Патологічна анатомія підшлункової залози плодів та новонароджених від матерів із анемією

Внутрішньоутробний період формування організму. Показники плодів і новонароджених залежно від ступеня тяжкості залізодефіцитної анемії (ЗДА). Аналіз стану підшлункової залози у плодів і новонароджених від матерів, вагітність яких була ускладнена ЗДА.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2014
Размер файла 47,8 K

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Обнаруженная взаимосвязь между изменениями соматометричних показателей плодов и новорожденных и тяжестью материнской ЖДА.

Ключевые слова: поджелудочная железа, плод, анемия.


Polyakova O.V. Pathological anatomy of the pancreas of fetuses and neonates from the anemic mothers. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate degree by specialty 14.03.02 - pathological anatomy. - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2006.

The subject of the thesis is a research of the pathomorphological peculiarities of the pancreases of the fetuses and the newborns from the mothers having complications during the course of pregnancy caused by anemia of variable degrees.

The methods used in the research: microscopy, organometrics, histology, morphometrics, histochemistry, immunehistochemistry. The research was done on significant volume of material - 65 cases of autopsy of fetuses and newborns from the mothers with anemia. The control group consisted of 23 cases of fetuses and newborns from the mothers with physiological course of pregnancy.

Histological sections received by standard paraffin processing; were stained with routine methods (hematoxylin and eosin, van Gieson's stain). There were also implemented hystochemical methods: Mallory stain, Feulgen - Rosselbeck stain, Brashe stain. Immunohystochemical research was done by Coontz method using Brosman methodic (1979). Cells producing insulin and glucagon were differentiated using monoclonal antibodies for insulin and glucagon by Serotec, UK. Apoptosis was identified with MCAb CD95, and endothelin-1 producing cells were MCAb to endothelin-1 (Novocastra Laboratories Ltd. UK). As luminescent labels were used F (ab) - 2 - fragments of rabbit antibodies against mice immunoglobulin that marked FITC. The research of substances was done using luminescent microscope ML-2 with light filters. Luminescence intensity was defined using microfluorometers FEU-35. The received results were later processed using methods of statistical analysis.

Macroscopic research of anthropometric parameters of the fetuses and newborns exposed the tendency to mass increase and body length increase under influence of light degree anemia. The parameters of the fetuses and newborns from mothers, whose pregnancy was complicated by heavy degree anemia, have tendency to decrease comparing to the fetuses and newborns from control group.

Maternal anemia in the pancreas of the fetus is getting exposed by the acceleration of the flow of the intraurinal development, by the phenomena of dysembryogenesis, by the increasing level of morpho-functional activity of endocrine cells (up to the appearance of the signs of "working" exhaustion), and by the massive cellular death by the apoptosis. The level of these damages is directly proportional to the degree of IDA. The influence of mother's 1st degree IDA results the increase of the level of morpho-functional activity of exocrine epitheliocytes comparing to control group, which is stipulated by the increase of morphometrical parameters of exocrine cells, and as result the unreliable increase of the cells' diameters and acinus's areas. An islet vehicle, in which в-cells prevail is well developed. The diameters of islet are increased due to the increase of diameters of б - and в-cells. Correlation between б - and в-endocrinocytes corresponds to normal indexes. Morphometrical, immunohystochemical and cytophotometric descriptions of б - and в-cells show insignificant increase of the level of their morpho-functional activity. Majority of endocrinocytes have normal chromatin content in their nuclei. However there were also found single polyploidy cells, and some cells, which can be defined as perishing mainly by apoptosis, as most of these cells demonstrate superficial receptors to CD95. A stromal component is expressed moderately. The size of the stake of bloods vessels in stroma shows the growth of glands vascularization, which is an adaptation to hypoxia, which does take place. At the same time the endotelyn-1 producing function of endothelia of the vessels remains stable that shows adequate compensator-adaptive reaction.

Mass of pancreas and masses of separate parts of gland of fetuses and newborns, worn-out under conditions of heavy degree IDA, certainly exceed the average indexes of mass of glands of fetuses and newborns from mothers with physiological motion of pregnancy. The increase of the mass of glands is caused by the gain of specific weight of the connecting fabric and, accordingly, by it's substitution of parenchyma. The acinus's sizes are also certainly macroscopic, which is conditioned by the increase of exocrinocytes for the whole group. Exocrine epitheliocytes have the high level of morpho-functional activity with the signs of function exhaustion in some cells. The islet are disposed denser, however their dimensions are decreased comparing to the islet in the control group. The correlation between б - and в-cells is less than in the control group that shows diminishing quantity of в-cells. Morphometric, immunohystochemical and cytophotometric characteristics of б - and в-cells demonstrate the oppressing of their morpho-functional activity. Also noticed some decrease of amount of endocrinocytes, which have normal level of chromatin in nuclei, and increase of amount of aneuploidic cells with level of chromatin more than 2C and cells dying primarily by the apoptosis, because an apoptotic index is certainly increased. A stromal component is more substantial, comparing to the previous sets of observations. The size of the stake of blood vessels in stroma shows reduced vascularization of pancreas with expressed dysfunction of endothelia on the background.

Keywords: pancreas, fetus, anemia.

Список умовних скорочень


підшлункова залоза


моноклональні антитіла


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