Exploring Concepts of the English Language Tourism Advertising Discourse in Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Times
Using the example of cognitive space, compare the discourse community's understanding of the tourism sphere in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods; trace what the pandemic caused in the minds of representatives of the English-speaking community.
Рубрика | Маркетинг, реклама и торговля |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 6,4 M |
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Exploring Concepts of the English Language Tourism Advertising Discourse in Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Times
Tetiana Kolisnichenko
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
Iryna Osovska
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
Liudmyla Tomniuk
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
After the Second World War, 2019 definitely became one of the most significant strength tests for humanity that gave a boost to gradual but crucial changes in every person's mental worldview models, which are particular deeply established constructs of reality. There is no sphere of activity that has not been affected by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Tourism became one of those areas most severely affected by the crisis, caused by pandemic conditions and quarantine measures. Consequently, they had to adjust to the new reality of life in circumstances of numerous human rights and freedom restrictions. This fact stipulates the topicality of the given comparative research. Based on the anthropocentric approach, the authors suggest the research methodology that lies in a complex approach to the discourse analysis as a platform for interrelations between the cognitive worldviews of addresser and addressee. Having identified the concepts-autochthons of the modern English-language tourism advertising discourse and determined their regular correlations, the cognitive map of the modern English-language tourism advertising discourse was designed. Having applied the comparative analysis of the cognitive maps of the traditional and modern English-language tourism advertising discourse, the authors determined the main suppositions of the English-speaking consumer of tourism services during pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. Thus, the traditional view of the English-speaking consumer of tourism services is the perception of tourism as the phenomenon related to unhindered, comfortable traveling and family holidays with gastronomic delight, new acquaintances and positive emotions. However, during the pandemic period, for English-speaking tourism services, consumer tourism became necessary for a change of surroundings, like a sip of fresh air that is available only by following quarantine rules and only in those countries open for tourists. Safety and sanitizing become the most critical factors in choosing a tourist location.
Keywords: COVID-19, tourism advertising discourse, conceptual system, cognitive map, domain, autochthon, concept.
Колісніченко Тетяна, Осовська Ірина, Томнюк Людмила. Концептосистема англомовного туристичного рекламного дискурсу: допандемійний та пандемійний період
Після Другої світової війни 2019 рік став однозначно найбільшим випробуванням на міцність для людства, що дало поштовх поступовим, втім докорінним змінам ментальних моделей світу кожної людини, які є своєрідними глибоко укоріненими конструктами реальності. Немає такої сфери людської діяльності, яка б не зазнала впливу пандемії коронавірусу COVID-19. Однією з тих сфер, які в умовах пандемії і карантинних обмежень зазнали найбільшої кризи, і відповідно були змушені адаптовуватися до нових реалій життя в умовах численних обмежень людських прав і свобод, стала туристична сфера. Саме цей факт зумовлює актуальність даного компаративного дослідження, яке має на меті на прикладі англомовного колективного когнітивного простору порівняти уявлення і знання дискурсної спільноти про туристичну сферу у допандемійний та пандемійний період, що дасть змогу простежити і виокремити ті зміни, які у свідомості представників англомовної спільноти викликала саме пандемія COVID-19. Автори пропонують засновану на антропоцентричному підході методику дослідження, яка полягає у комплексному підході до аналізу дискурсу як полотна, на якому розгортається взаємодія між когнітивними світами адресанта та адресата. Встановивши концепти-автохтони сучасного англомовного туристичного рекламного дискурсу та визначивши їх регулярні кореляції, було сконструйовано когнітивну карту сучасного англомовного туристичного рекламного дискурсу. Здійснивши порівняльний аналіз когнітивних карт традиційного англомовного туристичного рекламного дискурсу і сучасного англомовного туристичного рекламного дискурсу, автори встановили основні пресупозиції англомовного споживача туристичних послуг у допандемійний і пандемійний періоди. Так, традиційними уявленнями англомовного споживача туристичних послуг є розуміння туризму як явища, яке пов'язане з безперешкодним, комфортним подорожуванням та відпочинком зі своєю сім'єю, що супроводжується гастрономічним задоволенням, новими знайомствами і позитивними враженнями. Натомість для англомовного споживача туристичних послуг у пандемійний період туризм став необхідністю зміни оточення, ковтком свободи, який можна зробити лише з дотриманням умов карантину і лише у тих країнах, які відкриті для туризму. Безпека і санітайзинг стають основними критеріями при виборі туристичної локації.
