International marketing in the educational process: the experience of higher education institutions in Germany

The defines strategic trend of the development of the sphere of higher education is the search and implementation of an effective marketing strategy designed to ensure the competitiveness of the university in the target market of educational services.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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International marketing in the educational process: the experience of higher education institutions in Germany

Iryna Chychkalo-Kondratska

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International Economic Relations and Tourism, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic», Poltava, Ukraine


PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and Tourism, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic», Poltava, Ukraine

Iryna LEVCHENKO PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and Tourism, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic», Poltava, Ukraine


The article defines that the strategic trend of the development of the sphere of higher education is the search and implementation of an effective marketing strategy designed to ensure the competitiveness of the university in the target market of educational services, which involves the development and promotion of modern and innovative high-quality 42 educational products to the market. It has been proven that the primary task that ensures the effective operation of the university in the market of educational services is the formation and implementation of its economically effective marketing strategy. Classical marketing strategies that can be used by a higher education institution are defined and attention is focused on the fact that the marketing strategy of a higher education institution is an integration tool and is related to the optimization of ways to implement the educational institution's mission by choosing the best directions that ensure the achievement of strategic development goals and increase the competitiveness of the university in the market of educational services. The history and basic concepts of marketing in the field of education are considered. Analytical problems of the application of marketing in education and features that are important for the correct application of marketing principles in practice are elaborated. The elements of the marketing complex of higher education institutions based on the “5R” marketing-mix concept and actions in higher education institutions to encourage students on the example of Germany were studied. The current state of the educational services market has been analyzed, the trends of its development in modern conditions have been identified. The place and role of the marketing of educational services in the education system, the concept and essence of the marketing strategy for managing the activities of the educational institution are shown, the types and principles of the formation of marketing strategies are considered. The main marketing factors that ensure high ratings of higher education institutions are the high quality of educational services, a positive image developed over a long period of time, reputation among graduates and employers, scale of activity. marketing strategic trend educational

Keywords: marketing, marketing in the educational process, marketing complex, application of marketing tools, market models of higher education institutions, American Marketing Association, market of educational services.


доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин та туризму, Національний університет «Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка»,

м. Полтава, Україна

Альона Анатоліївна БУРЯК кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин та туризму, Національний університет «Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка», м. Полтава, Україна

Ірина Василівна ЛЕВЧЕНКО доктор філософії, доцент кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин та туризму, Національний університет «Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка», м. Полтава, Україна

Анастасія ШИРЯЄВА здобувач вищої освіти, Національний університет «Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка», м. Полтава, Україна


Анотація. У статті визначено, що стратегічним трендом розвитку сфери вищої освіти є пошук та реалізація ефективної маркетингової стратегії, покликаної забезпечити конкурентоспроможність ЗВО на ринку освітніх послуг, що припускає розробку й просування на ринок інноваційних освітніх продуктів високої якості. Доведено, що першочерговим завданням, яке забезпечує ефективну діяльність ВНЗ на ринку освітніх послуг є формування та реалізація його економічно ефективної маркетингової стратегії. Визначено класичні маркетингові стратегії, якими може скористатися заклад вищої освіти та сфокусовано увагу на тому, що маркетингова стратегія ЗВО є інтеграційним інструментом та пов'язана із оптимізацією шляхів 50

реалізації місії освітньої установи за допомогою вибору напрямків, що забезпечують досягнення стратегічних цілей розвитку та підвищують конкурентоспроможність ЗВО на ринку освітніх послуг.

Розглянуто основні поняття маркетингу у сфері освіти. Досліджено елементи маркетингового комплексу ЗВО на основі концепції marketing-mix «5Р» та дії у закладах вищої освіти для заохочення студентів на прикладі Німеччини. Проаналізовано сучасний стан ринку освітніх послуг, виявлено тенденції його розвитку в сучасних умовах. Показано місце і роль маркетингу освітніх послуг у системі освіти, поняття і сутність маркетингової стратегії управління діяльністю навчального закладу, розглянуто види і принципи формування маркетингових стратегій.

