Marketing of innovations within the framework of creating an effective human resources policy of the company

Formation of personnel policy at the enterprise in modern conditions. Analysis of the features of building an effective personnel policy. Skills and abilities of innovation marketing specialists to identify purchasing behavior, hidden needs of consumers.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 26.12.2023
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National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"

Department of Management and Logistics

Marketing of innovations within the framework of creating an effective human resources policy of the company

O. Khrystenko, C. Econ. Sci., Ass. Professor

V. Pantiukh, Student


It has been established that in modern economic conditions the role of innovation activity for domestic enterprises is becoming increasingly important. In order to increase the efficiency of development and implementation of innovative projects in the enterprise, it's necessary to apply innovation marketing. It has been found that innovation marketing provides an opportunity, first of all, to identify unmet consumer needs and to develop appropriate elements of the marketing complex to adapt the created innovative product to market requirements and to promote it further. It has been established that, in general, the effectiveness of innovative activity depends on the qualifications of the company's employees. The process of formation of personnel policy in the enterprise in modern conditions was studied. The features of effective personnel policy formation were considered and analyzed. The main factors influencing the process of personnel policy formation in the enterprise were also defined.

Key words: innovation, personnel policy, innovation marketing, enterprise, employees, modern conditions.


Маркетинг інновацій в контексті формування ефективної кадрової політики підприємства

Христенко О.В., к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту і логістики; Пантюх В., студентка, Національний університет «Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка»

В умовах війни, яка зараз триває, з'являється багато складних та непередбачуваних ситуацій, з якими роботодавці стикаються вперше, постає купа питань, які потрібно врегульовувати та завдань, які потрібно реалізовувати на практиці, при цьому не порушуючи прав працівників та дотримуючись вимог законодавства під час воєнного стану. Встановлено, що в цих умовах ефективна діяльність вітчизняних підприємств дасть можливість підтримувати національну економіки, що в свою чергу буде наближати перемогу України у війні.

На даний час одним з визначальних чинників розвитку підприємства є ефективне здійснення інноваційної діяльності, оскільки способи побудови виробничої діяльності, які використовувались у мирний час, наразі не є ефективними. Особливу увагу слід приділяти маркетингу інновацій, оскільки його застосування дає можливість виявити існуючі та приховані потреби споживачів, особливості їх купівельної поведінки та іншу необхідну інформацію для ефективного протікання інноваційного процесу на підприємстві.

Для реалізації зазначених заходів керівництву підприємства необхідно сформувати креативну команду. Це потребує систематичного підвищення кваліфікації працівників, проведення різноманітних заходів щодо розвитку у них креативних навичок, здійснювати пошук та залучення для роботи на підприємстві нових висококваліфікованих спеціалістів, а також знаходити нові джерела інноваційних ідей для підвищення ефективності функціонування підприємства, тобто сформувати ефективну кадрову політику підприємства.

Встановлено, що на сьогодні трудові ресурси є ключовим компонентом потенціалу підприємства, основою його успішного функціонування та джерелом переваг в умовах жорстокої конкуренції. Багато підприємств мають недостатній рівень кадрової політики, попри зростання проблем формування і використання трудових ресурсів. Досліджено процес формування кадрової політики на підприємстві у сучасних умовах. Розглянуто та проаналізовано особливості побудови ефективної кадрової політики. Визначено основні вміння та навички, якими мають спеціалісти з маркетингу інновацій. Також з'ясовано основні чинники, які впливають на процес формування кадрової політики підприємства.

Ключові слова: інновація, кадрова політика, маркетинг інновацій, підприємство, працівники, сучасні умови.

