Creation of an innovative health and rehabilitation center

The need to create an innovative health and rehabilitation center due to the long-term military aggression of russia. The latter leads to the fact that many military and civilians receive physical and psychological injuries that need to be treated.

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Дата добавления 07.01.2024
Размер файла 2,7 M

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Department of of Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Odessa National Maritime University

Creation of an innovative health and rehabilitation center

Baldzhy M.D.

Одеський національний морський університет

Міністерство освіти і науки України

кафедра підприємництво та туризм

Створення інноваційного оздоровчо-реабілітаіційного центру

Балджи М. Д.


У роботі розглядаються потреби створення інноваційного оздоровчо- реабілітаційного центру, обумовлені багаторічною військовою російською агресією. Остання призводе до того, що багато військових і цивільних отримують фізичні та психологічні травми, які потрібно лікувати. Ці проблеми на першому етапі оздоровлення вирішують спеціальні лікарські заклади, а відновлення як фізичного, так і психологічного стану має здійснюватись поза межами лікарень. Одними з таких об'єктів можуть стати, в масштабах країни, оздоровчо- реабілітаційні центри. Формування таких центрів може відбуватись на базі існуючих спортивних комплексів, де є підґрунтя для проведення відповідних дій. На прикладі роботи фізкультурно-спортивного комплексу «Олімп», розташованого на узбережжі Чорного моря, розглядається перспективна діяльність даного напрямку. Актуальність роботи обумовлена потребами сьогодення і принципами сталого розвитку суспільства, в якому поєднуються соціальна (людський фактор), економічна (господарський фактор) та екологічна (оздоровлення завдяки чистому довкіллю) складові.

Мета полягає в обґрунтуванні створення інноваційного оздоровчо-реабілітаційного центру на базі фізкультурно-спортивного комплексу «ОЛІМП» для військових і цивільних, які отримують фізичні та психологічні травми.

Методи дослідження: аналіз та оцінка господарської діяльності; методи узагальнення для дослідження діяльності; метод спостереження для дослідження господарської діяльності ФСК «Олімп» та особливостей надання ним послуг.

Результати роботи включають: дослідження потреб створення оздоровчо- реабілітаційного центру; виявлення основних форм і видів роботи оздоровчо-реабілітаційного центру; аналіз діяльності фізкультурно-спортивного комплексу «Олімп»; оцінка вагомості запровадження оздоровчо-реабілітаційних послуг; розробка шляхів інноваційної оздоровчо- реабілітаційної діяльності.

Наукова новизна полягає у розробці інноваційних підходів для створення оздоровчо- реабілітаційного центру, який може працювати на базі фізкультурно-спортивного комплексу «Олімп».

Практичне значення отриманих результатів. Система створення інноваційного оздоровчо- реабілітаційного центру запропонована для конкретного існуючого підприємства і може бути реалізована у найближчий час. Розроблені рекомендації можуть бути використані для аналогічного типу підприємств.

Ключові слова: оздоровчо-реабілітаційний центр, фізкультурно-спортивний комплекс, реалізація послуг, система знижок, цінове стимулювання.


innovative health rehabilitation center

The paper considers the need to create an innovative health and rehabilitation center due to the long-term military aggression of russia. The latter leads to the fact that many military and civilians receive physical and psychological injuries that need to be treated. At the first stage of rehabilitation, these problems are solved by special medical facilities, while the restoration of both physical and psychological condition should be carried out outside hospitals. One of these facilities could be health and rehabilitation centers on a national scale. Such centers can be formed on the basis of existing sports complexes, where there is a basis for carrying out appropriate actions. The article uses the example of the Olimp sports complex located on the Black Sea coast to illustrate the prospects of this area. The relevance of the work is due to the needs of the present and the principles of sustainable development of society, which combines social (human factor), economic (economic factor) and environmental (health improvement through a clean environment) components.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the creation of an innovative health and rehabilitation center on the basis of the Olimp sports complex for military and civilians suffering from physical and psychological injuries.

Research methods: analysis and evaluation of economic activities; methods of generalization for the study of activities; observation method for the study of economic activities of FSC Olimp and the peculiarities of its services.

The results of the work include: research on the needs of creating a health and rehabilitation center; identification of the main forms and types of work of the health and rehabilitation center; analysis of the activity of the physical culture and sports complex "Olympus"; assessment of the importance of introducing health and rehabilitation services; development of ways of innovative health and rehabilitation activities.

The scientific novelty lies in the development of innovative approaches for the creation of a health and rehabilitation center that can operate on the basis of the Olimp sports complex.

Practical significance of the results. The system for creating an innovative health and rehabilitation center is proposed for a specific existing enterprise and can be implemented in the near future. The developed recommendations can be used for a similar type of enterprise.

Keywords: health and rehabilitation center, physical culture and sports complex, implementation of services, system of discounts, price incentives.