Доведено, що основними маркетинговими чинниками, що забезпечують високі рейтинги ЗВО, є висока якість освітніх послуг, позитивний імідж, напрацьований протягом тривалого часу, репутація серед випускників та роботодавців, масштаб діяльності.

Ключові слова: маркетинг, маркетинг в освітньому процесі, маркетинговий комплекс, застосування інструментів маркетингу, ринкові моделі вищих навчальних закладів, Американська асоціація маркетингу, ринок освітніх послуг.

Problem statement

Marketing in the sphere of education is mainly marketing of services. Unlike the marketing of goods and most services, marketing in the sphere of education forms a special relationship with the end-user - personality, as it actively participates in the process of rendering educational services, and this changes the content and character of marketing activity in a radical way.

A significant impact on the situation is the need to focus on the consumer, its real needs and desires, i.e. to realize the need to make significant efforts to increase the satisfaction of consumers of educational services, increasingly using different methods and marketing tools.

Analysis of publications

Theoretical, methodological bases and practical aspects of marketing in the educational process have been studied by many scientists, in particular V. Zarges, F. Heberlin, M. Kennell, and D. McDougall.

Purpose of the article

The purpose of the article is to define the mechanism of international marketing in institutions of higher education. The main task is to research marketing complexes and to find out the marketing of higher education establishments on the example of Germany.

Methods and methodology

Methodological basis of the article are fundamental provisions of economics, economic theory, the theory of foreign marketing, as well as scientific results of leading domestic and foreign scientists and economists on international marketing issues.

The main material researches

Changes are taking place in education, which dictate new requirements for educational institutions and the planning of the educational process. Therefore, there is a need to use educational marketing, which is aimed at creating a positive image of the educational institution; analysis of demand for educational services among consumers; development and implementation of quality educational services; study and analysis of educational needs of consumers.

Activities in the field of education can be considered as a set of business processes, since there is an opportunity to put it on stream and, thanks to this, to ensure the mass of education necessary for the development of society.

However, it is still necessary to solve the problems of finding the optimal combination of forms and technologies of education, which allows to optimize the educational process and reduce the costs of its organization. One of the possible methods of solving this problem is educational marketing. He is able to ensure the effectiveness of higher education institutions at the current stage.

The existence and development of a higher education institution directly depends on the number of students, which, in turn, depends on the success of the higher education institution's marketing activities. As a result, the complementary relationship between marketing and financial activities inherent in all business entities is manifested.

The formation of a modern market model of higher education institutions makes it possible to successfully solve a number of problems in the market of educational services and compete with other universities, which facilitates the work of educational institutions in the field of attracting applicants. It also helps in the integration of marketing information systems, the use of which helps to optimize the marketing strategy of the educational institution.

A large number of educational institutions in the West have long used marketing to improve the efficiency of their activities. For example, in the USA, the concept of educational marketing was developed in the second half of the last century, and in Germany, the first comprehensive concept was created in 1980 by scientists V. Zarges and F. Heberlin.

M. Kennell and D. McDougal in their book “Marketing of non-profit organizations” claim that universities and organizations that rely mainly on existing traditions and stable state funding are forced in modern conditions to resemble enterprises that may go bankrupt if changes are not considered occurring in the environment [1].

The American Marketing Association hosts annual higher education marketing symposia. 14 years ago, at another symposium, among the discussed problems, such practically important issues as development of a marketing plan, positioning of the state university, advertising of the university, methods of measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts of the university, the form of presenting information about the university, the most suitable for different groups of applicants, etc.

Subjects of marketing relations in the middle of an educational organization are: consumer of educational services (student of education), participant of marketing activity (legal representative of student of education), manufacturer or supplier of educational services (teacher/teacher or head of educational organization), intermediaries in the provision of services in the field of education (public organizations), business, the education system and the state are users of educational service media.

The student of education is a personified carrier, owner, user and end consumer of services in the field of education. He, unlike other consumers, can use his educational potential not only to satisfy some material needs, but also to satisfy higher needs - knowledge, creativity.

