Обґрунтування активної хірургічної тактики у хворих на гострий холецистит у віковому аспекті

Аналіз результатів лікувальної тактики у 378 хворих з гострим холециститом в різних вікових групах. Дослідження низької специфічності і чутливості загальних і місцевих клінічних симптомів у визначенні деструктивних форм гострого холециститу у хворих.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 09.08.2014
Размер файла 47,2 K

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Ключевые слова: острый холецистит, возраст, диагностика, лечебная тактика.


Synoversky L.V. Ground of active surgical tactic at patients with acute cholecystitis in an age aspect. - The Manuscript.

Thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences on a specialty. 14.01.03 - Surgery - the Ternopol State Medical University by I.Y. Horbachevsky MH of Ukraine, Ternopol, 2005.

The thesis is devoted to actual problems of early diagnostics and choice of active medical tactics for the patients with an acute cholecystitis of different age groups.

Results of medical tactics in 378 patients with an acute cholecystitis in different age groups and periods of research were analyzed. The analysis of a clinical picture of an acute cholecystitis gave a possibility to select five types of its clinical course. Low specificity and sensitivity of common and local clinical signs in definition of the destructive forms of an acute cholecystitis is proved. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the clinical data, specificity of 12 sonographic signs of an acute cholecystitis and results of morphological research of the remote gall-bladders the degree of an expressiveness and dynamics of inflammatory - destructive changes in a gall-bladders is authentically certified, which characterize on preoperative stage „ the clinic-morphological” form of an acute cholecystitis. On this basis four „clinic-morphological” forms of an acute cholecystitis are selected. The results of morphological, morphometric and immuno-morphometric reseaches of mounts of patients with an acute cholecystitis of elderly and senile age have testified decrease of an arterial blood supply of a wall of a gall-bladders, capacity reductions, contraction of vessels of a microcirculatory channel, tissue ischemia with the following activation of the local inflammatory process. The performance of early (within 24 - 48 h) operative measures was grounded. The proposed medical algorithm of patients with an acute cholecystitis of different age depends on the clinic-morphological form of disease and operative- anesthesiologists' class of risk.

Results of treatment of patients with an acute cholecystitis in different periods of research were analyzed. The use of active surgical tactics of patients with an acute cholecystitis has reduced of frequency of postoperative complications from 17,6 to 11,4 % and reduced a level of postoperative mortality from 2,1 to 0,6 %.

Keywords: an acute cholecystitis, age, diagnostics, medical tactics.

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