The essence and content of the concept "readiness of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity
The leading role in addressing public health belongs to physical therapy specialists, the purpose of professional activity of which is the comprehensive restoration of the functional state of the person by means of physical and health technologies.
Рубрика | Медицина |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.05.2022 |
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The essence and content of the concept "readiness of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity
O.O. Bespalova, T.V. Bugaenko, Y.B. Arieshyna, V.A. Lytvynenko, N.B. Avramenko
The leading role in addressing public health belongs to physical therapy specialists, the purpose of professional activity of which is the comprehensive restoration of the functional state of the person by means of physical and health technologies. Mastering such technologies is one of the components of the professional training of these specialists in the process of educational activity. The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the content of the "readiness of future physical therapy specialists for professional activity" concept as a whole and the application of fitness and health technologies in their professional activity, in particular, which is to acquire relevant vocational and professional knowledge of psychological, pedagogical and medical-biological direction, as well as the skills needed to perform successfully the functions and solving problems in the process of implementation of physical and health activities working with different age and nosological groups; the essence of physical and health technologies is revealed and their role in the professional activity of the future physical therapy specialist is determined. It has been found out that physical exercises and their complexes, which are used in various forms of physical and health technologies, are the main means of influencing the body's functional capabilities in order to prevent malfunctions, improve health and maximize the recovery of impaired functions of the human body. Formation of professional readiness is an integral part of the comprehensive training of the future specialist. Formation of professional readiness is an integral part of the comprehensive training of the future specialist. In our study the essence of the concept "readiness of future physical therapy specialist to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity" is interpreted as a "complex dynamic personal formation that provides ongoing implementation of physical and health professional activity and includes mastery of special education and related physical means, techniques and methods of their use", thus, we assume that the psychological qualities required by a physical therapy specialist are the basis of professional self-improvement. According to the results of the survey, the training of the future physical therapy specialist to implementation of physical and health professional activity should be carried out using the latest technologies, methods, educational innovations, the domestic and foreign experience. Prospects for further research are to substantiate the structure of the formation of future physical therapy specialists to implementationof physical and health technologies in professional activity.
Key words: physical therapy, physical exercise, health saving, physical and health technologies, professional knowledge, professional skills, professional activity, readiness, formation of readiness.
О.О. Беспалова, Т. В. Бугаєнко, Ю. Б. Арєшина, В.А. Литвиненко, Н.Б. Авраменко
Провідне місце у вирішенні проблеми здоров'я населення належить фахівцям з фізичної терапії, метою професійної діяльності яких є всебічне відновлення функціонального стану людини засобами фізичних та оздоровчих технологій. Оволодіння такими технологіями є однією із складових професійної підготовки цих фахівців у процесі навчальної діяльності. Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню змісту поняття готовності майбутніх фахівців фізичної терапії до професійної діяльності в цілому та застосуванню фітнес-оздоровчих технологій у професійній діяльності зокрема, яка полягає у оволодінні відповідними професійно-фаховими знаннями психолого-педагогічного та медико- біологічного спрямування, а також уміннями, необхідними для успішного виконання функцій та вирішення завдань у процесі здійснення фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності в роботі із різними віковими та нозологічними групами; розкрито сутність фізкультурно- оздоровчих технологій та їх місце у професійній діяльності майбутнього фахівця з фізичної терапії. Встановлено, що у професійній діяльності фізичного терапевта головним засобом впливу на функціональні можливості організму з метою запобігання, покращення рівня здоров'я та максимального відновлення порушених функцій людини є фізичні вправи та їх комплекси, які використовуються в різних формах фізичних та оздоровчих технологій. Формування професійної готовності є невід'ємною частиною всебічної підготовки майбутнього фахівця. У нашому дослідженні поняття "готовність майбутнього фахівця з фізичної терапії до використання фізичних та рекреаційних технологій у професійній діяльності" розуміється як складна динамічна особистісна формація, яка забезпечує поточну реалізацію фізичної та оздоровчої професійної діяльності та складається при оволодінні спеціальною освітою та пов'язаними з ними фізичними засобами, прийомами та методами їх використання та передбачає наявність психологічних якостей, необхідних фахівцю з фізичної терапії, є основою професійного самовдосконалення. За результатами опитування підготовка майбутнього спеціаліста з фізичної терапії до здійснення фізичної та оздоровчої професійної діяльності повинна здійснюватися з використанням новітніх технологій, методик, освітніх нововведень, використовуючи набутий вітчизняний та зарубіжний досвід. Перспективами подальших досліджень є обґрунтування структури формування майбутнього майбутніх фахівців фізичної терапії до використання фізичних та оздоровчих технологій у професійній діяльності.
