Content marketing model for effective web content management

Forms of information services for users of Internet resources with the provision of documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of these users. Content marketing model for effective management of website content in Ukrainian business.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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“KROK” University


Diachuk Iryna PhD (Economics), аssociate рго/essor

of marketing and behavioural economics department




Дьячук І.В. к.е.н., доцент кафедри маркетингу та поведінкової економіки ВНЗ «Університет економіки та права «КРОК» м. Київ

Сучасний етап розвитку інтернет-економіки зумовив зростання потреб в інформації, яка відіграє роль виробничого фактора та стратегічного ресурсу. Активно упроваджуються нові форми інформаційного обслуговування користувачів інтернет-ресурсів з наданням їм документованої інформації, підготованої відповідно до потреб цих користувачів. Ринок інформаційних продуктів і послуг утворюється як сукупність економічних, правових, організаційних і програмних відносин з продажу і купівлі інформаційних продуктів та послуг, які складаються між їхніми постачальниками і споживачами. Способи поширення інформаційних продуктів та інформаційних послуг можуть будуватися як на засадах вільного отримання, так і на комерційних засадах. Мета цієї статті - розвинути розуміння контент-маркетингу як сучасного інструменту Інтернет-маркетингу, а також забезпечити український бізнес моделлю контент-маркетингу для ефективного управління контентом веб-сайтів. У цьому дослідженні використано якісний збір даних із напівструктурованими інтерв'ю, опитування, методи спостереження, кількісні та якісні методи аналізу змісту регіональних компаній В2В, порівняльний аналіз. Були визначені такі основні етапи процесу контентмаркетингу як: попередній пошук та аналіз, створення контенту веб-сайту, просування, розповсюдження та оцінка прогресу контент-маркетингу. Стратегічні рішення та діяльність на кожному етапі процесу показали, як контент компанії, як на сайті, так і поза ним, може бути використаний як інструмент для встановлення взаємозв'язку між брендом та цільовою аудиторією та підвищення впізнаваності бренду в Інтернеті. Було виявлено, що завдання контент-маркетингу полягають у спілкуванні з аудиторією, розповсюдженні інформації, зміцненні довіри та взаємозв'язку з аудиторією та завоюванні лояльності користувачів веб-сайтів. Це дослідження запропонувало кілька корисних уявлень про те, як контент вебсайтів, соціальні медіа та різні методи оптимізації працюють разом у взаємодії з цільовою аудиторією та стимулюванні трафіку та продажів.

Ключові слова: Інтернет-маркетинг; традиційні маркетингові інструменти; контент-маркетинг; контент-стратегія; прогрес контент-маркетингу; управління контентом веб-сайту; модель контентмаркетингу.


content marketing effective management

The current stage of development of the Internet economy has led to an increase in the need for information, which plays the role of a production factor and a strategic resource. New forms of information services for users of Internet resources are being actively introduced with the provision of documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of these users. The market of information products and services is formed as a set of economic, legal, organizational and programmatic relations for the sale and purchase of information products and services, which are formed between their suppliers and consumers. Ways of disseminating information products and information services can be based on both free and commercial principles. The purpose of this article is to develop an understanding of content marketing as a contemporary tool of Internet-marketing, as well as to equip Ukrainian businesses with content marketing model for the effective management of website content. This study made use of qualitative data collection with semi-structured interviews, survey, observation methods, quantitative and qualitative methods of content analysis of regional B2B companies, comparative analysis. The following essential stages of the content marketing process as preliminary search and analysis, website content creation, promotion and distribution, and content marketing progress assessment were identified. The strategic decisions and activities at each stage of the process showed how a company's on-site and off-site content can be used as a tool to establish the relationship between the brand and its target audience and increase brand visibility online. It has been revealed that the content marketing tasks are to communicate with the audience, distribute information, build trust and rapport with the audience and gain the loyalty of website users. This study offered several useful insights into how website content, social media and various optimization techniques work together in engaging with the target audience and driving website traffic and sales leads.

Key words: Internet-marketing; traditional marketing tools; content marketing; content strategy; content marketing progress; website content management; content marketing model.


Today, websites go to the forefront of the Internet communication, and modern marketing is rapidly moving into the online space. Objectives of today's marketing remain the same as those of traditional marketing, namely are to attract potential customers (clients), increase brand awareness and encourage customers to purchase products more willingly.