The motivation for choosing the topic is related to the military situation in Ukraine and the large number of injured military and civilians, both physically and psychologically. Often, treatment in special institutions requires further health and rehabilitation work, which can contribute to a person's speedy recovery and restoration. Among the physical injuries for the military and people who were in the territory of hostilities, injuries that lead to a decrease in physical activity prevail. In order to restore the psychological state, there is a need not only to work with a specialist, but also to have a rest in nature, where integration with the environment takes place. Therefore, the need to create a health and rehabilitation center arose as a result of thinking about the current situation, and the possibility of implementing this idea on the basis of the Olimp sports complex is due to the availability of the necessary equipment and the peculiarities of its location on the Black Sea coast.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the creation of an innovative health and rehabilitation center on the basis of the Olimp sports complex for military and civilians suffering from physical and psychological injuries.


to study the need to create a health and rehabilitation center;

to reveal the main forms and types of work of a health and rehabilitation center;

analyze the activities of the Olimp sports complex;

assess the importance of introducing health and rehabilitation services;

to propose ways of innovative health improvement and rehabilitation activities.

The subject of the study is the advantage of an innovative health and rehabilitation center and the need for its services.

The object of the study is the process of substantiating the creation of an innovative health and rehabilitation center on the basis of a physical culture and sports complex.

Research methods: analysis and evaluation of economic activities; methods of generalization for the study of activities; observation method for the study of economic activities of FSC Olimp and the peculiarities of its services.

The scientific novelty lies in the development of innovative approaches for the creation of a health and rehabilitation center that can operate on the basis of the OLYMP sports complex.

Practical significance of the results. The system for creating an innovative health and rehabilitation center is proposed for a specific existing enterprise and can be implemented in the near future. The developed recommendations can be used for a similar type of enterprise.


Ukrainian legislation defines the need for rehabilitation of society based on the healthcare system. The Law of Ukraine "On Rehabilitation in Health Care" states that rehabilitation includes "a set of measures required by a person who is experiencing or may experience a limitation of daily functioning due to health or aging in interaction with his or her environment" [1]. Experts define rehabilitation as a system of state, socio-economic, psychological, medical, professional, and pedagogical measures aimed at restoring human health, ability to work, and social status, based on biological, socio-economic, psychological, moral, ethical, and scientific and medical foundations [2]. The Law of Ukraine "On Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine" states that "rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, physical, professional, labor, physical culture and sports, social and household activities aimed at assisting persons in restoring and compensating for impaired or lost body functions to achieve and maintain social and material independence, labor adaptation and integration into society, as well as providing persons with disabilities with technical and other means of.

The absence of a definition of "health and rehabilitation center" in the scientific literature prompted this interpretation, which is noted as an institution that aims to improve the health and restore the ability of persons with disabilities to work through a system of special measures for adaptation and integration into society.

The need to create a health and rehabilitation center is driven by different types of health improvement and rehabilitation. Health improvement includes a set of special measures of social, educational, medical, hygienic, sports nature aimed at improving and strengthening physical and psychological health [4]. Based on the provisions of sustainability, we consider it appropriate to consider health improvement as the involvement of three groups of measures: social, which allow to improve health; economic, aimed at obtaining new knowledge and skills for further adaptation to society; environmental - focused on integration into the environment, development of creative abilities (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Components of a health and rehabilitation center

Rehabilitation can include different types: physical and sports, psychological, social, labor, etc. An individual rehabilitation program is developed for each visitor, which should include a set of measures aimed at restoring and compensating for impaired or lost body functions and the individual's ability to perform activities and social adaptation in modern conditions.

The Olimp Sports Complex was built in 2004. FSC Olimp is a modern sports and fitness complex that meets the needs of the citizens of Yuzhne. Yuzhne in sports, recreation and treatment. The company employs about 250 professionals.

The analysis is based on a group of indicators that are reflected in the income and expense ledger and declaration and characterize the amount of income, expenses and the cost of various types of resources of the organization in the reporting period.

After analyzing the profitability of the company's core business, we can conclude that the company is a low-profit enterprise, because the indicator is 1%. This is not even the minimum value (10-15%), so for its growth it is necessary to increase the revenue side. Other indicators also have a negative trend, which indicates a decrease in the number of visitors due to the global pandemic - no tourists actually came, basketball clubs did not come for training and training, and sports competitions were canceled.

The results of the analysis of sales revenue showed a trend of profit in the hotel (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Sales revenue, UAH thousand for 2018-2020

Source: created by the author

After analyzing the workload of the fitness department of the Olimp sports complex, the following conclusions can be drawn: a steady increase in visits to kinesitherapy, which is a positive trend. The wavy nature of visits to the relaxation center can be traced. The increase in visits can be characterized by the fact that people have begun to pay more attention to a

healthy lifestyle, taking care of their bodies, so such institutions as Olimp FSC have become more popular due to the quality of a wide range of services.

Fig. 3. Analysis of the load for 2018-2020 Source: created by the author

Let's analyze the consumers of the services of the fitness department of FSC Olimp.

The main areas of motivation for attending FSCs include: involvement in a certain circle of people; gaining new knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; new acquaintances; spending free time; gaining harmony of body and soul; relaxation; maintaining health; a surge of energy; maintaining physical fitness.

