correct to fulfil by developing every touch point separately. However, it is necessary to emphasize that in the considered study the process was taken into account from customer perspective (especially at the stage of customers' assessment of the journey), which allows to avoid this problem. Moreover, it is necessary to say that fulfilling all these stages has led to both reduced costs and better sales for the company (Maklan et al, 2017). In addition, researchers draw attention to the fact that it is impossible to create the ideal model of customer journey and ideal process of managing it. They claim that working with current situation and data can also be a successful approach. All these facts lead to the conclusion that this model is possible to apply in other businesses.
1.3 SMM in managing customer journey
Having discussed different approaches to the customer journey concept, it is supposed to be one of things brand should be active about. Several years ago companies used strategies which make customers stay with the company by using contracts about the future services or suggesting other additional benefits. However, nowadays the most successful strategy is thought to be a strategy where a customer gets the benefit not only from something additional but by the journey itself (Edelman, Singer, 2015). In my point of view, social media marketing activities is a useful tool to fulfil this strategy as it can combine promotional and entertainment functions.
In addition, this strategy is focused on locking customers in the loyalty loop and making them stay inside it considering new purchases instead of starting new cycle of awareness, consideration, and evaluation in order to buy another product (Edelman, Singer, 2015). Social media marketing can be an appropriate tool for this purpose. To sum up, I came to the conclusion that it is appropriate to use customer journey model to study social media marketing.
Many marketing researches were conducted in order to understand if social media marketing useful and effective. Many studies have proved that a large number of product reviews made by customers are positively correlated with higher product sales and lead to better sales forecasting (Chena et al, 2011). However, the sphere on which stage of customer journey which activities are more appropriate has not been investigated yet. This understanding can be important since different SMM activities can be more effective on different stages of customer journey (for example for people who are not aware of the brand and for loyal customers). That was the reason I decided to investigate this problem.
The results of studying relevant literature about implementing SMM activities depending on the stage of customer journey has shown that there were some attempts to introduce how SMM can be correlated with different stages of interactions between customers and companies.
For example, a book “SMM: an hour a day” (Singh, Diamond, 2012). discussed SMM activities on every stage of purchase funnel. It considers only three main stages of interactions with customers: awareness, consideration, and purchase. The author emphasized that traditionally marketers pay most of their attention on the stage of awareness; however, SMM allows managing the stage of consideration also. However, as far as I know is possible to apply social media marketing not only on these two stages. The importance of taking part in the stage of consideration was discussed as on this stage the opportunity to offer, share, and discuss content can be crucial for making a purchase decision. In addition, the possible use of loyal customers to promote the product in social media is pointed out. Nonetheless, the authors do not give a detailed understanding which exactly activities in social media networks are needed. Obviously, the model requires significant adjustments since the concept of purchase funnel is out-of-date in comparison to customer journey concept and exact SMM activities are not discussed (Evans, Bratton, 2012).
McKinsey also gives some general outline of activities which consumers notice on every stage of customer journey. The second stage of active evaluation is proven to be strongly dependent on customer-driven activities such as word-of-mouth or online reviews. These activities are called customer-driven, however, companies can stimulate customers to make these activities, and social networks can be an efficient way to do that. Posting some photos or texts about their purchases, make reposts, write online reviews are examples of those activities (Court et al, 2009). However, the research of McKinsey does not investigate which of these activities are more appropriate; therefore, the further investigation is required.
Another attempt to apply the model of customer journey was made in a book `Social Media marketing for Dummies' (Singh, Diamond, 2012). The authors considered a model of market funnel containing five stages: awareness, consideration, preference, action, and loyalty. Moreover, SMM activities were suggested for every stage of market funnel. It is necessary to consider those activities in detail.
The first stage is stage of Awareness. The opportunity to increase awareness with a help of loyal customers is emphasized on this stage. Moreover, authors suggested the following SMM activities for this stage:
· To publish advertisement on YouTube with suitable hashtags. According to the authors' opinion, appropriate chosen categories will help to attract customers. However, in my opinion, social networks are overloaded with advertisement, thus, people will not watch advertising video on purpose.
· To cooperate with bloggers or experts who can increase the awareness level of the product. I believe that this recommendation can be very useful since not only experts and bloggers are present in social networks but also stars who can tell about a product in their private social networks as many fans follow them.
· Set up a fan page or an account in social networks as it can be a platform for other different SMM activities.
· Appreciate existing customers to broadcast their purchases. It is suggested to do so through special services. Nevertheless, private accounts in social networks also can be a platform for customers to broadcast their purchased goods and services.
It is necessary to notice that I discussed only tools which are relevant as different concepts are included in the term social media (in my research I do not consider personal website and review sites as they are not social networks).
The second stage is Consideration. The following recommendations are suggested to this stage:
· To organize reviews about products.
· To encourage a discussion among customers and to answer their questions.
All these activities can be organized on the base of brand community or account in social networks.
A stage of preference includes leaning a customer toward making a purchase. This stage is equal to the stage of evaluation in the model of McKinsey. On the stage of preference authors recommend the following SMM activities:
· A blog discussing the product,
· A video demonstrating how it works,
Authors draw attention to the fact that on the stage of Preference a customer has already studied quite much information about the product during the stage of consideration. However, on the stage of Preferences some more activities aimed at providing customer with more information are recommended that is why in the model of customer journey I am going to consider I put Consideration and Evaluation as one stage.
