Valuation of parity of foreign trade relations by branding tools

Peculiarity of studying the theoretical aspects of Ukraine's strategic partnership. Research on the assessment of parity of foreign trade relations between countries using branding as a tool for managing the competitiveness of the national economy.

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Valuation of parity of foreign trade relations by branding tools

Studinska G.Y.


The methodological approach to the assessment of parity of trade relations is proposed. The analysis of the volume of export and import, their commodity structure is considered as a traditional cost approach to assess the equivalence of foreign trade operations of the country. The use of branding tools in assessing the technological or status level of trade relations between countries is substantiated. The mechanism of calculating the indicator of territorial branding and the indicator of branding of the country per capita is demonstrated. The efficiency of the brand-oriented format for the development of the national economy has been proved. In order to increase the competitiveness of the national economy, adoption and implementation of brand-oriented development strategy by Ukraine is recommended.

Background. Contemporary globalization determines the development strategy of each country, affects the change in the economic behavior of its subjects of business and the nature of consumer behavior, which is perceived as a tendency to seek benefits that would ensure the competitiveness of domestic goods, services, companies producing and providing them, territories, in within the limits of which the economic activity is carried out. Countries compete in the search for resources, highly skilled specialists, but the world market of goods and services remains the main area of competition, where the destiny of national economies is resolved in relation to their specialization, cooperation, socioeconomic efficiency and establishes the geopolitical role of the country in the world «scenario» of development. The assessment of foreign trade relations between the countries serves as an indicator of compliance with modern geo-economic challenges, and a comparative analysis of this assessment demonstrates the equivalence of trade relations between countries. Branding as a sign of modern trends in the promotion of goods, services, companies, even territories by the countries proves the efficiency and reliability of its use, the long-term nature of its results, the wide range of its implementation, which makes it considered as a tool for assessing the parity of trade relations between countries. This proves the relevance of the chosen topic of study, distinguishes its scientific and practical tasks.

Analysis of research and publications. The issue of the parity of foreign trade relations between the countries of the world attracts research institutions, in particular the National Institute for Modern Studies, many domestic and foreign scientists. Thus, Parakhonsky B. and Yavorskaya G. [1] thoroughly study the theoretical aspects of Ukraine's strategic partnership; Professor Rainert E. explores strategies of mutual trade relations between countries as a factor for their enrichment [2]. There are many analytical studies on establishing the parity of economic relations of some countries through the analysis of exports and imports, their commodity and geographic structure.

The unexplored part. At the same time, the above-mentioned researches are kept untouched in the light of modern tendencies, where branding is of key importance, the role of which is devoted to this article.

The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological approach to assessing the parity of foreign trade relations between countries using branding as an instrument for managing the competitiveness of the national economy and an indicator of compliance with modern trends in economic development. Based on the purpose of the study, let's single out the following tasks: 1) Determination of the methodological approach to the assessment of the parity of foreign trade relations between countries; 2) Demonstration of his individual results; 3) Formulating the role of branding in the formation of parity between countries.

Material and methods. The fulfillment of this scientific study is guided by the following general criteria: conceptual, that providing the possibility of obtaining integrated conclusions; systematic, that showing results in dynamics; objectivity, on the basis of which it is possible to check and control the research; comprehensiveness, which allows to reveal the general laws and to design the necessary direction of the following actions; publicity, whose competence permits the existence of other views on the proposed approach.

Keywords: trade relations parity assessment, status parity, territorial branding index, country brand per capita indicator.



Студінська Г. Я.

Постановка проблеми. Оцінка зовнішньоторговельних відносин між країнами виступає індикатором відповідності сучасним геоекономічним викликам, а компаративний аналіз цієї оцінки демонструє еквівалентність торговельних відносин між країнами. Брендинг як ознака сучасних тенденцій в просуванні країнами товарів, послуг, компаній, навіть територій доводить ефективність та надійність його застосування, довготривалість його результатів, наявність широкого спектру його імплементації, що спричиняє розглядати це явище у якості додаткового інструменту оцінки паритетності торговельних відносин між країнами. Саме це свідчить про актуальність обраної теми дослідження, виокремлює його наукові та практичні завдання.

Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Питання паритетності зовнішньоторговельних відносин між країнами світу приваблює для дослідження науково-дослідні заклади, зокрема Національний інститут сучасних досліджень, багатьох вітчизняних та зарубіжних науковців. Так, Парахонський Б. та Яворська Г. [1] ґрунтовно вивчають теоретичні аспекти стратегічного партнерства України, професор Райнерт Е. С. досліджує стратегії взаємних торговельних відносин між країнами як фактор їх збагачення [2]. Багато існує аналітичних досліджень стосовно встановлення паритетності економічних відносин окремих країни через аналіз обсягів експорту та імпорту, їх товарної та географічної структури. Разом з тим, залишається недоторканими згадані дослідження з урахуванням сучасних тенденцій, де ключове значення має брендинг, ролі якого присвячено дана стаття.

Метою даного дослідження є формування методологічного підходу до оцінки паритетності зовнішньоторговельних відносин між країнами з використанням брендингу як інструменту управління конкурентоспроможністю національної економіки та індикатора відповідності сучасним тенденціям економічного розвитку.

Матеріали і методи. Виконання даного наукового дослідження керується наступними загальними критеріями: концептуальність, що забезпечує можливість отримання інтегрованих висновків; систематичність, що демонструє результати у динаміці; об'єктивність, на підставі якої створюється можливість перевіряти та контролювати дослідження; всеосяжність, яка дозволяє виявити загальні закономірності та спроектувати необхідний напрям наступних дій; публічність, в компетенції якої допускається існування інших поглядів на запропонований підхід.

Результати дослідження. Запропоновано методологічний підхід до оцінки паритетності торговельних відносин. Аналіз обсягу експорту та імпорту, їх товарної структури розглядається як традиційний вартісний підхід щодо оцінки еквівалентності зовнішньоторговельних операцій країни.

Обґрунтовано використання засобів брендингу в оцінці технологічного або статусного рівня торговельних відносин між країнами. Продемонстровано механізм розрахунку показника територіальноїбрендованості та показника брендованості країни на одного мешканця. Доведено ефективність бренд-орієнтованого формату розвитку національної економіки. Для підвищення конкурентоспроможності національної економіки рекомендовано прийняття та реалізація Україною бренд-орієнтованої стратегії розвитку.

Висновки. Розглянутий методичний підхід оцінки паритетності торговельного партнерства країн дозволяє зробити висновок про відсутність паритету у торговельних відносинах України із країнами, рівень соціально-економічного розвитку яких є для України бажаним. Досягнення нашою країною цього рівня можливе в бренд-орієнтованому форматі, який забезпечує умови для якісних змін економічної поведінки споживачів, суб'єктів господарювання, секторальної структури національної економіки, завдяки чому зростає заробітна плата працівників, прибутки виробників, доходи акціонерів, споживчий ринок, збільшуються податки у бюджети всіх рівнів, ринкова капіталізація та ліквідність активів компаній, зростають обсяги інвестицій, технологічного експорту. Брендинг сприяє встановленню паритетності експортно-імпортного торговельного балансу країни. Саме тому, впровадження бренд-орієнтованої стратегії розвитку України є своєчасним та актуальним заходом для підвищення конкурентоспроможності національного господарства та помітного покращення соціально-економічного рівня наших громадян.

Ключові слова: оцінка паритетності торговельних відносин, статусний паритет, показник територіальної брендованості, показник брендованості країни на одного мешканця.



Студинская Г. Я.

Постановка проблемы. Оценка внешнеторговых отношений между странами выступает индикатором соответствия современным геоэкономическим вызовам, а компаративный анализ этой оценки демонстрирует эквивалентность торговых отношений между странами. Брендинг как характеристика современных тенденций в продвижении странами товаров, услуг, компаний, а также территорий доказывает эффективность и надежность его применения, продолжительность его результатов, наличие широкого спектра его имплементации, что стимулирует рассматривать это явление в качестве дополнительного инструмента оценки паритетности торговых отношений между странами. Именно это свидетельствует об актуальности темы исследования, выделяет его научные и практические задачи.

