Essence and content of the category "healthy lifestyle"

Model of formation of a healthy lifestyle among students. the definition of the purpose, content, essence and principles of pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle in students. Project "Healthy Education - a Healthy Nation".

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Дата добавления 14.01.2023
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Размещено на

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University


Elnara Ismailova,

Ph.D. program of the Institute of Education

of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Senior Lecturer of the Jalilabad branch



healthy lifestyle education student

The article notes that in the modern period a number of factors: socio-political, environmental, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle, addiction to bad habits, etc. have a serious negative impact on the spiritual and physical health, emotional, psychological, mental and intellectual state of students. The nature of this situation has led to the emergence of valueology as a new integrative field of science, conditioned by the demands of modern social life and society, involving a healthy lifestyle, care for the personal health of all people, including the students themselves. The model of formation of a healthy lifestyle among students requires the definition of the purpose, content, essence and principles of pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle in them. In modern times, a healthy lifestyle for every person is based on such values as happiness and well-being as a way of life. Speaking about the values that determine the content of a healthy lifestyle, we consider it necessary to focus on the fact that in this study we are talking about a healthy lifestyle that creates types of a healthy lifestyle or implies its components. It was this premise and this approach that made it possible to determine the further analysis of the concept of "healthy lifestyle”. The socio-economic progress that has taken place in modern Azerbaijan requires people who avoid bad habits, consciously and responsibly treat their health and those around them, lead a correct lifestyle, and be healthy physically and spiritually. Thus, the further development of our state, which occupies a worthy place in Europe and among the countries of the world, is due to the education of young generations living in a healthy environment and healthy both physically and mentally and spiritually. Therefore, a careful and responsible attitude to the physical and spiritual existence of oneself and others, in terms of health protection, a caring attitude towards oneself, loved ones and others should become a practical principle or moral law of the life and work of a future teacher. Within the framework of the problem we are studying, in this aspect, the implementation of the project “Healthy Education - a Healthy Nation” in educational institutions is of great importance.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle; valeology; student; educational institution; pedagogical process; public consciousness.



Ісмайлова Ельнара Атамалі, дисертант з програми доктора філософії Інституту освіти Азербайджанської Республіки; старший викладач Джалілабадської філії Азербайджанського державного педагогічного університету. Баку, Азербайджан.

У статті наголошується, що в сучасний період низка факторів: соціально-політичних, екологічних, а також нездоровий спосіб життя, пристрасть до шкідливих звичок тощо, надають негативний вплив на духовне та фізичне здоров'я, емоційний, психологічний, психічний та інтелектуальний стан студентів. Характерність такої ситуації призводить до виникнення валеології як нової інтегративної галузі науки, зумовленої запитами сучасного соціального життя та суспільства, що передбачає здоровий спосіб життя, турботу про особисте здоров'я всіх людей, зокрема й самої студентської молоді. Модель формування здорового способу життя у студентів вимагає визначення мети, змісту, сутності та принципів педагогічної діяльності, спрямованої на формування у них здорового способу життя. В сучасний час здоровий спосіб життя кожної людини ґрунтується на таких цінностях, як щастя та благополуччя та спосіб життєдіяльності. Говорячи про цінності, що визначають зміст здорового способу життя, вважаємо за необхідне акцентувати увагу на тому, що в дослідженні йдеться про здоровий спосіб життя, що створює види здорового способу життя або передбачає його складові. Саме це посилання і такий підхід дозволили визначити подальший аналіз поняття «здоровий спосіб життя». Соціально-економічний прогрес, що відбувається в сучасному Азербайджані, вимагає людей, які уникають шкідливих звичок, свідомо і відповідально ставляться до свого здоров'я та оточуючих, які ведуть правильний спосіб життя, здорових фізично та духовно. Таким чином, подальший розвиток нашої держави, яка займає гідне місце в Європі та серед країн світу, зумовлена вихованням молодих поколінь, що живуть у здоровому середовищі та здорових як фізично, так і розумово та духовно. Отже, дбайливе та відповідальне ставлення до фізичного та духовного існування себе та інших, у плані охорони здоров'я, ставлення до себе, близьких та оточуючих має стати практичним принципом чи моральним законом життя та діяльності майбутнього вчителя. У рамках досліджуваної нами проблеми у цьому аспекті велике значення має реалізація в освітніх закладах проекту «Здорова освіта - здорова нація».

