Actualisation of innovative marketing communications within modern trends in the promotion of goods and services

Generalization of approaches regarding the categorization of innovative marketing communications, which are used within the framework of the development of trends in the promotion of goods (services). Perspectives of innovative marketing communications.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 03.04.2023
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Actualisation of innovative marketing communications within modern trends in the promotion of goods and services

Nesterenko Volodymyr

PhD student, Sumy State University


The article summarises the approaches to the classification of innovative marketing communications used within the development of modern trends in the promotion of goods/services. The main goal of the study is to systematise and determine the prospects of innovative marketing communications used in Ukrainian and foreign markets. The systematisation of the literature on and approaches to solving the problem of the development of marketing communications has revealed that, despite the existence of a certain body of scientific and theoretical studies, there is a need to study a set of tools of this category, which are typical of both foreign and Ukrainian markets. The relevance of solving the scientific problem is that the modern role of marketing communications is a priority component of the success of both the entire marketing system and performance indicators of businesses, and the study of their current trends is necessary for improving market positions. The article studies systematisation and identification of the prospects of innovative marketing communications in the following logical order: description of approaches to the communications in Ukrainian and foreign markets; defining the prospects of their development and use. The methodological tools of the research included the system approach method and the method of trends. The study focuses on the years 2021-2022. The US and some European countries (including Ukraine) were chosen as the object of the study, since these countries were the focus of the existing scientific analysis of the studied issues. The article presents the results of an empirical analysis of the implementation of innovative marketing communications, which proved that the foreign market trends are generally similar to Ukrainian ones. The study empirically confirms and theoretically proves that countries that have an active business environment, even in case of a developing economy, quite effectively implement the latest approaches to the management of marketing communications, because their composition and level of efficiency affect economic and market results. The results of the study can be useful for Ukrainian businesses to apply in practice in terms of choosing optimal marketing communications as well as for scientists in the context of the development of scientific research and studying the current state of the issue under study.

Key words: marketing communication, social development, promotion, advertising, values, information and communication tools, target audience, competitiveness, transformation of social values.

Актуалізація інноваційних маркетингових комунікацій в системі сучасних тенденцій просування товарів і послуг

Нестеренко В.І.

аспірант Сумського державного університету


Стаття узагальнює підходи стосовно категоризації інноваційних маркетингових комунікацій, які застосовуються в рамках розвитку сучасних тенденцій просування товарів (послуг). Основною метою проведеного дослідження є систематизація та визначення перспектив інноваційних маркетингових комунікацій, використовуваних на українському та закордонних ринках. Систематизація літературних джерел та підходів до розв'язання проблеми розвитку маркетингових комунікацій засвідчила, що незважаючи на існування певного масиву наукових і теоретичних напрацювань, є потреба вивчення комплексу інструментів даної категорії, характерних як для закордонних, так і українського ринків. Актуальність розв'язання наукової проблеми полягає в тому, що сучасна роль маркетингових комунікацій є пріоритетною складовою успіху як всієї системи маркетингу, так і показників результативності функціонування підприємств, і вивчення їх нинішніх тенденцій необхідне для удосконалення ринкових позицій. Дослідження питання систематизації та визначення перспектив інноваційних маркетингових комунікацій в статті здійснено в наступній логічній послідовності: характеристика підходів стосовно таких комунікацій в умовах вітчизняного і закордонного ринків; формулювання перспективи їх розвитку та використання. Методичним інструментарієм проведеного дослідження стали метод системного підходу, метод трендів, періодом дослідження обрано 2021-2022 роки. Об'єктом дослідження обрано США, окремі європейські країни (в тому числі Україну), оскільки саме за цими країнами представлені науковий аналіз досліджуваної проблематики, який сформувався на сучасному етапі. В статті представлено результати емпіричного аналізу впровадження інноваційних маркетингових комунікацій, який засвідчив, що тенденції закордонних ринків в цілому аналогічні вітчизняному. Дослідження емпірично підтверджує та теоретично доводить, що країни, які мають економічно активний бізнес, навіть якщо вони мають економіку, що розвивається, достатньо ефективно впроваджують новітні підходи до управління маркетинговими комунікаціями, оскільки їх склад, рівень ефективності впливають на економічні та ринкові результати. Результати проведеного дослідження можуть бути корисними для практичного застосування вітчизняними суб'єктами підприємництва в розрізі вибору оптимальних маркетингових комунікацій, для науковців в контексті розвитку наукових пошуків та вивчення сучасного стану досліджуваного питання.