Анализ последних исследований и публикаций. Вопрос паритетности внешнеторговых отношений между странами вызывает интерес исследования как у отдельных ученых, так и научноисследовательских учреждений, в частности Национального института современных исследований. Парахонский Б. и Яворская Г. [1] фундаментально изучают теоретические аспекты стратегического партнерства Украины, профессор Райнерт Е. С. исследует стратегии взаимных торговых отношений между странами как фактор их обогащения [2]. Большинство аналитических исследований по установлению паритетности экономических отношений отдельных стран опираются на традиционный анализ динамики экспорта и импорта, их товарной и географической структуры. Вместе с тем, современные тенденции международной торговли, характеризующиеся бренд- ориентированным экспортом экономически развитых стран, остаются вне упомянутых исследований и оценки паритетности внешнеторговых отношений.

Целью данного исследования является формирование методологического подхода к оценке паритетности внешнеторговых отношений между странами с использованием брендинга как инструмента управления конкурентоспособностью национальной экономики и индикатора соответствия современным тенденциям экономического развития.

Материалы и методы. Изложение научного исследования руководствуется следующими общими критериями: концептуальность обеспечивает возможность получения интегрированных выводов; систематичность демонстрирует результаты в динамике; объективность создается возможность проверять и контролировать исследования; масштабность позволяет определить общие закономерности и спроектировать необходимое направление следующих действий; публичность допускает существование других взглядов на предложенный подход.

Результаты исследования. Предложен методологический подход к оценке паритетности торговых отношений. Анализ объема экспорта и импорта, их товарной структуры рассматривается как традиционный стоимостной подход к оценке эквивалентности внешнеторговых операций страны. Обосновано использование брендинга в оценке технологического или статусного уровня торговых отношений между странами. Продемонстрирован механизм расчета относительных показателей территориальной брендированности и брендированности страны на одного жителя. Доказана эффективность бренд-ориентированного формата развития национальной экономики. Для повышения конкурентоспособности национальной экономики рекомендовано принятие и реализация Украиной бренд-ориентированной стратегии развития.

Выводы. Рассмотренный методический подход оценки паритетности торгового партнерства стран позволяет сделать вывод об отсутствии паритета в торговых отношениях Украины с анализируемыми странами, уровень социально-экономического развития которых является для Украины желательным. Достижения нашей страной этого уровня возможно в бренд-ориентированном формате, который обеспечивает условия для качественных изменений экономического поведения потребителей, субъектов хозяйствования, секторальной структуры национальной экономики, благодаря чему растет заработная плата работников, прибыли производителей, доходы акционеров, потребительский рынок, увеличиваются налоги в бюджеты всех уровней, рыночная капитализация и ликвидность активов компаний, растут объемы инвестиций, технологического экспорта. Брендинг способствует установлению паритетности экспортно-импортного торгового баланса страны. Именно поэтому, внедрение бренд-ориентированной стратегии развития Украины является своевременным и актуальным мероприятием для повышения конкурентоспособности национального хозяйства и заметного улучшения социально-экономического уровня наших граждан.

Ключевые слова: оценка паритетности торговых отношений, статусный паритет, относительный показатель территориальной брендированности, показатель брендированности страны на одного жителя.


The scientists of the National Institute for Modern Research determine strategic partnership as a type of intergovernmental relations, built as a coherent system of state cooperation towards the implementation of common strategic tasks, interests and goals. In their opinion, the strategic partnership does not stipulate a rigid system of obligations of political, economic, humanitarian or security nature [1]. The absence of a rigid system of obligations, in our opinion, does not mean Ukraine's economic dependence on other countries, the more it does not require being a raw material appendage of the world economy. The search for a strategic trade partnership can be successfully achieved in the conditions of real industrial development of Ukraine through forcing the import substitution, in the conditions of fundamental changes in the sectoral structure of the national economy in favor of highly technological branches.

Ukraine cannot, leaving the agrarian specialization, provide high social standards in the country, since agriculture creates the smallest added value. Moreover, the domestic agrarian sector needs modernization, increasing the knowledge intensity, which will provide growth of the productivity of labor in agriculture and its profitability. The same applies to ferrous metallurgy, the share of which in the total export of Ukraine together with agricultural products is almost half. That is why Eric S. Rainert's right advice is: «Do not open very broadly for free trade until you have a solid national industrial base. Symmetrical economic integration between countries is good for both sides. Asymmetric integration tends to make poor partners poorer» [2, p.10].