Ключові слова: COVID-19, туристичний рекламний дискурс, концептосистема, когнітивна карта, домен, автохтон, концепт.
In circumstances of an intensive development of tourism industry, tourism advertising discourse, which we consider as a symbiosis of advertising and tourism discourses that encompasses mental and communicative interrelation between addresser and addressee that develops and influences on potential tourists' experience, has firmly positioned itself in a range of linguistic investigations (Seregina, 2021; Jalilifar & Moradi, 2019, Ignatova, 2020; Vakhidova, 2021; Yakhshieva et al., 2021). After we started and deepened the investigation of tourism advertising discourse (Kolisnichenko, 2019а; 2019b), we tried to determine a number of constituent parts of mental background and reproduce the conceptual system of the traditional English-language advertising discourse in a cognitive map (Kolisnichenko & Koropatnitska, 2021).
However, the current circumstances, COVID-19 pandemic in particular, make its tangible adjustments in people's mindset, cognitive spaces of communicants, and consequently, functioning of various types of discourses. Each of them is considered as a particular multistructural network of communicative acts, based on the full range of extra linguistic factors, which activate them. It is tourism advertising discourse that, in this context, demonstrates considerable changes in different national discourses, as it relates to leisure time that during pandemic period has drastically changed in consciousness and life of potential tourists. discourse tourism pandemic
Accordingly, our aim lies in comparison of the main elements of the English- language collective cognitive space as a structured complex of knowledge and ideas of discourse community about tourism before pandemic period and in present pandemic conditions, caused by COVID-19.
Despite of multiple approaches, we determine our position concerning such popular, multiform, and consequently, differently interpreted notion as discourse in the context of active approach, methodological principle of functionalism and anthropocentric principle of language examining, and in general, define tourism advertising discourse as an independent type of discourse that is focused on the orientation in a number of tourist attractions, from one side, and consumer's feedback about tourist services, on the other side (Kolisnichenko & Koropatnitska, 2021, p. 115).
Interpretation of the basic concepts of the research is based on the following ideas: a) all knowledge of the English-speaking community representatives about tourist attraction is collected in their consciousness as objects of conceptual space - complex of historically formed basic structural elements of people's real life organization, which are fixed in a range of semiotic spheres, named in a range of semantic spheres, and provide person's existence in real space (Prohorov, 2005, p. 74-94); b) complex of concepts of individual thematically-marked conceptual spaces correlate with conceptual system of a particular type of discourse (discursive practice) - "logical-semantic parallels between discourse type and concepts" (Prykhodko, 2013, p. 211; Osovska, 2014); c) conceptual system of a particular type of discourse (discursive practice) is characterized by a relative permanence - discursive configuration of concepts (metachthons - conceptual ideas, autochthons - closed common set, allochthons - not frequent and not common for the given discourse) (ibid).
Conceptual system of the English-language tourism advertising discourse integrates, through the complex of concepts, certain common ideas of the Englishspeaking community participants about tourism and touristic attractions. Being formed in a complex of autochthons before 2019, this conceptual system has undergone (and continues to undergo) radical transformation, caused by pandemic and the aim of the given investigation is to determine those changes. Consequently, the research object is the English-language tourism advertising discourse in two aspects - traditional (TETAD) and modern (METAD). The first one is considered as an early 21st century tourism discursive practice in general, and the second one - as this same practice in modem tendencies during the last two years, beginning from the introduction of the pandemic status by the WHO.
The materials of the METAD research comprise texts of 117 advertising brochures and tourist guides across Great Britain within the period from 2020 to 2021, with total amount of 1001247 word expressions, received from the internet sources.
The research consists of several levels. Similar methodology was used before by (Osovska & Tomniuk, 2019; Osovska & Hafu, 2019) and showed its effectiveness. Common methodology was used to analyze the TETAD (Kolisnichenko & Koropatnitska, 2021) that will be compared to the investigated METAD at the final stage.