Problem statement

The environment of a modern company becomes more and more changeable and dynamic every year. First of all, there are the factors of the external environment of indirect influence. New and more complex factors are constantly being added to this group of factors. Especially in recent years, such external factors as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have had a significant impact on the activities of enterprises. In this context, companies must constantly select and implement effective and efficient ways to adapt their activities to these factors. And at the same time, find opportunities to create new competitive advantages. After all, these complex operating conditions are not only a challenge to "survive", but also a challenge to "determine the stronger and more agile". All this reflects the relevance and lack of alternatives of choosing an innovative path of development for modern companies.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. The important researchers of the theory and practice of formation of an effective personnel policy of the enterprise were engaged in such scientists as Balabanova L.V., Butenko I.A., Vinogradsky M.D., Hrynyov V.M., Demydov N.F., Krushelnytska O.V., Melnychuk D.P., Fedulova L.I., Shvets I.B. and others. They considered the theoretical bases of personnel policy, identified the peculiarities of personnel policy formation at domestic enterprises and abroad, the stages and types of its formation, considered the development of personnel strategy of the organization, studied the risks arising at each stage of interaction between the employee and the enterprise, estimated their probability and methods of prevention, etc. At the same time, the issue of personnel policy formation was discussed. At the same time, the issue of marketing innovations in the context of formation of an effective personnel policy of the enterprise is not sufficiently considered.

Task statement. The purpose of this article is to examine the marketing of innovations in the context of the formation of an effective personnel policy of the company.

Summary of the most important research material

The level of functioning of enterprises in the conditions of military confrontation acquires a rather serious significance, since in such a difficult period the filling of the state budget becomes more important than ever. Therefore, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine defend the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, domestic enterprises must "protect and ensure the functioning" of the national economy. All this together secures the future of Ukraine.

The enterprises of Ukraine can fulfil this task only by choosing the innovative way of development, since the ways of building production activities used in peacetime are not effective at present. When carrying out innovative activities, the heads of enterprises should first of all bear in mind its peculiarities, namely, the necessity of attracting significant financial resources, as well as a significant time interval between the spent resources and the final result.

It should also be emphasized that the production of high quality, competitive and necessary for the consumer products (works, services) by the company does not guarantee success and obtaining the desired profit. The consumer may not be aware of these products, or may not know about their features of use, uniqueness, place of sale, etc. This is where innovation marketing comes in.

Marketing of innovations is understood as an activity aimed at finding new areas and ways of using the potential of the enterprise, developing new products and technologies on this basis, and promoting them in the market in order to satisfy the needs and requirements of consumers more effectively than competitors. Application of marketing innovations in the enterprise creates an opportunity for the enterprise conditions for long-term preservation and development [1].

Here are the basic principles of marketing that must be followed when implementing innovative activities in the company:

1) Focus on achieving the final practical result of the innovation project;

2) capture of a certain market share in accordance with the long-term goal specified in the innovation project;

3) integration of research, production and marketing activities in the enterprise management system in order to obtain the highest possible desired result;

4) close attention to forecasting research and development of innovative projects based on their results, which ensures highly productive activity of the enterprise;

5) application of interdependent and complementary strategies and tactics of active adaptation to the requirements of potential consumers of innovative goods with simultaneous targeted impact on their interests [2, p. 21].

As the experience of the enterprises of the advanced countries of the world shows, in order to establish effective innovative activity, the management of the enterprise must organize an effective creative team. It is necessary to systematically improve the skills of employees, carry out various activities to develop their creative abilities, search and attract new highly qualified specialists to work in the enterprise, as well as find new sources of innovative ideas to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. In other words - to create an effective personnel policy of the company.

There are many opinions about the definition of "personnel policy". Some scientists consider that "personnel policy" is a holistic personnel strategy combining various forms of personnel work, styles of its implementation in the organization and plans for use of labour force. Krushelnytska O.V., Melnychuk D.G. consider personnel policy as a combination of principles, methods, forms of organizational mechanism for formation, reproduction, development and use of personnel, creation of optimal working conditions, their motivation and stimulation [3, p. 274].

According to V.G. Voronkova, personnel policy is a system of techniques, skills, methods, forms and methods of personnel work developed and applied in the practice of state bodies and individual organizations [4, p. 120].

Thus, personnel policy is a set of principles, methods, forms of organizational mechanism for formation, reproduction, development and use of personnel, creation of optimal working conditions, their motivation and stimulation.

