Ренальні ефекти даларгіну (експериментальне дослідження)

Вивчення ефективності застосування даларгіну при експериментальній гострій нирковій недостатності. Зміна показників водно-сольового гомеостазу та екскреторної функцій нирок. Визначення стану фібринолітичної та протеолітичної активності тканин організму.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2014
Размер файла 45,7 K

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Полученные результаты могут использоваться как экспериментальное обоснование более широкого применения даларгина с учетом его ренальных еффектов для оптимизации фармакотерапии ряда заболеваний и патологических состояний, сопровождающихся нарушениями функции почек и задержкой жидкости и солей в организме.

Ключевые слова: даларгин, ренальные эффекты, хроноритмы функционирования почек, острая почечная недостаточность.

Kukovska I.L. - Renal Effects of Dalargin [experimental study]. Manuscript.

Dissertation for scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences in speciality 14.03.05 - pharmacology. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2004.

The research deals with the analysis of changes of kidney functioning under the influence of dalargin, the synthetic analogue of leucine-enkephalin, depending on the injected dose, degree of organism aquation and chronorhythmic kidney functioning organization.

The study of dalargin action is carried out using pharmaceutical, functional, chronobiological, biochemical research methods.

It is shown that the intensity of diuretic and saluretic effects of dalargin depends upon the dose of the medication, duration of use, and also on the time of injection during the day. Dalargin is proved to have the most noticeable effect on excrescent and ionoregulating function of kidneys at night. Moderate diuretic effect of the medication is stipulated by the prevalent increase of the speed of glomerular filtration and also by some decrease of the processes of tubular reabsorbtion. Renal effects of dalargin are reinforced under the conditions of oppression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system activity, the blockade of eicosanoids synthesis and lowered level of mineralocorticoids in the organism. Dalargin is proved to enhance the natriuretic activity of blood plasma.

The use of the medication stimulates the interstitial fibrinolytic and proteolytic activity. Correlative connection is established between the speed of glomerular filtration and the changes of fibrinolytic activity of cortical substance of kidneys under the influence of dalargin.

Dalalgin is proved to be efficient as a medical and preventive measure for experimental acute renal failure.

The results obtained testify that it is expedient to use dalargin more widely taking into consideration its renal effects for the optimization of the traditional pharmacotherapy of diseases accompanied by deviations of kidney functioning.

Key words: dalargin, renal effects, chronorythms of kidney functioning, acute renal failure.

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