The impact of social networks on a brand image formation: aspects of digital marketing

The aim and purposes of digital marketing. Research of the latest trends in the formation of the brand image, taking into account digital marketing. Justification of approach of using a social network to create and differentiate brands in practice.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 24.06.2024
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Artur Strungar Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of

Social Communications Sciences,

Manager of the CMO, AVSEO, SSTL of Ukraine



This research studies the impact of social media, which helps form the brand image nowadays. Using new digital marketing strategies, growing the business through social communication resources becomes more popular and valuable. Indeed, digital marketing provides strategies for new generations using various technologies. The article researches the latest trends in the formation of the brand image, taking into account digital marketing. An approach is proposed that will allow using a social network to create and differentiate brands in practice.

Keywords: digital marketing, branding, digital branding, social media communication, social communications, digitalized society.

The main text

digital marketing brand image

The key ways of how digital marketing influences brand building through social communications. In this part it would be discussed the aim and purposes of digital marketing and the impact on brands through this knowledge.

Digital marketing is one of the most modern and effective forms of market product promotion, while the primary aim of digital marketing is the development of businesses, brands and products on the Internet. There may also be a shift in dominance as the continuous drama with X (formerly Twitter) leaves room for new platforms like Instagram Threads and Bluesky to rise in popularity, while other networks have the potential to gain new ground for organic traffic. [2]

In fact, digital marketing is a modern technique that promotes products and services through digital channels like search engines and social media platforms. Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing is a cost-effective way of promoting products. It consists of the new developments in information technologies and by the process of integrating them into the new world economy allows to promote the new brands and become gigantic.

The rapid development of digital marketing allows to form a sustainable brand image, using social networks for communication with potential buyers. The formation of the brand image takes place through visual effects with an appeal that introduces the client to the product and the corresponding strategy that leads the client to various goals: familiarization, a call to purchase or increasing brand awareness. The development of information technologies provides space for the development of marketing promotion strategies and includes the implementation of the most daring solutions in the battle for the buyer's attention. Digital marketing allows creating unique promotion concepts, distinguishing a business from competitors.

The digital environment produces a vast array of data ranging from clickstream data, customer reviews and ratings, blogs, tags, and social interaction data, to customer responses to marketing actions and information on collaborators and competitors. This data is very informative for a firm to understand online customer behavior, develop marketing strategies, and measure the effectiveness of its actions and tactics on marketing outcomes.[3]

While [3] two core marketing elements that a firm focuses on to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage are its brand and its customers.

The task of digital marketing is to create an advertising concept based on appropriate technologies, integrating advertising ideas into the world economy, taking into account the needs and interests of buyers. Including unique ideas and strategies and using digital platforms is a machine of successful promotion in any field. Moreover, it is necessary to add the role of social communications in social networks for promotion.

People often associate social networks with socialization and interconnection of a group of people with similar interests. Social networking is becoming an inevitable part of life and work in the field of communication. It represents communication channels for active communication with users with the help of the companies to follow new trends. [1]

Nowadays, customers trust people as they are. Regular people become social media persons using social media, who are called influencers, and give recommendations to customers by making a promotion for a product or a brand. They do exciting scenarios to promote themselves as a good performer and establish a price for every minute of their video work. It is much cheaper than getting a promotion from a celebrity. Since it became irritating for people that everyone on social media is trying to sell them something, it created a chance for a new wave of promotion and digital marketing. Such as funny videos or high-quality social videos that illuminate social problems, so the viewer is supposed to watch them till the end. In such digital works, the advertising or the call for action is hidden. It touches people and promotes brands or products to influencers' audiences. This way of hidden promotion is also used for making video advertising and banners, but directions to the specific type of auditory catch their attention. For creating such a digital marketing strategy, a company should study the main purpose of the promo and their target auditory. It helps to decide if it is necessary to use more digital or more social skills. This way has become so popular that huge brands are buying such videos from regular influencers to remind customers of their brand.

Up-to-date research and innovations on digital marketing. Giving the analysis and understanding of the issues is important to pay attention to the main aspects and key elements of digital marketing.