Ключові слова: здоровий спосіб життя; валеологія; студент; освітня установа; педагогічний процес; суспільна свідомість.

Formulation of the problem

At all stages of the development of society, depending on objective and sometimes subjective factors, people paid special attention and attached importance to their health and a healthy lifestyle. Apparently, a person's desire to improve his health and lifestyle comes from his natural needs and is influenced by objective factors.

Therefore, it is quite natural that interest in human health has increased not only among medical workers and medicine in general, but also among philosophers, educators, psychologists, sociologists, ecologists and others, and this most important social problem continues to be in their field of vision.

Health, like a healthy lifestyle, is included in the system of pedagogical concepts if it is purposefully focused on pedagogical activity and pedagogical practice and becomes the object of research in pedagogical science.

In our study, we are talking about the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth at the stage of modern development of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The scientist Iosif Iskovich Brekhman, who is considered the founder of the science of general valueology, defines five elements and components of the health system [10]:

1) the level and harmony of physical development;

2) the functional state of the body;

3) the level of immune protection and nonspecific resistance;

4) the presence of a disease or a defect in its development;

5) moral-volitional and value-motivational orientations.

At present, the state of health of the population of Azerbaijan is characterized by average indicators. According to the economic theory of supply and demand, only this can explain the existence of 120 pharmacy wholesale centers in our country and the annual increase in the number of pharmacies and hospitals. Although the negative processes have long passed, the COVID-19 pandemic virus, which has spread widely in the world and in our country in recent years, is accompanied by terrible and dangerous moments for the population.

Chemical, biological and physical pollution of the environment, addiction of the population, especially young people, to smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc., sensitization of children, adolescents and young people not only causes changes in the immune status of the population, but also contributes to the emergence of new forms of infectious diseases in as a result of contact with opportunistic and even previously non-pathogenic microorganisms for humans. As a clear example, COVID-19, which has swept most countries of the world, can serve.

Various methodological paradigms arise on the way to the formation of a new interdisciplinary complex science, due to the most important and significant requirement of social reality and forming a close dialectical unity with human life and being. This, in turn, encourages social and natural sciences to integrate new knowledge on this issue.

Analysis of major research and publications

There are a number of works and studies of many prominent teachers, psychologists, scientists- methodologists related to this problem, who developed the Azerbaijani science of pedagogy and psychology with their research, enriched its theory and practice. G. Aliyev [4], T. Allahyarova [1], G. Bayramov [2], G. Huseynov [S], F. Rustamov [6], Y. Talibov [7] can be distinguished among the Azerbaijani scientists involved in this research and others.

In recent years, several directions have been identified in the study of this problem: philosophical and sociological, medical and hygienic, and pedagogical and psychological.

Representatives of the philosophical and sociological trend are V. Stolyarov [19], P. Vinogradov [12], V. Ponomarchuk [17], V. Petrushin [18] and others. Considering a healthy lifestyle (HLS) as a global social problem, they study it as an integral part of the lifestyle of an individual and society as a whole.

Such medical scientists as V. Lisitsin [16], E. Weiner [11], M. Kagan [15], V. Volkov [14], I. Brekhman [10] and others.

According to representatives of the pedagogical and psychological direction of M. Vilensky [13], V. Balsevich [9] and others, it is very important to motivate a person to a healthy lifestyle in order to protect and maintain health, and the main reason here is related to his (human) consciousness and psychology.

Aim and tasks

The purpose of the study is to propose new methods, forms and proposals in this area as a result of studying, analyzing and monitoring the theory and practice of forming a healthy lifestyle among students of higher educational institutions.

