Evolution of research streams in the domain of omnichannel in marketing management

Omnichannel as a new approach to the company's activities in an integrated environment that combines online and offline channels. Three periods in the development of relevant research, the most cited works. Analysis of research topics of each period.

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Postgraduate Zhytomyr polytechnic state university

Evolution of research streams in the domain of omnichannel in marketing management

Iryna Zhalinska,

Ph.D. in economics, associate professor


The article has aimed to consider predominant research streams in the domain of omnichannel from the point of view of marketing management. Based on the growth rate of papers dedicated to omnichannel research in the SCOPUS database, three periods within 2013-2023 of publication activity have been distinguished. The main research streams as well as their peculiarities within periods have been defined. The deployment of research streams has been presented. At the beginning of the research period, the main focus was on retailing and its benefits. Then the main interest was shifted to the theme of consumer behavior and engagement and close related themes such as channel integration as well as impact on retail operation and some off-topics. Overall, the results of the study have given a theoretical and methodological basis for further research in the domain of omnichannel.

Key words: domain of omnichannel, marketing management, research streams, review of publications, SCOPUS database.


Жалінська Ірина Володимирівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, докторант, Державний університет «Житомирська політехніка». Еволюція напрямів досліджень у сфері омніканальності в управлінні маркетингом.

Омніканальність розглядається як новий підхід до діяльності компанії в інтегрованому середовищі, що поєднує онлайн та офлайн канали. Однак дослідження в цій галузі все ще перебувають на стадії становлення, а омніканальне середовище активно трансформується, що зумовлює необхідність окреслити актуальні проблеми сучасних досліджень та визначити релевантні напрямки вивчення для формування цілісного уявлення про омніканальність. Для досягнення цієї мети в статті здійснено вибірку статей, присвячених дослідженню омніканальності, з бази даних SCOPUS. Відповідно до динаміки їх публікації протягом 2013-2023 рр. виділено три періоди в розвитку омніканальних досліджень. Надалі досліджено найбільш цитовані роботи за періодами. Це надало змогу ретельно проаналізувати дослідницькі теми кожного періоду. Переважна увага дослідників у першому періоді приділялася діяльності ритейлерів у новому омніканальному середовищі. Другий період характеризується найбільшою кількістю робіт та значним розгортанням сфери омніканальних досліджень. Його головною особливістю стало зміщення акценту на проблеми поведінки та залучення споживачів. Визначено, що такі теми, як інтеграція каналів та використання нових технологій, тісно пов'язані зі дослідженнями проблем споживачів. Вплив омніканальності на діяльність ритейлерів також визначено як актуальний напрям досліджень. У цьому періоді з'явилися суміжні теми, наприклад, логістика, онлайн-маркетинг взаємовідносин, а також дослідження, присвячені огляду попередніх досліджень та визначенню перспектив. Центральною концепцією останнього періоду постає споживчий досвід, а також задоволеність та лояльність споживачів; тематика інтеграції каналів розглядається у тісному взаємозв'язку з дослідженнями споживачів. Надалі продовжується огляд попередніх досліджень та майбутніх дослідницьких напрямів. Суміжні теми, до прикладу, логістика, також залишаються актуальними. Загалом, результати дослідження надають змогу визначити теоретико-методологічне підґрунтя для подальших досліджень у сфері омніканальності.

Ключові слова: омніканальні дослідження, маркетинговий менеджмент, теми досліджень, огляд публікацій, база даних SCOPUS.

Main part

Introduction. The term "omnichannel" has emerged regarding a brand-new nature of the interaction between consumers and companies/brands. It implies the integration of offline and online channels properly and effectively in marketing management. It is worth noting that dynamic transformations have been becoming a permanent characteristic of this interaction. For instance, the online environment has gradually been evolving into a much more complex digital environment - the Metaverse, which, among others, will significantly affect the business conditions and, in turn, the ways and means of interaction between consumers and companies/ brands. Another important feature is the penetration of integrated online-offline interaction in almost all types of economic activity. It could not but influence marketing management in both practical and theoretical aspects. Therefore, this requires a review of the current approaches that are nowadays on focus of scientific research in the domain of omnichannel.

