Public marketing in territorial communities: positioning of services

Study of providing community activists with skills in building effective systems for positioning territories and developing the service sector of the territorial community by introducing marketing mechanisms in cooperation with public authorities.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 28.08.2022
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Public marketing in territorial communities: positioning of services

Uhodnikova Olena Igorivna PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


A big problem of rural and urban communities, small towns is a significant outflow of population, especially young people. This leads to social imbalance, the extinction of rural areas, reduced opportunities for development. The article describes the results of a project implemented in local communities during July-August 2021 to provide community activists with skills to build effective systems for positioning areas and develop services to the local community by implementing marketing mechanisms in cooperation with public authorities. The aim of the project is to support the organizational development of youth activism and create conditions for young leaders, to promote social cohesion and democratic change in communities. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were implemented: selection of community activists for their further training; providing theoretical knowledge in marketing, public marketing, entrepreneurial activity; development of practical cases for the implementation of marketing and public marketing mechanisms on the example of their own community; providing opportunities for self-presentation of community potential through the use of marketing and public marketing mechanisms; creation of an open discussion platform for the selection of the most pressing issues of the community; acquisition by activists of skills of introduction of mechanisms of marketing and public marketing for the purpose of the further training of other inhabitants of community and realization of new projects of development of territories.

Thus, the results of the project were to increase the level of awareness of residents of local communities and the formation of skills and competencies in the use of marketing technologies for the development of territories. The evaluation of the bull was conducted by conducting a questionnaire among project participants.

For the organizers, the return after the trainings, issues related to the implementation of their own projects, exchange of contacts for further consultation were effective. Liaison is currently being maintained with the Dergachiv, Solonitsy, Novohrad-Volynsky, and Zolochiv territorial communities to advise on projects that the communities plan to implement. The Solonytsia community invited representatives of the NGO NaDykhai to take part in the development of the community development strategy. In 2022, additional trainings are planned with the Association of Cities for representatives of various communities of Kharkiv region. Recommendations for the formation of strategic vectors of development of the Novograd-Volyn territorial community were given. We consider the continuation of cooperation with communities a high indicator of the effectiveness of the project.

Keywords: public marketing, marketing of territories, sphere of services, territorial communities marketing activist public power

Угоднікова Олена Ігорівна кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри туризму та готельного господарства Харківського національного університету міського господарства імені О.М. Бекетова


Анотація. Великою проблемою сільських і селищних громад, невеликих міст є суттєвій відтік населення, в першу чергу молоді. Це призводить до соціального дисбалансу, вимирання сільської території, зменшення можливостей для розвитку. У статті описано результати проєкту, що реалізовувався у територіальних громадах протягом липня-серпня 2021 року з метою надання активістам громад навичок побудови ефективних систем позиціонування територій та розвитку сфери обслуговування територіальної громади шляхом впровадження маркетингових механізмів у співпраці із органами публічної влади. Задача проєкту - підтримати організаційний розвиток молодіжного активізму та створити умови молодим лідерам, промотивувати соціальну згуртованість та демократичні зміни у громадах. Відповідно до мети були реалізовані наступні завдання: проведено відбір активістів громад з метою їх подальшого навчання; надання теоретичних знань із маркетингу, публічного маркетингу, підприємницької активності; розробка практичних кейсів реалізації механізмів маркетингу та публічного маркетингу на прикладі власної громади; надання можливостей самопрезентації потенціалу громади шляхом використання механізмів маркетингу та публічного маркетингу; створення відкритого дискусійного майданчика із відбору найбільш актуальних проблем громади; отримання активістами навичок впровадження механізмів маркетингу та публічного маркетингу з метою подальшого навчання інших жителів громади та реалізації нових проєктів розвитку територій.

Отже, результатами проєкту стало підвищення рівня поінформованості жителями територіальних громад та формування навиків та компетенцій застосування маркетингових технологій для розвитку територій. Оцінка булла проведена шляхом проведення анкетного опитування серед учасників проекту.

