Клініко-експериментальне дослідження впливу виробничих факторів повітряного середовища ливарного виробництва на верхні дихальні шляхи

Виявлення рівню запальних процесів слизової оболонки носа та глотки робітників ливарного виробництва. Дослідження порушення метаболічних процесів покривного епітелію. Визначення ефективності інгаляцій аерозолю кверцетину для профілактики дихальних шляхів.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.09.2015
Размер файла 44,0 K

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The defined high level of inflammatory and dystrophic nose and throat mucous process compared with the control group persons and it's direct dependence on service record of workers testifies to its relating to professional factors of the air environmental conditions of the job.

The fermented activity in the blood lymphocytes radically decreased and it indicated the disturbance of metabolic processes in them.

After the exposition to the air environmental conditions of the foundry production the signs of the chronically inflammatory process with pervascular oedema, the disturbance of covering epithelia structure , the reduction of the amount of plasma cells and the increase of the plasma blasts and tissue basophile were clearly defined in the mucous of the experimental animals.

After 10% gel quertzeytine solution inhalation in to the experimental animals the phenomena of chronicall inflammation considerably decreased. The normalization of the ferment activity and morphological mucous structure, that followed, made it possible to recommend these procedures for forun dry workers.

The use of gel quertzeytine solution inhalation by the forun dry workers showed its effectiveness, which resulted in the decrease of chronicall inflaminatrory nose and throat mucous processes, firstly of catarrh and hypertrophy, and considerable improvement of the mucous state at atrophic processes.

Key words: nose and throat mucous, chronicall inflammatory processes, morphological, cytological and histological analysis, quertzeytine.

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