Consumer behaviour is influenced not only by personal (i.e. person's interest and opinions, habits, background and culture, age, gender), psychological (i.e. values, perceptions and attitudes, motives), social (i.e. person's social interactions, social conditions, lifestyle) factors [9], but also by such marketing factors as product design, pricing and promotion, as well as consumer's confidence in the quality and reliability of products or services available, and provider's reputation. No less important factor in consumer choice is whether this product or service is recommended by society or a reference group.

Today's consumers are getting increasingly sceptical and tired of traditional advertising and are more likely to block out unwanted pervasive advertising messages, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of traditional marketing techniques. Having surveyed 500 people aged 18-45 we have found out that more than a half (54%) prefer to find out about companies through online articles, not through advertisements, 73% skip TV commercials and 64% ignore direct mailings. Today's consumers find hard-sell approach annoying and off-putting, and tactics of “aggressive marketing” are likely to evoke resistance.

Although, newspaper and radio ads as well as TV commercials are still effective for some businesses, traditional marketing tools are becoming less and less effective in our constantly evolving digital world. Modern consumers are digitally savvy and always connected to their digital devices. With huge amount of information available to them today they are in control of their shopping experience: they research, explore, and share; they want to control when, where and how they interact with a brand.

Thus, outdated traditional advertising models have been replaced by content marketing, the very essence of which is to create valuable, compelling, informative content to educate potential customers, to help them solve their issues and draw them in, rather than selling them products or services.

Literature review

The amount of research in the field of digital marketing is increasing and has received a lot of attention in the works by both international and domestic researchers and practitioners, such as Seth Godin, David Meerman Scott, Simon Kingsnorth, Jonah Berger, Jeffrey K. Rohrs, Dave Chaffey, Mari Smith, Kent Wertime, S. Illyashenko, V. Mosgova, and others. The state of content marketing, content marketing challenges and key concerns, as well as strategies and solutions on how to use content to keep brands front and centre in the minds of target audience are analysed and highlighted in the works by Joe Pulizzi, Meghan Casey, Ann Handley, Lynda Felder and others. Unfortunately, content marketing as well as content strategy are not paid enough attention in the publications of Ukrainian scholars. Moreover, most of Ukrainian enterprises, unlike businesses in North America and Europe, are unaware of the benefits of B2B content marketing strategy.


The purpose of this article is to develop an understanding of content marketing as a contemporary tool of Internetmarketing, as well as to equip Ukrainian businesses with content marketing model for the effective management of website content.


According to B2B Content Marketing 2018: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends - North America report produced and shared by Content Marketing Institute the following factors were attributed to the increase in overall success of survey respondents' organizations: content creation (higher quality, more efficient) - 78%; strategy (development or adjustment) - 72%; content distribution (better targeting, identification of what works) - 50%; content marketing has become a greater priority - 49%; spending more time on content marketing - 46%; management/HR (organizational changes, staffing, new content marketing roles) - 39%; content measurement (growing in ability to show results) - 36%. While the question “Does your organization have a content marketing strategy?” showed the following results: 38% of respondents said that their organization has a content marketing strategy, but it is not documented; 37% - Yes, and it is documented; 19% - No, but plan to have one within 12 months, and 6% - No, with no plans to have one within 12 months [2].

If we compare the number of respondents we will see that B2B Content Marketing: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends - North America reports present the findings from the 870 respondents in 2018 [2], 1,102 - in 2017 [3], 263 - in 2016 [5], and 580 - in 2015 [4], while Benchmarking report «Content Marketing in B2B: current status and trends 2016» (Ukraine) report presents the findings from 70 respondents in 2015, and 52 in 2016 and there were no such reports in 2017 and 2018 [6].

As for the Ukrainian market, the use of content marketing is lower because the B2B sector in Ukraine is not so open-minded to new techniques and methods. Very few people understand how the effectiveness of content marketing is measured. No more than 10% of companies are engaged in creating useful content for their business, while it could be very beneficial as a strategic marketing approach helps attract and retain consumers, and, ultimately, drive profitable customer action [17].

