Експериментальне обґрунтування використання похідних вазопресину для регуляції просторової пам`яті і функціонального стану гіпокампа

Вивчення фармакологічних властивостей ноотропних препаратів. Експериментальне обґрунтування використання похідних вазопресину для регуляції просторової пам`яті і функціонального стану гіпокампа. Оцінка змін концентрації продуктів біологічного окислення.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 12.07.2014
Размер файла 87,9 K

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Ключевые слова: память, гиппокамп, функциональное состояние, аналоги аргинин-вазопрессина.


Коshelev O.S. Experimental ground of use analogues vasopressin for regulation of spatial memory and functional status in hippocampus. - The manuscript.

Dissertation for competition of candidate medical sciences degree for specialty 14.03.05-pharmacology. The Institute of pharmacology and Toxicology Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 2003.

Dissertation the work is devoted to definition of influence AVP, his analogues and fragments hormon, in dozes, which improve reproduction of a memorable engram`s, on spatial memory and functional status in hippocampus at rats. The change of concentration of products of biological oxidation - ТBA produkt, lactate and 2,3 - DFG of acids, concentration of free fatty acids is investigated. Research neurophysiologys of mechanisms of functional status in hippocampus and structure of comparison frontal neocortex, the study of parameters of a status of spatial memory, ways of biological oxidation, contents of concentration in a fabric in hippocampus of free fatty acids on a background of action of analogues AVP, has shown close interrelation with a problem of study of mechanisms of disorder mnectic processes.

Piracetam, AVP, his analogues and fragments, which stimulate reproduction conditional avoidance of skills, on another influence spatial memory at rats. The investigated connections unequally influence on neurophysiologys and biochemical parameters of functioning in hippocampus and significally changed parity between ways of biological oxidation in hippocampus rats.

On a background of action piracetam the increase of concentration in hippocampus of free greasy acids is marked. AVP, his analogues and the fragments hormone resulted in increase of contents in researched formation of a brain sated, rather lower, and reduction of a level not sated FFA and decrease of concentration in hippocampus such secondary messenger, as araxidonic acid.

Key words: memory, hippocampus, functional status, analogues arginin-vasopressin.

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