Медична технологія профілактики і лікування жирової емболії у хворих з механічною травмою опорно-рухової системи

Основний аналіз дослідження анамнестичних, метаболічних та клінічних особливостей у хворих з синдромом жирової емболії. Особливість забезпечення стабільної фіксації переломів. Характеристика патогенетичної консервативної терапії з механічною травмою.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.07.2014
Размер файла 75,5 K

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Летальность больных в группе 2 (27,8%) была ниже летальности больных в группе 1(45%). Частота развития СЖЭ составила 1,52% больных.

Ключевые слова: травма, жировая эмболия, диагностика, лечение.

Gridasova Y. E. The medical technology of fat embolism prevention and treatment that has victims with mechanical trauma of locomotor system.- Manuscript.

The dissertation is for getting the bachelor of medical sciene degree by the speciality 14.01.30 - anesthesiology and intensive therapy. - Donetsk State Medical University, Donetsk, 2006.

In the present dissertation there were studied anamnestic, metabolic and clinical signs of fat embolism syndrom (FES) that have patients with trauma. The goal of the study is to reduce the lethality level of the fat embolism syndrom patients.

There were studied 20 patients (group 1) and 18 patients (2) with clinical subacute form of FES, 20 patients with subclinical form of FES (3) and 20 patients with trauma, not complicated FES (4). The FES treatment and prevention in group 1 were being done according to recommendations of Pashchuk A. Y., Fadeev P. A. (1991), in group 2, 3 and 4 - according to the programme that was worked out by us.

The anamnestic, metabolic and clinical features, that were disclosured according to the present studies, that have FES patients, became fundamental in principles of medical technology of FES prevention and treatment which includes: prediction of FES according to the presence of predisposing causes that have patients, modern FES diagnostics according to the scale that was suggested, the so called “Scale of FES diagnostics that have patients with mechanical trauma of lower limbs and pelvis”, the early osteosynthesis of fractures, pathogenetic grounded conservative therapy. The inculation of the suggested technology allowed to reduce lethality among the FES patients to 27,8% and frequencies of origin FES to 1,52% .

Key words: trauma, fat embolism, diagnostics, treatment.

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