Content marketing is a set of marketing techniques based on creating and distributing consumer-friendly content in order to attract prospective consumers while engaging and retaining existing leads on your website, build trust and credibility with your website visitors. Content marketing is an alternative to limited distribution methods [12].

In a general sense, content is a compilation of ideas, subject information, and messages, well-presented in some kind of written, visual, or audible format designed for consumption and further dissemination via the web. Unlike data, which is a set of information that conveys pure facts, figures and statistics to the target audience, content has potential to elicit and initiate action, spark conversation and interaction. Content also serves a purpose, whether it is to inform, entertain, connect emotionally, influence, educate, build trust, convert, etc. [19].

Content marketing strategy model for effective management of website content can be developed based on the following algorithm:

Set goals and objectives against which you can analyse your target audience, prospective audience influencers and stakeholders, assess your content and your compatriots' content as well as measure your content marketing progress.

Define and get to know your target audience. Create your target audience profile or persona by selecting several of your regular average customers and defining their most common characteristics. Conduct an in-depth analysis of their psychographic and demographic data, and pain points. While demographic data (age, gender, marital status, education, location) only show you who your customer is, psychographic data (interests, activities, attitudes, behaviour, habits, lifestyle, opinions) provide deeper understanding of your target audience as such data let you discover motivations of your consumers [15]. Research forums and websites where your target audience communicate, interview regular clients, conduct customer surveys, ask your friends and Facebook followers to participate. As soon as you understand your target audience interests, identify and record all of the relevant topic ideas and keywords on a separate spreadsheet.

Analyse profiles of your prospective audience influencers. Benefits of integrating individuals who have impact over your prospective audience (i.e. bloggers, forumers, industry experts or anyone in your industry who has a significant network of connections) into your marketing plan are improved targeting, since influence's audience insight reveals psychographic and demographic data about your target audience, and increased visibility of your website across a wider online network.

Identify and understand stakeholders. During the preliminary content strategy analysis identify your stakeholders, those people who are affected by your work, who have the most to gain or lose from the new process, such as owners, senior management, content creators (i.e. authors, graphic designers, etc.) and ensure that their needs and requirements are addressed in the content strategy plan. It is also crucial to identify legitimate constraints.

Conduct a content inventory which is a quantitative analysis of the entire website content. Your website content inventory, usually in a form of spreadsheet, will typically include the following: URLs, metadata (page title, meta description, etc.), images, audio and video files, document files, content owner(s), dates (created, revised, last updated), etc.

Conduct a content audit, the main goal of which, is a qualitative analysis of website content. Content audit enables you to analyse and understand what of your existing content is working and what is not, identify outdated, irrelevant or duplicated content, improve quality of existing content, etc.

Content can be analysed against a variety of metrics, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) metrics: organic traffic, keyword rankings, etc.; engagement metrics: likes, shares, comments, etc.; user behaviour metrics: time on page, bounce rate, scroll depth rate, click-through rate, etc.; sales metrics: on-page conversions, etc., all of which can provide you with a valuable information about the pieces of content that generate the most traffic, convert users, or bounce your site visitors away. Record the results of both content inventory and audit into a spreadsheet.

Assess your competitors' content. While conducting competitors' analysis think of both direct competitors, who offer the same product or service as you, and indirect competitors, who do not necessarily sell the same product or service, but want to engage the same audience. First, analyse their websites from SEO and social media perspectives; examine publication schedule, comment section, user experience; try to identify competitors' content topics that drive traffic to their site.

Nowadays, there are a lot of content marketing tools at businesses' disposal that serve various purposes from collecting realtime data, measuring the effectiveness of your content marketing, getting insights into competitor content on social media to content planning and publishing and many other [7].

Now when you have the results of your target audience analysis, content audit and your competitors' content analysis you can conduct a “gap” analysis. Comparing topic ideas and keywords spreadsheet with your website current content and spreadsheet enables you to see which content is missed altogether, which content needs follow-up actions (e.g. optimization, repurposing, updating, editing, etc.), thus, allowing a development of a content creation and distribution strategy.

At this stage revise your goals. Limit your future strategy to one sentence, which reflects the main intention of the company, accurately describes its goals and objectives, and is easy to remember. Brainstorm ideas and concepts, outline the messages you want your content to convey on the website, record and expend your ideas with the help of mind map. Decide on voice and tone of your content.

