Marketing strategy for constructing and promoting low-rise buildings

Theoretical and methodological foundations for developing a marketing strategy for constructing and promoting low-rise buildings. Market research, identification of the needs and requirements of future buyers, their social and financial characteristics.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»






marketing strategy promoting building

The study presents the theoretical and methodological foundations for developing a marketing strategy for constructing and promoting low-rise buildings. Building and promoting low-rise housing requires an integrated approach and effective marketing strategy. The authors have identified a number of useful steps in this direction. Studying the target audience is the first step in developing a marketing strategy for such buildings. There is a need for market research, identification of the needs and requirements of future buyers, as well as their social and financial characteristics. Defining a unique offer is the second important aspect. This may involve using advanced construction technologies, increasing energy efficiency, innovative design or creating a convenient layout. Uniqueness makes a project attractive to consumers and differentiates it from the competition. One of the key aspects of a marketing strategy is to advertise and promote. The selection of the right communication channels is a key factor in the reach of the target audience. Some of the tools that can be used to promote low-rise buildings include internet marketing, social media, visual advertising, participation in exhibitions and presentations. It's also important to remember to keep interacting with potential clients while building. This can include regular visits to the construction site, advice on the process of buying a house, and support for the customer after the building has been put into use. In conclusion, the marketing strategy for low-rise housing should be unique, customer-centric and effective in the promotion of the product. A well-constructed strategy will not only help to attract buyers, but will also create a positive image of the company. This will increase sales and compete successfully in the marketplace. Success in this area can be achieved through a thorough analysis of the target audience, the use of modern marketing tools and cooperation with experts.

Keywords: marketing strategy, low-rise building, real estate market, construction object, segmentation, target audience, unique offer, communication channels.


МАКАТЬОРА Дмитро Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського

КУБАНОВ Руслан Відокремлений структурний підрозділ «Інститут інноваційної освіти Київського національного університету будівництва і архітектури»

ЯЩЕНКО Олексій Відокремлений структурний підрозділ «Інститут інноваційної освіти Київського національного університету будівництва і архітектури»


У дослідженні представлено теоретико-методичні засади формування маркетингової стратегії побудови та просування малоповерхових будинків. Побудова та просування невеликих житлових комплексів потребує комплексного підходу та ефективної маркетингової стратегії. Авторським колективом визначено змістовні кроки в цьому напрямку. Першим кроком у розробці маркетингової стратегії для таких будинків є вивчення цільової аудитори. Необхідно провести дослідження ринку, визначити потреби та вимоги майбутніх покупців, а також їхні соціальні та фінансові характеристики. Другим важливим аспектом є визначення унікальної пропозиції. Це може бути застосування передових технологій у будівництві, підвищена енергоефективність, інноваційний дизайн або зручне планування території. Унікальна пропозиція робить проект привабливим для споживачів та дозволяє виділитися серед конкурентів. Одним із ключових аспектів маркетингової стратегії є реклама та просування. Важливо обрати правильні комунікаційні канали для досягнення цільової аудиторії. Інтернет-маркетинг, соціальні мережі, візуальна реклама, участь у виставках та презентаціях - лише деякі з інструментів, які можна використовувати для просування малоповерхових будинків. Також важливо не забувати про взаємодію з потенційними клієнтами протягом усього будівельного процесу. Це може включати регулярні огляди будівельного об'єкту, консультації щодо процесу придбання житла і підтримку клієнтів після введення будинку в експлуатацію. У висновках зазначено, маркетингова стратегія для малоповерхових будинків повинна бути унікальною, орієнтованою на клієнтів та ефективною у просуванні продукту. Вірно побудована стратегія допоможе не лише залучити покупців, але й створити позитивний імідж компанії, що дозволить підвищити продажі та успішно конкурувати на ринку. Глибокий аналіз цільової аудиторії, використання сучасних маркетингових інструментів та співпраця з експертами можуть сприяти успіху у цій сфері.

Ключові слова: маркетингова стратегія, малоповерховий будинок, ринок нерухомості, будівельного об'єкт, сегментація, цільова аудиторія, унікальна пропозиція, канали комунікації.


The advantages of low-rise construction - the comfort of private space, environmental friendliness, customisation and the opportunity to be closer to nature - are making it increasingly popular in today's property market. All of these features, as well as current market trends and the needs of the target audience, should be considered in a marketing strategy for low-rise construction. Constructing low-rise buildings allows you to create a comfortable living space that differs from typical multi-storey buildings. The marketing strategy for promoting and selling low-rise buildings should highlight their benefits and features that attract buyers. For example, the opportunity to live in a private house with its own yard and parking space, the proximity to nature, the environmentally friendly environment, the large windows with great views and the greater freedom in the layout of the rooms. To meet the needs of the target group, it is also important to consider current trends in design and amenities. In addition, an effective marketing strategy may include the use of online marketing, social media, virtual tours of the facility, the creation of open spaces to communicate with potential customers and the strengthening of the brand and image. It is important to remember that a successful marketing strategy is based on a thorough understanding of the needs and expectations of prospective owners, as well as analysing the competitive environment and market conditions.


