Гомеостаз порожнини рота та його корекція у дітей з диспластичним сколіозом

Дослідження високої розповсюдженості карієсу, хронічного катарального гінгівіту, зубощелепних аномалій у дітей із диспластичним сколіозом. Причини зниження кислотостійкості емалі. Гомеостаз порожнини рота, його корекція у дітей з диспластичним сколіозом.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.07.2014
Размер файла 87,5 K

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A thesis in search for the scientific degree of a Candidate of medical scienees on the speciality 14.01.22. - stomatology. - The Ukrainian medical stomatological academy. - Poltava, 2005.

By the investigations there was proved high spreading of caries chronical catarrhal gingivitis, dento-maxilla anomalies in children with displastic scoliosis. There was determined the direct dependence between the age of a child, gravity of scoliosis, spreading of general stomatological diseases. The course of caries and gingivitis is accompanied by the lowering of acid-resistance of enamel, mineralizing potential of the oral liquid, speed of saliva production, pH, increasing of viscosity, calcium, magnesium lowering, increasing of the general protein level and oxyproline excretion. There was revealed the reliable decreasing of percentage quantity of calcium, increasing of potassium, phosphorus, and sulfur generally in the enamel and on different regions of a tooth without dependence on the depth and the anatomical region of tooth that promoted the formation of carieslabial enamel. There was determined the significant intensification of lipid peroxide oxidation processes on the background of the decrease of antioxidant ferments activity.

The application of medical-prophylactic complex (“Biotrit-C”, “Calcit”, “ЕКСО”) allowed in two years to lower the increase of intensity of caries at 43,75%, to lower the spreading of inflammatory processes in the tissues of parodontium, that was proved by the lowering of PMA index at 39,06% in a year.

Key words: children, caries, gingivitis, displastic scoliosis, lipid peroxide oxidation, proрhуlaxis, treatment.

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