Актуальні аспекти гіпербаричної фізіології та медико-біологічних ефектів інертних газів

Досягнення у галузі гіпербаричної медицини і фізіології складають основу систем життєзабезпечення операторів екстремальних видів діяльності (водолази, льотчики, космонавти). Дослідження механізмів адаптації людини до дії гіпербаричного середовища.

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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 04.12.2023
Размер файла 47,2 K

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I. S. Trinka1, Ye. V. Moiseyenko2

1Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv

2O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Introduction. Achievements in the field of hyperbaric medicine and physiology form the basis of life support systems for operators of extreme activities (divers, pilots, astronauts, etc.). At the same time, the use of gas mixtures of various configurations for breathing under hyperbaric conditions contributes to the study of new manifestations of the biological response. In general, the results of studying the mechanisms of human adaptation to the action of a hyperbaric environment are of fundamental and practical importance, especially in the areas of ensuring human penetration into hydrospace and outer space, the therapeutic use of hyperbarotherapy and hyperbaric oxygenation, and the use of biological properties of inert gases in medicine.

The purpose of the study was to review scientific research in the field of hyperbaric physiology in studying the mechanisms of adaptive and disadaptive rearrangements in the human body, improving technologies for the practical use of the properties of a number of inert gases, gas mixtures and hyperbaric oxygenation in diving.

Materials and methods. The methods of semantic analysis, bibliographic research and description of electronic resources have been used in the study.

Results of the study and their discussion. Over the past century, human exploration of the underwater world has been rapidly progressing. This is due to the intensification of work in river and shelf waters, including mining, the expansion of the tasks of bottom construction, the growing relevance of the specific underwater activities of the armed forces, emergency rescue units. Underwater diving with the a Mlity of a diver to perform professional tasks directly in the conditions of underwater hyperbarium requires constant improvement in medical support technologies and the quality of training of qualified specialists. At the same time, it is known that the limited reserves of the adaptive ability of the human body to the complex effects of specific factors of the underwater environment play a limiting role in the implementation of full comfort when staying in hyperbaric conditions and the underwater environment. Therefore, ensuring the reliability of life, working capacity and safe stay of a person in hyperbaric conditions and underwater environment depends on the perfection of studying the mechanisms of adaptation of the human body to the effects of high barometric pressure and a changed respiratory environment, which are the main areas of research in the field of hyperbaric physiology and diving medicine.

Conclusions. The subject of this review is dictated by the lack of targeted scientific research in the field of hyperbaric physiology and limited access to specialized information, which does not allow to fully take into account even the already known medical and biological effects when studying the mechanisms of adaptive and disadaptive rearrangements in the body, as well as to improve technologies for practical use. properties of a number of inert gases, gas mixtures and hyperbaric oxygenation for the needs of medicine.

Key words: hyperbaric physiology, hyperbaric medicine, extreme conditions, adaptation, inert gases.

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