Branding today serves as a reformer of economic development, an instrument for changing the sectoral structure of the national economy, an indicator of the parity of economic relations between countries. It is a hidden strategy for the development of many countries of the world, through which they have achieved economic success. Brand-oriented direction of development of national economies allows integrating of technical, technological, socioeconomic and political goals of the country, proves the harmony of the rise of individual economic entities and their competitiveness, ensures the growth of the economy as a whole and the well-being of its citizens.

The theoretical and methodological study of branding as an instrument for managing the economic development of the national economy, carried out in [3], gives reason to add to traditional methods of assessing the parity of trade relations using branding through applying of official statistics of Brand Finance [4] regarding the cost of national brands in the world, the cost brands of goods and services produced (provided) in these countries.

Approbation of proposed methodology is carried out in several works [5; 6]. The obtained results testify to the simplicity, transparency and accessibility of the approach to the assessment of the economic component of the partnership. In the context of this study, the methodology of the approach to evaluation is outlined, as shown in Fig. 1:

Figure 1. Methodology for assessing the parity of trade between countries

Source: proposed by the author

Traditional analysis of the dynamics of the volume of goods and services exported and imported by countries provides information about the level of value equivalence of goods and services. Even the analysis of the commodity structure of foreign trade relations does not provide a profound assessment of the parity of trade relations between the countries. Today, the parity of the economic component of the partnership between the countries is the equivalence of the value and the status (technological) level of goods and services in the foreign economic balance of these countries. The static or technological level of goods that are the objects of export and import of goods (services) demonstrates the level of technical development of the country, the sectoral structure of its national economy, the degree of innovation of its branches, which determines the country's place in the geo-economics space. Let's imagine schematically a parity trade partnership between countries in the light of the law «Dynamic equilibrium», which shown in the Fig. 2: strategic partnership competitiveness branding

Figure 2. Parity of trade partnerships of countries in the light of the Law of «Dynamic Equilibrium»

Source: compiled by the author

The assessment of value parity is carried out by comparing the volumes of exported and imported goods and services, the pace of change in these volumes (rates of growth, increment); the ratio of export-import, their share in the GDP of countries. The quantitative analysis of the foreign trade balance of the countries, the level of parity of the trade partnership that is being evaluated, gives grounds for drawing conclusions about the real openness of the countries in counter trade, the potential for expanding this cooperation, and also helps to determine the degree of disturbance of the equilibrium of parity relations. In particular, quantitative analysis of the foreign trade balance between Ukraine and the USA for 4 years (from 2014 to 2017), presented in Fig. 3, demonstrates the lack of even cost parity in trade in goods between countries.

Figure 3. Dynamics of export-import of goods Ukraine and the USA, millions of dol. USA

Source: calculated by the author for [7]

Moreover, trend lines are highlighted of forecast trends in trade relations between our countries, unless we take certain measures to change both the sectoral structure of the national economy and the structure of domestic exports.

The qualitative value parity of the trade partnership characterizes the commodity structure of export-import between the countries, presented in the table 1:

Table 1. Structure TOP-10 commodity positions in export, import of Ukraine and the USA, in 2018

Export of Ukraine to the USA

Million dollars USA


Import of Ukraine from the USA

Million dollars USA


Iron and steel



Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products



Products made of iron or steel



Vehicles other than railway, tram



Electrical and electronic equipment



Machines, nuclear reactors, boilers



Milk products, eggs, honey, food products



Electrical and electronic equipment



Ore slag and ash



Pharmaceutical products



Goods not specified by species






Animal, vegetable fats and oils, splitting products



Products made of iron or steel



Base metals, not specified elsewhere, metal ceramics.