The first stage involves the determination of the main concepts-autochthons of the METAD through the synthesis of the conceptual analysis, methods of corpus linguistics and quantitative analysis. Firstly, we do inventory of the investigated texts (using the Wmatrix program for corpus analysis and comparison) by selecting verbalizers of all concepts in the research materials - nouns, verbs and adjectives, and fixing their frequency of usage. Then we group the fixed objectifiers of concepts in semantic domains and determine, from the view of quantity, the most representative of them.
In order to specify the most relevant domains, we appeal to mathematical statistics. For the general set (Danilov, 2019, p. 4), it is, normally, the confidence interval (Vasylenko & Sencha, 2011, p. 26-27) that is taken to consideration. The confidence level is found in interval from .9 to .999: high standards of accuracy require the value .999; increased - .99; normal - .95; decreased - .9 (Vasylenko & Sencha, 2011, p. 2627).
After we have constructed the confidence interval for the TETAD and METAD, based on the one-sample Student's t-test in the IBM program (see table 2), let us determine the most relevant domains for the METAD.
The second stage implies the analysis of the autochthon correlative pairs, which highlight certain related elements in the processes of thinking. This is performed by using introspection method. The type of relation in a pair is defined on the basis of logical-semantic inference. Generally, 1256 thematically-complete and pragmatically- linked parts of text, usually, with a length of not much more than three sentences, with 159 fixed repetitive autochthon correlations were analyzed by absolute sampling technique.
The third stage is directed at the verification of all correlative pairs of autochthons and determination of the dominant ones, which are regularly represented in the discourse as inter-autochthon correlations and form the framework of the METAD. Verification is done through the implementation of the one-sample Student's t-test calculations using the IBM SPSS 26.0 Statistics program.
The fourth stage lies in creation of the METAD cognitive map that includes the basic relevant information about the English-language tourism advertising sphere, and interpretation of the defined dependencies as presuppositions.
The fifth stage represents the comparative analysis of the conceptual systems of the TETAD (Kolisnichenko & Koropatnitska, 2021) and METAD, defining the peculiarities of the relevant (according to the pandemic) transformation for this type of discursive practice.
Results and Discussion
The approbation of method, described in the previous paragraph, was done earlier in a range of theses, dedicated to the investigation of modern German family discourse (Osovska, 2014), German matrimonial confrontational discourse, modern German prison discourse (Osovska & Tomniuk, 2019), modern British parental discourse, modern English gastronomic discourse (Osovska & Hafu, 2021).
The analysis of the METAD, performed by suggested methodology, makes it possible to state the following. After selection of 123698 content parts of speech - verbalizers of all concepts, from the texts of advertising brochures and tourist guides across Great Britain within the period from 2020 to 2021, and grouping of the fixed objectifiers in semantic domains, we introduced the most quantitatively representative of them. The selected domains are provided in the table in order of decreasing frequency of their verbalization in the METAD (see table 1). Alongside, we indicate and fix the main domains of the TETAD (Kolisnichenko & Koropatnitska, 2021), which are vital for the comparison of the TETAD and METAD.
Table 1
The main semantic domains of the TETAD and METAD
METAD Domains |
verbalizers of concepts in domain Quantity % |
TETAD Domains |
verbalizers of concepts in domain Quantity % |
1. |
travel |
29386 |
11.1% |
1. |
destination |
19840 |
8.9% |
2. |
destination |
27533 |
10.4% |
2. |
travel |
18813 |
8.4% |
3. |
entertainment |
25415 |
9.6% |
3. |
entertainment |
17516 |
7.9% |
4. |
culture |
19061 |
7.2% |
4. |
culture |
16434 |
7.4% |
5. |
safety |
18208 |
6.9% |
5. |
satisfaction |
15186 |
6.8% |
6. |
dining |
17943 |
6.8% |
6. |
architecture |
14569 |
6.5% |
7. |
satisfaction |
16679 |
6.3% |
7. |
people |
14088 |
6.3% |
8. |
architecture |
15620 |
5.9% |
8. |
dining |
13123 |
5.9% |
9. |
people |
14355 |
5.4% |
9. |
comfort |
13091 |
5.9% |
10. |
comfort |
13561 |
5.1% |
10. |
residence |
12958 |
5.8% |
11. |
transport |
13296 |
5.0% |
11. |
transport |
12101 |
5.4% |
12. |
residence |
11767 |
4.4% |
12. |
budget |
12058 |
5.4% |
13. |
budget |
9237 |
3.5% |
13. |
safety |
11326 |
5.1% |
14. |
covid |
8148 |
3.1% |
14. |
time |
9110 |
4.1% |
15. |
land |
7354 |
2.8% |
15. |
activity |
8333 |
3.7% |
16. |
technology |
6560 |
2.5% |
16. |
land |
5054 |
2.3% |
17. |
colour |
5706 |
2.2% |
17. |
technology |
4020 |
1.8% |
18. |
education |
4912 |
1.9% |
18. |
colour |
3027 |
1.4% |
19. |
education |
271 |
1.1% |
Total |
264741 |
100.0% |
Total |
223018 |
100.0% |
As we can see |
in table 1, |
18 domains |
are |
highlighted in |
the METAD, where |
domain travel takes the dominant position (11.1%). From one side, it demonstrates the relevance of information about the perception of a journey as an essential part of leisure time and rest, which are vital components of life. From the other side, it shows the importance of change of surroundings for the modern English-speaking potential tourists, in spite of the pandemic. In order to define the most relevant domains, we construct the confidence interval for the TETAD (and simultaneously, for the METAD) in accordance with the one-sample Student's t-test in the IBM program (see table 2).