Для організаторів результативним стала віддача після проведення тренінгів, питання щодо реалізації власних проєктів, обмін контактами для подальшого консультування. Зараз підтримуються зв'язки із Дергачівської, Солоницівською, Новоград-Волинською, Золочівською територіальними громадами щодо консультування за проєктами, які громади планують реалізувати. Солоницівська громада запропонувала представникам ГО «НаДихай» взяти участь у розробці стратегії розвитку громади. На 2022 рік із Асоціацією міст заплановано проведення додаткових тренінгів для представників різних громад Харківської області. Були подані рекомендації до формування стратегічних векторів розвитку Новоград-Волинської територіальної громади. Вважаємо продовження співпраці із громадами високим показником результативності реалізації проєкту.

Ключові слова: публічний маркетинг, маркетинг територій, сфера послуг, територіальні громади.

Formulation of the problem

In the conditions of decentralization in Ukraine, territorial communities play an important role in the performance of functions that previously belonged only to the competencies of central authorities. A big problem of rural and urban communities, small towns is a significant outflow of population, especially young people. This leads to social imbalance, the extinction of rural areas, reduced opportunities for development. Working in communities, it was determined that young people want to return to their small homeland through family ties, friends, attachment to the place where they were born and raised. However, young people do not see prospects in their small homeland: lack of normal jobs with decent wages, poor infrastructure, low level of social services, lack of cultural and household facilities or their underdevelopment, lack of opportunities for self-realization. Thus, among the ways to solve this problem, we identified training of community activists on the possibility of creating their own development projects that would improve socio-economic status, development of cultural and social services, job creation and opportunities for self-realization through service development. The task of the public sector and bodies of self-organization of territorial communities is to create conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of services by attracting tourists to the territory through the use of elements of public marketing.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Due to the development of decentralization processes to support their scientific and practical support, a number of scholars have conducted research on this issue. In particular, the authors highlighted the problem of marketing positioning of territorial communities with the involvement of mechanisms of public administration in the works of the authors: Prydatko EM [1], Davidova OG [2], Kravtsiv IK [3], Ustyan O. Yu. [4],

Galachenko OO [5], Bondarenko VM Shershun KO [6]and others.

However, the search for effective marketing mechanisms to create comfortable living conditions, work, study and self-realization of young people in local communities at the public level remains unresolved.

The purpose of the article Thus, the aim of the study is to describe the results of the project implemented in local communities during July-August 2021 in order to provide community activists with skills to build effective systems of positioning and development of local community service through the introduction of marketing mechanisms in cooperation with public authorities. The aim of the project is to support the organizational development of youth activism and create conditions for young leaders, to promote social cohesion and democratic change in communities. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were implemented:

- selection of community activists for their further training was carried out,

- providing theoretical knowledge in marketing, public marketing, entrepreneurial activity,

- development of practical cases for the implementation of marketing and public marketing mechanisms on the example of their own community,

- providing opportunities for self-presentation of community potential through the use of marketing and public marketing mechanisms,

- creation of an open discussion platform for the selection of the most pressing issues of the community,

- Acquisition by activists of skills of introduction of mechanisms of marketing and public marketing for the purpose of the further training of other inhabitants of community and realization of new projects of development of territories.

Presenting main material

In Ukraine, since 2014, after the Revolution of Dignity, the system of state power has begun to transform towards decentralization in order to transfer a number of administrative powers to territorial communities, which will ensure the implementation of local interests and demands of the population. However, the lack of the necessary competencies of representatives of local authorities and bodies of self-organization of the population significantly hampered the practical implementation of regulatory approaches to the formation of conditions for decentralization of territories. Accordingly, activists of the public organization "NaDykhai" developed and implemented a project aimed at finding effective mechanisms for creating comfortable living, working, learning and self-realization of young people in local communities by implementing mechanisms of public marketing and marketing of territories.

Public marketing and marketing of territories should be defined as a large-scale process of systematic identification of the needs of the population, ensuring the availability of mechanisms to meet these needs [1 -2]. Thus, the first stage in the implementation of marketing mechanisms was the selection of the target audience, which is the basis for the formation of approaches to systematizing the needs of the community.

The target audience of the project is defined by activists of territorial communities, youth councils of territorial communities, representatives of design and planning and economic departments of local authorities working on the development of territorial development projects.

