Marketing management in blood service enterprises

Analysis of problems of blood service enterprises related to safety, management, information and economics. The tasks of analyzing the demand for blood components from medical institutions. The importance of interaction with donors for stable work.

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Дата добавления 16.06.2024
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X3 - the share of apheresis platelets in the total number of harvested platelets is 100%;

X4 - the proportion of lack of preserved donor blood from the collected blood is minimal;

X5 - the share of erythrocyte mass deficiency related to safety is minimal;

X6 - share of regular donors is 60-70%;

X7 - increase of regular donors is maximal, more than 10%;

X8 - share of donors from the total population is maximal, more than 3%;

X9 - increase of new donors is maximal, more than 10%;

Х10 - the share of blood component write-offs (erythrocyte mass) is 0;

Х11 - staffing level is 100%;

Х12 - the base of permanent (active) donors in the region during the year is maximal;

Х13 - number of donations per 1,000 population is maximal, more than 33;

Х14 - the number of blood components prepared per 1 inhabitant (in ml) is maximal, more than 12-15 ml;

Х15 - the average number of blood donations from 1 person per year is maximal, no more than 4-6 blood donations / year, 12-18 plasma donations / year;

X16 - the average price of marketing costs for 1 donation is optimal when achieving target indicators regarding the number of donors and donations;

X17 - the advertising efficiency coefficient is maximal;

X18 - the price of purchasing plasma for the blood bank is minimal;

X19 - the price of purchasing erythrocytes for the blood bank is minimal;

X20 - the share of sales to external customers in the sales structure is maximal.

To analyse the current state of marketing management in blood service enterprises, it is necessary to conduct an assessment in the following sequence:

• Formation of an information base;

• Calculation of unit indicators;

• Normalisation of indicators;

• Determination of indicator weight;

• Calculation of group indicators;

• Gradation of efficiency.

Management decisions are made taking into account the current state of marketing management, and management stages.

Considering the general stages of management and specifics in the blood service, the next marketing management mechanism for blood service enterprises can be proposed (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Marketing management mechanism in blood service enterprises

Source: Generated by the author

A straight arrow indicates the direction of influence, and a two-sided arrow - a two-way influence.

Management decisions are made by subjects regarding the object. Based on the problems, goals, tasks, and stages of management, subjects evaluate the object and available resources; conduct evaluation based on criteria, guided by management principles; influence the management process and the goals to be achieved.

Therefore, the process of marketing management in blood service enterprises is based on the following components: problems, goals, tasks, stages of management, subjects, objects, principles, resources, criteria, evaluation, and management decision-making.

blood service medical donor


Currently, there is a large amount of research on the marketing aspects of blood service activities. Simultaneously, the marketing management mechanism in blood service enterprises remains insufficiently researched.

Based on data systematisation for marketing management of various industries, a marketing management mechanism in blood service enterprises was formed.

Entry points are issues related to donors, medical facilities, or ongoing business operations.

All problems of blood service enterprises are related to safety, management, information, and economics.

It is necessary to optimise the raw material base (donors) to solve informational, managerial, economic, and safety problems. To do this, the donor contingent should be optimised at the expense of regular donors. The efficiency of its use should be increased (donate blood more times a year). Also, it is necessary to promote voluntary donation, and establish long-term cooperation with donors (for example, via loyalty programs).

Some managerial and economic problems are related to interaction with medical institutions. To eliminate them, we must ensure the needs of local medical institutions in blood components. To do this, it is necessary to analyse the demand for components from medical institutions. You should find additional ways of selling blood components (for example, to other regions), services (to population and other medical institutions). Besides, you must investigate competition or monopolisation, find new niches in the market (for example, cosmetologists). You need to interact with customers, provide and transfer values, create conditions for a successful long-term growth.

Some safety and economic problems require optimising performance of the blood service enterprise within a competitive market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to regularly monitor market entities, manage production and sales activities. We should develop strategies, tactics, and marketing plans. We have to manage sales and marketing personnel, create a unified marketing information system. Also, we need to form a mission, goals, positioning, values, and strong brand. Finally, marketing activities should be organised.

Some management problems require optimisation of personnel in the blood centre.

Issues are also influenced by market actors through relevant decision -making. The subjects are the enterprise director, founders, and the chief physician.

Goals and objectives affect marketing objects and are approved by subjects. Objects include a complex of marketing based on the 7Rs: product, price, promotion, sales, people, process, and physical environment.

Based on goals, tasks, and stages of management (analysing, assessing, planning, procuring, processing, applying, implementing, and controlling), subjects are selected tool to solve tasks according to the marketing mix components. At the same time, the selection of tools is carried out taking into account the principles of management. They make it possible to carry out an analysis and form plans for procurement, processing, and use, to assess compliance with the planned indicators.

Management tasks are carried out considering resources (financial, material and technical, personnel). As a result of the management of entities, an analysis of the current state of marketing management is carried out via criteria.

Based on the obtained values, the subjects make management decisions regarding the components of the marketing complex. If the planned goals are achieved, there is a transition to new objects or goals.

Thus, the developed mechanism takes into account the specifics of the marketing management in blood service enterprises. The results of the conducted research can be useful for further scientific activity on this topic. They can be taken into account in the work of blood service enterprises.


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