Voice, which should be consistent throughout of your content, reflects your brand's identity and personality. Consumer choices are frequently influenced by the tone in which a company presents and delivers its service.

Tone, which is the words you choose and structure in a certain way, would be different for different audience, depending on their age, values, and even location, as well as on your intentions and the ultimate purpose of your content. Once you have your goals and objectives set, tasks and messages decided on, define your content, its types and the best ways of presenting it for maximum impact.

Internet marketing as a crucial modern day tool has the following advantages:

Broad and Global Reach. Today people have access to the Internet almost anywhere in the world. By marketing your products and services via the Internet, your business can reach a wider global audience. Furthermore, commercial resources are available for various categories of consumers from corporate to individual.

Convenient operating hours. Advantages of internet marketing do not restrain you with opening hours letting your marketing campaign run 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customers see your services and products whenever they wish as they are in control of their online purchases.

Cost Effectiveness. Marketing products and services online has advantage of low operating cost in comparison with traditional advertising methods which include cost of land, costs of business premises rental and maintenance, inventory costs, etc.

Personalization. Internet marketing allows you to collect and analyse your target audience purchasing history and preferences data to find out what product and/or services sell frequently, enabling the use of targeted offers that reflect your audience interests.

Relationships. The Internet enables you build trust and rapport with customers and increase customer retention levels.

In the B2B space, it's essential for marketers to understand that consumers look for substance, rather than entertainment and conduct a lot of online research before selecting companies to contact as possible suppliers. To make their buying decisions, consumers rely on social networks, influencers, and review sites. Thus, it is crucial for a company's success to be visible in these places, and provide easily accessible on-site and off-site content to answer the questions prospect customers might have and address business objectives - create awareness, educate, build trust, convert and retain.

It is essential that good business website content is up-to-date, credible, relevant, and meets the requirements of proper webpage performance. If you update your website with high quality content regularly, it will achieve higher rankings, since search engines regard websites with the most recent and frequently updated content as most relevant to web surfers.

When a website conveys both trustworthy and expertise people will find it credible. You can boost your web site credibility by providing crucial business information such as contact information (i.e. phone number, physical address, and email address), detailed product information, product images, prices, return and refund policies, testimonials, customers' reviews, Google rankings, a client list, etc., while keeping promotional content like ads and pop-ups to a minimum. Your site should look professionally designed and have clear navigation. Keeping the site as current and up-to-date as possible also strengthens credibility [16], [1].

Relevance is a measure of whether your website content complies with the requirements and objectives of your consumer. This term also refers to how well the information on a website corresponds to a search query.

Despite the fact that reputation, relevance and content quality of the website are prioritized, page speed is obviously of crucial importance in a website user's experience, since 1 second delay in page response will lead to a 7% reduction in conversions; 47% of consumers expect web pages to load in 2 seconds or even less; 40% of them will abandon a website that takes more than 30 seconds to load; 79% of online shoppers who are dissatisfied with a website performance are less likely to buy from the same website again; 52% of the online shoppers stated that fast page load is crucial to their site loyalty [11]. In order to optimize your website performance use images of smaller file size (preferably in kilobytes), zip or compress your pages.

In order to design effective content marketing model for efficient website content management, the following suggestions should to be taken into consideration:

Combine Search Engine Optimization and Content, since they complement each other: content increases trust, SEO boosts traffic. Conversions, customer engagement and traffic are three main criteria of successful content marketing. Along with SEO content marketing helps to achieve the desired rankings and change the attitude toward the site. The higher are the conversion rates, the higher is customer engagement, which leads to a direct increase in traffic. For this very purpose develop and execute SEO strategy before not after your new website launch, as altering your website design to meet SEO needs after launching can be costly, timeconsuming and less efficient, and result in decreased traffic.

Create micro-content like short videos, GIFs, infographics, etc., since they are short, and extremely efficient, they communicate a message quickly, are easily consumed by customers, and correspond to search queries more precisely in contrast to long-form content like webinars, reports, or case studies.

Improve your content quality and increase audience engagement. If content does not increase traffic and conversion, your website will not fall into the top of search results and thus it will not generate revenue. Only one in five B2C companies produces useful and valuable information products, B2B segment audience engagement is 50% in 71% of organizations. Website search engine rankings depend on consumers' engagement, site structure, site speed, time spend on site, clickthrough rate, etc.

