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Pertsev D. P. Hygienic substantiation of preventive and improving measures when moulding metals in constant metal forms. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of the candidate of medical science in speciality 14.02.01 - hygiene. Institute for occupational health of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2006.

The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation of system of preventive measures when getting casts in the constant metal forms, that is realized on the basis of a complex hygienic estimation of the factors of labour process and industrial environment. Working conditions, factors of labour process and industrial environment of the workers engaged in moulding metals in the constant metal forms are investigated in the study, in interrelation with health state and regularities of formation of the body's functional condition in workers of basic occupational groups in interrelation with the factors of industrial environment.

It is determined that moulding in the constant metal forms in comparison with traditional kinds of moulding in sandy-clay forms is characterized by more favorable working conditions, but does not exclude a harmful influence of industrial environment on the workers. The leading factor at moulding in the constant metal forms is the heating microclimate at the background of harmful effect of industrial noise. Besides, dust and chemical substances in the air of the working zone influence workers, first of all at the expense of carbon oxide, aerosols of copper and aluminium (moulding of aluminium alloys and colour metals in chill moulds), volatile products of thermodestruction of phenolformaldehyde pitches, dust (pig-iron moulding) in concentrations considerably exceeding the maximum permissible ones. The study of complex influence of conditions and weight of work on the workers' health state showed that there are high levels of morbidity with temporary disability, the work of the founders of basic technological trades (smelters, fillers, felters) belongs to the 3rd class, the 2nd and 3rd degrees of weight and is accompanied by expressed unfavorable changes from the part of homeostatic systems, both during working shift and week. Changes of physiological systems condition in workers of basic occupational groups were characterized by features of reactions: of muscular system (change of static endurance), nervous system (worsening of results of visual-motor reaction), cardiovascular system (tension of hemodynamic mechanisms) at the background of tension of heat regulation system functional condition.

The condition of industrial environment is investigated taking into account features of technological process and it is proved, that the quality of industrial environment for the basic occupational groups is determined, first of all, by an unfavorable microclimate (air temperature of the working zone and high levels of infra-red radiation). According to an integral parameter of quality of industrial environment technological process of moulding of colour metals in the constant metal forms is authentically more favorable for preserving workers' health.

The conceptual model of preventive measures is offered, which includes sanitary-technical measures, introduction of load tests for determination of adaptation reserves of the organism, prenosological violations and pathological states. The mentioned information allows to recommend, when projecting new and reconstructing old enterprises, introduction of moulding in the constant metal forms as more progressive and health preserving method. The basic results of the estimation of industrial environment parameters, characteristics of the complex of unfavorable production factors, results of the deep medical examination, determination of levels and structure of morbidity with temporary disability of foundry workers allowed to formulate a complex of technical, technological, sanitary - technical, sanitary - hygienic and medical-preventive measures on preserving health of founders.

Key words: factors of labour process, industrial environment, functional condition of the organism, prophylaxis, foundry.

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