Six points of health

Instilling of discipline in terms of nutrition and physical activity from childhood. The main causes of fatigue and implementing beneficial habits. Necessity of include exercise as a mandatory program in your life. Rules of a healthy lifestyle.

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I.A. Eltsov, Director of the Rehabilitation

Department at the fitness club “Sibearian Fit”

In this article, I want to talk about our understanding of health. Unfortunately, a vast majority of humanity is unaware of our body's capacity for self-healing. All the processes in our body are so well orchestrated that we are not even aware of how precise they are! Whenever there is an imbalance, the hormonal system strives to maintain homeostasis.

Due to ignorance and lack of knowledge, humanity finds itself in the clutches of enormous monopolies and drug dependencies: tasty food, various conveniences that simplify life, and laziness. When a person becomes addicted, they fall into the trap of money-hungry industries, various weight-loss products, plastic surgeries, and so on.

Humans end up chasing their happiness endlessly. I believe that instilling discipline in terms of nutrition and physical activity should begin from childhood; otherwise, ignorance and laziness will enslave us.

As a physical education teacher and a licensed chiropractor, I understand how our body works. People often face the common goal and numerous unattainable tasks related to weight loss. Various attempts to shed excess weight fail because there is no concrete and properly formulated strategic goal. This immediately attracts numerous leeches, so-called psychologists, trainers, coordinators who are ready to help us. It seems there is nothing wrong with it when a specialist provides certain services. The problem lies in the fact that a huge number of people try to offload responsibility and burden onto the specialist.

So, to begin with, it is necessary to understand the root cause of your excess weight. I believe that justifications will follow, such as lack of time, feeling tired (it has been proven that a person engaged in sports has much more energy reserves than an ordinary office worker). The main causes of fatigue are physical inactivity, disruption of circadian rhythms, and erratic eating habits. Implementing beneficial habits is essential; otherwise, you might as well not start the weight loss process if you are not ready to give up something and make sacrifices!

Perhaps the most important thing to start with is your shopping cart at the store! I often observe people in supermarkets and notice their preference for high-carbohydrate products: fruit juices, baked goods, breakfast cereals, sugary sodas, and so on. healthy nutrition physical life

From years of experience in sports, I have identified several points that have helped me keep my body in shape. Instead of tormenting myself with short-term diets, I have developed a habit of healthy eating and maintaining a good physical condition. Let me emphasize that each case may be individual, and it is best to seek guidance from an experienced specialist. There's no need to jump headfirst into something without proper understanding.

1) Refined products. Completely useless food items that lack any nutritional value. Refined sugar, for example, has seen an average annual consumption per person increase from 4 kg to 75 kg over the past 100 years.

2) Vegetables. Unfortunately, there are very few vegetables in our diet! They hold the secret to good health! Vegetables, especially cruciferous ones, are rich in phytonutrients. Dietary fiber is beneficial for our microflora, the friendly bacteria that convert fiber into fatty acids, which lower insulin and provide energy. Raw vegetables are one of the most concentrated sources of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables are also rich in potassium! When there is an imbalance of potassium and sodium in our bodies, fluid can accumulate (edema). This means there might be little fat but a lot of fluid. It may appear that a person is suffering from obesity when the goal is to restore the balance of these micronutrients.

3) Supporting the digestive system. Constantly consuming unnatural, refined food causes our digestive system to gradually fail in absorbing nutrients due to a lack of micronutrients and minerals in the body, which leads to disruption of the entire hormonal system. In this point, I include the work of internal organs: the liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, and thyroid gland. Thyroid problems are usually secondary and directly related to the liver in women with ovaries. If the ovaries produce too much estrogen, the thyroid function decreases. The thyroid hormone, T4, is inactive and needs to be converted into the active form, T3, by the liver and gallbladder. The thyroid gland performs 80% of its function through the liver and gallbladder.

4) Dependency on glucose. The brain prefers to work on glucose rather than ketones. Have you noticed that in stressful situations, we crave something sweet? The limbic layer of the brain, which is responsible for emotions, seeks to find a way to release dopamine. That's why we comfort ourselves by consuming high-glycemic index foods. It's important to remember that strongly flavored food leads to addiction. We can easily become dependent on certain foods, making it difficult to quit. Consume simpler and more natural foods with a relatively low glycemic index, while occasionally indulging yourself (if weight loss is not a goal).

5) Snacking. This is an important point. If you also want to lose weight, avoid snacking. Any food consumption triggers the release of insulin into the blood, even if it's lean meat. To lose weight, we need to activate fat-burning hormones. One of these hormones is growth hormone (GH). GH and insulin are directly related and act as antagonists. A high level of GH (fat burning occurs) corresponds to a low level of insulin, and vice versa.

6) Don't forget about hydration. However, it's also not advisable to drink excessively because excessive drinking can wash out many micronutrients, including sodium. When there is a sodium deficiency, a condition called hyponatremia (brain edema) can occur. The most reliable indicator is thirst.

By incorporating these rules into my lifestyle, I avoid any problems with obesity. I also understand and recommend to you to include exercise as a mandatory program in your life! There is a concept called myogenesis. Scientists have discovered that during physical exertion, muscles can produce up to 150 hormone-like substances! Physical activity also stimulates the release of fat-burning hormones. Without physical exercise, the body ceases to function as an organism. Vital processes enter a “Sleep mode.” No movement means no life!

I sincerely wish that you understand the simplicity of this approach! Don't complicate your life with laziness. Don't let yourself be deceived by your own.

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