Describing the most important components in digital marketing it is definitely necessary to draw attention to the Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) which includes keyword research, on and off-page optimization, content creation and user experience, monitoring and analysis etc. Nowadays it turns into voice research and the use of artificial intelligence which opens to the new part of opportunities and research in this field.

Content marketing where it is paid attention to the current information and the way of its demonstration and is a part of online communication. It is a field of highquality content influencers that is open.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a powerful component of digital marketing that utilizes social media platforms to connect with an audience, build brand awareness, and achieve marketing objectives--working through social media platforms within digital technologies and with new ways of target setting considering social media. Platform and content selection are the most important aspects of digital branding. Advertising should have the correct target and constructive objective accurately.

Benefits of digital marketing in contradictory to traditional marketing lies in its efficiency, actual new technological ways and meeting the needs of the buyer and the seller.

The most popular digital marketing trends of 2024 revolve around two key aspects - personalizing content and giving it a live, interactive form and it perfectly fits to the social media networks.

The aim of the article lies in the research of the features. This part is definitely worth discussing the successful use of digital marketing for promotion through social media and platforms. Because of these opportunities, a company becomes a brand. However, one of the most important roles is social communication and their ways. Different types of marketing aspects help to promote and introduce brands all over the world and open worldwide shipping. That is convenient for buyers and sellers.

Due to the development of digital means of data transmission and their active use by the population, the promotion of goods and services with digital marketing tools is becoming more relevant. Computer and marketing technologies and ways of interacting with the target audience in the Internet environment are dynamically progressing.

Including a successful strategy and advertising campaign, it allows to effectively promote the brand.

The main of the research. Digital marketing solves tasks such as image support for enterprises, products, and brands; support for introducing a new product to the market or a new brand; increasing recognition; sales promotion, etc. To solve these issues, digital marketing uses the unlimited possibilities of the Internet, mobile and digital technologies.

More benefits of using digital marketing nowadays:

• Provides effective competition in the service market;

• Increases levels of trust in the brand and provides feedback to buyers;

• Helps monitor the current needs of target groups and determine the demand reduces losses;

Digital marketing is a complex of information solutions, which under modern market conditions is a basic component of modern business development. Integrating social relationships through social media helps to sell everything.

The use of digital marketing provides enterprises with access to the global market, modern means of product promotion, and new levers of competition in terms of price, quality and product range.

Nevertheless, the role of social networks in communication is difficult to overestimate now.

So today the most important task for marketers is the need to study the level of Internet penetration and influence on people, and consumer tastes when making purchases online, effective online platforms, and target strategies based on that.

In order to really effectively develop a business in new realities, the entrepreneur needs to know and be able to competently use the tools that this direction gives us.

Talking about digital branding is necessary to clarify the differences between digital branding and digital marketing.

Faced with such challenges, most companies struggle to adapt their marketing approach. [4] So in the development of the research is important to consider that [4] it also contributes to the marketing-as-practice perspective on marketing work by shedding light on the sociomaterial imbrications obtained through datafication and resulting in two affordances: fragmented consumer tracking and organic branding.

Table 1 [4]

Additionally, taking the research that has already been done in [5] datafication can be understood as a practice of transforming a process or activity into actionable data. And based on [5] the important phenomenon of behavioral visibility, this research gives us an opportunity to study and change global work.

Since the battle for consumers' attention has moved online. Now, the method of filling shopping centers with posters and crowding magazines and mailboxes with ads, companies reached out to the clients on computers, social media and through public influencers. Nowaday a funny video made by an influencer with your product on a shot could receive a range of new customers to 30% and increase the level of brand recognition by 50% for one video and raise the budget of the company through mobile devices.

Also, it has been researched in [4] the interviewees acknowledged that datafication has enabled access to a wealth of consumer data, which has led to a fragmentation of target groups and significant growth in the number of touchpoints.

Digital marketing aims to capture leads and sell products, while digital branding aims to build relationships and engage customers. Ultimately, both strategies aim to grow the customer base and maintain sales. Nevertheless, digital branding takes a different approach. Rather than just promoting the benefits of a product, it emphasizes the influence of the brand as a whole. It uncovers the brand's values and identity and establishes a meaningful association between those fundamental elements of the brand and the products it offers for sale. Digital marketing methods can solve this task.