The next stage, which is called Action, is similar to the stage of Purchase of the models I discussed above. Although there is an opinion that marketing is not important on this stage the Singh S. and Diamond S suggests some activities are necessary, for example, offering more additional products in order to encourage customer to make additional impulsive purchases. However, there is no proof that many people buy goods and services online in social networks, thus, despite the fact that this recommendation can be effective it is not relevant in the case of my research. Another recommendation is to give customers an opportunity to broadcast their purchases. Nevertheless, currently private accounts in social networks can be a platform to do it. Overall, though traditional marketing is important on this stage there were no relevant SMM activities suggested.
The last stage which was considered is a stage of loyalty. It is claimed that encouraging people who are not loyal to the product to talk about it is unnecessary and even harmful. On the other hand, allowing really loyal customers to talk about the product is concerned as an effective tool. Moreover, authors suggest not only give loyal customers an opportunity to tell about their experience but also to bring together loyal and potential customers. However, this activity is aimed at customers on the stage of awareness, consideration, and preference while I am convinced that it is necessary to make some activities for loyal customers to support their loyalty and encourage them to buy more. Moreover, there were no suggested different activities for active and passive loyalists as probably they require different SMM activities (Singh, Diamond, 2012).
Overall, it can be seen that these recommendations could be useful, nonetheless, some of them are out of date and further investigation is required. These studies do not make conclusions about the modern model of customer journey. Furthermore, there was no research conducted in order to confirm those recommendations. Thus, I conducted a quantitative research trying to answer the questions I set considering consumers' personal experience and opinions.
Based on selected model of customer journey and considered above possible SMM activities the following suggestions about the appropriate SMM activities on each stage of customer journey are proposed.
Stage of Awareness
First, I propose that this stage requires advertisement. Even if a person is not interested in a product or not looking for it, he or she will see and probably remember the brand when he or she has a need for it. However, nowadays there are different ad blockers or other ways to escape advertisements which can make them not reachable for the audience. Moreover, it is necessary to say that promotion from a blogger or a celebrity is a special kind of advertising which should not be ignored by a company considering SMM activities on this stage since it does not have the disadvantage discussed before.
One more type of promotion is direct sales. In social networks it means sending private messages with a promotion of the product or an offer. It is noticeable that this SMM activity reaches customers who use ad blockers or do not pay any attention to advertisement.
Another SMM activity I am going to consider is encouraging existing customers to make reposts and or create their own content telling about products and services. One of the ways encouraging customers to participate in that kind of activities it to organize a giveaway or a contest on social networks as gamification is thought to be an effective way of influencing customers behavior. (Hammarfelt et al, 2016) A brand community or a community specialized on giveaways or contests can be used for this purpose.
One more SMM tool which can be appropriate is using hashtags (special signs # before a word or a phrase). Hashtags makes search for information easier and allow to increase the coverage of consumers (Gladkih, 2015).
In addition, such a way as creating interesting content made by company probably attracts new customers. This SMM activity can be fulfilled on the base of social network community. Nonetheless, it is necessary to take into consideration the risk that customers will not see the content.
On the stage of Awareness advertisement, promotion from opinion leaders, direct messages, giveaways and contests, reposts and original content made by customers, hashtags, and content created by a company are suggested to be appropriate.
Stage of Consideration and Evaluation
As far as I know the stage of Consideration and Evaluation is a stage requiring the most attention from SMM managers as there is a high range of activities which can be effective.
Firstly, I propose that social network brand community is required, as a main source of reviews and opinions, which in my view, is important for customers who are thinking about buying a product and evaluating possible alternatives. As I will discuss on the stage of Loyalty, brand community in social networks can be a way to loyal customers together and encourage discussions and information exchange about the product, which is suggested to influence people who have not make a purchase decision yet.
In addition, celebrities and bloggers can not only be a source of awareness for potential customers but they can persuade people to buy a product. As far as I am concerned, nowadays, most people who are present in social networks follow bloggers and famous people and are interested in their opinion.
It is possible to suggest that not only bloggers and celebrities' opinion can be crucial for making a purchase decision. Many people rely on the information from their family and friends. Thus, encouraging customers to make posts containing reviews or other information about the product in social networks can be an effective way to attract new customers.
In contrast, in my point of view advertisements is not the most effective way as currently it is everywhere and probably people are tired and irritated of it.
On the stage of Consideration and Evaluation online brand communities, opinion leaders and content created by existing customers are suggested to appropriate.
Stage of Purchase
The stage of purchase is one of the shortest stages. There is no doubt that currently many purchases are still made offline. However, it is possible to encourage customers to participate in activities in social media. One of the ways to do it is asking customers to make a post, for example, in Instagram and make a discount or a special offer for them. Moreover, the number of people who prefer shopping online is becoming more popular. There are some communities in social networks giving the opportunity to buy goods (such as Dove in social network Vkontakte). Nevertheless, due to developed sites for online shopping a risk exists that there is no need to make purchases online.
On the stage of Purchase encouraging customers to create content for special offers and discounts and giving them an opportunity make purchases in social networks are suggested to be appropriate.
Stage of Retention
I think that on the stage of Retention the main purpose for company is to provide the support to a customer helping him or her to get a better experience of using goods and services. It is necessary to notice that online brand community is way to organize a technical support, which is convenient for customers. Moreover, in my opinion it is a useful idea to give customers a platform to discuss the usage of products, which also can be organized through online brand community. This SMM activity probably can make customers more involved in activities connected with a brand and make them loyal.
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