The tasks arising from the purpose of the study are as follows:

• consideration of the state of research in general and pedagogical valeology, the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in our country;

• studying the situation of teaching general and pedagogical valeology;

• study of the existing theory and practice of valeological education;

• determination of the factors that determine the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students of a pedagogical university;

• studying the experience of forming a healthy lifestyle of students in higher education;

• analysis of existing educational materials, programs and syllabuses from the point of view of the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

• study of the possibilities and ways of forming a healthy lifestyle of students in the educational process;

• identification of opportunities for extracurricular activities;

• preparation of scientific and pedagogical recommendations for the creation of a system of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students.

The theoretical backgrounds

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the modern pedagogical theory in Azerbaijan includes general and pedagogical valeology, a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, etc., and also consists in enriching it with new paradigms and terms. An analysis of modern scientific literature (pedagogical, psychological, medical, sociological, philosophical, etc.) related to the problem of lifestyle, as we have already mentioned, indicates the absence of a single point of view on this concept and category. In the relevant areas of integrative science, life style is understood as.

1. The totality of life forms is defined as a characteristic of an important system that characterizes the activities of peoples, nations, classes, social groups, individuals in certain conditions of a socio-economic formation.

2. Lifestyle - a way of social environment and personality, interaction and communication of a group with a social group.

3. The way of life as a means of a real description of the way of life of society as a whole is an indicator of its mutual development with an objective- subjective content. A way of life is a form that recreates the existence of society and is historically determined by it.

4. The way of life is determined by the position of people in a certain system of social production and is characterized by the level of development of material resources, being a concrete historical process of their life activity.

5. Lifestyle reveals the totality, integration and centralization of certain social and qualitative aspects of public life; it is in this case that the qualitative side of the way of life reflects the peculiarity of the socio-economic structure and is briefly called the quality of life. Here the quantitative side is determined by the level of development of the productive forces as constituent parts and components of the material and technical base of the state, and at the same time by the level of well-being of the people as a whole, or their standard of living.

6. Interacting with the environment, its nature and social elements, the way of life combines such levels and aspects as the standard of living, the essence of life, lifestyle, way of life.

A way of life can be characterized from the point of view of its basic essence by the following provisions:

1. Socio-historical conditions are the decisive factor determining the way of life.

2. The concept of "way of life” can be considered at several levels: the way of life at the level of society, social group and individuals.

3. Way of life - the main activity of the society and its members.

4. Since the way of life is a complex characteristic of life, it should be considered in connection with the totality of living conditions (social, natural and biological).

Our ideas and considerations related to the above definition of the concept of "way of life" show the presence of an axiological, i.e. value approach to lifestyle in the analysis of the phenomenon of "lifestyle".

In the modern period, the value approach is used in various fields of scientific knowledge, and at the same time, there is a need for such approaches in the pedagogical sphere. Thus, the way of life of people acts as a joint concrete expression of material and spiritual life. Considering that a person's way of life is a concrete expression of the unity of the material and spiritual life of society, in this case, practical activity changes a person, and this makes it possible to distinguish his spiritual activity from each other. The character, nature, characteristics and convictions of a person are such that he shows interest and expresses his attitude to any thing when it has a certain meaning or value for him.

It should also be noted that the research of scientists working in the field of ethics, and familiarization with the relevant scientific literature, show that the classification of values has not yet been fully defined. Therefore, values are currently distinguished according to the following criteria: 1) material and spiritual; 2) real and "imaginary", or conceptual; 3) primary and secondary;

4) current, past and future; 5) utilitarian, aesthetic, legal, moral, etc.

From the point of view of research, the main thing for us is to define the same way of life as a set of values in axiology and accept it as a spiritual phenomenon, to consider the phenomenon of "lifestyle" as a "healthy lifestyle".