Ключові слова: маркетингова комунікація, суспільний розвиток, просування, реклама, цінності, інформаційно-комунікаційні засоби, цільова аудиторія, конкурентоспроможність, трансформація суспільних цінностей.

innovative marketing goods service


The external environment, which has a significant impact on market competition, functioning and the level of income of the business environment in Ukraine, forces business entities to search for and implement effective marketing communications. Maintaining competitiveness and continuous growth when applying market methods are possible subject to the constant improvement of marketing approaches to attracting consumers. Creation, development or adaptation of existing marketing communications are shaped by the specific industry, nature of consumer preferences, capabilities and development potential of modern information and communication tools and technologies. Social development leads to the emergence of new values that affect certain trends in the demand for goods/services, which, in turn, become drivers of the formation and implementation of innovative marketing communications. The second decade of the 21st century saw a new global trend toward the transition from the era of consumption to responsible consumption. This trend is observed in most countries of the world, given the adoption of the key goals of sustainable development as defined in the UN programme concept, which provides for the involvement of the population in smart, sustainable consumption (rejection of non-recyclable goods, overconsumption or goods produced by exploiting the labour of others, etc.). Such social transformations led to the creation of effective approaches to the selection and use of marketing communications. Although these characteristics are to a greater extent attributable to developed countries, businesses in countries showing rapid economic development are also trying to follow these trends. That is why the modern role of marketing communications is a priority component of the success of both the entire marketing system and performance indicators of individual businesses.

The purpose of the article is to systematise and determine the prospects of innovative marketing communications used in Ukrainian and foreign markets. To achieve this purpose, a number of tasks have been set, including describing approaches to distinguishing innovative marketing communications in Ukrainian and foreign markets; defining the prospects of development and use of innovative marketing communications.

Literature review. The development of marketing communications has been studied by the following authors [1-25]: I. Horodniak, L. Khomits, Z. Jiang and D. Wu, V Marotta, L. Pepall, S. Chandra, A. Koziol, S. Aiolfi, A. Madan and M. Rosca, N. Petru, B. Melovic, N. Simic, B. Anastasiei, D. Wheatley and R. Ferrer-Conill, O. Lyulyov, T Pimonenko, A. Rosokhata. Despite the existence of a certain body of scientific and theoretical studies, there is a need to study a set of tools of this category, which are typical of both foreign and Ukrainian markets.

Methodology. Appropriate methods were used to achieve the above purpose. The system approach is used to distinguish the main types of marketing communications. Modern approaches to the selection of innovative communications tools inherent in the current stage of development are identified and promising directions are presented using the trend method.

Results and discussion

The study identifies and describes approaches to the definition of innovative marketing communications used in Ukrainian and foreign markets.

Table 1

Stages and Features of Targeted Advertising





Selection of specialised platforms where goods/services can be promoted

Existing popular specialised platforms: Meta Platforms (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp); YouTube; TikTok; LinkedIn, etc.


Identification and selection of target audiences for marketing communication

To this end, software of the selected platforms based on AI tools and analysis of large databases is used


Promotion of goods/services to selected target audiences on the platforms

The platform software offers optimal advertising offers and, the advertising campaign procedure

Source: compiled by the author based on [6; 7]

Firstly, we can single out a parametric thematic segmentation approach related to marketing communications used to inform customers (potential consumers) within certain parameters regarding the local interests of the latter. Innovative features of such advertising include marketing communication with customers (potential consumers) who are to some extent interested in the goods/services being promoted, which distinguishes it from traditional mass advertising; focus on the application options at the level of the latest information and communication tools (social media, messenger applications).

Within this approach, it is worth highlighting the scientific study [6] that considers such a type of Internet advertising as targeted advertising. This marketing communication tool is defined as:

- a type of advertising tools used to identify the sizes of target audiences that might fit certain criteria (parameters) set by a company; an Internet advertising tool used to deliver advertising information to customers according to their interests, personal characteristics and preferences [6];

- a targeted advertising tool that provides information and promotion of goods/services to certain groups of consumers, which is most effective for excluding marketing communications with random audiences [7].

The study of the specifics of the use of this marketing communication tool showed that it involves the following: the use of specialised platforms where goods/services can be promoted (Meta Platforms, which includes two social media and a messenger (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp); YouTube; TikTok; LinkedIn etc); identification and selection of target audiences for marketing communication; promotion of goods/services within the above communications guided by data on selected consumers (parameters of their preferences, parameters of the company's offer). It is established that the audiences within different platforms are represented by large customer bases, and target categories or parts are selected with the application of specialised automated search [6]. The study [6] does not elaborate that the above search is based on the use of digital tools such as AI and large databases. Stages and features of targeted advertising are presented in Table 1.