Analysis of recent research and publications. It is logical, that initial studies primarily concerned the retailing, and the effects of digitalization and ICT [1], which led to a change in retail business models [2; 3] and a shift in the scientific focus towards the study of consumer behavior and motivation [4; 5], as well as the profitability of retailing [6].

Although omnichannel is a relatively new phenomenon, one can find sufficient studies devoted to the analysis of its development. For instance, Furquim, T.S.G., et al. summarized the studies that concern the omnichannel retail purchase journey where the main themes within three main stages of the journey are outlined [7]. Some studies refer to the emergence of omnichannel retail as a result of the evolution of a multi-channel environment [8].

The phenomenon of omnichannel is considered in both aspects - management and marketing. Scientists consider omnichannel management, the basis of which is omnichannel customer experience (CX), determining its connection with relevant disciplines, leading scientists and institutions, modern research directions, in particular from the point of view of the consumer and the company, as well as future research directions [9]. In the aspect of omnichannel marketing, the main challenges that prevent its full implementation have been carried out [10].

In recent years, researchers have been trying to present a conceptual model of omnichannel retail where they offer, for instance, Iglesias-Pradas, S. and Acquila-Natale, E. provide integrative views (from both customer and retailer perspectives), where the central notion is channel integration [11]. Lehrer, Ch., and Trenz, M. propose the definition of an omnichannel business in the aspects of exploiting integrated processes and information systems to realize a seamless and consistent CX across a plenitude of digital and physical channels [12].

There is another important scientific trend in omnichannel research to be considered. Although the omnichannel focus is still on retailing, the implementation of omnichannel in different economic activities has started to be explored. For instance, the tourism and hospitality industry [13], banking [14], and healthcare [15] have appeared in scientific streams dedicated to the domain of omnichannel.

Given quite significant challenges that omnichannel research has recently faced, namely new fields of implementation, dynamic transformations of the digital environment, etc., the development of a theoretical background for further omnichannel research is required. The initial prerequisite for this is to outline the current streams and identify relevant areas of study in the domain of omnichannel.

Objectives of the article. The purpose of the article is to delineate the development of omnichannel research streams via a detailed review of the most cited papers according to the SCOPUS database to form a whole view of the domain in omnichannel research at present.

The main material of the study. For this research, bibliographic data were extracted from the SCOPUS database by searching the keyword "omnichannel" in the title, keywords, and abstracts of papers. The initial search resulted in the extraction of 1169 documents the first one dated from 2004. The next documents appeared in 2013. Given the quite significant lag between publications, the 2004 paper was excluded. The English language of papers and erratum in the category of document type were established as the filter as well. Overall, 1125 papers of different types were extracted from the SCOPUS database dated from 2013 to 2023. Figure 1 presents the dynamics of the number of publications under the research over 2013-2023.

The first papers in the domain of omnichannel appeared in 2013, then there was a steady increase in the number of publications until 2019 when 113 docs were recorded. Later on, the rate of growth slowed down somewhat, and amounted to 246 publications in 2022, and 259 in 2023 respectively. Based on the growth rate, three periods of publication activity in the domain of omnichannel can be distinguished. The first one captures docs published from 2013 to 2015. Their number and/or growth rate are not significant and comprise 34 docs overall. The second one captures docs published from 2016 to 2019. In that period, the growth rate of the number of docs is quite significant - approximately 150% per year. The period includes 256 docs overall. The last 2020-2023 period embraces the biggest number of docs - 835 and has a low growth rate in the number of publications. The division of research periods enables us to consider scientific trends in each period by examining the most cited papers.

The 2013-2015 period. Despite an insignificant number of papers, there are a few prominent articles in terms of number of citations (Table 1).

The initial topic of this period is connected with competition in the new omnichannel environment that integrates physical and digital channels. The most cited paper considers the competition between online and offline markets, including across products, advantages of operation on both channels, etc. Also, the issues about new technologies are the focus of research, namely the need for channel integration, the impact of mobile technologies, the growing role of social media, the changing role of physical brick-and-mortar stores,the need to respond to diverse customer requirements, the balance between personalization and privacy, and supply chain redesign. The impact of online-offline channel integration and insights from the retail company that implemented the integration of online and offline channels are carried out as well. A distinctive feature of the 2013-2015 period's publications is prevailing retailing in a research stream. In other words, omnichannel research emerged within the sphere of retailing research.

omnichannel marketing management

The number of documents in the domain of "omnichannel" by year according to the SCOPUS database

Table 1. The most cited publications in the domain of omnichannel according to the SCOPUS database, 2013-2015

Author(s), Article Title, Source

Year of issue

N Citations

Brynjolfsson, E., Hu, Y.J., Rahman, M.S. Competing in the age of omnichannel retailing.