Ключові слова: фізична терапія, фізичні вправи, здоров'язбереження, фізкультурно- оздоровчі технології, фахові знання, професійні уміння, професійна діяльність, готовність, формування готовності.
Introduction of the issue
physical therapy specialist professional
At the present stage of the state's development, the main focus is on the issues of maintaining and restoring the health of the adult and child population, which requires improving the training system for specialists, whose specialty is healthcare and patients' recovery. The leading role to solve this problem belongs to the physical therapy specialists, the purpose of professional activities of which are: health improvement, comprehensive recovery of the functional state of the person, compensation of functional disorders, prevention of motor dysfunctions with age and nosological peculiarities by means of physical and health technologies. Mastering such technologies is one of the main components of the professional training of such specialists in the educational process. During the theoretical analysis, generalization of educational, methodological and specialized scientific literature, it has been established that the issues of forming readiness of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity remain unaddressed, as evidenced by the existing contradictions between the prevalence in practice of physical therapists of physical and health technologies and the needs of rehabilitation institutions in specialists, ready to use such physical and health technologies in professional activity.
Current state of the issue
Scientists highlight the issues of readiness of physical therapy specialists to specific types of their practical activity. Thus, the researches of N. O. Belikova are devoted to the formation of readiness for healthcare activities [3]; Yu. O. Liannogo - to scientific and practical activity [11]; O. V. Pogontseva studied the state of readiness for professional and pedagogical activity in health centers [13]; O. V. Bazilchuk - work on restoration of athletes'health [2]; the problems of readiness for diagnostic and valeological activity were studied by A. Fastivets [15] and O. Mikheyenko respectively.
The outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. As a result, it has been established that the problem of modern physical and health technologies is presented in the works of N. N. Vengerova, M. V. Verhovskaya, A. A. Gorelov, V. L. Kondakov, O.G. Rumba, O.A. Kachan, Yu. O. Usachev and others. There is also a lack of a unified approach to interpreting the essence of the key concept of our study.
Aim of research is theoretical substantiation of readiness of future physical therapy specialist to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity.
Results and discussion
The professional activity of a physical therapist is aimed at the maximal restoration of the lost or weakened functions of the human body after various diseases and injuries. In our study we consider the physical therapist's professional activity as a system of purposeful use of professional and practical skills, based on professionally-oriented knowledge, which guarantees their conscious use in achieving the goal and in solving professional problems.
According to the qualification characteristic of the graduate of the specialty 227 "physical therapy, ergotherapy", among the main functions of a physical therapist, ergotherapist, which determine their professional activity in the direction of application of physical and health technologies, we can distinguish the following: an integrated approach to use physical exercise of different target orientation and environmental factors for the person's recovery; development, justification and practical implementation of the physical rehabilitation program in cooperation with the members of the multidisciplinary team, patients/clients and their families, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his/her work activity; conducting physical and health classes, the main means of which are various physical exercises and their complexes; an explanation of the purpose and objectives of the class, the techniques of performing motion actions recommended for the patient/client, in any rehabilitation period; organization of methodical support of physical, health and health-rehabilitation classes for people engaged in physical exercises independently and so on.