Table 2
Student's t-test for the TETAD and METAD
T |
df |
Value |
Average |
95% confidence |
(bilateral) |
difference |
interval for difference |
Lower |
Upper |
10.139 |
18 |
.000 |
11737.78947 |
9305.6090 |
14169.9700 |
8.120 |
17 |
.000 |
14707.83333 |
10575.9693 |
10664.1209 |
As we refer to 95% of the confidence interval, the domains, frequency of which is not higher than the minimal confidence interval, will not be taken to consideration as relevantly not noticeable. In accordance with the Student's t-test calculation, the lower confidence interval stands at 9305.6090 items or 3.5%. Thus, the most relevant (basic) of them for the METAD are the domains, highlighted in bold characters (see table 1).
At the third stage we used the quantitative analysis with an aim to indicate the most frequent lexemes-verbalizers of autochthons in basic domains. As a result, there were fixed lexemes-verbalizers with high frequency of usage in the discourse: visit (16367 words usage or 3.9% from the total quantity of the objectifiers), activity (l5999, 3.8%), entertainment (13368, 3.2%), destination (12831, 3.1%), tour (12561, 3%). The objectifiers with low frequency of usage (less than 1% from the general quantity of the analyzed ones) are business, tradition, sanitizing, new protocol, culture, architecture, bubble, touch points. This can be explained by the fact that the addressers in the METAD do not detail the traditions and culture of countries. Information about culture and economic situation of the country is also of secondary importance. The relevant `pandemic' lexemes-verbalizers sanitizing, new protocol, bubble, touch points are now at low percentage of usage that can be attributed to their novelty in tourism.
In table 3 it is represented the frequency of objectifiers that indicates the regularity of the concepts, verbalized by them - their autochthon status in the METAD.
Table 3
Concepts-autochthons from the most significant domains of the METAD
Domain |
Autochthons |
Quantity of autochthon verbalizers |
travl |
8828 |
30.0% |
29386 |
100% |
6671 |
22.7% |
6098 |
20.8% |
4724 |
16.1% |
2232 |
7.6% |
833 |
2.8% |
destination |
7249 |
26.3% |
27533 |
100% |
6996 |
25.4% |
5536 |
20.1% |
3919 |
14.2% |
3833 |
13.9% |
entertainment |
8739 |
34.4% |
25415 |
100% |
7249 |
28.5% |
4899 |
19.3% |
4528 |
17.8% |
culture |
5620 |
29.5% |
19061 |
100% |
4679 |
24.5% |
3859 |
20.2% |
2350 |
12.3% |
1592 |
8.4% |
961 |
5.0% |
safety |
4963 |
28.8% |
17208 |
100% |
4682 |
27.2% |
2771 |
16.1% |
dining |
1652 |
9.6% |
satisfaction |
1455 |
8.5% |
architecture |
1451 |
8.4% |
people |
234 |
1.4% |
comfort |
6209 |
36.6% |
16943 |
100% |
transport |
6262 |
37.0% |
residence |
4472 |
26.4% |
budget |
6250 |
37.5% |
16679 |
100% |
Разом |
4639 |
27.8% |
In general, we determined 56 frequency concepts in the METAD. However, as the autochthons of the METAD are considered only those of them, the frequency of verbalizers' usage of which is not less than 95% of the confidence interval (see table 4).