MIT Sloan Management Review



Piotrowicz, W., Cuthbertson, R. Introduction to the special issue information technology in retail: Toward omnichannel retailing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce



Herhausen, D., Binder, J., Schoegel, M., Herrmann, A. Integrating Bricks with Clicks: Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online-Offline Channel Integration.

Journal of Retailing



Bell, D.R., Gallino, S., Moreno, A. How to win in an omnichannel world. MIT Sloan Management Review



Hansen, R., Sia, S.K. Hummel's digital transformation toward omnichannel retailing: Key lessons learned. MIS Quarterly Executive



Taylor, D.G., Levin, M. Predicting mobile app usage for purchasing and informationsharing. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management



The 2016-2019 period. The scope of omnichannel research was significantly deployed (Table 2).

The period has the biggest number of papers in terms of citations within the research period. The omnichannel research is still the retailing focus. The most cited paper is dedicated to exploring the impact of the omnichannel on retail operations, i.e. in which way implementing buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store influences the profitability of the operations, reaching new customers, etc. Logistics as a related topic to omnichannel research is of the biggest scientific interest as well.

Within the period some important directions can be delineated, namely (1) consumer behavior and engagement in the omnichannel environment, (2) the impact of omnichannel on retail operations including metrics, and quality of channel integration, (3) implementation of new technologies and their further development in the omnichannel, (4) review and prospects of omnichannel research. It's worth noting that some papers consider omnichannel issues in the context of different topics, such as logistics, online relationship marketing, and CX in the digital age.

Omnichannel research of this period is conducted in the field of retail, in particular, research on the operational activities of retailers and channel integration. However, it becomes apparent that the focus of scholars has shifted to consumer issues.

The 2020-2023 period. Since this period is the latest one in the sample presented, we take into consideration lower-rated publications than in previous periods (Table 3).

Noticeably, the main driver of this period is customer issues in the omnichannel environment. For instance, improving CX becomes one of the central points of discussion. The most cited article of this period is dedicated to the conceptualization of omnichannel CX and its impact on shopping intention. The study develops a nomological model that posits perceived compatibility and perceived risk as key linking mechanisms between CX and omnichannel shopping intention. CX is viewed through the lenses of many factors, such as shopping intention, integration quality, personalization, hedonic motivation, etc. Moreover, there is an endeavor to conduct a literature review aimed at consumer decision-making in omnichannel retailing.

Channel integration is considered in the close connection with consumer behavior and engagement. From a retail point of view, there is a new topic connected with return policy. Review of previous studies, prospects for omnichannel research, and considering omnichannel issues in the context of different topics are still of interest to researchers. Theory-driven research, comparative cross-cultural studies, and qualitative approaches are defined as the most lucrative directions among the studies reviewed.

Given the results of the detailed study of the omnichannel research, the main research streams within each period have been delineated (Table 4).

Table 2. The most cited publications in the domain of omnichannel according to the SCOPUS database, 2016-2019

Author(s), Article Title, Source

Year of issue

N Citations

Gao F., Su X. Omnichannel retail operations with buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store.

Management Science



Savelsbergh M., Van Woensel T. City logistics: Challenges and opportunities.

Transportation Science



Bell D.R., Gallino S., Moreno A. Offline showrooms in omnichannel retail: Demand and operational benefits. Management Science



Gao F., Su X. Online and offline information for omnichannel retailing. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management



Kumar, V., Rajan, B., Gupta, S., Pozza, I.D. Customer engagement in service. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science



Ailawadi K.L., Farris P.W. Managing Multi- and Omni-Channel Distribution: Metrics and Research Directions. Journal of Retailing



Juaneda-Ayensa E., Mosquera A., Murillo Y.S. Omnichannel customer behavior:

Key drivers of technology acceptance and use and their effects on purchase intention.