Today, physical therapy is considered to be activity-based on the principles of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and neurophysiology, and is aimed at achieving fullest possible recovery of impaired functions of the human body, reducing or eliminating pain, preventing complications and disability with the help of physical exercise.
Practical implementation of physical exercises in professional activity occurs through the organization of various forms of physical and health technologies, taking into account the age and nosological status of clients/patients. In order to identify the views of the scientists on the term "physical and health technologies", we have conducted a thorough terminological analysis of special scientific and methodological literature.
Thus, in the scientific works of Lyakhova I., physical and health technologies are considered as "a rational way of purposeful interaction of the participants of the pedagogical process, which is based on varieties of motor activity,aimed at obtaining the maximum possible health effect, realization of the person's need for movement, health and caring attitude towards him/her through conscious regulation of physical activity" [12].
According to the definition of Verkhovskaya M., physical and health technologies are a synthesis of modern scientifically grounded physical and health means, used in physical education, special knowledge, practical experience in implementing innovative forms of physical exercises and the latest psychological and pedagogical approaches to providing motor activity for the purpose of harmonious physical development, taking into account the gender and age characteristics of those involved, their motivational priorities, using modern sports equipment, up-to- date means of security and control [5: 18].
V. Yu. Davidov notes in his work that technology combines the process of using physical education for the purposes of recovery and scientific discipline which develops and refines the basics of the method of construction of the physical-health process [7: 25].
Ivanochko V., Hrybovska I., Muzyka F. characterize physical and health technologies as a process of using physical education means and methods for health purposes and scientific discipline,which develops and refines the basics of the methodology of physical and health classes [9].
Despite the various interpretation of the essence of the concept, scientists have identified the main difference between physical and health technologies from other types of technologies (health, rehabilitation, recreational, health-enhancing and others), which is that the main means of influence on the human body, its state of health, physical development, functional state, physical fitness and physical performance while doing physical exercises of different target orientation and complexes [6: 15-16; 12: 52].
Summarizing the experience and positions of the researchers on the terminology apparatus, we have specified the essence of the concept "physical and health technologies” as a way to use various kinds of exercises to restore or enhance health, prevention of diseases or elimination of deficiencies in functional state, physical development, physical fitness and increase of active life expectancy.
When evaluating the classification belonging to physical and health technologies, we have found out that the outlined technologies are a universal and integral component of the content of both narrowly specialized (specialized) and complex (integrated) health-saving technologies. We believe that physical and health technologies are one of the means of preserving and promoting the health of the human body, achievement of optimum physical shape, increase of physical capacity, prevention of diseases and complications, as well as physical rehabilitation, restoration of the body's functions and systems, damaged as a result of sports, domestic and industrial injuries.
In addition, it has been defined that physical and health technologies are a necessary component of physical rehabilitation (therapy) programs aimed at eliminating, reducing and preventing disorders that occur as a result of underlying and comorbid diseases [1: 38]. They serve as an important means of physical rehabilitation. In particular, in the process of rehabilitation of the patients therapeutic gymnastics (physical therapy exercises) and functional training (training of motor skills) [1: 41] are widely used and that confirmed by the results of the researches of domestic scientists.
To assess the state of professional training of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical and health technologies, we have generalized the approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "readiness", the content of the concepts "readiness to the application of physical and health technologies", and "formation of readiness to implementation of physical and health technologies" have been specified.
The terminological analysis of the scientific and methodological literature of different specialties indicates the multidimensionality of the term "readiness" and the ambiguity of its definition.
Thus, despite the widespread use of the concept "readiness" in the scientific space, we have noted the lack of a common approach to its interpretation, which is manifested not only in the formulation, but also in content.
In Great Ukrainian Interpretative Dictionary the term "readiness" is treated as "the state of being ready, that is, the one who is prepared for anything; inclined to something or is willing to do something; completed, thought in advance, prepared, drawn up; who has gained experience and has attained high skills” [4].