Lifestyle is created by man. In this sense, the way of life is artificial. Because its creation and definition is appropriate and corresponds to the ideas of a person, the ideality of his projects. Educators make choices about life values, including the values of a healthy lifestyle. As a rule, students choose values for the well-being of their life. At the same time, they try to choose things that are of inestimable value to them. Within humanistic paradigms, irreplaceable values such as health and well-being have unique characteristics. Thus, a person chooses values that are important not only for him, but also for others. In other words, they are necessary not only for the individual, but also for society.

A healthy lifestyle in a sense is not a permanent and eternal category, concept and event, that is, it is impossible to acquire a healthy lifestyle forever. When a healthy lifestyle is formed, it can be healthy if it is enriched with new useful elements and habits. That is why, on this basis, we can say that a healthy lifestyle acts as a regulator of human social behavior. Thus, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for students to choose a style of behavior that promotes health, to follow it systematically, regularly and consistently. Students should understand that their behavior is largely determined by their personal judgments and ideas about the daily necessities of life and the value of life.

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" is inherently humanistic in nature. This means that it is impossible to adopt and instill a healthy lifestyle by force from the outside. A person himself must consciously, and most importantly, freely choose a certain specific form of life activity and behavior, important, useful and necessary for him. It should also be noted that free choice is impossible in an authoritarian pedagogy. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to use methods of self-corrective persuasion and techniques that activate mental activity in life and in the experience of upbringing, training and education of the younger generations.

In many cases, the concept of a healthy lifestyle, which has a regulatory nature, cannot be integrated into the governing aspects of various sciences (medical, psychological, philosophical, ethnic, pedagogical). His spiritual choice of life activity is combined in a complex way with age-sex, neuro-psychological, professional, family and other characteristics. The sociological understanding of a person, his interests, needs, formation and value trends, orientations becomes a necessary basis for studying the attitude of an individual to the conditions of his life. This direction of scientific understanding of lifestyle can be characterized as behavioral rules for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the understanding of a healthy lifestyle as a whole depends on the ability of the individual, the subject (teacher, learner, pupil, student) to create a culture and his real participation in healthy creativity. Such an understanding and interpretation of a healthy lifestyle belongs to P. Tishchenko: "A healthy lifestyle cannot be understood as the result of the presence of positive, suitable, favorable conditions for a person, it is a function of the personal choice of this person, his active and responsible attitude towards his personal life should be understood as indicator of his social attitude by its very nature" [20].

In our opinion, a healthy lifestyle is all aspects of life that have arisen in a person, allowing him to realize his creative potential, focusing on strengthening personal health. A healthy lifestyle is part of the overall lifestyle of a person. How its constituent lifestyle, standard of living and quality of life affect a healthy lifestyle. Although the health of most people is recognized as a global and important value, it is not achieved by all those who consciously try to protect and strengthen their way of life.

Research methods

The study used a number of methods:

• analysis and systematization of research results related to the problem;

• study and generalization of existing modern pedagogical experience in this field in Azerbaijan;

• scientific and pedagogical analysis of observations, oral and written surveys conducted with students on the research problem;

• pedagogical monitoring carried out in stages.

Research results

Based on the foregoing, we have come to such a result that in addition to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is an important, integral part of a person's culture, its specific daily implementation is the most important part of the richness of his spiritual world, life goals and value orientations. Consequently, in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the most central, main directions are the value attitudes towards the health of the person himself and the people around him.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is a process of physical, mental and social development and self-development of a person and his adaptation to an unfamiliar or unusual natural and social environment. The principle of selfdevelopment, the principle of somatic, mental, physical and social, purposeful organization, being one of the leading principles of the science of psychology, serves to understand and define the psychological category as a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, the study of unique, specific cultural values that are formed in the process of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and other social values that determine other areas of material and spiritual culture and the relationship between them, is of particular interest. Educational values, their ideal phenomena constitute the moral basis, base and spiritual component of the personality, play a leading role in the essence of its inner world, the direction of its embodiment in its worldview.