The studies show that the application of researched marketing communication (targeted advertising) is more effective at the business-to-consumer (B2C) level. It was also established that the above marketing communication tool is used both in developed countries (including the US, which is the country of origin of the leading platforms such as Meta Platforms, YouTube, LinkedIn) and in Ukraine.

In particular, as of the first half of 2022, the following audience of users was formed in Ukraine and became the subject of certain marketing communications: 31.55 million users on Meta Platforms; 28 million users on YouTube; 10.55 million users on TikTok; 3.6 million users on LinkedIn [17] (Figure 1).

This study systematised the content of research and analytical materials and identified the following advantages of targeted advertising: extensive audience coverage due to the use of information and communication technologies; targeted nature of communication; an advertising offer matching the interests of audiences; low level of intrusiveness for the users of digital platforms due to the focus on their interests and preferences; optimisation of marketing communication costs through its target segmentation and parametric orientation. The shortcomings that can act as barriers to the effectiveness of the implementation of such advertising include the following: unreliability of user (potential consumer) data which distorts informational, search and analytical results (fake accounts, partly unreliable accounts); low informativeness of user (potential consumer) data (accounts may be restricted or lack of any information); complex operationalisation and complicated conditions for setting up advertisements; low budget for marketing communication; low level of analytics regarding the industry market and the marketed products/services [6; 11; 13].

As for the specifics of the first approach, personalisation should be emphasised as a tool of marketing communications that is gaining significant popularity among large and medium-sized trading companies and manufacturers globally (including in Ukraine) [1; 3; 9]. Personalisation is an integrated tool that involves gradually building up personal offers to customers who have personal accounts on the websites of the sellers. This type of marketing communications is used by large trading companies as part of interaction at the business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) levels. This tool works as follows: the stage of analysing the specifics of demand of the customer registered on the seller's website at the AI (software) level; formation of demand profile for this customer by analysing personal data and data on previous purchases; creating and sending an offer to the customer (or receiving it when visiting the seller's website), which help reduce the level of disorientation when choosing a new order and boost the promotion and sales of products/ services. Examples of the use of personalisation include permanent offers to customers from Ukraine from national retail chains such as Rozetka, Allo, Epicenter, etc.

Figure 1. Sizes of the user audience of the leading Internet platforms in Ukraine as of the first half of 2022, million users

Source: compiled based on the data [17]

We believe that an important advantage of personalisation compared to targeted advertising is the greater reliability of customer data obtained on the basis of previous communication experience;

AI can significantly affect the quality and speed of service. Businesses already use AI for certain activities such as timely notifications and mailings. [11]

Secondly, an approach based on the study of innovative marketing communications in terms of the potential of modern information and communication technologies (digital information and communication approach) should be highlighted.

In terms of emphasis on this approach, the study [10] which shows the current trends of individual countries regarding the use of marketing communications should be noted. The authors propose trends in the use of certain types of marketing communications based on innovative digital technologies. The study [10] reveals the following trends in marketing communications:

- Advertising of goods/services on the main social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) with the involvement of celebrities (artists, models, athletes, influencers with a large audience, etc.). As an example, we can cite the promotion of Beats Fit Pro wireless headphones on Kim Kardashian's Instagram page [4]. From 3 August 2022 to 22 September 2022, the celebrity's post about this product received 3,533,747 likes; the number of views is unknown. Kim Kardashian's account has 330 million subscribers. The focus on this type of marketing communications is typical for the US, as the country's products are popular around the globe. Other countries, including Ukraine, are also trying to use this type of advertising (Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and some other EU countries), but it is less effective due to the insufficient competitiveness of goods/services and the insufficient number of followers of social media influencers. An additional obstacle is the language barrier: if a person posts in the language of their country, consumers in other countries rarely learn about them. As an aside, it is worth noting that this type of advertising is focused on the aforementioned B2C relationship. We agree with the assertion [14] that countries where small and micro-businesses form the structural basis of the economy (mainly family businesses) will struggle to implement modern innovative approaches to the implementation of digital marketing communications, and this is a significant obstacle for the international integration of businesses. Advantages of this type of marketing communications can include trust in the opinion of an influencer (or idol) and the desire to imitate the celebrity lifestyle through the purchase of goods/services advertised as being used by them. Important disadvantages of this type of marketing communication include high advertising cost and reverse negative response that can be caused by the advertisement of a certain product/service by a certain celebrity, reducing the expected forecast results);