In the psychological context M. Dyachenko and L. Kandibovich consider readiness as a qualitative psychological growth in the personality structure of the future specialist at a certain level of his/her development, manifested as a selective activity at the stages of preparation, inclusion and performance of professional activity [8].
From the point of view of physiology, according to A. Ukhtomsky, readiness is considered as a state of "operative rest” before its transition to "urgent action", whereas we understand readiness as a particular mental state, a holistic manifestation of a personality, occupying an intermediate position between psychological processes and personality traits at the functional level (Levitov N.D., 1969).
Revealing the genesis of the views on the problem of human readiness for certain forms of response, behavior and activity, we distinguish the following stages of formation:
1) identification of readiness with the phenomenon of instruction, which is defined as the mental state of the subject and determines the behavior or activity of a particular character (setting) (D. N. Uznadze);
2) interpreting readiness as a qualitative indicator of human selfregulation (G. Allport);
3) study of readiness in the context of activity, in particular - professional (M. I. Dyachenko and L. O. Kandybovich, K. K. Platonov, V. D. Shadrikov).
The study of professional readiness is based on key methodological approaches: functional, personal and personal activity-based. Readiness from the functional approach, according to A. Anreeva, E. Ilyin, is determined "as a short-term or long-term state that ensures the speed of actualization of the required experience and relevant work activities”.
A personal approach takes into account personal prerequisites for success in professional activity that is why readiness is interpreted ”as a stable integral characteristic of the personality that determines this success” (Kh. M. Dmiterko-Karabin, L. V. Kondrashova, V. A. Semichenko, P. V. Kharchenko and others).
Applying the personality activity- based approach allows considering readiness ”as a complex purposeful manifestation of all aspects of the personality, which are conditioned by the nature of future activity and ensure its effectiveness” (N. V. Guziy, M. I. Dyachenko and L. O. Kandybovich and others).
Despite the wide range of approaches and interpretations, scientists share the opinion that readiness is a decisive factor in the rapid adaptation to the conditions of professional activity, further improvement and further training of future specialists.
The conducted analysis shows that the formation of professional readiness is an integral part of the comprehensive training of the future specialist.
At present, the main normative legal documents that regulate the process of professional training of physical therapy, ergotherapy (physical rehabilitation) specialists are: Law of Ukraine ”On Education” (2014), Law of Ukraine ”On Higher Education” (2014), ”National Development Strategy of Ukraine for the Period up to 2021”, ”National Strategy for the Improvement of Motor Activity for the Period up to 2025” (2016), ''State Targeted Social Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports for the Period up to 2020” (2017), Higher education standard of Ukraine: first (bachelor) level, field of knowledge 22 ''Healthcare”, specialty 227 ''Physical therapy, ergotherapy” [10: 37-40].
According to Higher education standard of Ukraine: first (bachelor) level, field of knowledge 22 ''Health care”, specialty 227 ''Physical therapy, ergotherapy" readiness of a physical therapy specialist consists of general (the ability to work with professional information; the ability to apply effective communication methods; the ability to be responsible for professional outcomes and others), integrated (the ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems, related to organ and system disruption) and professional competences (the ability to conduct safe practice for a patient/client and practitioner; the ability to implement effectively a physical rehabilitation program; the ability to find the ways to improve constantly the quality of rehabilitation services and others) [14].
Therefore, based on an understanding of the physical therapist's professional background, their professional responsibilities and the means of influence as the main tool, and, summarizing in the context of our study, the essence of the concept "readiness of future physical therapy specialist to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity" is interpreted as a complex dynamic personal formation that provides the ongoing implementation of physical and health professional activity and includes mastery of special education and related physical means, the techniques and methods of their use, and assumes that the psychological qualities, required by a physical therapy specialist, are the basis of professional self-improvement.
Table 1
Respondents' answers to the question "What skills and abilities of future physical therapy specialists should be developed for the implementation of physical and health professional activity?”
