Preservation of the suggestive potential in advertising discourse: translation aspect
Advertising discourse as an integral element of modern culture and society. The effect of suggestion as the ratio of linguistic factors and extralinguistic factors that were actualized as a result of various lexical and semantic transformations.
Рубрика | Маркетинг, реклама и торговля |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 21,1 K |
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Sumy state university
Preservation of the suggestive potential in advertising discourse: translation aspect
V.S. Kulish,
candidate in philology, senior lecturer
O.M. Zavhorodnia,
advertising discourse suggestion extralinguistic
This article deals with advertising discourse and suggestive potential in advertising texts. Advertising discourse is considered as integral element of modern culture and society. Today advertising is a communication element, which combines participants of global market. An important factor of the suggestion is the preliminary reinforcement on the authority by the source of influence. It should be noted that the effectiveness of a suggestion depends on trust or distrust of the source information (the addresser) that affects perceptions. The effect of suggestion is described as correlation of linguistic factors and extralinguistic factors which actualized due to different lexico-semantic transformations. Suggestion by verbal means, that is the linguistic influence on the subsequent behavior of the addressee, is created as a result of the mutual effect of a large number of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that constitute an act of communication. The text of an advertisement is the best example of the most effective use of linguistic means for the purpose of suggestion. Non-verbal component in advertising texts is represented by illustrative elements (illustration, photo); font (different size, type and color); way of placing marks on the page (direction), the color of the background. It is an integral part of advertising, which can not only emphasize and enhance the effect of the text, but also completely replace it. Our research is focused upon the translation aspect of investigation. It should be taken into account the specifics of both languages and the suggestive effect that this text should pass on to the consumer. The lexico-semantic transformations in the translation will allow any text to be adapted to the language of translation and will achieve the maximum effect of reproducing the original message and preserving its suggestive potential.
Key words: advertising discourse, advertising texts, suggestive potential, translation aspect, lexico-semantic transformations, communication.
Main part
Problem statement. Since the second half of the twentieth century, for many scientists in various branches of knowledge (psychology, linguistics, sociology, etc.) the subject of the study is the impact on the subconscious and consciousness of a person, the need to predict, analyze and correct the behavior of the individual. Today advertising by means of a suggestion propagandizes certain values, influences our relation to the environment and to itself. The advertizing discourse is the integral element of modern culture. The consumer society is guided by an incredibly wide range of products thanks to advertising texts that actually direct the actions of buyers and help to decide whether to buy one or another product or not. There is no doubt that advertising is a peculiar process of communication between the seller and the potential buyer. Printed advertising appeals to the reader, primarily by the linguistic means used by the author to attract the attention of buyers, therefore, the study of the language side of the advertisement is quite relevant. The study of the translation peculiarities of advertising texts is relevant not only because of the large prevalence of this phenomenon, but also because of the importance of correctness of the reality representation in translation. In addition, such studies are important for the development of advertising science and improving the process of creating advertising text. It is very important not to lose the suggestive potential of the advertisement during the translation.
Literature review. Interest of linguistic science in advertizing is caused by the general direction of the research of language as an instrument of influence (P.B. Parshyn, O.S. Popova). Various aspects of advertising become an object of a research of linguists: lexical, semantic, stylistic features (O.I. Zelinska, B. Sovinski); syntactic features of advertising texts (O.V. Vynohradova, S.H. Kara-Murza, M.M. Kokhtiev, D.E. Rozental, Ye. S. Tiufkii); pragmalinguistic aspects (A.V. Holodnov, Yu. B. Kornieva, N.S. Lysa, I.P. Moiseienko, O.S. Tkachuk-Miroshnychenko); advertising research based on text categories (M.L. Kramarenko, N.S. Reva); advertising discourse (N.L. Volkohon, A.P. Martyniuk, A.V. Olianych); advertising communication (L.A. Kochetova, H.H. Pocheptsov); study of cognitive aspects (O.V. Anopina, O.V. Medvedieva); communicative and pragmatic peculiarities (O.O. Ksenzenko, O.V. Leshchenko, Yu. K. Pyrohova) [1, с. 163].