- Mass advertising of goods/services on the main social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). This type of promotion is very effective, becoming widespread in companies that offer products/services of mass consumption. In particular, travel companies (tourist complexes) of Montenegro, which rely on this type of promotion thanks to the demand for inexpensive tours and attractive travel conditions designed for the mass consumer, should be noted here [12]. It can be stated that Ukraine also practices this type of advertising for popular goods/services that are in demand at the regional, local, and national levels. Advantages of this type of advertising include large-scale audience coverage; saving on advertising costs due to scale, lack of need to use AI information technologies, analysis of large databases [15]. Its shortcomings include the effect of intrusiveness, due to which users leave complaints or hide information without prior review, the possibility of low ROI, etc.;

- Online word-of-mouth marketing, which involves customers informing the public about the quality of goods/ services. According to the researchers [2], this marketing communication tool can be incentivised or non-incentivised. In particular, the non-incentivised type means that the customers inform the public about the quality, assortment, other features of the company's goods/services on their own initiative, while the incentivised type involves offering information in exchange for a reward (discount, gift, payment, etc.). The study [2] notes the extensive implementation of this type of promotion of goods/services in Romania. This type of advertising is used both by both small and micro-sized businesses and chain retailers in Romania. Word-of-mouth marketing (or WOM marketing) has been known to exist for a long time, and its modern digital form ensures the acceleration of informing and building the audience. Examples of the use of incentivised online WOM marketing in Ukraine include the PreMama Duo Vitamin Complex free sampling campaign (by Alkaloid AD Skopje (Macedonia)), which collected feedback from participants and was amplified by combining it with advertising of goods/services on the main social media hat involved influencers with large and small audiences (Figure 2 shows the effect of the campaign); the AXA Granola campaign (by AXA, an international company), which helped to identify and remove an unpopular ingredient (dried strawberries that changed the colour of the product when adding liquid, which made consumers doubt its organic nature), leading to an increase in sales volumes [5].

Thirdly, let us define the approach to identifying the types of marketing communications related to the visualisation of the offer, i.e. goods/services sold by companies (visualisation approach).

Within this approach, marketing communications such as product offers using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) functions should be highlighted [9]. Within the scope of the offer using the function of augmented reality (AR), the websites of trading companies or manufacturers post videos presenting the use of goods, their appearance (appearance in the office, in production, as part of the interior design), assembly procedure and operation. As for virtual reality (VR), it is used to create virtual images of the future order: a house (apartment), outfits, hairstyles etc. It should be noted that marketing communication using augmented reality (AR) is used in most countries (including Ukraine). Among the examples are the websites of foreign and national trading companies and manufacturers (IKEA, Rozetka, etc.). As for virtual reality (VR) offerings, it is also used by foreign and Ukrainian companies. These are construction, medical companies, luxury beauty salons, etc. That is, the use of this type of marketing communications is not large-scale but targeted.

Fourthly, the approach that involves multi-channel marketing strategies (combination of different types of promotion of products/services) within one trading platform (multi-channel approach) should be noted.

Figure 2. The outcome of the PreMama Duo Vitamin Complex free sampling campaign

Source: compiled based on the materials [5]

In the context of this approach, there are following multi-channel strategies for using marketing communications, the structure of which includes:

- Mobile advertising that involves sending messages to messengers (Viber, Telegram) or text messages. This advertisement is used by both foreign and Ukrainian companies. This type of advertisement can be both large-scale and personalised (used after the purchase of goods/services);

- Affiliate (partner) advertising that involves mutual advertising of goods/services by partners. Example: Kyivstar starter pack advertising campaign aimed at the attraction of subscribers through the offer of free delivery by Rozetka and discounts on fuel at the WOG gas station. Naturally, this campaign involved the promotion of the goods/services of partners [5]. This type of marketing communication at the current stage of development is used in foreign and Ukrainian markets of goods/services;

- Push notifications sent to (potential) consumers as pop-up windows through the browser if the latter give permission for such mailings. This type of advertising is somewhat intrusive; sometimes browser users subscribe to push notifications accidentally, while sometimes they do it deliberately. This communication type allows sellers to remind consumers about themselves or attract new consumers. It should be noted that the use of push notifications is relevant for reputable media that are fighting for their own audience. Push notifications allow readers of certain media to subscribe to current news (even paid content) and receive them bypassing news aggregators and social media [16]. At the current stage of development, push notifications are widely used both abroad and in Ukraine;

- Click&collect, a tool that allows the customer to order goods on the company's website, collect and have them delivered, look at them and try them on in separate premises other than the shopping areas [9]. This type of marketing communication is practised by trading companies of the EU, the USA, and other countries (including Ukraine). In particular, this tool is used by companies that sell goods in the Central Department Store (TSUM) in Kyiv. In our opinion, this tool also fits the nature of the operation of large trading companies of Ukraine (Ashan, Epicenter, Novus, Rozetka, Silpo, etc.). Although the use of this tool by the latter does not include trying the ordered goods on or looking at them (receipt only).