Knowledge, skills and abilities |
Answers |
About the principles of health and sports training |
38 % |
About unconventional exercise systems |
72 % |
To learn to determine the rational parameters of physical activity in the process of physical and health classes |
51 % |
To get acquainted with the popular forms of physical activity and methods of conducting them with young people |
66 % |
Knowledge, skills and abilities |
Answers |
Familiarize with the forms and methods of organizing recreational activities |
45 % |
To get acquainted with the theoretical and methodological bases of the construction of classes using the latest technologies of physical education |
81 % |
To learn how to compose exercises for different population groups, depending on physical condition, age, gender and physical fitness |
72 % |
Formation of readiness of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity is a complex dynamic process of influence on the system of values and motives of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical education and health technologies in professional activity, on the process of mastering theoretical and procedural aspects of implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity and professionally important qualities of the person, which regulate the practical realization of physical and health activity.
In addition, in order to find out the real state of professional training of future physical therapy specialists in the context of our study, we have conducted questionnaires and surveys of 105 students and 27 teachers.
According to the results of the survey on the understanding the role of physical and health technologies in professional activity by the future physical therapy specialists, only 18 % of the students have not defined their attitude yet; 4% of the students do not consider these technologies to be an essential component of the professionalism of a modern specialist in this field; 78 % of respondents are more inclined to the importance of the role of physical and health technologies in the professional activity of a specialist in the field of physical rehabilitation.
To the question "What kind of professional activity of physical therapy specialist should be considered physical and health?" the vast majority of respondents (92 %) answered that conducting physical classes using modern fitness technologies to develop basic physical qualities, modern sports- oriented technologies of physical education and use of modern gymnastics techniques should be considered such technologies.
Table 1 presents the results of the answers to the questions "What skills and abilities of future physical therapy specialists should be developed for the implementation of physical and health professional activity?".
Thus, the results of the research indicate a low self-esteem of personal readiness for implementation of physical and fitness technologies in professional activity, in fact, most respondents showed low theoretical training in this direction and a lack of practical skills to build a rehabilitation process, using the latest technologies of motor activity. In addition, a high percentage of future specialists noted that they had difficulties with the organization of physical orientation sessions for patients/clients of different age and nosology groups.
Therefore, according to the results of the survey, readiness of the future physical therapy specialist to perform health and rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, and other professional activities requires strengthening of theoretical and methodological training of future physical therapy, ergotherapy bachelors in the direction of implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity, increasing the level of practical skills and abilities for their implementation to restore, prevent and maintain the appropriate functional state of the person. The perspective in this area is supposed to implement the newest technologies, techniques, innovations in the educational process, using the gained domestic and foreign experience, namely: problem and project learning technologies, interactive technologies.
Conclusions and research perspectives
Thus, it has been found out that in the professional activity of a physical therapist, the main means of influencing the functionality of the body in order to prevent diseases, improve health and maximize the recovery of impaired human functions, physical exercises and their complexes are used, which are implemented in various forms of physical and health technologies. Formation of professional readiness is an integral part of comprehensive training of the future specialist. In our study the essence of the concept "readiness of the future physical therapy specialist to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity" is interpreted as a complex of dynamic personal formation that provides ongoing implementation of physical and health professional activity, and includes mastery of specialized education and related physical means, techniques and methods of their use and assumes that the psychological qualities, required by a physical therapy specialist, are the basis of professional self-improvement.
According to the results of the survey, training of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical and health professional activity is carried out using the newest technology, methods, educational innovations, the acquired domestic and foreign experience. Prospects for further research are to substantiate the structure of the formation of future physical therapy specialists to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity.
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презентация [777,7 K], добавлен 07.11.2014Ensuring access to health care (on the example, Novo Nordisk). Comparison of of different companies: sales growth and margin, ROE, returns stock price. Relationship between ATM index and stock returns. Strategic pillars of the pharmaceutical companies.