The objects of educational marketing are [2]:

- educational services and products of educational institutions (scientific and technical activities, educational and methodological activities and products, as well as informational, consulting, expert and scientific services);

- educational programs - a clearly formed set of educational services, aimed at changing the educational level and professional direction of the consumer of educational services, which has appropriate support through the resources of the educational institution;

- educational franchise - the right to implement educational services under a company or trade name, trademark or other commodity attribute under certain conditions.

Among the analytical problems of the application of marketing in education in foreign literature, the following can be distinguished [3]:

- financing of higher education and its relationship with the budget;

- mechanism of communication between universities and industry;

- modern methods of planning the educational process;

- the international nature of the market of scientific developments;

- a management system for the exchange of activities in the field of higher education;

- creating the image of educational institutions;

- international organizations in the system of higher education, etc.

The trends and problems of the global educational process had a significant impact on the activation of marketing in the activities of foreign universities.

The changes taking place in the international market of educational services indicate that the internationalization of education is becoming an integral element of higher education. According to UNESCO, by 2020 the total number of foreign students in the world may reach 5.8 million people [5].

Economic integration requires a certain standardization of the results of educational activities. The knowledge acquired by students in universities of one country should be applicable in other countries, both for continuing education and for professional activities.

Universities that teach foreign students should study the situation in the market of international education, identify the main competitors, prepare an attractive offer and present it to the consumer.

International marketing is quite complex. This requires a deep understanding of the developed national socio-economic and cultural conditions in the countries with which the university will cooperate [4].

The market of educational services has its own characteristics, which are important for the correct application of marketing principles in practice. They include:

1. Features of long-term service. Obtaining the first higher education can last from 4 to 7 years.

2. Licensing of services. The judge in the market of educational services is the state, which issues licenses for the right to conduct educational activities and determines the status of state accreditation of educational institutions where universities have the right to issue statestyle diplomas. Carrying out educational activities without a license is prohibited by law.

3. Competitive nature of education. Most universities provide education on a competitive basis, that is, to a consumer who wants to use the services of the university, which will be provided if he possesses certain skills and abilities, the availability of which is determined by independent external testing.

4. Availability of a sufficient number of higher educational institutions, other educational institutions and scientific and technical organizations that provide the same services.

5. Availability of consumers interested in their purchase and use of educational services.

6. Information asymmetry, which implies knowledge of some market participants more than others.

7. The production of products and provision of services to an insufficiently known market is characterized by the fact that higher educational institutions do not always know exactly their customers, their location, number, consumer pReferences:, etc.

8. Complete independence of higher education institutions in carrying out their activities, including the ability to choose the direction of training specialists and conducting scientific research, conclude contracts, accept and fulfill orders, etc.

Elements of the marketing complex of higher education establishments on the basis of the concept marketing-mix «5Р» illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1

Elements of the marketing complex of higher education establishments on the basis of the concept marketing-mix «5Р»


The products of higher education institutions (curriculums, methodological support, etc.) should contribute to the formation of such a set of competencies in future employees that would simultaneously satisfy both the needs of students and the needs of employers. Increasing demand for university graduates on the labor market increases the inflow of applicants.


Following the experience of Poland and the USA, it is possible to offer grant scholarships to students as a discount on tuition, the acquisition of which should be the result of research and scientific activity of students, their participation in competitions of student scientific works, amateur artistic activities, sports tournaments, etc.


The development and implementation of the marketing strategy should begin with the will of the university management. For this purpose, it is advisable to create marketing services, as implemented at the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, or public relations departments staffed by professional employees, as implemented at the National University of Kyiv- Mohyla Academy and the The National University of Ostroh Academy. At the same time, the actions of graduation departments, the admissions committee and marketing services must be synchronized.


The integrated system of marketing communications of higher education institutions must necessarily include: advertising activities aimed at both applicants and employers; career guidance activities using commercials, films, etc.; exhibition activity; direct contacts, forums, meetings with applicants with the support of university graduates and with the participation of active student-activists of the 4th-6th courses of study; public relations - placing news about the institution in publications, achieving favorable free notices on radio, television and other mass media; mobile communications - personal mailing of useful mobile content, greetings, postcards as a reminder of the institution; Internet communications - website, groups in social networks, blog sites; own Internet TV channel with support for online broadcasting of official or mass cultural events, conferences, competitions, lectures led by outstanding professors, as well as viewing of speeches and appeals by the rectorate, interviews with graduates and employers; demonstration of photo and video reports, etc.