Frontiers in Psychology



Shen X.-L., Li Y.-J., Sun Y., Wang N. Channel integration quality, perceived fluency and omnichannel service usage: The moderating roles of internal and external usage experience. Decision Support Systems



Steinhoff L., Arli D., Weaven S., Kozlenkova I.V Online relationship marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science



Lee Z.W.Y, Chan T.K.H., Chong A.Y-L., Thadani D.R. Customer engagement through omnichannel retailing: The effects of channel integration quality. Industrial Marketing Management



Parise S., Guinan P. J., Kafka R. Solving the crisis of immediacy: How digital technology can transform the customer experience. Business Horizons



Li Y., Liu H., Lim E.T.K.,...Yang F., Lee M.K.O. Customer's reaction to cross-channel integration in omnichannel retailing: The mediating roles of retailer uncertainty, identity attractiveness, and switching costs. Decision Support Systems



Lim S.F.W.T., Jin X., Srai J.S. Consumer-driven e-commerce: A literature review, design framework, and research agenda on last-mile logistics models. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management



Hilken T., Heller J., Chylinski M.,... Mahr D., de Ruyter K. Making omnichannel an augmented reality: the current and future state of the art. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing



Gallino S., Moreno A., Stamatopoulos I. Channel integration, sales dispersion, and inventory management. Management Science



Castillo V.E., Bell J.E., Rose W.J., Rodrigues A.M. Crowdsourcing Last Mile Delivery: Strategic Implications and Future Research Directions. Journal of Business Logistics



Verhoef P.C., Stephen A.T., Kannan P.K.,... Rand W., Zhang Y. Consumer Connectivity in a Complex, Technology-enabled, and Mobile-oriented World with Smart Products.

Journal of Interactive Marketing



von Briel, F. The future of omnichannel retail: A four-stage Delphi study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change



Herhausen D., Kleinlercher K., Verhoef P.C., Emrich O., Rudolph T. Loyalty Formation for Different Customer Journey Segments. Journal of Retailing



Barwitz N., Maas P. Understanding the Omnichannel Customer Journey: Determinants of Interaction Choice. Journal of Interactive Marketing



Caro F., Sadr R. The Internet of Things (IoT) in retail: Bridging supply and demand.

Business Horizons



Table 3. The most cited publications in the domain of omnichannel according to the SCOPUS database, 2020-2023

Author(s), Article Title, Source

Year of issue

N Citations

Shi S., Wang Y, Chen X., Zhang Q. Conceptualization of omnichannel customer experience and its impact on shopping intention: A mixed-method approach.

International Journal of Information Management



Mishra R., Singh R.K., Koles B. Consumer decision-making in omnichannel retailing: Literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies



Cai Y.-J., Lo C.K.Y Omni-channel management in the new retailing era: A systematic review and future research agenda. International Journal of Production Economics



Hossain T.M.T., Akter S., Kattiyapornpong U., Dwivedi Y Reconceptualizing Integration Quality Dynamics for Omnichannel Marketing. Industrial Marketing Management



Tyrvainen O., Karjaluoto H., Saarijarvi H. Personalization and hedonic motivation in creating customer experiences and loyalty in omnichannel retail. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services



Pani A., Mishra S., Golias M., Figliozzi M. Evaluating public acceptance of autonomous delivery robots during COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research



Nageswaran L., Cho S.-H., Scheller-Wolf A. Consumer return policies in omnichannel operations. Management Science



Gao W., Fan H., Li W., Wang H. Crafting the customer experience in omnichannel contexts: The role of channel integration. Journal of Business Research



Cui T.H., Ghose A., Halaburda H.,... Tucker C., Venkataraman S. Informational Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing: Remedies and Future Research. Journal of Marketing



Cheah J.-H., Lim X.-J., Ting H., Liu Y., Quach S. Are privacy concerns still relevant? Revisiting consumer behaviour in omnichannel retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services



Gauri D.K., Jindal R.P., Ratchford B.,... Carr S., Howerton E. Evolution of retail formats: Past, present, and future. Journal of Retailing



Omar S., Mohsen K., Tsimonis G., Oozeerally A., Hsu J.-H. M-commerce: The nexus between mobile shopping service quality and loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services



He Y, Xu Q., Wu P. Omnichannel retail operations with refurbished consumer returns.

