Інформація у рекламі: засоби виявлення та приховування информация в рекламе: способы представления и скрытия

Особливості організації оптимального спілкування серед людей, які використовують сучасні засоби. Опис, сутність поняття інформації та її типів, характеристика явної вербалізації інформації в рекламі. Ілюстрація неявної інформації в текстах об’яв.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.04.2020
Размер файла 3,7 M

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Інформація у рекламі: засоби виявлення та приховування информация в рекламе: способы представления и скрытия

В.В. Лобанова

Розглянуто актуальну проблему: подання та приховування інформації. Ця проблема пов'язана з можливостями організації оптимального спілкування серед людей, які використовують сучасні засоби. Метою статті є аналіз ролі різних типів інформації в текстах реклами та способи їх вербалізації та приховування. Для досягнення цієї мети виконано такі завдання: коротко узагальнено теоретичний опис поняття інформації та її типів; описано явну вербалізацію інформації в рекламі; проілюстровано неявну інформацію в текстах об'яв. Явне відтворення інформації в обсязі обмеженого тексту потребує використання таких яскравих стилістичних засобів, як метафори, епітети, гра слів. Прихована інформація посідає чільне місце в креолізованих текстах і використовує такі методи, як звертання до яскравих персоналій, трансфер, відгуки, складання карт тощо.

Ключові слова: інформація, імпліцитна інформація, експліцитна інформація, реклама, креолізований текст.

Рассмотрена проблема, котораясегодняочень актуальна:проблема представления и сокрытия информации. Эта проблема связана с возможностями организации оптимальной коммуникации между людьми, использующими современные средства общения. Цель статьи - проанализировать роль различных типов информации в рекламных текстах и способы их вербализации и сокрытия. Для достижения этой цели решены следующие задачи: кратко изложено теоретическое описание понятия информации и ее типов; описана явная вербализация информации в рекламе; проиллюстрирована неявная информация в текстах объявлений. Явное предоставление информации в ограниченном объеме текста требует использования таких ярких стилистических приемов, как метафоры, эпитеты, игра слов. Скрытая информация представлена, главным образом, в форме креолизованных текстов и использует такие методы, как обращение к известным персоналиям, трансфер, отзывы, составление карт и другие.

Ключевые слова: информация, имплицитная информация, эксплицитная информация, реклама, креолизованный текст.

The article deals with the problem which is of relevance nowadays: the problem of presenting and hiding information. This problem is connectedwith the possibilities of organizing optimal communication among people using the contemporary mt-ans ofdoing it. The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of various types of information in advertisement texts and the ways of their verbalization and hiding. To achieve this aim we are to fulfill the following tasks: to summarise briefly the theoretical description of the notion of information and its types; to describe explicit verbalization of information in advertisements; to illustrate implicit information in ad texts. The explicit rendering of information in limited text volume needs using such bright stylistic devices as metaphors, epithets, wordplay. Hidden information possesses the main place there. It's effected mainly in the form of creolized texts and uses such techniques as name calling, glittering generalities, transfer, testimonial, bandwagon, card stacking etc.

Keywords: information, implicit information, explicit information, advertising, creolized text.

Setting of a problem on the whole and its connection with important scientific or practical goals. The article deals with the problem which is of relevance nowadays: the problem of presenting and hiding information. This problem is connected with the possibilities of organizing optimal communication among people using the contemporary mans of doing it.

Assignment of the parts of the general problem considered in the submitted paper that have not been dealt with. The problems of information and advertisement are found among the most investigated ones. The papers by I. R. Galperin, V. L. Muzikant, T Kosmeda, V. Zirka are just some highlights in the sea of the scientific papers under discussion. The founders of the theory of information are N. Winer [6], S. Shannon, W. Weaver [5] and others. But the problem is so vast that such aspect of it as some ways of hiding information has not been studied yet. вербалізація інформація реклама

The purpose of the paper and setting of the task. The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of various types of information in advertisement texts and the ways of their verbalization and hiding. To achieve this aim we are to fulfill the following tasks:

- to summarise briefly the theoretical description of the notion of information and its types;

- to describe explicit verbalization of information in advertisements;

- to illustrate implicit information in ad texts.

Presentation of research with complete validation of obtained results. Not a few scientists have studied the problem of information as the issue of theory of information, cybernetics, psychology and linguistics. In linguistics I. R. Galperin identifies three types of information:

- content-factual information - information about facts, events and processes taking place in the surrounding world; always explicit and verbalized;

- content-conceptual information conveys to the reader the author's understanding of relations between the phenomena described by means of content-factual information, understanding of their cause-effect relations, importance in social, economic, political and cultural life of people including relations between individuals. This kind of information is deduced from the whole literary work and is a creative re-understanding of these relations, facts, events and processes; not always explicit;

- content-implicative information is hidden information that can be deduced from content-factual information due to the ability of linguistic units to generate associative and connotative meanings and also due to the ability of sentences conveying factual information to acquire new meanings [7].

There are some other classifications of information which are also relevant for our study. Thus Ph. Nelson [4] speaks about the four types of information: qualitative, quantitative, primary and secondary.

Qualitative information is non-numeric information based on the quality of an item or object.

Quantitative information is information than can be directly measured and can be seen as factual information rather than opinion.

Primary information is information that you collect yourself. For example carrying out a survey or using sales figures from your own cash registers. Since you are 100% sure where the information came from as you are the primary source then primary information can be seen as reliable and accurate if it has been collected together in the correct way. Obtaining primary information is more expensive as you need to collect, store and analyze the information yourself.

Secondary information is information that is collected from a secondary source outside of your own organization. Using secondary information is riskier than using primary information as you are relying on someone else to collect and supply the information and you need to ensure it comes from a reliable source. A good source of secondary information would be from a trusted document such as an encyclopaedia [4].