As part of the project, teams of active youth from the OTG of Kharkiv and Zhytomyr regions (Novograd-Volynskyi) were formed, for which training on the basics of project management was organized. The project included 9 one-day trainings, 7 of which were offline and 2 online. Teams of 5 to 10 people and 30 to 35 participants were invited to participate in the training. The training program included 3 lectures (1 hour) and 3 practical cases (1 hour). Two trainers worked with the participants. A total of 250 participants from 28 communities in Kharkiv and Zhytomyr oblasts took part in the project. 50 participants participated in the online format. According to gender division, 192 participants are women and other men.

Solonitsy Territorial Community - number of participants 37 (among them 12 representatives of the youth council, 10 representatives of local authorities working in the field of project management, 5 representatives of public organizations, 10 participants of the participation budget)

Novograd-Volyn Territorial Community, number of participants 21 (7 representatives of local authorities working in the field of project management, 14 participants of the participation budget)

Dergachiv Territorial Community - number of participants 34 (including 14 representatives of the youth council, 12 representatives of local authorities working in the field of project management, 7 representatives of public organizations, 1 local activist)

Novodolazka Territorial Community - number of participants 29 (among them 17 representatives of the youth council, 5 representatives of local authorities working in the field of project management, 7 participants of the participation budget)

Slobozhansk Territorial Community - number of participants 27 (representatives of the youth council and head of the department for youth and sports)

Zmiiv Territorial Community - number of participants 15 (representatives of the youth council)

Association of Ukrainian Cities - number of participants 28 (representatives of profile departments dealing with community project management from 27 territorial communities of Kharkiv region)

Zolochiv Territorial Community - number of participants 30 (representatives of the youth council)

Pisochyn Territorial Community - number of participants 29, (representatives of the youth council).

As part of the project, trainings were held on "Marketing mechanisms for the development of local communities: the public aspect." In each community, the training session was divided into two stages: theoretical and practical.

The theoretical part of the training defines the concept of marketing activities - a creative management activity, which consists in the analysis and implementation of practical measures to meet consumer needs, coordination of production system and distribution of goods, defining the algorithm for organizing the sale of goods [3 -4]. And also its components are analyzed.

The practical part was to divide the participants into teams and perform the following tasks by teams:

- identify the problem of development of the territorial community,

- set the goal of marketing positioning,

- describe the essence of the service development project,

- to paint milestones (tasks) of the project of development of the sphere of services on application of marketing mechanisms,

- create a calendar plan for the implementation of marketing activities,

- to develop a map of stakeholders, which will expand the possibilities of interaction in the framework of marketing positioning. Including the inclusion of public authorities in the map of stakeholders.

- determine the mechanisms for financing marketing activities,

- to determine promising results from the implementation of t erritorial marketing mechanisms and public marketing.

Short abstracts of the project were written by the teams on a sheet of paper and presented to all participants of the training. The project was discussed. Questions were asked, adjustments were made. The moderator made remarks on the competitive elements of the project and determined the advantages of its development.

Marketing positioning of territorial communities was carried out already during the project implementation. Information support of communities was provided by NaDykhai NGO through the resources of the social network Facebook, sites of local communities and their accounts in social networks, personal distribution of messages and e-mails to community members, through relevant department s of local authorities, heads of education departments of local communities, school principals , representatives of youth councils of communities. The results of the project implementation were displayed on the NaDihai NGO page on the social network Facebook (, and official community pages were posted for reposts in training posts.

In order to determine the effectiveness of the project, success indicators were established, namely:

- 100% positive feedback from participants after participating in the event through feedback questionnaires,

- 250 participants were covered, as confirmed by registration letters,

- development of at least three projects with programs of their marketing support for the local community in the field of services.

Thus, the results of the project were to increase the level of awareness of residents of local communities and the formation of skills and competencies in the use of marketing technologies for the development of territories. The evaluation of the bull was conducted by conducting a questionnaire among project participants.