The main purpose of the personnel policy is to provide all departments of the company with qualified personnel in an effective and timely manner, to provide continuous training for employees and to satisfy their needs. The personnel policy is aimed at the creation of a unified corporate culture, comprehensive personnel development and an effective motivation system. When developing the personnel policy of an innovative enterprise, it is necessary to identify the barriers that hinder the manifestation of the creative potential of employees, and at the same time to provide for the possibility of using various methods of developing the creative thinking of employees.

The goals of the personnel policy of the enterprise can be different, but the main ones are as follows [5, p. 65]: timely provision of the enterprise with personnel of the required quality in the required number, ensuring the conditions for implementation of the rules and duties of employees provided by labor legislation, rational use of human resources, formation and support of effective work of labour collectives.

According to the degree of openness of the personnel formation in the organization, there are two types of personnel policy - open and closed [6, p. 79].

An open human resources policy means that the organization is transparent to employees at all levels when hiring for frontline and management positions. Highly qualified employees are hired on the basis of competitive selection. This type is inherent in organizations that pursue a competitive policy aimed at rapid growth of production and gaining leading positions in the foreign market.

The closed personnel policy of the organization is characterized by the fact that it is focused only on promotion of its employees to higher positions. This type of personnel policy is used in conditions of shortage of human resources.

According to the degree of influence of the management apparatus on the personnel situation, there are passive, reactive, preventive, adventurous and active personnel policies.

Passive personnel policy means that the management doesn't have an action program for personnel, and personnel work is reduced to elimination of negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by lack of forecasting of personnel needs, means of work and personnel evaluation, diagnostics of personnel situation, etc. The management works in the mode of emergency response to conflict situations, tries to eliminate them by any means without analysing the causes and possible consequences.

In the case of reactive personnel policy, the company's management controls the symptoms of the negative state of work with personnel, the causes and the situation of the crisis. Personnel services are developed, but there is no comprehensive program for forecasting personnel development, there is no motivation for highly productive work.

Preventive personnel policy implies that the management has reasonable forecasts of the development of the personnel situation, but the organization has no means to influence it, the personnel service has not only the means of personnel diagnostics, but also forecasts of the personnel situation in the medium term, the main drawback of this policy is the lack of targeted personnel programs.

An adventurous HR policy is about such things:

- the management does not have a qualitative diagnosis of the personnel work, but tries to influence the situation;

- the HR department does not have the means to forecast the personnel situation, but the organization's development programs include personnel work plans that do not provide for timely elimination of possible changes in the situation;

- personal work plans are based on poorly justified measures without prior consideration, and in the event of abrupt changes in the market situation, the inability to quickly retrain personnel to work in new conditions or to attract from external sources is revealed.

An active human resources policy is one in which the following:

- the management of a company has not only forecasts, but also the means to influence the situation;

- the Human Resources Department develops anti-crisis human resources programs, monitors the situation, regulates the implementation of programs in accordance with the internal and external situation;

- the management of the company has high quality programs of personnel work with options for their implementation in various situations.

That is, an active personnel policy is a rational personnel policy.

For the formation of rational personnel policy in the enterprise it is necessary to determine its priority goals and develop general principles. They are necessary to determine the specifics of implementation of personnel work areas, the system of regulation of labour relations, methods of work with personnel, features and content of personnel programs and documentary support of work.

Currently, the most relevant principles can be: democratization of management, professionalism and competence of personnel, consistency, corporatism, legality, non-discrimination based on age, gender, religion, systematicity, etc. personnel policy specialist marketing innovation

The formation process should be carried out by agreeing on such aspects of personnel policy as: organizational and personnel policy, that is, the need for personnel, structure and staff, appointment, creation of a reserve, relocation should be planned; information policy, a certain system of movement of personnel information should be created, it must be reliable and timely; financial policy, it is necessary to form and distribute funds, provide an effective system of work incentives; Personnel development policy, the development and implementation of the development program, career guidance and staff adaptation, professional training planning, retraining and advanced training should be carried out; evaluation of the results of personnel activities, an analysis of the compliance of personnel policy and strategy of the organization, identification of certain problems in the work, evaluation of the personnel's work, should be carried out, etc.

