Contribution of scientists of Saint Volodymyr University in the development of physiological science in the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century

Development directions of physiology as a science and educational discipline. Priority achievements of outstanding physiologists of the University of St. Volodymyr in the context of the development of world physiological science in the ХІХ - ХХ centuries.

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Дата добавления 28.04.2023
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Microbiology, Radiology, etc., played a significant role in the formation and development of domestic physiology. In particular, in organic Chemistry, namely the discovery of the law of conservation and transformation of energy, the cellular structure of organism, the theory of evolutionary development of the organic world, etc.

Certain regularities determined by domestic researchers contributed to the development of world physiology as a science and educational discipline, the positioning of their achievements and immediate international recognition. Accumulated experience of conducting scientific research and the system of training specialists at St. Volodymyr University were important not only for the development of domestic achievements in physiology, but also in biochemistry, ecology, embryology, entomology, cellular engineering, etc.

This accumulated experience contributed to the increase in the efficiency of domestic scientific research, which was not inferior to foreign ones in terms of its achievements. Owing to significant achievements, domestic physiologists increased their international authority and confirmed that domestic physiological science occupied an honourable place abroad.


physiology science educational discipline

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