Структурно-функціональний стан кісткової тканини у дітей, хворих на дитячий церебральний параліч та корекція його порушень на етапі реабілітації

Вивчення стану кісткової тканини залежно від віку, статі, форми захворювання і формування піку кісткової маси у дітей, хворих на дитячий церебральний параліч. Розробка комплексної програми реабілітації хворих дітей на санаторно-курортному етапі.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.08.2014
Размер файла 113,9 K

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Chumak A.V. Structural functional state of bone tissue in children with cerebral palsy and correction of its derangements on the stage of rehabilitation. - Manuscript.

Thesis for scientific degree of the Candidate of Medical Sciences on specialty 14.01.10 - pediatrics. - S.I. Gueorgievskiy Crimean State Medical University of the Health Ministry of the Ukraine. - Simferopol, 2007.

The thesis is devoted to the research problems of structural functional state of bone tissue in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and development of correction methods of its derangements on the stage of rehabilitation. There was found the 18% reduction of STF (stiffness) index in the general group of boys and girls, with the lowest figures in girls aged 9 and 14 years old and in boys aged 10, 12, 13, 14 years old. It was found that traditional sanatorium resort treatment contributes to the improvement of state of bone tissue in children with mild motor disorders, with infantile hemiplegia and osteopenia up to 10%, and the inclusion of bioresonant therapy into the rehabilitation course favors the correction of osteopenia in children with mild and moderate motor disorders, osteopenia up to 10%.

Key words: children with cerebral palsy, structural functional state of bone tissue, physical development, ultrasonometry, rehabilitation, bioresonant vibrant stimulation.

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