презентация [935,7 K], добавлен 18.10.2015Different classification schemes for dementias. His reasons. Risk Factors for Dementia. Dementia is diagnosed by using many methods such as patient's medical and family history, physical exam, neurological evaluations, cognitive and neuropsychological.
презентация [775,8 K], добавлен 10.06.2013Factors associated with increased risk of deformities in specialty physician. The most important factor in preventing burnout is likely to be considered meeting the need for self-actualization, which is the central concept of humanistic psychology.
презентация [75,1 K], добавлен 20.10.2014Definition, pathophysiology, aetiologies (structural lesions, herniation syndromes, metabolic disturbances) of coma. Physical examination and investigations. Differential diagnosis - the pseudocomas. Prognostic signs in coma from global cerebral ischemia.
презентация [875,4 K], добавлен 24.03.2015The characteristic features of the two forms of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Description body dysmorphic disorder syndrome as a teenager painful experiences of his "physical disability." Methods of treatment and prevention of disease.
курсовая работа [17,9 K], добавлен 31.03.2013Physical meaning of electron paramagnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance. Splitting of energy levels. Zeeman effect. Spin probe. Device and mechanism of spectrometer and introscopy. The usage of EPR specters, NMR in medico-biological researches.
контрольная работа [153,5 K], добавлен 15.12.2015Body Water Compartments. The main general physico-chemical laws. Disorders of water and electrolyte balance. Methods bodies of water in the body, and clinical manifestations. Planning and implementation of treatment fluid and electrolyte disorders.
презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 11.09.2014Acromegaly as an rare syndrome that result when the anterior pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone. Signs and symptoms, etiology and pathogenesis. The complications of acromegaly. Treatment: Hormone therapy, surgery on the pituitary gland.
презентация [827,4 K], добавлен 28.12.2015In anatomical and physiological aspect we can represent bronchopulmonary system as a combination of separate organs and functional subsystems, accordingly, in united functional system of organs of respiration of the person. Value and the function.
реферат [16,3 K], добавлен 24.04.2008Structure of a clinical term. The suffixes and prefixes. The final combining forms partaining to diagnostic methods, therapy, pathology, surgical interventions. Pharmaceutical term structure. The forms of medicines. Chemical, botanical terminology.
методичка [458,1 K], добавлен 29.03.2012The concept and the internal structure of the lungs, the main components and their interaction. Functional features of the lungs in the human body, their relationship with other anatomical systems. Existing pathology of respiratory organ and control.
презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 12.02.2015General characteristics, objectives and functions of medical ethics as a scientific discipline. The concept of harmlessness and its essence. Disagreement among physicians as to whether the non-maleficence principle excludes the practice of euthanasia.
презентация [887,6 K], добавлен 21.02.2016A brief sketch of the life and professional development of Botkin as the Russian scientist, a gifted doctor. Botkin's value in world medicine, assessment of its scientific achievements. Analysis and themes of famous doctor, the direction of its research.
презентация [1,7 M], добавлен 10.12.2014The complement system - part of the immune system as a set of complex proteins. History of the concept. Its biological functions, regulation, role in diseases. Stages of activation: the alternative and lectin pathway. Mannose-binding Lectin deficiency.
презентация [932,7 K], добавлен 17.03.2017Classification of the resistance. External and internal barnry protecting the human body from pathological factors of the environment. The chemical composition of the blood, its role and significance. Influence the age on individual reactivity progeria.
презентация [4,5 M], добавлен 17.10.2016Orderliness (methodical) of the general inspection. The patient's position in bed. Constitution types - set of congenital and acquired the morphological and functional characteristics of the organism. Distinctive features of the constitutional types.
презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 22.02.2015The development of modern medicine. The creation of internal organs, implants. The use of modern orthopaedics mechanical devices. The replacement of lost parts of the human body by means of surgical operations. Bridge denture. The use of prostheses.
презентация [5,0 M], добавлен 31.05.2016