The aim of the article is to find out the lexical elements of suggestion potential (the object of the article) in advertising texts (the subject of the article). This aim implies the following tasks:
- to explicate the notions of advertising texts and suggestive potential;
- to find out lexical elements with suggestion potential;
- to analyze the ways of rendering suggestive potential in advertising texts;
- to distinguish the lexical-semantic transformation, which used for its translation.
The research material consists of English advertising texts, selected from Internet resources.
Results and discussion. Advertising discourse is a cognitive process that is associated with the formation of the text, and advertizing text is a language segment, the result of speech and thinking. Advertizing creates actions in which the recipient and the communicator enter into certain social relations [2, с. 68].
Today the advertizing discourse can be investigated within various classifications of discourse. It combines the features of argumentative and institutional discourse. Being part of institutional discourse, advertising affects people by offering a style of behavior and existence that is popular in this period of development of society. Advertising discourse as a kind of argumentative discourse must inform the recipient about the product and by means of suggestion to convince that it needs to be bought.
Persuasion and suggestion as elements of argumentation differ in awareness of the influence by the addressee [3, с. 322-324]. Persuasion is the process of conscious acceptance of ratings, thoughts and stereotypes of behavior belonging to the group. In the process of persuasion, the appeal is mainly formed to the rational sides of experience, knowledge, psyche, logical thinking, which, however, does not exclude the participation of feelings and emotions [4, с. 465]. Suggestion is a process of mental impact on a person or group with a weakened conscious control, uncritical evaluation of the content of perceived messages; the content of influence is directed by the person's readiness to obey an order and not to its logic sence, the ability to think and analyze. In social psychology, the suggestion is a specially organized type of communicative influence, as in particular in advertising.
An important factor of the suggestion is the preliminary reinforcement on the authority by the source of influence. It should be noted that the effectiveness of a suggestion depends on trust or distrust of the source information (the addresser) that affects perceptions. Suggestion as a «pure» form is identical to absolute trust of the content transferred by the communicator. The notion of «counter-suggestion» is associated with the opposite mechanism, it is distrust to the message.
It is important that some scholars, in particular A. Bielova, consider to be impossible to divide the argumentation in the advertising discourse into components (suggestions and persuasion). Therefore, they consider the components in unity, noting at the same time that the effectiveness of the influence of advertising is more in the suggestion, rather than in the logical proof [5, с. 57].
It is evident that important motives of the purchase are at a subconscious level and the recipient can not understand them when they are asked about the particular brand or product. Therefore, the influence on the subconscious (suggestive influence) ensures the efficiency of the sale of goods and services.
Due to the emergence and further development of new electronic media, advertising is changing. It ceases to be a kind of one-way communication in which the recipient is a passive participant of communicative act. The World Wide Web, combining the technological capabilities of other media, facilitated the transformation of advertising into a two-way communication, and the recipient turned into an active participant in the advertising process [6, с. 45].
Actually, the translation of advertising text is one of the most difficult part of the work, because it should be taken into account not only the specifics of both languages, but also the suggestive effect that this text should pass on to the consumer. It is possible to separate such methods of translation of advertising texts that help to preserve the suggestive potential: direct translation, lack of translation, adaptation, revision.
Detailed investigation will be able to expedience of such means. Many advertising texts can be translated literally. It is promoted by their laconicism, light structure, existence of widely known words and so forth, e.g.: Miche. Fashion at the speed of life - Miche. Мода на швидкості життя [7].
It is possible to tell about lack of the translation when the advertising text has the simple structure understandable to a wide range of consumers. These types of advertising texts are used to draw the attention of consumers to the foreign origin of the product, and therefore to its better quality. For example: Gucci by Gucci [8]. It should be noted that the brand name plays a key role here, and the text itself is already not so important, therefore, it does not require translation.
