The implications of marketing research for tourism during the covid-19 pandemic

The role of marketing research in the field of tourism. Development of an adequate marketing strategy for a tourism enterprise in the context of COVID-19. Market transformation in a pandemic. Carrying out marketing research when reformatting the market.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 16.11.2022
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The implications of marketing research for tourism during the covid-19 pandemic

Svitlana Panchenko

PhD in Cultural studies, associate professor

Svitlana Litovka-Demenina

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department

of International Relations and Organization of

Tourism of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

The purpose of the article is, taking into account the importance of marketing research in the field of tourism, to propose an adequate marketing strategy for a tourism enterprise in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Methodology - the application of methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, forecasting, as well as the use of systemic, activity-based, historical approaches.

The scientific novelty is in the proposals for solving problems in the field of tourism, in particular, in conducting marketing research at travel companies in the conditions of Covid-19.

Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was found that tourism organizations require market monitoring in the context of Covid-19, constant and consistent marketing research in connection with the reformatting of the market with new challenges of the time.

Keywords: marketing research, pandemic, Covid-19, tourism product, tourism.

Панченко Світлана Анатоліївна

кандидат культурології, доцент

Літовка-Деменіна Світлана Григорівна

кандидат педагогічних наук,

доцент кафедри міжнародних відносин

та організації туристичної діяльності,

Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом

Значення маркетингових досліджень для сфери туризму

під час пандемії COVID-19

Мета статті - акцентувати на значенні маркетингових досліджень у сфері туризму, запропонувати адекватну маркетингову стратегію туристичного підприємства в умовах пандемії COVID-19.

Методологія дослідження полягає в застосуванні методів аналізу, синтезу, порівняння, узагальнення, прогнозування, а також у використанні системного, діяльнісного й історичного підходів.

Наукова новизна полягає в тому, що в цій статті представлені пропозиції з вирішення проблем у сфері туризму, зокрема в проведенні маркетингових досліджень на туристичних фірмах в умовах COVID-19.

Висновки. У результаті дослідження встановлено, що туристичні організації потребують моніторингу ринку в умовах COVID-19, постійного та послідовного проведення маркетингових досліджень у зв'язку із переформатуванням ринку через нові виклики часу.

Ключові слова: маркетингові дослідження, пандемія, COVID-19, туристичний продукт, сфера туризму.

Панченко Светлана Анатольевна

кандидат культурологии, доцент

Литовка-Деменина Светлана Григорьевна

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры международных отношений и организации туристической деятельности, Межрегиональная академия управления персоналом

Значение маркетинговых исследований для сферы туризма

во время пандемии COVID-19

Цель статьи - акцентировать внимание на значении маркетинговых исследований в сфере туризма, предложить адекватную маркетинговую стратегию туристического предприятия в условиях пандемии COVID-19.

Методология исследования заключается в применении методов анализа, синтеза, сравнения, обобщения, прогнозирования, а также в использовании системного, деятельностного и исторического подходов.

Научная новизна заключается в том, что в этой статье представлены предложения по решению проблем в сфере туризма, в частности в проведении маркетинговых исследований на туристических фирмах в условиях COVID-19.

Выводы. В результате исследования установлено, что туристические организации требуют мониторинга рынка в условиях COVID-19, постоянного и последовательного проведения маркетинговых исследований в связи с переформатированием рынка с новыми вызовами времени.

Ключевые слова: маркетинговые исследования, пандемия, COVID-19, туристический продукт, сфера туризма.


marketing research tourism pandemic

In connection with Covid-19, the world went online and marketing, marketing research did not stand aside, on the contrary, this area quickly moved to the digital plane. This situation can be called

unique. We are trying to figure out how the pandemic will affect all of humanity, what will change and which industry, in particular, marketing, will develop and in which direction.

Marketing is interpreted as an integral concept of enterprise development, the philosophy of its existence, carried out in such a way that the enterprise management system is based on the principles of mutually beneficial exchanges, and the management process is implemented as marketing management. It is obvious that the marketing-oriented activity of a manager necessarily presupposes the formation of a marketing style of thinking, which is associated with the presence of special personal qualities of the manager. Using the method of historical analysis, having studied the reasons for the emergence and evolution of marketing as a type of activity and as a science, as well as considering the change in the structural and content of the term «marketing», we came to the conclusion about the objective origin of the phenomenon of marketing culture, the possibility of its interpretation regarding the personality of the manager.

Research analysis and problem statement

Marketing features of tourism development are covered in the works of both domestic and foreign scientists: O. Dzhandzhugazova, G. Papyrian, F. Kotler and others. Marketing of services in their works was considered by domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners: F. Kotler, T. Primak, A. Kostyuchenko, E. Novatorov and others. Among the scholars who have studied the marketing aspects of tourism, we should mention such as N. Kudla, Y. Pravyk, I. Shkola, G. Bagiev, X. Ballesteros, U. Gret- zel, V. Kvartalnov, C. Koo, J. Xiang, S. Krasnov, S. Melnichenko, D. Nikulin, E. Romat, M. Sigala, M. Skopen, T. Tkachenko, M. Hernandez and others. The research of these authors is based on an in-depth analysis of the essence, problems and prospects of marketing, marketing research in tourism.