In the works of Ukrainian scientists various aspects of this problem have been studied and presented, e.g: M. Slokva [1]; S. Pustovgar, T. Mukhanva [2]; O. Kolontaevskyi, V. Polovynka [3]; S. Buravchenko, K. Gres [4]; S. Neilenko [5]; T. Tkachenko, O. Tkachenko [6]; H. Shvydanenko, O. Kryvoruchkina, D. Matukova [7]; L. Cherchyk, I. Yerko, N. Kolenda, O. Mishchenko [8]; I. Varis, O. Kravchuk, K. Spirina [9]; R. Fedorovych [10]; O. Selezneva [11]; I. Stankovska, M. Derkach [12]; O. Telletov, A. Gradil, M. Rud [13]; V. Khymynets [14]; O. Vasyliev, K. Fisun [15]. It should be noted that the issue of development of marketing strategies adapted to the activities of specific enterprises in various types of economic activity is the subject of a certain number of scientific works. This confirms that the issue of the development of marketing strategies is a relevant one.


The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical and methodological bases for creating a marketing strategy for constructing and promoting low buildings.


Low-rise construction is a modern and sought-after approach in the property industry. It opens up new opportunities for developers to meet the demands of clients who value comfort, sustainability and individuality. Low-rise construction is becoming a desirable choice for many families due to growing environmental awareness and the desire to live in harmony with nature.

Maintaining the comfort of private space, the possibility of individual design and proximity to nature are the main advantages of low-rise construction. These factors determine not only the popularity of this type of housing. They also make it unique in the property market.

However, in addition to quality features, the right marketing strategy is crucial to the success of any construction project. The marketing strategy for the construction of low-rise buildings should be targeted. It should focus on the needs of the target group and take into account current market trends.

Researchers consider a company's marketing strategies in both a broad and narrow sense. A marketing strategy in the broad sense is the embodiment of the dominant principles and objectives of marketing over a long period of time. It is also a vector of actions designed to create a desired position in the market. In the narrow sense, the marketing strategy includes the methods that the organisation uses to influence customers and encourage purchases, specific strategies for target segments, the marketing mix and the level of marketing costs [12, p. 58].

Target audience analysis is one of the key aspects of developing a marketing strategy for low-rise housing. Understanding the needs, expectations, lifestyles and values of future residents is essential. The individualisation of the product range and the consideration of the buyer's specific requirements will be a key factor in the attractiveness of the project.

The target audience is a group of people who are likely to be interested in an offer and are likely to be purchasers of a particular product or service. The fact that members of the selected group are likely to buy a particular product is the main value of the target audience in marketing. Therefore, a marketer creates an advertisement based on the tastes or characteristics of this group. This significantly increases the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

One of the methods of the target group analysis and evaluation is its segmentation. Segmentation is the division of the object under study into parts that have common and different characteristics, which allows the subject to find solutions that are aimed at the achievement of a certain goal. A segment is a group of units of the object being studied that share common characteristics. The need to clarify the object and subject of segmentation is demonstrated by this definition of the terms “segmentation” and “segment”. The object of segmentation is a part of the surrounding reality, the identification of which is aimed at identifying the subject-practical and cognitive activity to establish the proportions between the general and the particular; the subject of segmentation is the characteristics of the object under study, the similarity and diversity of which are established during segmentation [1, p. 133].

To meet the needs of customers from different target groups, the target audience is usually divided into several segments. All groups need special advertising, promotions and other offers. However, representatives of these groups who are interested in different advertising still use similar methods.

There are several methods of segmenting customers, one of the most popular being the 5W Model developed by Mark Sherrington. This model consists of five simple questions that help to identify and understand the target group at the very beginning of the process. The first question in the model “What?” is about the nature of the product in terms of specific attributes: what exactly do you have on offer to your consumers? The second question “Who? is aimed at determining the type of consumer on the basis of various characteristics, such as gender, age and social status. The third question “Why? is aimed at identifying the reasons why a consumer buys a product. In other words, what problem does the product or service solve? The fourth question “When? determines the time of the purchase (time of day, seasonality, etc.). And it is the last question that has yet to be answered: Where is the purchase taking place? (place of purchase: company, supermarket, etc.). This model allows you to interact effectively with your target groups. You can successfully promote products that meet the needs of each segment. It also helps to increase customer loyalty and sales without incurring additional advertising costs, which can be the case if the wrong strategy leads to an ineffective advertising campaign [2].