To increase audience engagement, you should adopt the following: conduct a proper target audience analysis for better understanding of their needs and habits, use search query statistics; write substantial content about things your target audience would be most interested in, and optimize your content for mobile devices. Learn how to write titles and headlines that attract and direct your website visitors' attention. Keep in mind that if a visitor decides to stay on your site, he or she should find answers and solutions, find out something new and interesting.

Leverage mobile devices and geotargeting. Capabilities of modern mobile devices and local content are not fully utilized. 51% of marketers admit that their main task was to learn to pinpoint their target audience based on location and deliver them tailored content based on that location.

ThinkWithGoogle analysts have shared data that every third search query is associated with user's location [10]. If the content is not relevant to the query, it will be lost in the search engine as well as target audience. To avoid this optimize your website for local SEO, leverage geo-targeted keywords, optimize your website load time and page performance, use mobile devices responsive website design, create a content relevant to local topics and utilize different content formats like infographics and videos to have your web content on track and updated.

Utilize voice search. At Google I/O 2016, Google announced that more than 20% of all Google search queries are voice searches and that number will probably continue to grow throughout 2018. Google Assistant allows performing different tasks through spoken voice commands and currently supports 15 languages, and by the end of 2018 it will understand voice commands in more than 30 languages. Among other top devices that use voice search are: Amazon Echo / Alexa, Siri / I Phone, Microsoft Cortana, etc.

Statistics on current usage of voice search revealed the following: “Google voice search queries in 2016 are up 35x over 2008”; “The Echo Dot was the best-selling product on all of Amazon in the 2018 holiday season”; “40% of adults now use voice search once per day”; “60% of people using voice search have started in the last year”; “37% use Siri, 23% use Microsoft's Cortana AI, and 19% use Amazon's Alexa AI at least monthly”; “41% say using their voice-activated speaker is like talking to a friend or another person” [13].

31 % of marketers consider this technology a breakthrough, however, 62% of businesses are still not planning to optimize their content to meet the requirements for voice search.

Since we think the popularity of voice search cannot be ignored we offer the following ways to optimize a website for voice search:

1. anticipate and pre-emptively answer the questions your prospective customers might pose to a digital voice assistant and optimize your website content around the core needs of your target audience, providing answers to their specific queries in most useful manner;

2. remember that voice searches are done in natural-sounding language and use semantically more complex search structures. Thus, in order to increase your site visibility in voice search results incorporate conversational phrases and natural sentence structures into your website content, use question words in headings and subheadings, adapt long-tail keywords to spoken language;

3. write substantial, high quality, compelling content that can answer a couple of various voice queries on one page [14].

It is also essential to any B2B company to have valuable off-site content. Offsite content strategy is a set of techniques and methods that aim at distributing your expertise elsewhere on the Internet than your own site and drive potential customers to your website. Off-site content can take a number of different formats like off-site blog, content on social media accounts, videos, podcasts, presentations, infographics, in-person event based content, interviews, etc.

Along with a company's website, the following types of off-site content prove to be of utmost importance for B2B marketers: blogpost in different formats and event-based content.

The following B2B blogpost formats are well shared through social media and earn links, boosting your search results: opinion posts, interview posts, list posts, how-to posts. Opinion posts or expert advice offer practical insights, real facts, and relevant advice from a trustworthy industry professional. Substantial, informative content inspired by personal experience, backed by research and data positions your company as authoritative industry expert and drives meaningful consumer engagement. Interview posts are great for introducing the perspective of a third party on a particular topic. Such posts also allow you to develop relationships with the industry experts or influencers you interview. List posts work especially well for B2B leads, who have little time on their hands to read full blog posts, as they present plenty of information in short, scannable, bulleted format. How-to posts generate traffic from organic search, because they are useful and educational, especially if supported with visual components like instructional video or a visual aid.

In-person events are the core to a sustainable business strategy as they offer the chance for human connection which is the foundation of strong relationships. Face-toface communication with company's consumers through in-person events allows companies to communicate with their audience more accurately and effectively, present their product in an authentic, memorable way, and thus build positive brand association and earn the trust of prospective customers.