There are many definitions of marketing research in the marketing literature, tables with definitions of these concepts have been developed. In particular, F. Kotler [1], defining the essence of research, draws attention to the set of actions that need to be dug before a market decision is made. Other researchers define marketing research as the collection, processing, and analysis of data to reduce the uncertainty that is present in marketing decisions. Based on the definition of a well-known American scientist and other experts, we note that marketing research is a systematic and objective search and analysis of information to identify and solve arbitrary problems in the field of marketing.

The purpose of the article is, taking into account the importance of marketing research in the field of tourism, to propose an adequate marketing strategy for a tourism enterprise in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The result of the study. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, referring to the impact of the coronavirus on various sectors of the global economy, noted that tourism is one of the industries most affected by the pandemic. People do not travel, fear has settled in them, the future seems uncertain. The tourism industry was more affected by the lockdown that caused an epidemic in the global economy [].

Develop new principles, opportunities for analysis in marketing and research, as well as in the company Google, a socially organized organization of health protection of distribution on the head sides of their servers for additional.

1. Trust the solutions of local marketers;

2. Continuously analyze your organization's position on the market and strategy;

3. Analyze all the elements of advertising deception;

4. Focus on what is actionable, important;

5. Pick up your options to help others.

Joshua Spanier is Google's VP of Marketing. Marketers from all over the world work under his leadership. They plan, buy and run ads and track their performance on behalf of Google brands around the world. Joshua spoke about five principles to survive in the online marketing market during a pandemic and shared how his specialists work during the coronavirus outbreak [https ://www.thinkwithgoogle. com/intl/ru-ru/future-of-marketing/management-and-culture/covid-19- media-principles/].

The tourism sector needs to improve service standards, diversify tourism products and itineraries, improve the inbound tourism environment and shopping experience, explore creative marketing tools and smart consumption through online and offline integration, and foster new businesses, including digital tourism.

Marketing initiatives should include:

1. Planning the recovery of tourism markets and viewing tourism markets based on market research, taking into account existing conditions;

2. Planning for digital marketing projects to restore target tourism markets;

3. Predicting new travel opportunities in the future

4. Identification of travel agencies and tourism establishments affected by coronacrisis and compensation planning;

5. Communication to travel agencies and tourism establishments on compliance with health protocols;

6. Supply of sanitary and hygienic disinfectants for tourist establishments and sites [ turyzm-v-ukraini.pdf].

Travel companies need to carry out marketing activities for the correspondingly planned tasks. The planning of marketing tasks is based on the strategy of the travel company, namely, marketing research.

The main directions of marketing research in tourism:

- research of the internal potential of the enterprise;

- market share analysis;

- studying the characteristics of the market;

- sales analysis;

- study of trends in business activity,

- search for potential consumers;

- forecasting long-term market development trends;

ми інноваційно-інвестиційного розвитку. 2021. № 26

- studying the activities of competitors;

- study of tourism products;

- analysis of customer satisfaction with the services of the company [4].

There are five competitive forces that determine the attractiveness of a certain tourism market and the position of a given travel company in the competition in the travel industry, namely:

- the emergence of new competitors;

- the threat of replacing this product with new tourism products;

- strength of the position of intermediaries;

- the strength of the buyers' position;

- a competitive environment in the tourism sector itself [4].

As the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization Zurab Popolikashvili noted in his interview, by the end of 2020, revenues from world tourism have decreased by about $ 500,000,000,000. The crisis will lead to changes in the tourism market. Travel campaigns have started to provide top quality, environmentally friendly services in order to convert their travel product to a better one [https://www.].

The tourist potential of Ukraine today is not fully disclosed, as evidenced by the 1.5-2.5% share of the tourism industry in the structure of the country's GDP. The main obstacles hindering the development of the tourism sector in Ukraine today are mainly factors of a managerial, economic, environmental, social and cultural nature [14, p. 124].

The potential market in the field of tourism in Ukraine is on average about 20% of the total population of Ukraine (region, region, etc.). It also includes a part of the population, shows interest in purchasing this type of service and has the appropriate means to make a purchase. This part of the population makes up the so-called «real market». If it is reduced by the number of buyers, for one reason or another (legislative restrictions, a decrease in total income per family member, health status, etc.) If they do not realize their interest, we will get a «qualified market». It can be 50% - 80% of the actual market [5].

So, the tourist enterprises of Ukraine actively serve about 10% -15% of buyers of the potential domestic market, they have the opportunity to make a choice from the whole variety of offered goods, including competing firms.

«The market has been mastered» is made up of buyers who give preference to the goods (services) of the given enterprise.