Table 4 Student's t-test for the domains of the METAD |
Domain |
Lower 95% confidence interval |
Quantity |
% |
travel |
3631.6191 |
12.4% |
destination |
3887.2454 |
14.1% |
entertainment |
4184.2461 |
16.5% |
culture |
2349.1673 |
12.3% |
safety |
1883.7585 |
10.9% |
dining |
3338.1628 |
19.7% |
satisfaction |
2738.1349 |
16.4% |
architecture |
2196.8538 |
14.1% |
people |
2159.2947 |
14.1% |
comfort |
2865.4851 |
19.7% |
transport |
2812.9175 |
19.7% |
residence |
2707.9927 |
19.7% |
budget |
2602.8867 |
19.7% |
Total |
239061 |
100% |
Therefore, the autochthons, which form the discourse framework of the METAD, are 46 concepts-autochthons including:
1) VISIT (3.7%), TOUR (2.8%), TRAVEL (2.6%), JOURNEY (2.0%) from the domain travel (11.1%), e.g.: Travel by air in the northern region is very safe and reliable.
2) DESTINATION (3.0%), PLACE (2.9%), AREA (2.3%), LAND (1.6%), SETTLEMENT (1.6%) from the domain destination (10.4%), e.g.: A voyage is a trouble-free way to travel, offering fantastic vistas of archipelagos before finally arriving in your destination.
3) ACTIVITY (3.7%), ENTERTAINMENT (3.0%), FUN (2.0%), HOLIDAY (1.9%) from the domain entertainment (9.6%), e.g.: ...book the
accommodation, relax and enjoy your holiday.
4) EVENT (2.4%), EXHIBITION (2.0%), TIME (1.6%), HISTORY (1.0%) TRADITION from the domain culture (7.2%), e.g.: Many traditional ceremonies are open to the public.
5) HEALTH (2.1%), COVID (2.0%), SAFETY (1.2%) from the domain safety (6.5%), e.g.: Flight attendants wearing masks, sanitising all surfaces between flights.
6) RESTAURANT (2.6%), DINING (2.6%), FOOD (1.9%) from the domain dining (6.4%), e.g.: Spoil yourself with a traditional tall aromatic coffee and a calorie-busting apfelstrudel!
7) PLEASURE (2.6%), ENJOYMENT (1.9%) SATISFACTION (1.7%) from the domain satisfaction (6.3%), e.g.: The interests and enjoyment of our clients are paramount as they travel the world.
8) DESIGN (2.1%), BUILDING (1.6%), FAME (1.4%), INTEREST (1.0%) from the domain architecture (5.9%), e.g.: ...iconic architecture seems to be around every corner.
9) LOCALS (1.7%), VISITOR (1.7%), PEOPLE (1.5%) from the domain people (5.8%), e.g.: In these semi-detached wooden houses, you have a great spot to relax with your family.
10) SERVICE (2.7%), COMFORT (2.0%), LUXURY (1.4%) from the domain comfort (5.5%), e.g.: Enjoy the highlights of our destinations from the comfort of a coach with a guide.
11) TRANSPORT (2.6%), VEHICLE (1.9%), ROAD (1.5%) from the domain transport (5.4%), e.g.:
> Enjoy the freedom of your own vehicle, and drive around the city at your own pace.
12) RESIDENCE (2.4%), APARTMENT (2.3%), ACCOMODATION (1.1%) from the domain residence (5.2%), e.g.:
> Experience the Kimberley in Comfort-style accommodation.
13) BUDGET (2.3%), PRICE (1.7%), BUSINESS (1.6%) from the domain budget (5.0%), e.g.:
> Rail travel is a budget-friendly and convenient way to travel between major and minor cities.
