Dancing exercises as a factor of socialization of children with violation of sight

The individual differentiated approach is reflected to employments by dancing exercises as mean of optimization of educational process in the schools-boarding-schools, shown role of dances in the increase of level of somatic health at children.

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Дата добавления 26.10.2020
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Dancing exercises as a factor of socialization of children with violation of sight

Serg Popel

Oksana Kryzаnivskaya

Nadiya Zemskaya

Eduard Lapkovskyi


dances somatic health

In the article the individual differentiated approach is reflected to employments by dancing exercises as important mean of optimization of educational process in the specialized schools-boarding-schools, shown role of dances in the increase of level of physical preparedness and somatic health at children 7 years with violations of sight.

Examined 45 schoolchildren aged 7-9 years who study at a specialized boarding school for children with violation of sight. The analysis of the influence of dances on the psychoemocyanal sphere of children with violations of sight led to the results of testing the coordination abilities, the level of formation of the need for communication, the diagnosis of the motivational structure of the personality, the definition of communication style, value orientations and the level of communicative complexity. Comparative analysis showed that with age these indicators decrease, and in children with low coordination abilities there is a low level of need for communication and low motor activity. Among the motivations that motivate children with visual impairment to group interaction, 54,3 % fall on the need to establish a wide range of relationships, about 45,4 % to the needs for their own development, the need for personal credibility is

%. Another 35,2 % of indicators are due to the need for information accumulation, and the opportunity to increase the value of one's own person is 24,7 %. At the same time, the need for communicative learning and the need to achieve communicative success are pushed to the background and make up only 14,2 and 15,7 %, respectively. Low indicators of communicative training cause significant difficulties in the integrative process, which requires the development of a program to improve and improve the level of coordination abilities in children with violation of sight.

The necessity of forming of motivation is marked to the increase of level of motive activity as effective mean of harmonization of physical development, is marked on importance of permanent employments by dances, that substantially promotes efficiency of process of socialization and helps to be deprived psychological complexes.

Key words: to put 7 years, violation of sight, dances, physical development, somatic health.

Сергій Попель, Оксана Крижанівська, Надія Замська, Едуард Лапковський, Ярослав Яців, Галина П'ятничук. Танцювальні вправи як фактор соціалізації дітей із порушенням зору. У статті висвітлено індивідуальний диференційований підхід до занять танцювальними вправами як важливий засіб оптимізації навчального процесу в спеціалізованих школах-інтернатах, показано роль танців у підвищенні рівня фізичної підготовленості й соматичного здоров'я в дітей семи років із порушеннями зору. Обстежено 45 школярів віком 7-9 років, які навчаються в спеціалізованій школі-інтернаті для дітей із порушенням зору. Аналіз впливу танців на психоемоційну сферу дітей із порушенням зору проводили за результатами тестування координаційних здібностей, рівня сформованості потреби в спілкуванні, діагностики мотиваційної структури особистості, визначення стилю спілкування, ціннісних орієнтацій і рівня комунікативної складності. Порівняльний аналіз показав, що з віком ці показники зменшуються, а в дітей із низькими координаційними здібностями спостерігали низький рівень потреби в спілкуванні та низьку рухову активність. Серед мотивів, що спонукають дітей із порушенням зору до групової взаємодії, 54,3 % припадає на потреби у встановленні широкого кола взаємозв'язків, близько 45,4 % - на потреби у власному розвитку, необхідність у зростання особистого авторитету складає 39,5 %. Ще 35,2 % показників зумовлені потребою накопичення інформації, а можливістю довести цінність власної особи - 24,7 %. Разом із цим потреба в комунікативному навчанні й потреба досягнення комунікативного успіху відсуваються на другий план і складають, відповідно, лише 14,2 і 15,7 %.

Низькі показники комунікативної підготовки - причина суттєвих труднощів інтегративного процесу, що вимагає розробки програми для вдосконалення та підвищення рівня координаційних здібностей у дітей із порушенням зору. Зазначено необхідність формування мотивації до підвищення рівня рухової активності як ефективного засобу гармонізації фізичного розвитку, наголошено на важливості постійних занять танцями, що істотно підвищує ефективність процесу соціалізації й допомагає позбутися психологічних комплексів.