Different brands or companies use different social media and promotion tools to research their target audience. Digital marketing plays the role of a provocateur, which captures the viewer's attention and unobtrusively recommends purchasing a product. By choosing a strategy implementation method, a brand or company gets the opportunity to show the advantages and quality of its product to the buyer, and creativity in the approach allows it to stand out among competitors. Approaching a buyer who is not yet familiar with the brand's product makes it possible to turn a cold audience into leads with the help of creative advertising and a winning strategy to bring the customer to purchase. The diversity of digital technologies allows brands to create bright, competitive campaigns and achieve significant success in a shorter amount of time than conventional advertising.

The rapid development of digital marketing allows to form a sustainable brand image, using social networks for communication with potential buyers. The formation of the brand image takes place through visual effects with an appeal that introduces the client to the product and the corresponding strategy that leads the client to various goals: familiarization, a call to purchase or increasing brand awareness. The development of information technologies provides space for the development of marketing promotion strategies and includes the implementation of the most daring solutions in the battle for the buyer's attention. Digital marketing allows creating unique promotion concepts, distinguishing a business from competitors. The task of digital marketing is to create an advertising concept based on appropriate technologies, integrating advertising ideas into the world economy, taking into account the needs and interests of buyers.

People use blogs to express their opinions and thoughts, as well as to share these with people they may, or may not, know. Concurrent with the burgeoning use of blogs, “sharing” gradually became a trend on the Internet. Also it is described in [1] that many Internet companies realized that user participation is important to their success and have started using Web 2.0 to build their social networks and their reputation.

Directions for further research are facing the change in the communication professions, but this is not enough to challenge the controlled messaging and traditional media utilization that have served communicators well for decades, but which have now been rapidly altered by new realities of globalization, technology and new patterns of audience behaviour.The future research should also highlight the issues like international communication and the role of social media. We have to be aware of trends like globalization and internationalization of the business, so more attention should be given to research of international communications strategy. The media is also becoming more globalized and that in turn is leading to some globalization of social and cultural factors in the business environment. For example, interest in environmental issues is growing in many countries and the media has played a major role in this. Likewise, the globalization of the media has also helped create some globalized social phenomena such as the international teenage culture which are familiar with the usage of social networks.


Digital marketing is up-to-date marketing that provides interaction with consumers and business partners by implementing digital information tools, communication technologies, and electronic devices, which means using all possible forms of digital channels to promote the enterprise and its products. Digital marketing conditions the achievement of the maximum result in the optimal way. It provides opportunities to save money and avoid ineffective costs. Using new technologies in digital marketing and putting them into new ideas is the most profitable way to build a brand that continues growing with the time of updating the strategies and using new technologies through social media influence.

Based on the research, it was concluded that the field of digital marketing has a significant impact on the world economy, and new trends and developments, in turn, based on the latest research, have shown us their effectiveness. The development of the brand affects not only the growth of income, but also builds a strategy for the development of a profitable and successful business for years to come. Applying new integrated developments and own ideas, is possible to rival with world-famous brands thanks to social media, gaining the trust of customers.

Social networks for influencers and high-quality integrated and contextual advertising from the provision of digital technologies, built on years of research, this is what promotes a product on the market today and is today's marketing. Including and implement all aspects and tools, it makes it possible to build an effective brand in the conditions of a digitalized society.


1. The Role of Social Networks for Business in the Marketing Communications, Bruno Zavrsnik, University of Maribor, July 2012

2. Key digital marketing Trends for 2024, Digital Marketing Institute, Emma Prunty, Dec 2020

3. Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda, P.K. Kannan 2017

4. The brand, the persona and the algorithm: How datafication is reconfiguring marketing work, Isabelle Aime, Fabienne Berger-Remy, Marie-Eve Laporte, June 2022 science/article/abs/pii/S0148296322002843

5. Behavioral Visibility: A new paradigm for organization studies in the age of digitization, digitalization, Paul M. Leonardi and Jeffrey W. TreemView, October 2020 https://journals.

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