The brand of a higher education institution depends on the culture, professionalism, knowledge and experience of the teaching staff and service personnel, therefore, the marketing activity of the higher education institution should be aimed at forming the brand of each individual employee, as well as strengthening relations with graduates and employers.

The competition to attract international students is increasing all over the world. According to analytical data, including UNESCO indicators, although higher education institutions around the world historically already have international ties, global competition has intensified this movement in recent years. Increased competitiveness is a motivating factor for higher education institutions that seek to expand the international dimensions of their institutions. Through internationalization, higher education institutions seek to attract foreign students, expand research potential, and increase reputation. The number of students studying abroad is expected to increase to 8 million by 2025, and countries are currently actively competing for these students. Higher education in Germany is a brand defined by a combination of financial affordability, high standards of living and career prospects. Eight German higher education institutions are among the TOP-100 universities in the world according to the 2019 QS World University Ranking [7].

As for the application of specific marketing moves in German universities, universities have created services where all visitors can leave contact information, which will later be actively used for personal mailing of postcards, letters, service catalogs.

And they also offer a large number of incentives for their applicants, such as:

- high quality of education;

- free education in state institutions;

- admission mainly without exams;

- the opportunity to work up to 20 hours a week while studying;

- financial support of young scientists;

- the opportunity to travel to the countries of the European Union;

- the opportunity to study for one or two semesters in other EU countries under exchange programs;

- various discounts and benefits during studies (tickets in public transport, museums, cinema, excursions, etc.);

- a unique opportunity to obtain a residence permit for 1.5 years to find a job after graduating from a state university;

- high chance of employment in Europe;

- security in the country;

- prestige of higher education institutions;

- price policy in institutions of higher education;

- high-quality website of higher education institutions;

- cost of living in the country;

- provision of quality education, including distance learning;

- student academic mobility;

- teaching not only in German, but the opportunity to study in English-language programs;

- high-quality language training (pre-university) of foreign citizens;

- modern material and technical support of higher education institutions;

- availability of dormitories, conditions of living in a dormitory;

- leisure activities of students (sports grounds, sports halls, holding cultural events, etc.);

- attitude of the population towards foreign citizens.


Based on the above-mentioned material, we can formulate a research task, which is to generalize the use of the developed marketing complex will contribute to an active positive perception of the university's brand. Formation of business reputation and attractiveness in the domestic and international market of education. But, of course, it should be considered that students have a complete impression of a higher educational institution after direct contact with the institution, with teachers and service personnel, with the atmosphere within the team.

In addition, today, the marketing of educational services should include not only the search and attraction of potential students, but also support the investment attractiveness of the country's universities, especially in the eyes of industrial enterprises interested in employing young, well-trained personnel, therefore, a further relevant direction of research should be the solution acute issue of financing educational institutions, in which the motivated use of marketing technologies plays a particularly important role. All this allows us to conclude that research in the field of marketing of higher education institutions remains highly relevant.

Understanding the essence of marketing educational services is a prerequisite for the development of an effective set of marketing activities for universities and the success of their activities. The modern market of educational services requires continuous improvement of activities from higher education institutions: constant mastering of new technologies (distance learning), expansion of cooperation with foreign educational institutions (Bologna system), development of additional training courses, preparation and assistance in participation in professional conferences. Therefore, the concept of marketing of educational services consists in creating such a product that maximally meets the needs of today and considers the requirements of future generations based on the implementation of world-class scientific achievements and innovative learning technologies.

It's reputation in the foreign market will largely depend on how competently the university will position itself and educational products and services from the point of view of product, price, communication and sales policy. That is why it is considered necessary to ensure the coordinated work of marketing centers at universities, which are engaged in the development and implementation of marketing and sociological research, price monitoring, advertising activities for the promotion of educational services.


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3. Могилова А.Ю. Особливості маркетингу на ринку освітніх послуг. Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. 2016. № 10. Частина 2. С. 21-25.

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