Information about autochthons demonstrates that during the pandemic period the modern English-speaking (potential) tourist continues to realize the significance of the fact and process of traveling, in general, considers traveling as one of the main elements of vacation and holiday, gets interested in travel tours and tourist attractions, places to stay during the journey (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1
Discourse-forming framework of the METAD
In the METAD it is fixed 387 repetitive pairs of autochthons, which can be characterized both, due to the quantity (power of connection) and quality. Referring to quality, the matrix of inter-autochthons relations consists of 4 dominant types of relations - inclusion, consequence, causation and mutual exclusion, which are conditionally illustrated through the following schemes: "X includes (is) Y", "Y is a consequence of (^) X", "X" causes (=>) "Y" and "X excludes (^) Y" (Osovska, 2014; Prykhodko, 2013) (see table 5):
Table 5
Matrix of inter-autochthons relations in the METAD
The analysis of inter-autochthon pairs of the METAD, according to the Student's t-test, makes it possible to statistically verify 251 correlative pairs of autochthons, from which strong ones account for 9.8%, average - 40.1%, and weak - 50.1%. Relations, which refer to the first and second types, are considered to be discourse-forming.
Strong conceptual relations form 8 correlative pairs of autochthons in the METAD: VISIT is DESTINATION (1.7%); VISIT is PLACE (1.4%); JOURNEY is SETTLEMENT (1.3%); TIME is TRADITION (1.2%); LOCALS is PLACE (1.1%); ENTERTAINMENT "- EVENT (1.1%); PLEASURE is SETTLEMENT (1%); ACTIVITY is PLACE (1%).
Average conceptual relations form 67 correlative pairs: ACTIVITY is DESTINATION (.8%); ACTIVITY is SETTLEMENT (.6%); ACTIVITY is BUBBLE (.6%) etc.
The defined correlations demonstrate that the main presuppositions of the modern English-speaking consumer of tourism services are the following:
(1) tourism is a change of attitudes, development: tourism is one of the ways of self-development, expansion of the world view and improvement of knowledge about other countries and cultures;
(2) tourism is an activity: tourism is a dynamic activity, entertainment and events;
(3) tourism is emotions: tourism is, first of all, about enjoying the process and result of a journey;
(4) tourism is funding: tourism is a budget or luxury holiday;
(5) tourism is a family holiday: tourist attractions are created for the family vacation;
(6) tourism is entertainment: tourism is the best way to have fun;
(7) tourism is people: tourism is a way to get acquainted with local people, learn about their traditions, culture and history;
(8) tourism is business: tourism is an open space for business;
(9) tourism is comfort: comfort is a requirement for carriers and hotels;
(10) tourism is gastronomy: tourism is a possibility to try something new, expand one's gastronomic boundaries through national culinary traditions of the countries of the world.
In addition to the traditional presuppositions, appear the new, pandemic ones: tourism is safety: any journey may jeopardize tourist not only in pandemic conditions; safety of travel and tourist attractions is one of the crucial factors in choosing the destination, route, residence and transportation; disinfection and "touch points" are ones of the most important factors in choosing carriers and hotels; constant sanitizing is one of safety elements.
The determined autochthon correlations are demonstrated in a cognitive map of the METAD (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
Cognitive map of the METAD
The final stage, aims to compare cognitive maps of the TETAD and METAD. Based on the data from table 1, we can see that the amount of information has barely changed, as 19 domains are selected in the TETAD (see Figure 3) and 18 - in the METAD. Significance of both discourses is demonstrated by the domains destination; travel; entertainment; culture. Domains ranking has partly changed: in the TETAD, the first place is taken by appeal of the modern English-speaking (potential) consumer of tourism services, in the process of creation of a tourist attraction cognitive image, to the information about the following areas: destination; travel; entertainment; culture; satisfaction; architecture; people; dining; comfort; residence; transport; budget; safety (Kolisnichenko & Koropatnitska, 2021).
Figure 3
Discourse-forming framework of the TETAD
The pandemic transforms the traditional perception of tourism, first of all, highlighting the necessity of the fact of traveling and change of scenes, while the choice of tourist attraction takes the back seat. Safety issue gained new conceptual meaning.