Ключові слова: діти семи років, порушення зору, танці, фізичний розвиток, соматичне здоров'я.

Сергей Попель, Оксана Крыжановская, Надежда Замская, Эдуард Лапковський, Ярослав Яцив, Галина Пятничук. Танцевальные упражнения как фактор социализации детей с нарушением зрения. В статье освещается индивидуальный дифференцированный подход к занятиям танцевальными упражнениями как важное средство оптимизации учебного процесса в специализированных школах-интернатах, показана роль танцев в повышении уровня физической подготовленности и соматического здоровья у детей семи лет с нарушениями зрения. Обследовано 45 школьников в возрасте 7-9 лет, обучающихся в специализированной школе-интернате для детей с нарушением зрения. Анализ танцев на психоэмоциональную сферу детей с нарушением зрения проводили по результатам тестирования координационных способностей, уровня сформированности потребности в общении, диагностику мотивационной структуры личности, определения стиля общения, ценностных ориентаций и уровня коммуникативной сложности. Сравнительный анализ показал, что с возрастом эти показатели уменьшаются, а у детей с низкими координационными способностями наблюдается низкий уровень потребности в общении и низкая двигательная активность. Среди мотивов, побуждающих детей с нарушением зрения к групповому взаимодействию, 54,3 % приходится на потребности в установленнии широкого круга взаимосвязей, около 45,4 % - на потребности в собственном развитии, потребность в росте личного авторитета составляет 39,5 %. Еще 35,2 % показателей обусловлены потребностью в накоплении информации, а возможность доказать ценность собственной личности составляет 24,7 %. Вместе с тем, потребность в коммуникативном обучении и достижении коммуникативного успеха отодвигается на второй план и составляет, соответственно, только 14,2 и 15,7 %.

Низкие показатели коммуникативной подготовки являются причиной существенных трудностей интегративного процесса, требуют разработки программы для совершенствования и повышения уровня координационных способностей у детей с нарушением зрения. Указана необходимость формирования мотивации к повышению уровня двигательной активности как эффективного средства гармонизации физического развития, подчеркивается важность постоянных занятий танцами, что существенно повышает эффективность процесса социализации и помогает избавиться от психологических комплексов.

Ключевые слова: дети семи лет, нарушения зрения, танцы, физическое развитие, соматическое здоровье.


One of the diseases most attracted by the attention of parents, teachers, doctors is a violation of vision of varying severity [4; 9]. The development of this disease has a chronic and often progressive course. As a rule, myopia begins in childhood and often leads to blindness and disability [4; 8; 9].

As statistics show, the ideal vision is found in less than half of humanity. According to scientists [1; 3], from around the globe myopia suffers from 40 to 60 % of children (depending on the urbanization of the region), and blindness develops in 0,6-1,1 %. As a rule, they have a high level of hypokinesia, which is one of the reasons for the violation of posture, the development of flat feet, obesity, low level of physical fitness and other violations of physical development and physical health.

The health of children with visual impairment is largely determined by the level of the functional capabilities of the body, depends on the hygienic norms of physical activity. In turn, motor activity within the physiological reserves of the body, is a healing factor [2; 3]. This can explain the high effectiveness of various forms of FC, when they are based on the principle of the overall impact on the child's body [1; 5]. Therefore, timely prevention of hypokinesia and increasing the level of physical development are important for maintaining high-grade physical health and physical performance of children with visual impairment [7].

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of dance exercises in younger schoolchildren with visual impairment considering the level of physical development, physical health and physical performance.

Organization and methods of research. The study involved 68 pupils of a specialized boarding school for children with visual impairment in the town of Dolina.

For the conduct of the pedagogical experiment, two groups of 7-year-old children were organized. Control group - 32 pupils (17 boys and 15 girls) and the main group - 34 pupils (19 boys and 15 girls).

For the students of the main group, 75-80 % of the duration of the physical training lesson was allocated to performing dance exercises (beside the handrail, paired with children without visual impairment or individually without steam) [10]. Also, the students of the main group, on the recommendation of the doctors and the choreographer, were given individual extracurricular tasks, which consisted of special exercises to increase flexibility and strengthen the strength of the muscles. Schoolchildren of the control group were engaged in a standard program with physical education.