Moreover, adaptation is used to preserve the suggestive potential of an advertisement. This is due to the fact that in English language, simple phrases can have a deep meaning, which is lost with direct translation. Thus, the translator needs to look for specific means to convey the content and stylistic components of the original text, adapt it to the features of the target language.
To achieve the equivalence between the source text and the target text during the adaptation of the text, the interpreter often has to resort to the use of different types of lexico - semantic transformations.
Lexico-semantic transformations are used in the translation process if the source text has a non-standard unit of speech at the level of a word, phrase or sentence. These lexical units are very important in the translation process, because, being relatively independent of the context, they nonetheless give the translated text a different orientation, depending on the translator's selected equivalent in the language of translation. L. Naumenko and A. Gordieieva distinguish the following types of lexico-semantic transformations: contextual replacement, loan translation, descriptive translation, transcoding, antonymic translation, compression, decompression, permutation, transposition, concretization, generalization [9, с. 4-5]. We will consider how some of them are used to preserve the suggestive potential of advertising texts during translation.
Transcoding is a way of translating through the reproduction of a sound or graphic form of the word of the original language by means of the target language of translation. There are four types of transcoding: transcription, transliteration, mixed and adaptive type [9, с. 13]. During the translation of advertising texts, the mixed type of transcoding is most commonly used, e.g.: The Future's Bright. The Future's Orange. - Майбутнє - яскраве, майбутнє - це Орандж [10], the word orange - апельсин, can be translated into Ukrainian, but this was not done, because then we would have lost the informational content of the ad text.
Concretization is a lexico-semantic transformation as a result of which the word with broader semantics in source language is replaced with a word with narrower semantics in target language [9, с. 22], e.g.: The thing you want when you order salad. - Страва, яку ти бажаєш, коли замовляєш салат [11]. The word thing - річ has a very blurred semantics, so it is often concretized, based on the context of the message.
Decompression is the addition of lexical units to translation, e.g.: Talk to your daughter before the industry does. - Поговоріть зі своєю дочкою до того, як індустрія краси зробить це [12]. The word industry have translated as індустрія краси, in order that consumers who are not familiar with the Dove trademark have understood meaning of the advertisement.
Compression is the removal of some lexical units in translation, which do not contain essential information or prevent the creation of an accurate translation, for example: Whatever you imagine, fit in. - Такий, як ти уявляв [13]. This part - fit in - пристосовуватись, підходити was removed during translation, because it does not add any significant information and would interfere with the holistic perception of the message.
The loan translation is used sometimes. It is a way of transferring the denotative meaning of the lexical unit of the original language without preserving the sound or spelling, but with the reproduction of its structural model. The loan translation served as the basis for a large number of different kinds of borrowing in intercultural communication in those cases where transliteration was inappropriate, e.g.: Extraordinary food for extraordinary dogs. - Надзвичайна їжа для надзвичайних собак [14]. The word extraordinary has many translations: чудовий, незвичний, видатний, but the loan translation has been used for expressivity of this utterance.
Another method of translation of advertising texts is revision, which involves the formation of a completely new advertising text in the language of translation. For example: Maybe she's born wUh U, Maybe U's Maybellme. - Всі в захваті від тебе, а ти - від Мейбелін [15]. Revision is used by translators if adaptation of the text is not possible, the adapted text fails or does not reflect the main suggestive potential contained in the message. But it should be noted that revision is a rather risky translation technique that can completely change the manufacturer's idea, so it should only be used in case of an urgent need.
Conclusions. Translation of advertising texts is a complex, creative process that requires consideration of many factors. We must realize that advertising texts should promote the sale of goods, therefore they must be persuasive and create vivid images in the minds of consumers. The lexico-semantic transformations in the translation will allow any text to be adapted to the language of translation and will achieve the maximum effect of reproducing the original message and preserving its suggestive potential. The study of advertising texts needs to take into account the dynamism of advertising messages over time. The materials of this study can be used in the work of translators, as well as in subsequent studies of advertising texts, problems of their translation, problems of adaptation of advertising texts to the language of translation, etc.
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