The next step in the analysis and evaluation of the target group is to create a description of it using the “character” method. This makes it possible to create a detailed portrait of an ideal customer for a brand, product or service. The user profile card model uses the image of an ideal customer or a description of existing customers [3, p. 23]. In other words, it is an imaginary person that the marketer creates by giving him or her a name, an age, hobbies and other characteristics.

To create a profile of the target audience, the following data is used: social characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, income; information about the time spent on the Internet (forums, specialised websites, online shops); problems that your product or service can solve for a potential buyer; feelings that the product or service can evoke in a potential buyer; advantages of your product that will convince the customer to buy your product instead of following a link to a competitor. The creation of a profile is a way for you to have a common language with your target audience. The aim here is to give the profile a personality. Working with impersonal statistics is not as effective.

It should be noted that low-rise buildings tend to appeal to families with children, the elderly or those who want to live comfortably without excessive noise and security. This type of building can also be attractive to young families who are looking for a safe and comfortable place to live. But that image is subject to change.

The next step is to examine the offers of the competitors. In practice, competitors in the construction market can be divided into: companies with similar offers, reputations, sets of works performed (the same construction cycle, similar construction projects); companies with offers of dissimilar goods or substitute goods that satisfy the same needs (different production cycle, different qualities and characteristics of construction objects) [11, p. 211].

SWOT analysis is used to study competitors in construction companies with a marketing department. The production, marketing and financial characteristics are analysed using a list of questions. Production characteristics analyse competitors' size, reputation, time and speed of project implementation, staff qualifications, quality control system, availability of design documentation and production technology. Marketing characteristics include pricing policy, advertising and PR strategies, participation in exhibitions and fairs, quality of customer service in negotiating and fulfilling orders, and advertising on the Internet. Financial independence is analysed through open financial statements and the availability of financial resources to develop and implement projects.

Developing a unique product offer is the next step. This may include elements such as the following:

1. Architectural design - the development of a modern and attractive building design that meets the tastes and needs of the target audience.

Low-rise buildings are those with a maximum height of four storeys. They include cottages, semi-detached houses, townhouses and low-rise apartment blocks. There is a rapidly growing market for modern low-rise buildings. This is due to their popularity during the country's upturn, as they are quicker to construct due to reduced labour requirements and simplified approval procedures.

The design is modern and attractive. For example, a green roof [6, p. 4] is used instead of the usual artificial coverings such as metal tiles, slate, etc. Not only does this look incredibly attractive, but it also performs many functions to make living comfortable. These include energy saving, good sound insulation, waterproofing, thermal insulation and air conditioning, all of which help to maintain a certain temperature inside the house.

Green roofs are becoming increasingly popular around the world. They offer a range of environmental and economic benefits. They contribute to energy saving, improved insulation, reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction of the negative impact on the urban environment and facilitate water drainage. Both domestic and commercial buildings can benefit from green roofs. They provide additional insulation against external temperature variations, helping to reduce heating and air-conditioning costs. Green roofs help reduce the amount of water that runs off the roof. They also improve air quality. In addition, green roofs can be a place for the cultivation of various plants, vegetables, fruit or even the creation of large beds for agricultural activities. This is a unique way to create a green space in an urban environment, which not only improves the urban landscape, but also helps to create additional places for recreation and entertainment. Ukraine can also use green roofs to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, reduce emissions and improve the living conditions of those living in the city. Such initiatives will not only contribute to environmental sustainability. They will also add beauty and health to the environment in which we live.

Or applying the principles of universal design in architecture, which includes: 1. Equality and accessibility. Avoiding the isolation of certain population groups by providing the same facilities for all users. 2. Flexibility of application. In order to meet the needs of users, the design should provide a wide range of individual settings and options. 3. Ease and intuitiveness. Irrespective of the experience, education, language skills and age of the users, the design should be easy and intuitive to use. 4. Information perception. The design should, regardless of external conditions or the user's perceptual abilities, facilitate the effective delivery of all necessary information to the user. 5. Tolerance of human error. The design should minimise the risk and harmful consequences of accidental or unintended actions taken by the user. 6. Low levels of physical effort. The design should have a low level of demand on the user's physical resources and a low level of fatigue. 7. Sufficient size and space. The availability of the necessary size and space for approaching, entering and performing various actions, regardless of the physical size, condition and degree of mobility of the user. Universal (inclusive) architecture provides for maximum consideration of all individual characteristics of the users of a product or service at the stage of planning its design (in education - curriculum, teaching methods, etc.), appropriate adaptation is carried out when a product or a service has already been created, but it needs to be adapted to the individual characteristics of the users [5, p. 109].


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