The level of physical performance was determined by the results of the veloergometric test [8]; The state of SZ - according to the incidence rate and the total number of passes during the school year [5]; Motivation to exercise by the results of the questionnaire.

Results of the Study. At the beginning of the study, a questionnaire was conducted, the analysis of which was revealed by a high percentage of children who were irregularly engaged in physical exercises. Thus, 76,4 % of boys and 78,94 % of girls did not exercise regularly. Only 17,64 % of boys and 10,52 % of girls systematically engaged in physical exercises (playing on sports grounds, swimming, running, etc.). Every morning 10,52 % of boys and 5,26 % of girls were assigned 10-15 minutes for gymnastics.

Repeated questioning made it possible to establish that after the experiment in the control group there were almost no changes. In the main group, 58,82 % of boys and 47,06 % of girls were systematically engaged in physical exercises. Every morning 64,71 % of boys and 76,47 % of girls perform gymnastics.

% of boys and 64,47 % of girls started taking breaks and physical breaks during homework.

The results of our studies show that the growth-weight indices of the pupils of the control group and the main group in both boys and girls did not have a significant difference (P> 0,05) between themselves before the start of the study. There was no significant difference in these parameters at the end of the experiment (P> 0,05).

Many researchers point to the close dependence of the influence of systematic physical exercises on the parameters of external respiration. Analysis of the results of the vital capacity of the lungs shows a statistically significant increase in the lung capacity after the experiment in the schoolboys of the main group, both boys and girls (P <0,05) compared with the control group. In schoolchildren of the main group, this indicator increased by 219,2 ml in boys and 208,5 ml in girls. So, the proposed dance exercises have a pronounced aerobic orientation, which positively affects the improvement of the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system as a whole.

A similar picture was observed when analyzing the results relative to the index of the vital index. Thus, in boys of the main group, it increased by 5,1 ml / kg, in girls - by 5,8 ml / kg (P <0,05).

Analysis of indicators of physical readiness of schoolchildren showed that in the vast majority of these indices in the main group, statistically significant changes occurred at the end of the experiment (P <0,05).

One of the important physical qualities of a person is speed-power capabilities. When analyzing the average long jump results from the place, the boys of the main group improved their results by 5,61 cm compared to the control group, and the girls, respectively, by 8,73 cm (P <0,05).

A similar picture is observed in the analysis of the dexterity development indicators (shuttle run 10 x 5 m). The results of testing with a shuttle run of 10 x 5 m in the main group were statistically significant (P <0,05) compared with the control group at 1,74 s in boys and 1,94 in girls.

During the period of the pedagogical experiment, the method used by us has made it possible to improve the flexibility in boys of the EG by 4,39 cm and, respectively, in girls of the main group by 3,23 cm, which is 8,7 and 9,6 %, respectively, (P<0, 05).

The results of the analysis of the rates of increase in the strength of the muscles of the hands (hanging on the bent hands, c) showed that in the students of both the main group and the control group it increased insignificantly (P> 0,05), which is 3,83 and 3,98 seconds, and in girls 2,20 and 2,5 seconds.

In order to test the effectiveness of the applied technique, we conducted a repeated examination of the state of somatic health of junior schoolchildren with visual impairment. Analysis of the results of the survey showed that statistical changes were noted in the main group. Thus, the overall morbidity in the control group remained almost unchanged at 17,5 %. In the main group, the amount of passes for the year is only %, which indicates an increase in resistance of the organism.


Conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed formulated our hypothetical assumptions about the necessity of formation of motivation of physical activity, its gain by performing dance exercises at physical training lessons and other extracurricular activities and comparison of test performance, as well as on the basis of the control parameters of an individual, differentiated approach in dealing with such complex socio-pedagogical problems, which, of course, is the process of retaining Nia and strengthen the health of younger students with visual impairment.

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  • School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.

    реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

  • The word "family" is connected with warm relations between members. Family relations. Both the husband and the wife create their future together. Children should love and respect the parents. A family role in children's formation of individuality.

    топик [11,2 K], добавлен 04.02.2009

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