Optical, photographic, medical device



Machines, nuclear reactors, boilers



Seeds, Fruits, Grains,



Wood and wood products, charcoal



Fish, crustaceans, mollusks, aquatic invertebrates















The data in Table 1 show that 70.5% of Ukrainian exports to the USA make up 2 commodity groups in 2017: 72 «Iron and steel» - 529.9 million dollars, 73 - «Iron and steel products» - 79.21 million dollars which testifies to the low level of manufacturability and uniformity of domestic exports to the USA. From the point of view of value creation, such an export structure must be considered primitive, that is, it does not stimulate the national economy for economic development. At the same time, almost 45% of US exports to Ukraine consists of high-tech products (machinery, nuclear reactors, equipment, cars, etc.), which in absolute terms amounts to more than 1 113 billion dollars. The coefficient of technology (as a share of high-tech products in the total volume) of Ukrainian exports is lower than 9 times for a similar export rate from the USA, which also indicates an inequivalent trade exchange.

The level of the status parity of the foreign trade balance between the countries can be determined as a result of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the use of branding in the national economy of the countries. The brand is considered in the context of the study of trade partnership as an integrative element of equivalent cooperation between countries, since, on the one hand, branding is the result of industrialization of the country, which ensures increase of labor productivity, expansion of the range of products, its stable quality and high profitability; On the other hand, the dynamics of the development of the system of commercial brands (goods, services, companies) and non-profit brands (territories, persons, organizations) demonstrates significant efficiency and prospects on the world market.

Activation of branding in the world as a result of modern globalization is confirmed by the analytical data of Brand Finance in terms of the dynamics and geographical structure of commercial brands in the global market for goods and services. The latter is presented in Fig. 4.

Figure 4. The geographic structure of the world TOP-500 brand of goods and services in 2018,% and billion dollars

Source: calculated by the author for [9]

Figures are presented in Fig. 4 demonstrate the current leadership of the United States in promoting brands of goods and services in the global market, which in 2018, in the total world-wide TOP-500 brands, was 42.8% (2

527.7 billion dollars). The notable role In the geographic structure of the TOR-500 Is played by China, Germany, France and Japan. At the same time, the analysis of the sectoral structure of global brands of goods and services provides the following structure: the share of technological brands makes up 23%, financial services - 14%, telecommunications services - 11%, retail services and brands of cars - 6%, the rest - 41%. The vast majority of TOP-100 brands are service brands, indicating a fundamental change not only in the development of world branding, but also in the global sectoral structure.

The mutual influence of commercial (goods and services) and non-commercial (territorial) brands in a brand- oriented format of the national economy creates a synergy of development of each component of this system. Country-of-origin (COO) of brands play an important role in its further promotion and on the contrary - a weak national brand depreciates the country's commercial brands. It should also be noted that there is a close link between the value of the TOP-10 national brands of the world and their GDP, which is traced to Fig. 5:

Figure 5. Correlation between GDP indicators and the cost of national brands TOP-10, billion dollars

Source: compiled by the author for [4]

An analysis of the sectoral structure of brands of goods and services provides qualitative Indicators that characterize the capacity of the country to promote domestic goods and services or the degree of use of globalization of the distribution of goods and services. There are no Ukrainian brands in the TOP-500 of global commercial brands according to Brand Finance, which makes it impossible to directly assess the parity of commodity exchange. However, the existence of a close link between the value of the country's commercial brands and the value of their national brands, which is shown in Table 2 allows us to offer another quality analysis component status of parity trading partnership through calculation of two relative indicators of evaluation:

The value of a national brand of a country per citizen;

The value of the national brand on the country's km2.

Table 2. Value of national brands and commercial brands of individual countries in 2018

Value of commercial brands, billion USA

National brand value, billion USD



















*The list of countries is selected based on the availability of information on both indicators in 2018. Source: compiled in [4]

The calculation of such Indicators allows taking Into account the territorial proportionality and average productivity of the territorial unit, as well as the different density of the population living in the countries.

In particular, given that the area of USA is 9 834 thousand km2, the population in 2017 is 325.7 million people, and the area of Ukraine - 603.6 thousand km2, the population as of 2017 - 42.4 million people, compare the relative indicators of branding of the territories of the USA and Ukraine are shown, shown in Fig. 6:

Figure 6. Relative indicators of branding of the USA and Ukraine, dollars

Source: calculated by the author

The calculations show that the Indicator of territorial branding In the USA Is 19 times higher than In Ukraine, and 41 times higher per citizen, which proves the effectiveness of branding as an instrument of economic development of the national economy in the USA and the necessity of its introduction into our country.

