Експериментальне вивчення церебропротекторних та психотропних властивостей діакамфу

Методи корекції порушень центральної нервової системи. Аналіз доцільності створення лікарських препаратів церебропротекторної та психотропної дії на основі діакамфу. Огляд впливу діакамфу на неврологічний дефіцит тварин на тлі алкогольної інтоксикації.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.07.2015
Размер файла 69,6 K

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Ключевые слова: диакамф, сахарный диабет, церебропротекторные средства, психотропные препараты.

Shatilova O.A. Experimental study of Diacamph cerebroprotective and psychotropic properties. - Manuscript.

The thesis for obtaining the scientific degree a Candidate of Pharmacy degree (Ph. D. degree) in specialty 14.03.05 - Pharmacology. - National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, 2010.

The dissertation is dedicated to the solution of important medical problem - correction of central nervous system disorders. Dose-dependent action of Diacamph is identified in dose range from 10 mg/kg till 50 mg/kg, effective cerebroprotective and psychotropic dose is 25 mg/kg. Diaсamрh increases survival, reduces neurological deficit and improve hystostructure of brain cells. In animal model craniocerebral trauma Diaсamрh reduces neurological deficit and shows antioxidant activity. Diacamph doesn't show muscle relaxant, tranquilizer, anxiolytic activity on intact animal, however it has an antidepressant effect in behavioral despair test, reduces the expression of intraspecific aggression. Diacamph demonstrates nootropic activity, it improves all the phases of memory. Antialkoholic effect of Diaсamh is displayed on two models of acute alcohol intoxication (Diaсamh increases survival, decreases narcosis sleep) and model of chronic alcohol intoxication (Diaсamh reduces neurological deficit, shows anxiolytic, sedative, nootropic, antidepressant activity). Diacamph exceeds piracetam on all models. Thereby anxiolytic and sedative effect of Diacamph occurs only when induced anxiety. Diacamph doesn't decrease normal glucose level even on conditions acute alcohol intoxication. Cerebroprotective and nootropic effects are associated with antioxidant effect and the stimulation of imidazoline receptors. Diacamph doesn't decrease hypoxic sensitivity of central nervous system. The analysis of Diacamph's action shows significant increase of brain dopamine level and moderate increase of levels of noradrenalin and adrenaline. The ratio of dopamine/noradrenalin decreases under the influence of Diacamph, it enhances the complementarity catecholaminergic processes.

Key words: diacamph, diabetes mellitus, psychotropic and cerebroprotective drugs.

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