There are 3 stages of formation of personnel policy of the enterprise. Each of them requires the performance of certain clear actions to achieve a specific goal [7, p. 69]. The first stage in the development of the company's personnel policy is standardization. Its purpose is to coordinate the principles and goals of personnel work with the principles and goals of the enterprise in general, the strategy and stage of its development. It is necessary to conduct an analysis of the corporate culture, strategy and stage of development of the enterprise, to forecast possible changes, to specify the image of the desired employee, ways of his formation and goals of work with personnel. For example, it is advisable to describe the requirements for an employee of the company, the principles of his work in the company, opportunities for growth, requirements for the development of certain skills, etc.

The second stage is training. The purpose of this stage is to plan the personnel needs of the company: personnel reserve formation, personnel information and controlling systems, personnel development programs, an effective system of personnel motivation and stimulation.

The third stage is controlling aimed at analyzing the state of personnel potential. It is necessary to develop a program of permanent diagnostics and specific measures for the development of knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel; to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel measures; to carry out permanent monitoring of personnel, control over the implementation of assessment, certification and career planning programs, to create and maintain an effective working climate.

It should be noted that when searching for and attracting innovation marketing specialists to work in a modern enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the following skills and abilities in potential candidates:

- development of innovation marketing strategy and tactics;

- assessment of the company's capabilities regarding the development and implementation of innovative projects;

- effective coordination of marketing and innovative solutions;

- development of a business plan for the production of an innovative product;

- evaluation of the competitiveness of an innovative product;

- effective coordination of the need and behavioural reaction of consumers of the innovative product;

- bringing the innovative product into line with market requirements;

- management of the company's product portfolio;

- management of technological development of the enterprise;

- formation of an effective pricing policy of the enterprise for innovative goods;

- development of integrated marketing communications for the promotion of the enterprise's innovative products on the market, etc.

In addition, when forming personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account the factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. Thus, the external factors that determine the personnel policy of the enterprise include [8, p. 130]: national labour legislation, peculiarities of the business sphere, cultural traditions, level of regulation of social and labour relations in the industry, economic conditions, situation on the labour market and prospects for its development.

Ukrainian legislation regulates the relationship between the employer and the employee, establishing: a guarantee of respect for human rights; equal opportunities in employment; the amount of the minimum wage; the length of the working day and the working week; the duration and procedure for granting leave; norms of working conditions; occupational safety standards; functions of trade unions.

Focusing on the situation on the labour market, it is necessary to analyse: the presence of competition, sources of recruitment, structural and professional composition of the free labour force. It is important to obtain information about professional and social associations in which employees of the enterprise or job applicants participate. The strategy of activity of these associations, their traditions and priorities for creation and implementation of effective personnel programs in the enterprise.

For example, for today there are changes in the organization of labour relations, new norms of legislation under martial law are in force: new features of concluding and terminating an employment contract; transfer and change of essential working conditions; determination and calculation of working and rest time; exchange of documents, organization of personnel records management and archival storage of personnel documents with the employer; participation in work of certain categories of employees; remuneration of work; night work; vacation; trade union activities; compensation to employees and employers involved in labour relations for monetary amounts lost as a result of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine; state supervision over compliance with labour legislation during martial law.

The internal factors that determine the company's human resources policy are The company's goals and mission (for companies with different goals, different professionals are needed); management style (it affects the organizational culture, forms working and informal relations in the company; comparing companies with strict centralization and those that prefer decentralization, it can be determined that these companies need a different composition of professionals); peculiarities of work organization (work intensity, communication, degree of physical and psychological stress, duration and structure of work); financial resources (related to the assessment of the capabilities of the organization's employees and the appropriate distribution of responsibilities to improve work efficiency and ensure stability); type of government; image of the organization.

Consideration of internal and external factors influencing the formation of personnel policy helps to determine and use accents in the process of developing the features of the company's personnel policy, which has an impact on the overall work efficiency, ensuring competitiveness and increasing the company's profit.

