Вплив низькоінтенсивних електромагнітних полів мікрохвильового діапазону на фармакологічну аналгезію у мишей

Вплив мікрохвильового опромінення протибольової точки акупунктури на розвиток соматичного та вісцерального болю у мишей. Зміни поведінкових проявів тварин після введення анальгіну і трамадолу. Блокада опіоїдних рецепторів, пригнічення синтезу серотоніну.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2015
Размер файла 396,1 K

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It was shown, that the influence of a low-intensity microwaves (30-300 GHz; 3·10-9 W/sm2) on the antinociceptive AP E-36 statistically proofed decreased duration of the pain response caused by irritation of a somatic and visceral nociceptors that testifies the antinociceptive action of the microwave irradiation, applied on antinociceptive AP. The suppression of a function of opioid and serotoninergic cerebral systems resulted in weakening antinociceptive effects caused by a microwave irradiation of AP E-36 in conditions of a somatic and visceral pain, that testifies the involving antinociceptive systems in the formation of analgesia.

For the first time it was shown, that at the combined application of half of average single doses analgesics and microwave irradiation of AP E-36, antinociceptive effect has been approached or exceeded such effect after isolated application of average single doses of the above mentioned preparations. It was revealed, that suppression of a function of serotoninergic cerebral system by DL-p-chlorophenylalanine resulted in easing antinociceptive effects caused by combined application of half of an average dose analgin or tramadol and a microwave irradiation of AP E-36 in conditions of induction of somatic and visceral pain. The suppression of a function of opioid cerebral system by naloxone resulted in easing antinociceptive effects caused by combined application of half of an average dose analgin and a microwave irradiation of AP E-36 in conditions of induction of visceral pain.

Thus, the application of a low-intensity EMF of a microwave range, applied on the antinociceptive AP, enables to appreciably decrease doses of the pharmacological analgesics, approaching an optimum level of analgesia, and, accordingly to reduce side effects, which usually accompany action of pharmacological remedies.

Key words: pain behavioral reaction, acupuncture point, microwaves, analgin, tramadol, somatic and visceral pain, DL-p-chlorophenylalanine, naloxone.

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