International Journal of Production Research



Jin D., Caliskan-Demirag O., Chen F.Y., Huang M. Omnichannel retailers' return policy strategies in the presence of competition. International Journal of Production Economics



Alexander B., Blazquez Cano M. Store of the future: Towards a (re)invention and (re) imagination of physical store space in an omnichannel context. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services



The results of the analysis suggest that in the first period, the research streams are poorly interconnected and mainly consider the omnichannel through the lens of retailing. Instead, the second period is characterized by two trends, namely the development of new research streams and the close interconnection of such themes as "Issues of new technologies" and "Channel integration" with "Consumer issues". This trend intensifies in 2020-2023 when channel integration is seen mainly through the prism of consumer behavior and engagement.

Conclusions. Numerous challenges, which are generated by the ongoing process of digital transformation, in terms of theoretical and practical aspects of the company's marketing activity, determine the necessity for research on modern topics in omnichannel.

According to the SCOPUS database the scientific persistent interest in the omnichannel issue appeared in 2013, and since then it has been steadily growing, reaching its maximum in 2022 and 2023. Based on the growth rate, we have been suggesting distinguishing three periods of publication activity in the domain of omnichannel, namely 2013-2015, 2016-2019, and 2020-2023.

Table 4. Prevailing research streams in the domain of omnichannel

Themes considered


Competition in the omnichannel environment

- The competition between online and offline markets, advantages of operation on both channels;

- the ways to compete by taking a customer perspective and viewing company activities through the lens of information and fulfillment.

Issues of new technologies

- The impact of mobile technologies, the growing role of social media, the balance between personalization and privacy, supply chain redesign;

- predictors of mobile app usage for purchasing and information sharing.

Channel integration

- The impact of online-offline channel integration in terms of factors that mediate and moderate this impact;

- insights from a retail company on how to integrate online and offline channels to engage and serve customers.

Issues of new technologies

- Role of AR and IoT in the omnichannel experience and channel integration.

- Customer acceptance and intention to use new technologies.

Consumer issues

- Factors (drivers) of moderating the service experience and influencing consumer behavior and engagement;

- the key determinants of purchase intention;

- segmentations of omnichannel customer.

Channel integration

- Influence of channel integration quality dimension on customer engagement;

- customer reaction to cross-channel integration.

Impact on retail

- The influence on profitability, customers, demand, sales dispersion, inventory management, etc;

- effective delivering online and offline information;

- metrics in omnichannel marketing.

Reviews and Prospects

- Directions of development in omnichannel retail;

- future areas of research on consumer connectivity in a complex, technology-enabled, and mobile-oriented world.


- Logistics; Online relationship marketing; CX in the digital age.

Channel integration

- Impact of the perceived integration quality on cross-buying behavior and customer value;

- the effects of channel integration on cognitive and affective CX;

- impact of mobile shopping service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty;

- channel integration, retailer-consumer relationship empowerment, and effective mitigation of privacy concerns.

Consumer issues

- Linking mechanisms between omnichannel experience and omnichannel shopping intention;

- effects of personalization and hedonic motivation on CX and loyalty.

Impact on retail

- Framework for omnichannel retail formats;

- return policy in omnichannel retailing.

Reviews and Prospects

- Review of consumer decision-making in omnichannel retailing;

- review and future research agenda of omnichannel management.


- Logistics.

The first period has been characterized by a few number of publications with slow growth of papers. Researchers' attention was drawn to the issues of competition in the omnichannel environment, the possibilities of new technologies, mainly in aspects of mobile devices, and social networks, and their impact on retailer activities and consumer behavior, including emerging concerns (personalization and privacy), as well as consideration of online-offline channel integration. So, company activity in the omnichannel environment was seen as a competitive advantage, which is quite typical for the initial stages. Consumer issues were not on the scientific focus yet and happened to be only tangential to these themes.