Similar studies apply to the markets of foreign (outbound) and foreign (inbound) tourism. A quantitative analysis of the market allows you to obtain data on the volume of services, the market has the ability to accept in the present and in the future.

Quantitative analysis has the following objectives:

a) make a choice of the most effective channels for the distribution of products (services) of the enterprise, target markets; make a decision to expand production capacity;

b) create a basis for the development of an optimal plan for the sale of products (services) broken down by calendar periods and, thus, avoid a shortage of goods to meet demand at any given time;

c) determine the sequence of stages of market development, taking into account the factor of consumer concentration - one of the most significant market factors in the field of tourism.

The possibilities of the Internet allow you to find out the conducted marketing research, which, perhaps, satisfy the travel company, find secondary data, select software for marketing research, as well as collect data from focus groups, questionnaires, etc. One of the greatest advantages of conducting research on the Internet is that the data can be processed as soon as it arrives. Data from the Internet does not require an additional stage of introduction, since they are already in electronic form. The Internet is also useful in marketing research management. It is used to disseminate market research results and reports that can be posted on competitive sites, making them available in the global information space.

In the external environment, dynamic processes of change are constantly taking place, something constantly disappears and something new appears. One part of these processes opens up opportunities for the firm. The other, on the contrary, creates additional difficulties and restrictions for it. For successful marketing activities, the company predicts both possible difficulties in the future and the emergence of new opportunities. Therefore, marketing, exploring the external environment, focuses on finding out what threats and what opportunities it conceals in itself.

The situational analysis is based on the results of marketing research. Their implementation is achieved by identifying the market opportunities of the enterprise. Situational analysis is mainly aimed at identifying:

- opportunities and threats that may arise in the external marketing environment;

- strengths and weaknesses are determined by the state of the internal marketing environment of the enterprise. After a specific list of opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses has been drawn up, the company establishes the relationship between them. This allows you to highlight the marketing opportunities of a travel company [6].

The need for market research is clear. She proceeds from the fact that the management of any company or firm, when making marketing decisions, should choose the most effective of them, combining the highest possible levels of efficiency and risk. By obtaining the necessary information in advance (Internet sources, word of mouth, personal contacts, TV and radio advertising, the press), one can avoid potentially disastrous steps that will lead the organization to decline (the last phase is the decline of the organization) [3].


Conducting marketing research in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic is necessary at tourism enterprises in the presence of the following factors:

- marketing, that is, the actual need to take into account the marketing approach in the activities of the respective company;

- informational, associated with the lack or insufficient information for decision-making in the marketing information system;

- methodological, which determines the feasibility of conducting marketing research, justified in the program by the need to solve problems and implement the set goals, supported financially, and finally, excluding information leakage.

Marketing research is carried out independently, mainly by large firms, which can afford to have a special unit. Smaller firms, as practice shows, apply with an order to conduct such a study to a specialized organization or large firms where the relevant specialists (marketers) work. This is done by advertising agencies, sociological research services, marketers in the relevant areas.

Since tourism has become a stable, economically sustainable phenomenon in the 21st century. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a severe blow to the entire tourism sector of the global economy, including all types of tourism. Of course, there is a way out, these are new opportunities and a redistribution of the market, tourism marketing should reconsider the requirements of the «new market» - Coronavirus and abandon «excessive tourism», as it was recently, introduce «smart tourism». In the near future, any kind of tourism will require that every visitor wear a mask and disinfect his hands, keep his distance, groups of tourists will decrease from 30 to 10-15 visitors, «Coronavi- rus etiquette» will enter circulation and new «marketing moves» will appear, in particular virtual ones digital, marketing research should be actively involved in exploring new opportunities in the field of tourism, taking into account the new challenges of the time.

Список використаних джерел

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4. Litovka-Demenina S., Panchenko S. (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on the development of marketing research in tourism during a pandemic and the global crisis. Problems of innovation and investment development : scientific and practical journal, no. 25, pp. 74-84 (in Ukrainian).

5. Panchenko S. (2019) Effectiveness Analysis of Entrepreneurship Model of Development Qualities of Future Managers / Dobina T., Haidukevych K., Petrova I., Sabadash J. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (JEE), vol. 22, iss. 3. Available at: ship-model-of-development-qualities-of-future-managers-8258.html (accessed 20 June 2021).

6. Malinoshevska K. I., Martyshyn D., Perestyuk I., Panchenko S., Omarov A. (2021) Management of financial and economic development of border regions of Ukraine. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, no. 18, pp. 595-605. Available at: b205107-023(2021).pdf (accessed 20 June 2021).

7. UNWTO. (2013) Global Code of Eethics for tourism. Available at: http:// pdf) (accessed 20 June 2021).

8. COVID-19: Measures to Support Travel and Tourism. Available at: https:// www. (accessed 20 June 2021).

9. Luecke R. (2006) Market customization: segmentation, targeting, and positioning, Marketer's Toolkit: The 10 Strategies You Need To Succeed. Boston : Harward Business School Press.

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