Compare the degree of branding of France, as one of the most branded countries in Europe and Ukraine. Considering that the area of France is 643.8 thousand square kilometers, the population (in 2016) - 66.9 million people, the country's branding indicators will look like in Fig.7:

Figure 7. Relative indicators of branding of France and Ukraine, dollars

Source: calculated according to the author's technique

The calculations show that the degree of territorial branding of France is almost 3 times higher than the same indicator in the USA and 41 times more than in Ukraine, the value of the national brand per one inhabitant in France exceeds the similar indicator in Ukraine by 28 times.

Note that the process of developing and managing the national brands of the USA, France and other European Union countries is a purposeful policy of these countries. In Ukraine, this process is inconsistent and chaotic. The errors of Ukrainian branding are discussed in detail in [9].

Today, the «historic brand» of Ukraine, which remained the legacy of the former Soviet Union, is actually being implemented. «Historical brand» only testifies to the existence of the former advantages of the country (often fictitious or exaggerated), but, unlike the desired (active) national brand, does not give and does not demonstrate the advantages of the country to the world, that is, the «historical brand» is a formal, idle instrument.

The proposed method for assessing the parity of trade relations complements traditional approaches and deepens the understanding of the equivalence of relations between countries due to the consideration of the current trends of the globalized world economy, as competition is currently taking place between brands, including national brands of countries. Establishment of parity of trade relations between Ukraine and the outside world can only be carried out under the condition of fundamental internal changes of the national economy, institutional environment, economic behavior of business entities and consumers.


Considered methodological approach to the assessment of the parity of the trade partnership of the countries makes it possible to conclude that there is no parity in trade relations between Ukraine and the countries, the level of their socio-economic development is desirable for Ukraine. Our country's achievement of this level is possible in the brand-oriented format, which ensures qualitative changes in the economic behavior of consumers, business entities, and the sectoral structure of the national economy, which results in an increase in employee wages, producer profits, shareholder income, the consumer market, increases in taxes in budgets all levels, market capitalization and liquidity of company assets, investment volumes, technological exports. Branding contributes to the establishment of parity of the country's export and import trade balance. That is why the introduction of a brand-oriented strategy for Ukraine's development is a timely and relevant measure to improve the competitiveness of the national economy and a noticeable improvement in the socio-economic level of our citizens.


1. Parakhonskyy, B., Yavorska, H. Stratehichne partnerstvo Ukrayiny. Analitychna zapyska Natsional'noho instytutu suchasnykh doslidzhen' [Analytical note by the National Institute of Modern Studies].

2. Raynert, E. S. (2014). Yak bahatikrayiny zabahatily... i chomu bidni krayiny zalyshayut'sya bidnymy [How the rich countries got rich ... and why poor countries remain poor]. K: Tempora, 444 s.

3. Studinska, G. (2019). Five secrets of the success of branding economy. Riga, Latvia: LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 157 p.

4. Ofitsiynyy sayt kompaniyi Brand Finance.

5. Studinska, G., Studinsky V. and others. (2018). Brand in the evaluation of the economic component of strategic partnership (on the example of Ukraine-France relations) : Monogr. Scientific development and achievements London: Sciemcee Publishing, P. 357-373.

6. Studinska, H. Ya., Studinskyy, V. A. (2018). Stratehichno partnerstvo Ukrayiny ta EC [Partnership between Ukraine and the EU]. Formuvannya rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukrayini : Zbirnyk naukovykh prats', 7-8 (206-207). K. : DNDIIME, S. 22-36.

7. Ofitsiynyy sayt Derzhstatystyky.

8. Ofitsiynyy sayt WorldCity, Inc.

9. Studinska, H. Ya. Instytutsiyni pomylky v ukrayinskiy praktytsi brenduvannya krayiny V Mizhnarodniy naukovo-praktychniy konferentsiyi [«Ekonomichne zrostannya: stratehiya, napryamy i priorytety»], [Institutional mistakes in the Ukrainian practice of country branding V International scientific and practical conference (Economic growth: strategy, directions and priorities)] (Skhidnoukrayinskyy instytut ekonomiky ta upravlinnya, m. Zaporizhzhya, 26 sichnya 2019 roku), S. 30-34.

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