Based on the results of our research, let us forecast the development and application of innovative marketing communications.

According to our analysis, further prospects in this area may be related to:

- Development of the application of existing information and communication solutions for the promotion of goods/ser- vices of small and micro-sized businesses through the implementation of mobile reminders within certain geographical locations; mobile reminders within geographic personalised settings; voice search by geographic and personalised settings (a convenient service for saving time searching for goods/ser- vices, delivery costs and time). Taking into account the rapid growth of information and communication solutions, we can predict the simplification of advertising software configurations, lower operationalisation complexity through outsourcing certain tasks to AI software and analysis of large databases;

- Development of social marketing that involves the functioning of a group of stakeholders that will bring social goods (given free of charge) to the relevant groups of people and pets as donations from companies, charities and individuals (foreign and Ukrainian). This type of marketing communication is relevant for Ukraine and can ensure the implementation of the critical and socially important task of reducing inequality in society at this stage of development;

- Use of multinational click&collect systems, which will allow ordering goods in multinational online trading platforms in some countries and receiving them in others. Implementing this is possible both for neighbouring EU countries and between Ukraine and EU countries provided that European integration is successful and relevant changes are made to commercial and customs legislation.

Innovations in Internet marketing have many examples of building a successful online business. Here are some examples of successful Ukrainian Internet startups: Preply, Gram- marly, Restream, PatentBot, Depositphotos, Na'Vi,, Jooble, TicketForEvent and others [9].

Growing environmental concerns and a global reorientation towards green development have brought about corresponding changes in corporate strategies. Furthermore, new waves of the pandemic drive the development of online marketing and its penetration into all sectors of the economy. In this case, companies should actively develop their online marketing communication [21].

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed our lives, affecting the way we work, interact, study or buy essential goods. It has accelerated the digitisation process: consumers now shop online much more often than before, with more and more people using the Internet as their primary source of information, entertainment and education. New tools enable establishing close ties with consumers [24].

Governments, consumers, suppliers and economic actors direct their efforts to drive innovative activities [25].

The period from 2011 to 2016 saw stable growth in the number of environmental management and social marketing studies. However, the trends until 2020 show that the popularity of studies, and most importantly, their relevance will remain at their peak in the coming years [23].

Geomarketing for cities and the country as a whole is quite innovative. Promoting a certain region and its brand allows the country to increase its profits and popularise this city or the country as a whole among tourists. As for marketing tools, it is advisable to use events, legends, involve celebrities in advertising campaigns, use rented goods, discount cards, etc. [18].

In general, the business model as a scientific direction is impossible without innovation [20].


The approaches to the classification of innovative marketing communications used within the development of modern trends in the promotion of goods/services have been summarised. They include a parametric thematic segmentation approach (targeted advertising, personalisation), digital information and communication approach (advertisement of goods/services on the main social media with the involvement of celebrities, mass advertising of goods (services) on the main social media, online word of mouth marketing), visualisation approach (virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)), multi-channel approach (multi-channel strategies that include mobile advertising, affiliate (partner) advertising, push notifications, click&collect).

The conducted analysis showed that global trends in the use of innovative marketing communications are also applicable in Ukraine. It is worth noting, however, that tools such as advertising goods/services on the main social media with the involvement of celebrities do not provide for national manufacturing companies with the same advantages as those enjoyed by global market leaders. This is explained by the insufficiently high competitiveness of domestic goods/ser- vices that are promoted at the B2C level.

The prospects for the development and use of innovative marketing communications presented in the study are designed for their implementation in the conditions of the further rapid growth of innovations in IT, robotics, unmanned technologies and AI.


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24. Nesterenko V., Rosokhata A., Syhyda L., Moskalenko A. (2021). Comparative analysis of marketing communications changes under the influence of COVID-19. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University Economic Sciences, 4, 4-10.

25. Rosokhata A., Shapoval V. (2020). Theoretical bases of priority and perspective innovative development on the inclusiveness principles Inclusive Growth: basics, indicators and development priorities: monograph / edited by T. Vasilyeva, S. Lyeonov. Publishing House: Centre of Sociological Research, рр. 141-150.

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