Contrasting to the first period, the second one has been characterized by the biggest number of papers and significant deployment of directions where omnichannel issues were considered. Research shifted to the issue of consumer behavior and engagement. Amongst the top themes, there were factors (drivers) of moderating the service experience and influencing consumer behavior and engagement, the key determinants of purchase intention, as well as segmentation of omnichannel customers. Channel integration issues in the 2016-2019 period were already closely related to consumer issues, e.g. the influence of channel integration quality dimension on customer engagement and reaction to cross-channel integration. This connection was also observed concerning using of new technologies, e.g. customer acceptance and intention to use new technologies. The researchers' attention was also attracted by issues regarding the impact of omnichannel on retailer activities, e.g. the influence on profitability, customers, demand, sales dispersion, inventory management, as well as metrics. The second period is also characterized by the appearance of off-topics, e.g. omnichannel is considered in the context of Logistics, Online relationship marketing, and CX in the digital age. Studies dedicated to Reviewing of previous research and defining Prospects for omnichannel research also appeared.

The third period mainly focused on customer issues in the omnichannel environment. The central concept of this period explored by scientists is CX as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty. In this context, connections of CX with various factors were studied, e.g. linking mechanisms between omnichannel experience and omnichannel shopping intention, and effects of personalization and hedonic motivation on CX and loyalty. Further development of channel integration issues that are closely related to customer issues was carried on. As in the previous period, endeavors to carry out a holistic concept for the company activities in the omnichannel environment were being done. Gaining competitive advantage was shifting toward choosing an appropriate omnichannel strategy, such as an integrative approach or a store return policy. Consideration of studies and future research agendas was carried on. The off-topic such as Logistics was still relevant.

Thus, it can be argued that omnichannel issues were first raised in the retail sector and are still being considered within it. During the research period, there has been a rather significant evolution of research streams from studying the benefits of operating in the omnichannel environment, the possibilities of using mobile devices and social networks, as well as best practices to a wide range of issues where the central theme is consumer behavior and engagement. Simultaneously, the research focuses on the impact on retailers' operations and channel integration. The focus of research on both consumer issues and company activities suggests that omnichannel research can be viewed from the perspective of marketing management.

The study clarifies the current understanding of omnichannel, and its scope as well as creates a theoretical and methodological basis for further research in this domain.


1. Piotrowicz W., Cuthbertson R. (2014) Introduction to the special issue information technology in retail: Toward omnichannel retailing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 18(4), pp. 5-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2753/ JEC1086-4415180400 (accessed at January 10, 2024).

2. Herhausen D., Binder J., Schoegel M., Herrmann A. (2015) Integrating Bricks with Clicks: Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online-Offline Channel Integration. Journal of Retailing, vol. 91(2), pp. 309-325. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/jjretai.2014.12.009 (accessed January 10, 2024).

3. Hansen R., Kien S. S. (2015) Hummel's Digital Transformation Toward Omnichannel Retailing: Key Lessons Learned. MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 14, iss. 2, article 3. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/misqe/vol14/iss2/3

4. Juaneda-Ayensa E., Mosquera A., Murillo Y. S. (2016) Omnichannel Customer Behavior: Key Drivers of Technology Acceptance and Use and Their Effects on Purchase Intention. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 7 (125). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01117 (accessed January 10, 2024).

5. Kumar V., Rajan B., Gupta S., Pozza I. D. (2019) Customer engagement in service. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 47(1), pp. 138-160. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-017-0565-2 (accessed January 15, 2024).

6. Gao F., Su X. (2017) Omnichannel retail operations with buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store. Management Science, vol. 63(8), pp. 2478-2492. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2016.2473 (accessed January 15, 2024).

7. Furquim T. S. G., da Veiga C. P., Veiga C. R. P. d., Silva W. V. d. (2023) The Different Phases of the Omnichannel Consumer Buying Journey: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 18, pp. 79-104. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer18010005 (accessed January 15, 2024).

8. Verhoef P. C., Kannan P. K., Inman J. J. (2015) From Multi-Channel Retailing to Omni-Channel Retailing. Introduction to the Special Issue on Multi-Channel Retailing. Journal of Retailing. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ jjretai.2015.02.005

9. 9 Gerea C., Gonzalez-Lopez F., Herskovic V. (2021) Omnichannel Customer Experience and Management: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability, vol. 13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052824 (accessed January 15, 2024).

10. Cui T. H., Ghose A., Halaburda H., Iyengar R., Koen Pauwels K., Sriram S., Tucker C., Venkataraman S. (2021) Informational Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing: Remedies and Future Research. Journal of Marketing, vol. 85 (1), pp. 103-120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0022242920968810

11. Iglesias-Pradas S., Acquila-Natale E. (2023) The Future of E-Commerce: Overview and Prospects of Multichannel and Omnichannel Retail. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 18, pp. 656-667. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer18010033 (accessed January 15, 2024).

