Ветеринарно-санітарна експертиза бджолиного меду в сучасних екологічних умовах України

Вивчення натуральності меду за комплексом органолептичних ознак та лабораторних показників і їх аналіз для порівняння якості ботанічних сортів і зразків товарної продукції з різних областей України. Зміни діастазної активності меду під час зберігання.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 24.06.2014
Размер файла 54,3 K

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Ключевые слова: ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза меда; пчелиный мед; нитраты и нитриты в меде; пестициды в меде; радиоактивность меда.


Melnyk, M.V. Veterinary-sanitary expertise of honey from bees in modern ecological situation of Ukraine. - Manuscript.

PhD thesis, Veterinary Medicine, specialty code: 16.00.09 - Vet-Sanitary expertise. National Agricultural University of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, 2002.

According to the conducted research it was found that diastaza activity of the honey from white acacia and fructiferous trees is unstable, and can be reduced to zero after one year of storage, as well as the inverted sugar level can drop to 40%. The active acidity (pH) of Ukrainian honeys ranges from 3.5 to 4.5. The buffer capacity of honey from white acacia and fructiferous trees is obviously dependent on the soil type and composition. Antibiotics in the honey still active for a long time and can be found in honey even after 18 months of storage. It was found that nitrates content in the honey is very small (from 4.1 to 11 mg/kg), and nitrites were not found at all. Сontamination of honey with pesticides depends more on level of pesticides in the soil and the ability of the pesticides to stay active in the soil, and it less depends on the particularity of the plant species. However, the accumulation of the caesium isotopes is more dependent on the plant species.

The level of honey contaminated with caesium-137 is fluctuating from 1.2 to 68.4 Bk/kg. The level of honey contamination is two-three times higher than the level of nectar contamination and this is linked to the process of maturation of honey. The level of radionuclides inside the bodies of the bees that are sleeping through the winter period is 10 times higher than in flying bees during the summer period.

Keywords: veterinary-sanitary expertise of honey; honey from bees; nitrates and nitrites in honey; pesticides in honey; radioactivity of honey.

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