Fungus is a problem of the century. Nystatin ointment is an assistant

Nystatin ointment as a product, which is usually attributed to polyenes, has a pronounced antifungal effect. Evaluation of the effectiveness of this drug in the fight against Candida fungi, the current state and prospects for its use in the future.

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Дата добавления 19.03.2024
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Kyiv national university of technologies and design

Fungus is a problem of the century. Nystatin ointment is an assistant

Kristina Vorobiova,




The pharmaceutical industry is a sphere of activity that not only contributes to the improvement of human health but can also make a significant contribution to the economic development of Ukraine and employment, so the issue of establishing domestic production of medicinal substances is very relevant today. Since Nystatin ointment is a product that is usually classified as a polyene.

The pronounced antifungal effect makes nystatin an effective way to fight candida fungi. Several points can be made.

Firstly, fungal infections of the skin, face, body, nail mycosis and any other presence of fungus of any kind in the body have an extremely detrimental effect on the whole body. Immunity is reduced, the patient's general condition worsens, and the course of many chronic diseases is complicated. Second, the issue of expanding the range of soft drugs used to treat fungal diseases is important for modern pharmacy.

Thirdly, according to the WHO, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from one or another fungal disease. The trend of growth of mycosis diseases and the frequency of complications caused by them (secondary infections, allergic rashes, itching, eczema) is also observed in Ukraine.

To treat complications of fungal diseases, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic drugs are used, which are mainly represented by steroids on the Ukrainian market, while desensitizing drugs in the form of ointments, creams, gels, and non-steroidal drugs are practically absent.

Mentions of signs of fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity can be found in the works of Hippocrates and Galen. The fungal etiology of thrush (candida stomatitis) was proved in 1841 by M. Berg. Later it became known that the causative agent of these skin and mucous membranes lesions is yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Representatives of this species can be found in human and animal feces, in soil, on hospital equipment, in food, etc. The incidence of candida diseases has increased significantly since the beginning of the antibiotic era in the 1940s. It was at this time that many cases of infection manifestation were reported, which were extremely rare before.

Candida is a genus of anamorphic yeast. Several species of the genus, the most famous of which is Candida albicans, are opportunistic pathogens that cause candidiasis, a disease of humans and other animals, especially among patients with immunodeficiency. Representatives of the genus, in particular C. albicans, are generally inhabitants of the intestinal flora of animals. Candida is almost always present in small quantities on healthy adult skin, and C. albicans is part of the normal flora of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and female genital tract. The dryness of the skin compared to other tissues prevents the growth of fungi, but on damaged skin or in folds, fungi can grow faster.

People often believe that fungal infections are a nuisance that passes quickly. Therefore, they often try to ignore the symptoms in the hope that the fungus will disappear. It is unlikely that a fungal infection will disappear on its own without treatment.

Postponing treatment of a fungal infection can only make the situation worse, as the disease can spread, become more obvious, uncomfortable, and treatment becomes more difficult and expensive. A fungal lesion can look bad, causing embarrassment. In addition, the longer a fungal skin infection is leftuntreated, the greater the potential risk of spreading the problem to your friends and family, as well as to other people, for example, at the gym or swimming pool.

That's why I've done some introductions to the material above, which is necessary to get the word out more.

Why Nystatin Ointment? Nystatin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that comes in a convenient dosage form, has a low price and meets quality standards. In addition, the production of this drug in ointment form has a number of advantages over the production of analogs in the form of gels and creams. The diffusion of the active substance into the tissue from the ointment is slower than in the gel, which may be evidenced by the prolonged action. The ointment can be used at night, it acts as a skin moisturizer, is well absorbed, and has a more pronounced effect. Complete absorption ensures hygiene and greater economy compared to creams and gels.

Nystatin ointment is a topical drug used to treat fungal skin infections. The active ingredient of the ointment, nystatin, belongs to the polyene antibiotic group. It acts on fungi that contaminate the skin and prevents their growth and spread.

Nystatin ointment is often used to treat fungal skin infections, such as foot infections, dermatomycosis, candidiasis, diaper dermatitis, interdigital infections, and to prevent fungal infections. The use of nystatin ointment consists in applying a thin layer of ointment to the damaged or infected skin area once or several times a day, depending on the doctor's recommendations. Side effects may occur with the use of the ointment, such as itching, fever, skin irritation and redness, shortness of breath, allergic reactions, etc. Before using nystatin ointment, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the dose and duration of administration according to the individual patient's characteristics.

Conclusion Fungal diseases are a serious problem today. They can affect various parts of the body and lead to discomfort, pain, and a deterioration in quality of life. Fungi typically develop in conditions of high humidity and heat, making them especially prevalent in summer and in homes with insufficient ventilation. Since fungal infections can be easily transmitted from one person to another, it is important to follow simple hygiene rules and avoid contact with infected persons and objects. It is also necessary to follow a proper diet that strengthens the immune system, which reduces the risk of disease. The use of effective medications, such as nystatin ointment, can help treat fungal infections. In general, fungal diseases require attention and professional treatment to prevent the development of complications and improve the quality of life of patients. Nystatin ointment is an effective medicine in the fight against fungal infections. This drug has a broad spectrum of action and high efficacy in the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin and nails. The use of nystatin ointment helps to eliminate fungal infections and prevent their further spread. Given the widespread prevalence of fungal diseases, it can be argued that nystatin ointment is an important tool in the treatment of this problem.


nystatin ointment candida fungus

[1] Fungal Deaseses(2022) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Retrieved from: (in English)

[2] Nystatin Topical (2022) Medline Plus. Retrieved from: (in English)

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