Перебіг вагітності, стан плода та циркуляторно–метаболічні порушення печінки у хворих на цукровий діабет 1 типу

Дослідження в динаміці вагітності показників функціонально-метаболічного стану печінки, які характеризують синдром діабетичної гепатопатії. Особливість оцінки гормональної функції фетоплацентарного комплексу у майбутніх матерів з цукровим діабетом.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2015
Размер файла 42,7 K

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Dissertation is dedicated to study in dynamics of pregnancy functional state and regional hemodynamic of liver in pregnant women with 1 type diabetes mellitus (DM), establishment the additional criteria for prediction of complications of pregnancy and perinatal pathology and introduction of new method of treatment, which is pathogenically substantiated the aim of which is to correct circulatory and metabolic disorders of liver. In complex instrumental and laboratory investigation it was established that more than half of pregnant women with type 1 DM have circulatory and metabolic disorders of liver. It by was demonstrated the important phase changes of regional hepatic-arterial and portal hemodyinamic, increasing of concentration of fibronectin, disorders of protein-synthetic, fermental, lipid functions of a liver.

It is proved, that circulatory and metabolic disorders of liver play an important role in development of placentary insufficiency, complication of pregnancy and perinatal pathology in diabetes. It was determined that new direction of improvement consequences of pregnancy in this contingent of patients which consisted in correction of disorders of hepatic hemodynamic and normalization of metabolic functions of liver.

New method of treatment which is pathogenically substantiated in pregnant women with 1 type DM with circulatory-metabolic disorders of liver is offered. It is directed on correction of revealed disorders. Its efficiency on prevention of complications of pregnancy and fetus state was proved.

Key words: pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, liver, fetus state, treatment.

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