It is also advantageous to consider a three-fold vertical division of types of information according to [3]:

- constructional/creative information: this includes all information that is used for the purpose of producing something. Before anything can be made, the originator mobilizes his intelligence, his supply of ideas, his know-how, and his inventiveness to encode his concept in a suitable way;

- operational information: All concepts having the purpose of maintaining some “industry” in the widest sense of the word are included under this kind of information. Many systems require operational information in the form of programs for proper functioning. These programs are indispensable and ensure that the preconceived processes run as expected;

- communication information composed of all other kinds of information, e.g., letters, books, phone calls, radio transmissions, bird songs, and the message of the Bible. The goals are transmission of a message, spreading joy, amusement, instruction, and personal confidences.

One of contemporary linguistic phenomena which cannot be dropped from our perception whether we want it or not is advertisement. Advertisement can be defined as a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service, or a piece of text that tells people about a job, etc.

Naturally this type of discourse is to persuade a big amount information in very short time which demands it to express information explicitly and implicitly.

"Creolized text" is one of the key concepts used to describe caricatures consisting of a verbal part and an image. The boundaries of the definition of this term have not yet been clearly indicated. The term "creolized text" was introduced by Yu.A. Sorokin and E.F. Tarasov. The scientists defined it as follows: "Creed texts - texts, the texture of which consists of two non-homogeneous parts (verbal language (verbal) and nonverbal (belonging to other sign systems, rather than natural language)"[8, p. 180-181]. The explicit rendering of information in limited text volume needs using such bright stylistic devices as metaphors, epithets, wordplay etc. Let's consider some examples:

Your wife is HOT. Buy a conditioner (ambiguous epithet to make drivers air- condition their cars).

Thorntons new chocolates bars. Not everyone S a fruit and nut case. Thorntons bring you a new selection of chunky chocolate bars. Milk chocolate.Dark chocolate.Autumn Nuts.Toffee.Winter Nut and Fruit.And Ginger. You're spoilt for choice. So spoil yourself (epithets, idioms, metaphors give convincing information about Thorntons chocolate).

Thus it is, first of all, challenging, secondly, economical, thirdly, psychologically explained to hide a certain amount of information in advertising texts. The following text doesn't say what ii advertised, anyway it arises interest to the subject by using homophones:

what makes sense for you, not just cents for us.

The criteria for evaluating the searched-for solution are found both in the conceptual stage (semantic aspect of the information) and in the sophistication of the implementation (pragmatics). One or more of the following catchwords characterize these criteria depending on the situation: underlying functional concept, degree of inventiveness, cleverness of the method of solution, achieved optimality, input strategy, brevity of construction time, applied technology, suitable programming, and degree of miniaturization (e.g., economical use of material and energy).

Ann McClintock [2] introduces the notion of Propaganda which is a systematic effort to influence people's opinions, to win them over to a certain view or side. Some of them can be referred to hidden information in advertisement. Let's consider the following advertisement of radiostation:

According to McClintock, we are having such propaganda method as Name Calling. In fact the name is hidden here but everyone easily recognizes the famous poster with Uncle Sam who is replaced by John Lennon in the picture. This advertisement for the promotion of a radio station where rock music is played was done by the agency Lua Propaganda in Sao Paulo. This is a modern version of the poster "I Want You for U.S. Army "of 1917, painted by James Montgomery Flagg.

Surrounding a product with attractive -- and slippery -- words and phrases, often too vague to define and may have different meanings to different people which is called Glittering Generalities who are shown in the advertisement.

Transfer is another technique of propaganda trying to improve the image of a product by associating it with a symbol most people respect, hoping that the prestige of the symbol will carry over to the product.

Testimonial: Similar to Transfer, this technique capitalizes on the admiration people have for a celebrity to make a product more appealing.

Some other techniques of advertising propaganda can be illustrated by the following example:

The advertisement of dog's nutrition is accompanied by the inscription: Stop treating your dog like a trashcan.

Here we can observe Plain Folks technique: an approach appealing to the everyday person and Bandwagon: Advertising peer pressure, suggesting that “Everyone's doing it. What's wrong with you?” People generally want to fit in, not be seen as different, be on the winning team.

One more important propaganda technique described by McClintock is Card Stacking: One side may suppress or distort evidence, tell half-truths, oversimplify the facts, or set up a “straw man” -- a false target -- to divert attention from the issue at hand. It may be illustrated by the following advertisement of computer game Assassin's Creed demonstrating the horrors of Victorian England.

Famous ad man David Ogilvy once said, "I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information." Whatever else advertising is trying to do, whether with words or pictures, its purpose always is to impart information. The information isn't always about a product or service, though.

Conclusions and prospects of future search in this direction

The results of our research of various types of information in advertisements show that hidden information possesses the main place there. It's effected mainly in the form of creolized texts and uses such techniques as name calling, glittering generalities, transfer, testimonial, bandwagon, card stacking etc. The prospects of our investigation are seen in the study of lexical peculiarities of advertisement explicit and implicit information.


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blogspot.com/2009/10/ann-mcclintock- essay.html

3. McQuerrey Lisa. What Best Explains the Purpose of Advertising / L. McQuerrey// [Електронний ресурс]. - Режимдоступу: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/explains- purpose-advertising-36432.html

4. Nelson Phillip. Advertising as Information Journal of Political Economy. - Vol. 82. - No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 1974). - P. 729 -754.

5. Shannon С. The Mathematical theory of communication / С. Shannon, W. Weaver. - University of Illinois Press, 1963.

6. Винер H. Кибернетика, или Управление и

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