An important role in the development and implementation of the company's personnel policy is played by the personnel service. It develops targeted personnel programs, regularly monitors the situation and adjusts the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal environment [9, p. 178]. The personnel service must develop and approve the concept of the company's personnel policy. This is a special document that regulates the implementation of its main provisions and also ensures the specification of the main aspects of the company's personnel management. It contains general provisions, principles of personnel policy, directions for development of personnel potential, various aspects of organization of work with personnel, and a list of regulatory documents. It makes it possible to clearly reflect the views of the company's management, improve cooperation between departments, ensure consistency in the decision-making process, and inform employees about the rules of internal relations.

Thus, personnel policy is an important part of the general policy of the organization and an integral part of its success. The potential opportunities of any company depend on the knowledge, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve problems, receptiveness to training of the working staff. In order to implement an effective personnel policy, it is necessary to develop its priority goals and form a set of principles, coordinate all components, carry out standardization and training, and not forget about control. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account internal and external factors of influence, of course, it is impossible to predict such situations as war or pandemic, but situations should be predicted as much as possible.


In modern economic conditions, domestic enterprises should actively participate in the development and implementation of innovative projects.

It has been established that in the innovation process special attention should be paid to the marketing of innovations, the main purpose of which is to bring the company's competitive products to the market. All this requires the management of the company to form a creative team capable of achieving the goals set.

It has been established that personnel policy determines the general direction and basis of work with personnel, general and specific requirements for them and should be developed by top management and personnel service. The mechanism of the company's personnel policy implementation is a system of plans, norms and standards, organizational, administrative, social, economic and other measures aimed at solving personnel problems and meeting the company's personnel needs. The personnel policy system should be flexible and create conditions for high labour productivity and employee satisfaction. An innovative company with an effective and properly formed personnel policy will be successful and highly competitive.


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  • The collection and analysis of information with a view of improving the business marketing activities. Qualitative & Quantitative Research. Interviews, Desk Research, Test Trial. Search Engines. Group interviews and focus groups, Secondary research.

    реферат [12,5 K], добавлен 17.02.2013

  • Marketing of scientific and technical products and services in the field of information technology. Differences sales activity in B2B and B2C. The role of the procurement center and features of the procurement decision-making in the industrial market.

    реферат [167,3 K], добавлен 27.05.2014

  • Purpose of the Marketing Plan. Organization Mission Statement. The main strategies employed by BMW. Sales volume of automobiles. New records set for revenues and earnings. Current models of BMW. Product life cycle. Engagement in Celebrity Endorsement.

    курсовая работа [879,4 K], добавлен 03.05.2015

  • Advertising is a kind of activity made in its result which purpose is realization of marketing problems of the industrial, service enterprises and public organizations by distribution of the information paid by them. Advertising on television, in a press.

    реферат [13,7 K], добавлен 14.06.2012

  • Использование Social Media Marketing для продвижения бизнеса в России. Маркетинговые коммуникации брендов безалкогольных напитков (БАН) на российском рынке. Анализ восприятия потребителями контента постов сообществ социальной сети, сообществ брендов БАН.

    дипломная работа [2,4 M], добавлен 23.08.2017

  • A detailed analysis of lexical-semantic features of advertising in the World Wide Web. Description of verbal and nonverbal methods used in online advertising. Bringing a sample website hosted on its various banners and advertisements to consumers.

    дипломная работа [99,7 K], добавлен 10.04.2011

  • Executive summary. Progect objectives. Keys to success. Progect opportunity. The analysis. Market segmentation. Competitors and competitive advantages. Target market segment strategy. Market trends and growth. The proposition. The business model.

    бизнес-план [2,0 M], добавлен 20.09.2008

  • The internal and external communication systems of the Nestle company. Background of the company. SWOT analysis: strength, weaknesses, opportunities. Architecture of Intranet systems. Business use of intranet systems. Intranet tools and its benefits.

    контрольная работа [304,7 K], добавлен 28.10.2013

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