The analysis of customer groups that are conditionally distinguished by the fitness department, indicating the most important criteria that consumers consider when visiting the fitness department, shows how consumers view the services in comparison with others, and can help determine what future demand will be.

Thus, the analysis of the financial and economic activities of FSC Olimp indicates the need to expand the scope of services, if possible, by attracting premises, equipment and expanding staff to work with new clients.


The indicator has a positive growth trend compared to 2018, so it can be said that it is reaching the normative value.

Table 1

Groups of consumers of fitness services

Groups consumers fitness services

The main criteria

On the first place

In second place





Variety of services



Level maintenance

Range of services


Quality of projectiles

Coaching experience


Random customers



Quality. maintenance

Parents with children

Visiting time


Availability. Children's coach

The health and rehabilitation services that can be introduced at FSC Olimp include: treatment of the musculoskeletal system; assistance to people who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, or neurological diseases; psychological assistance to victims of abuse and violence; recovery from trauma; and rehabilitation of veterans and people affected by military operations.

The minimum cost of 1 rehabilitation course in a health and rehabilitation center is, on average, UAH 7,250. Each patient needs to undergo from 3 to 10 such rehabilitation courses (UAH 21,750 - 72,500). The cost of rehabilitation may include: physical and sports rehabilitation and psychological rehabilitation. The process of psychological rehabilitation in Ukraine is funded by the state through the relevant programs managed by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. The procedure for funding, the scope of psychological rehabilitation services, and the requirements for providers of such services are determined by the state. For other health and rehabilitation measures, funds should be allocated from local and investment budgets to implement these actions.

Opening a health and rehabilitation center requires large investments and special knowledge and skills.

If we look at the process of health and rehabilitation activities from an innovative perspective, this process is a set of measures taken to preserve, restore or compensate for impaired functions, qualities, personal and social status of a person, promote adaptation to a changed life situation, comprehend the experience gained in an extreme situation and apply it in life.

One of the types of physical rehabilitation and recreation is health tourism, which consists in going out of town to recover and improve health, prevent diseases in the territory of a health destination. It includes both medical and health procedures and physical culture and recreational activities: hiking, swimming, swimming, sports games, dancing, etc.

Green or rural tourism is an innovation in the health and rehabilitation process. This is a specific type of recreation in the countryside using the natural, material and cultural potential of the area. In this case, accommodation, meals and services for tourists are provided by a rural family or community that provides services. In rural tourism, the hospitality of the population is of great importance, because tourists hope to get the most positive emotions, good mood and good memories from their vacation. And this is created with the help of home comfort, friendliness and sincerity of the hosts. For clients to travel outside the city, it is necessary to use special transport that can be used by people with disabilities, and a special tourist route has been developed. Thanks to the implementation of innovations, the sphere of rehabilitation will be expanded, as social, economic and environmental activities will be deepened by increasing communication with the local population; deepening knowledge of economic activities, gaining agricultural skills; integration with nature, conducting environmental work, conducting creative workshops, etc.

Involvement of green tourism aspects will also contribute to the development of other types of rehabilitation - psychological and pedagogical, professional, labor and social.

The creation of an innovative health and rehabilitation center can be a single system that combines various types of health and rehabilitation with the use of available resources - the sports complex Olimp and the environment (Fig. 4).

The scheme of the system for creating an innovative health improvement and disability on center combines the following main elements: stakeholders, which are both clients and specialists involved in the work of this center, as well as professionals from various industries and services; measures, tools and sources - necessary for the implementation of the idea (in our case, there are measures of socio-ecological and economic orientation, tools - the FSC and its equipment, sources - the interest of investors); for health improvement and rehabilitation, resources are needed, which can be.

Fig. 4. The system of creating an innovative health and rehabilitation center

Thus, the creation of an innovative health and rehabilitation center can form a single system that combines various types of health improvement and rehabilitation using the available resources - the Olimp sports complex and the environment.


As a result of the work done, the following conclusions are appropriate:

The necessity of creating a health and rehabilitation center is investigated and substantiated. Legislative documents on the organization and functioning of such institutions are analyzed. The authors proposes a definition of the concept of "health and rehabilitation center", which is defined as an institution aimed at rehabilitation and restoration of the ability of persons with disabilities to work through a system of special measures for adaptation and integration into public life.

The main forms and types of work of the health and rehabilitation center are revealed. The components of the activity of the health and rehabilitation center based on the principles of sustainability are highlighted. The need to develop and implement an individual rehabilitation program for clients is emphasized.

Based on the analysis of the activities of the Olimp sports complex, the prospects and possibilities of creating a health and rehabilitation center are determined.

An assessment of the importance of introducing health and rehabilitation services was made, which helped to identify the main areas of activity and financial capabilities.

The ways of innovative health improvement and rehabilitation activities are proposed, including the involvement of certain types of tourism - health, green (rural), which will allow to form a system of health improvement and rehabilitation.

Possible directions for continuing the research results may include specific calculations for the provision of services for different client groups, development of the cost and travel routes for people with disabilities for a one-day tour. We plan to continue working with FSC Olimp and gain trust and confirmation of the use of practical recommendations.


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