As we can see, the idea about entertainment, culture and transport is constant, while the domains ranking is changed:
> domain travel from second position in the TETAD moved to the first position in the METAD that can be explained by the fact of actualization of necessity to change the surroundings and locations, visit other cities and countries, in comparison with traditional pre-pandemic period, when firstly, attention was paid to a tourist attraction. The dominant position of the domain travel in the METAD proves that the pandemic has brought certain changes to the cognitive space of tourism services consumers, as the obligation to be in continues quarantine in their country and closed borders have deprived of the freedom to travel. People had to learn to live in a new way - with restrictions (Kostruba, 2021, p. 13). Earlier we investigated that in person's consciousness any deprivation of human rights and freedoms that is accompanied by certain isolation is equal to prison. So, people were trapped in some kind of prison during the pandemic. Consequently, we are not surprised by the fact that the possibility to travel and change the surroundings became precious;
> domain destination moved from the first position in the TETAD to second position in the METAD that demonstrates the revalorization and can be explained by the post-pandemic people's desire to travel;
> domain satisfaction from fifth position in the TETAD moved to seventh position in the METAD, obviously, as the result of restrictions on mass gatherings with an aim to avoid the expansion of COVID that, respectively, wound influence on the fact of needs satisfaction;
> domain comfort moved from ninth position in the TETAD to tenth position in the METAD, illustrating that comfort issue is less important than change of surroundings and safety;
> domain residence from tenth position in the TETAD moved to twelfth position in the METAD, obviously, because of the fact that quarantine restrictions made it almost impossible to travel;
> domain budget moved from twelfth position in the TETAD to thirteenth position in the METAD, defining that the main effort of tourism is its revival;
> domain safety with lexemes-verbalizers, which mainly referred to the issue of safety in the country, in general (for instance, the absence of military actions), after addition of a number of new pandemic concepts (for example, COVID, SOCIAL DISTANCE, NEW PROTOCOL, MASK), moved from thirteenth position in the TETAD to fifth position in the METAD, which is clearly explained by special attention to not only common security, but also global pandemic requirements of social distance, isolation, constant sanitizing, vaccination etc. The concept TRAVEL BUBBLE deserves special attention. It embodies the new idea about a peculiar way of traveling in a constant group of people.
When comparing a set of autochthons of the TETAD and METAD, we noticed the following changes: it would be reasonable to admit the appearance of such concepts as SANITIZING, NEW PROTOCOL, BUBBLE, TOUCH POINTS, COVID, which currently have low frequency of usage that is explained by their novelty in tourism. However, the fact of their usage frequency increase is rather noticeable.
Regarding stable autochthon correlations, their quantity in the METAD is bigger (251 pairs) than in the TETAD (151 pairs) owing to the appearance of new concepts- autochthons. Such correlations prove that, against the background of the main traditional pre-pandemic presuppositions of the English-speaking consumer (tourism is a way to have fun and change the surroundings; tourist attraction is a core element of tourism), the tendencies of highlighting in the METAD the fact of traveling that is mainly characterized by safety, is rather noticeable.
After comparing cognitive content of the English-language tourism advertising discourse from the perspective of its evolution (traditional/pre-pandemic and modern/pandemic), it was determined that the discourse as a system is capable of self-organization of internal components, absorbing new notions and concepts, transforming them, in the process of self-organization, to `constant' components of system, such as NEW PROTOCOL or COVID REGULATIONS.
The cognitive map of the METAD is represented by 51 autochthons and 251 inter-autochthon correlations, which demonstrate the knowledge of the modern Englishman about tourism as a phenomenon that is related to traveling (usually, with family), change of views and values, self-development, cultural exchange, dynamic activity, certain funding, new acquaintances, usually brings positive emotions, allows to have a comfort rest from daily routine, taking pleasure, including gastronomic satisfaction, directly related to safety, adherence to anti-epidemic measures (social distancing, isolation, `bubble travel' that includes interrelation with other people, sanitizing and vaccination).
In comparison with the TETAD, English-speaking tourism services consumer gained new presuppositions during the pandemic period (METAD). Among them are the following: tourism is a necessity to change surroundings and break down the isolation; tourism is available only in a certain range of countries, due to pandemic regulations, safety is one of the crucial criterion that influences the choice of tourist attraction; sanitizing is one of the most important requirements to carriers and hotels, people's lifestyle and habits have changed during the pandemic period; tourism is available only in case of the COVID-19 absence; country's openness to tourism and quantity of people sick with COVID-19 are the most important factors of tourist attraction selection.
The future prospects of our research, from the perspective of investigations actualized here, lie in the analysis of the METAD conceptual system in the format of intercultural comparison, according to the given methodology.
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