For the organizers, the return after the trainings, issues related to the implementation of their own projects, exchange of contacts for further consultation were effective. Liaison is currently being maintained with the Dergachiv, Solonitsy, Novohrad-Volynsky, and Zolochiv territorial communities to advise on projects that the communities plan to implement. The Solonytsia community invited representatives of the NGO NaDykhai to take part in the development of the community development strategy. In 2022, additional trainings are planned with the Association of Cities for representatives of various communities of Kharkiv region. Recommendations for the formation of strategic vectors of development of the Novograd-Volyn territorial community were given. We consider the continuation of cooperation with communities a high indicator of the effectiveness of the project.


Therefore, among the results of the project it is advisable to identify the following:

- increasing the competencies of community activists in the application of marketing mechanisms and marketing technologies (as a result of the final survey after the training more than 89% of respondents who answered the questionnaire answered that they received new knowledge and competencies),

- Attracting projects to the budget of participation in the Novograd-Volyn city territorial community (in which the submission of project applications is currently underway). As a result of the training, the team was invited to the First Municipal Hackathon and presented the development of strategic development of the city (8 areas of development).

- assistance to communities in determining the priority areas of development of territorial development projects in order to find funding for their implementation or direct implementation without funding with the support of the community. Advice was provided on the festival of modern youth cultures in Solonytsivka, the team of NGO "NADykhai" was invited to develop a Community Development Strategy, provided recommendations on project documentation for the modernization of the local clinic in Dergachi, recommendations on local projects in Slobozhansky and sports volleyball section, project to assess the quality of teachers' work), the NGO team took part in the days of the city of Zolochiv with advice on the organization of the holiday as a separate project and its marketing support.

- analysis of projects that are already being implemented or planned to be implemented in order to rationalize them (festival of youth cultures, the First Municipal Hackathon, quality control of teachers, modernization of the stadium, modernization of the clinic).


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1. Придатко Є. М. Маркетинг територій у систємі управління соціально-економічним розвитком громади : Е. М. Придатко // Наукові праці ВНТУ. наук. зб. - Покровськ - Серія: Екон. - № 1 (22). - С. 81-89.

2. Давидова О.Г. (2015) Методика оцінки туристичної привабливості регіонів країни. українське суспільство. № 4. С. 97-107.

3. Кравців І.К. (2017) Маркетинг сільських територій прикордонного регіону в умовах нових вікликів eвроiнтeгрaцiї : автореф. дис. ... канд. економіка. наук : [спец] 08.00.05 «Розвиток продуктивних сил і регіональна економіка» / Кравців Ірина Костянтинівна; Інститут крaeзнaвcтвa імені Долішнього НАН України. Кандидатська дисертація. - Львів.

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  • Public Relations в кризисных ситуациях. Типология и стадии кризисов. Особенности управления и коммуникации в кризисных ситуациях. Public Relations: управление кризисом и возможностями. Правила поведения и работа с целевыми аудиториями в условиях кризиса.

    курсовая работа [467,8 K], добавлен 22.12.2010

  • Особенности и значение PR на современном этапе. История появления и развития связей с общественностью. Понятие и сущность Public Relations. Содержание PR-деятельности. Цели, функции, задачи и специфика социального посредничества. Виды и приемы PR.

    курсовая работа [43,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2012

  • Анализ отношений с общественностью в маркетинге организации. Определение роли и значения Public Relations (PR) в бизнесе. Основные методы PR, особенности процесса управления общественным мнением. Формирование имиджа фирмы. Смена канала восприятия.

    курсовая работа [144,0 K], добавлен 07.12.2012

  • Значение Public Relations в маркетинговой деятельности. Этапы развития PR-кампании. Краткая характеристика исследуемого предприятия и анализ основных технико-экономических показателей. Характеристика рекламной политики, виды используемой рекламы.

    курсовая работа [52,5 K], добавлен 22.03.2014

  • Research tastes and preferences of consumers. Segmenting the market. Development of product concept and determine its characteristic. Calculating the optimal price at which the firm will maximize profits. Formation of optimal goods distribution.

    курсовая работа [4,4 M], добавлен 09.08.2014

  • Понятие, функции и задачи Public Relations (PR) как функции менеджмента. Роль PR в общей системе маркетинговых коммуникаций на примере дизайн-студии. Основные средства организации PR, анализ его ключевых моделей. Конкретные методы формирования образа.

    курсовая работа [59,8 K], добавлен 23.03.2015

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