Health-improving activity of students is impossible without a deep understanding of such issues as the value orientation of their lives, health, and a healthy lifestyle. The most important value and indispensability of human life is due to the integrity and completeness of each aspect of his life. Since human life is considered the highest value of society, the totality of the properties and qualities of a person should be understood as a value not only of himself, but of the whole society. This is what turns the health of each person into social wealth, and his healthy lifestyle becomes a moral phenomenon of social life as a value.

Social relations give rise to different values, it turns out that in one way or another they affect a person's healthy lifestyle, his mental health, and the health aspect. Values such as patriotism, citizenship, national dignity, realized by a person, student, group, collective, can unite people (constructive relations) and at the same time separate people from each other (destructive relations).

As M. Kagan notes, these values “stand above the personality, because the values corresponding to them are revealed not on his personal behalf. They belong to him and are revealed to him” [15].

Disunity and lack of communication between groups does not contribute to a healthy lifestyle, as it is accompanied by emotional perceptions of people, since their values and criteria are different. It is not clear whether the content of the values pursued by one group or another resonates with individuals in the relations of another group. This is known to generate negative emotions that affect a healthy lifestyle.

Under the category "Physical culture” we mean the physical preparation of people for life, associated with the activity and ensuring its result. As more important results of physical culture, health is the degree of endurance of the body to the adverse effects of the external environment, the structure of the body, the state of physiological functions, which are considered as the physical state of a person by providing a certain level of development of physical qualities that correspond to the level of motor skills and abilities.

Rational nutrition, which ensures the health of the body, forming an important component of a healthy lifestyle, is not a utopian idea, but an important and necessary life practice of everyday life. Almost all foods contain important nutrients that humans need. These are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. Cells are also necessary to sustain life. Each of these five main groups of nutrients has a specific function in maintaining the health of the body. The daily diet that will be necessary for this is selected individually, and more depends on the lifestyle. In nutrition, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of food received, but also its qualitative characteristics. The main elements of a balanced diet are its balance and proper regimen. Balanced diets are those that provide the optimal ratio of food and biologically active substances, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Rational nutrition involves the correct distribution of food throughout the day.


Of particular importance in a healthy lifestyle is given to the hygienic aspect. Natural factors, such as solar energy, the properties of the air and water environment, are important means of ensuring health and serve to strengthen and improve human performance.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population and its implementation are largely associated with the wide dissemination of knowledge, skills, various types of medicine and pedagogy, physiology and biochemistry, sociology and psychology, as well as other areas of science and areas of thought. However, only the very perception of information is an active creativity, and without the conditions for changing the information received in specific conditions, the existence of a person cannot be convincing. Active creativity, proactive implementation of instructions and recommendations, search for adaptive opportunities, variability in the occurrence of activity and actions in changing conditions - acquisition based on learning as a result of educating and processing information in a qualitative form, independent decision-making, etc. involves cooperation.

Therefore, for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and its implementation, an information system is needed that uses and produces information systems of physical culture and medicine, cybernetics and physiology, biochemistry and psychology, taking into account the main features of those goals, conditions and factors leading to a healthy lifestyle. It is also necessary to realize the goals that provide and organize social and industrial-technical, scientific-information and communication infrastructure that influences the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Prospects for further research in this direction. Thus, analyzing the various approaches of researchers-scientists regarding the definitions and concepts of "lifestyle" and "healthy lifestyle”, we prefer to single out the following components among the qualities that make up the content of the phenomenon of a healthy lifestyle, to substantiate the content of the concept of "healthy lifestyle":

1) the absence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);

2) physical actions;

3) communicative competence;

4) the ability to cope with stress (self-training, breathing exercises, completing tasks);

5) massage;

6) rational nutrition.

As a systemic component of a healthy lifestyle, we single out the value of "health", which shows that a healthy lifestyle is the starting point for a person, giving a value orientation to the use of the content of a healthy lifestyle that creates the above. The value of "health" shows a person's focus on a healthy lifestyle and is in the center as the value of the leading personality criteria.


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