Maximise your marketing opportunities by creating and executing great content before, during and after an event. First, consider the kind of event you will create your content for. Marketing events come in many different formats, from online webinars to large conferences. Keeping in mind your target audience and the best format to suit them, plan the content you will offer at your even. To attract both past and first-time attendees to your event, base your content on what is interesting and valuable for them, providing key information, industry news or expert opinions in the form of blog posts, interviews, videos, sessions and speakers recommendations.

By utilizing social media during the event, you can significantly increase consumer engagement at events. Take advantage by sharing the big keynotes, special speakers, and conference's influencers. According to Event Marketing Institute's 2016 Event Track Report, 98% of attendees create digital content while at live events and 100% of those attendees share their content. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are used most by consumers to post and share event content. In comparison, the most often used social media platforms by brands to post and share content are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, followed by YouTube and LinkedIn [18].

The post-event content marketing practices analytics give you opportunity to continue building upon the awareness, while interest you generated at the event, helps you convert event participants into qualified leads, and increases traffic. As a part of post-event practices publish a great “key takeaways” post, repurpose the event content and post it online, set up appointments with key attendees, figure out what worked and what you might do differently next time.

As soon as you have decided on your content types, determine and schedule your content creation, promotion and distribution, and content marketing progress analytics.

An editorial calendar is a must-have guideline, which defines and controls the process of creating content, from idea through creation and publication. A good editorial calendar contains list of content that should be published based on your content strategy (including its status: existing, developed, inprogress, finished, your partner's content, etc.), people responsible for creating the content, dates for both creation and publishing, target keywords, meta data tags, formats, promotion and distribution methods. It is essential to have a well-planed, elaborate editorial calendar, since content will be publish on different dates and platforms - including websites, social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), distribution channels (YouTube, Slideshare, Vimeo), your blog, etc. An editorial calendar, that includes the entire content your business plans to publish, should be reviewed and adjusted regularly based on the successes and failures of your content.

Once you content has been created, start promoting it through the social media most relevant to both your industry and your target audience. You can build your authority and expand your audience with guest posting well done on credible sites related to your industry. To have your content shared, mention it in presentations, sales meetings, client trainings, webinars, podcasts, etc. Repurpose, reformat and republish you content to reach a variety of channels. For example, take you existing blogpost article and create a video and post it again on your site and on YouTube, or produce infographic, slideshow, e-book or podcast and post it again [8].

To measure your content marketing progress regularly analyse your content using analytics to see whether it is resonating with your target audience, to realise what is working and what is not. Keep in mind your brand specific objectives and goals. Analyse your page views, social shares, links, inbound referral traffic, comments, bounce rate and conversion rates. Take note of what types of both yours and your competitor's content have attracted the most visitors and are shared on social media. Plan to create more content pieces around these popular topics or formats.

Below we offer the content marketing model that we have elaborated for effective web content management. We believe it is quite comprehensive and thus can be useful for those Ukrainian companies that start to consider employing content marketing strategy for achieving business goals and increasing leads.

The strategic decisions and activities at each stage of the process showed how a company's on-site and off-site content can be used as a tool to establish the relationship between the brand and its target audience and increase brand visibility online. It has been revealed that the content marketing tasks are to communicate with the audience, distribute information, build trust and rapport with the audience and gain the loyalty of website users. This study offered several useful insights into how website content, social media and various optimization techniques work together in engaging with the target audience and driving website traffic and sales leads.

Picture 1 Content Marketing Model for Effective Web Content Management


The article explored an element of marketing communication referred to as content marketing. The essence of content marketing, its features and characteristics were revealed. Thus, content marketing was identified as a contemporary, effective and promising element of marketing communication, which in turn aims at creating and disseminating valuable and useful content that attracts and builds trust with prospective customers. Within the framework of this study, statistical data on world and domestic trends in the field of marketing communication were analysed and interpreted.

The article dealt with the advantages of Internet marketing as compared to traditional advertising. The reasons for lower content marketing rates in Ukraine in comparison to North America were investigated. The article also provided insight into such website content characteristics as quality, relevance, credibility, page performance, and offered suggestions on how to increase website site visibility, and improve on-site and off-site content management. We believe that the results of this study, as well as the model offered, can be used as a guideline for Ukrainian companies that are considering employing content marketing strategy for the effective web content management.


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