12. Lehrer Ch., Trenz M. (2022) Omnichannel Business. Electronic Markets, vol. 32, pp. 687-699. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00511-1

13. Sakas D. P., Reklitis D. P., Terzi M. C., Vassilakis C. (2022) Multichannel Digital Marketing Optimizations through Big Data Analytics in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 17, pp. 1383-1408. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer17040070

14. Komulainen H. and Makkonen H. (2018) Customer experience in omni-channel banking services. Journal of Financial Services Marketing. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1057/s41264-018-0057-6 (accessed January 15, 2024).

15. Paiola M., Khvatova T., Schiavone F., Ferraris A. (2023) How do omnichannel strategies contribute to value- based healthcare? An orchestra-based analysis. Journal of Business Research, vol. 167. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/ jjbusres.2023.114175 (accessed January 15, 2024).

Список використаних джерел

1. Piotrowicz W., Cuthbertson R. Introduction to the special issue information technology in retail: Toward omnichannel retailing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2014. Vol. 18(4). P. 5-16

2. Herhausen D., Binder J., Schoegel M., Herrmann A. Integrating Bricks with Clicks: Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online-Offline Channel Integration. Journal of Retailing. 2015. Vol. 91(2). P. 309-325. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/jjretai.2014.12.009(дата звернення: 10.01.2024).

3. Hansen R., Kien S. S. Hummel's Digital Transformation Toward Omnichannel Retailing: Key Lessons Learned. MIS Quarterly Executive. 2015. Vol. 14. Is. 2. Article 3. URL: https://aisel.aisnet.org/misqe/vol14/iss2/3

4. Juaneda-Ayensa E., Mosquera A., Murillo Y.S. Omnichannel Customer Behavior: Key Drivers of Technology Acceptance and Use and Their Effects on Purchase Intention. Frontiers in Psychology. 2016. Vol. 7 (125)

5. Kumar V., Rajan B., Gupta S., Pozza I. D. Customer engagement in service. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2019. Vol. 47(1). P. 138-160

6. Gao F., Su X. Omnichannel retail operations with buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store. Management Science. 2017. Vol. 63(8). P. 2478-2492

7. Furquim T.S.G., da Veiga C.P., Veiga C.R.P.d., Silva W.Vd. The Different Phases of the Omnichannel Consumer Buying Journey: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 2023. Vol. 18. P. 79-104

8. Verhoef P. C., Kannan P.K., Inman J.J. From Multi-Channel Retailing to Omni-Channel Retailing. Introduction to the Special Issue on Multi-Channel Retailing. Journal of Retailing. 2015

9. 9 Gerea C. Gonzalez-Lopez F., Herskovic V Omnichannel Customer Experience and Management: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability. 2021. Vol. 13

10. Cui T.H., Ghose A., Halaburda H., Iyengar R., Koen Pauwels K., Sriram S., Tucker C., Venkataraman S. Informational Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing: Remedies and Future Research. Journal of Marketing. 2021. Vol. 85 (1). P. 103-120

11. Iglesias-Pradas S., Acquila-Natale E. The Future of E-Commerce: Overview and Prospects of Multichannel and Omnichannel Retail. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 2023. Vol. 18. P. 656-667. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer18010033(дата звернення: 15.01.2024).

12. Lehrer Ch., Trenz M. Omnichannel Business. Electronic Markets. 2022. Vol. 32. P. 687-699

13. Sakas D.P., Reklitis D.P.; Terzi M.C., Vassilakis C. Multichannel Digital Marketing Optimizations through Big Data Analytics in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 2022. Vol. 17. P. 1383-1408

14. Komulainen H. and Makkonen H. Customer experience in omni-channel banking services. Journal of Financial Services Marketing. 2018. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1057/s41264-018-0057-6(дата звернення: 15.01.2024).

15. Paiola M., Khvatova T., Schiavone F., Ferraris A. How do omnichannel strategies contribute to value-based healthcare? An orchestra-based analysis. Journal of Business Research. 2023. Vol. 167

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