Anaerobic capacity of female residents of the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia in the postpubertal period of ontogenesis
The study of the anaerobic capabilities of girls in the mountainous regions of Zakarpattia. Effect on the physiology of the body of a long stay at a very high altitude. Indicators of anaerobic productivity of the body’s energy supply in healthy girls.
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Дата добавления | 03.09.2024 |
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Uzhhorod National University
Anaerobic capacity of female residents of the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia in the postpubertal period of ontogenesis
O. A. DULO Department of Surgical
Dentistry and Clinical Disciplines
anaerobic productivity girl zakarpattia
Anaerobic productivity is characterized by the body's ability to perform muscle work due to anaerobic processes of energy supply and is characterized by their power and capacity. Data on the age-related dynamics of the body's anaerobic productivity are contradictory. Studying the anaerobic capabilities of girls in the mountainous regions of Zakarpattia Oblast, we understand that the somatotype and functional capabilities of the body are formed in this category of persons in conditions of relative hypoxia. Szymczak R.K. et al researching the effect on the physiology of the body of a long stay at a very high altitude (over 3500 m), male climbers note that in conditions of hypoxia, the anaerobic productivity of the body decreases, the maximum respiratory volume increases, and the relative content of the fat component of the body weight decreases. Therefore, the study of indicators of anaerobic productivity of the body's energy supply in healthy girls may allow developing individual and population medical prognosis in the future [7].
The level of physical health was assessed by indicators of anaerobic productivity of the body, assessing the ability of women living in mountainous regions to adapt to performing physical work in an anaerobic mode. For this purpose, we used the Wingat anaerobic test method described by Yu.M. Furman et al, the method of Shogy A., Cherebetin G. and somatotype was determined according to Heath-Carter. Having studied the anaerobic capabilities of 102 girls aged 16 to 20, residents of the mountainous regions of the Transcarpathian region. we noted that the performance of physical work in the anaerobic regime of the body's energy supply depends on the somatotype. The power of anaerobic alactate and lactate processes turned out to be the highest in girls with an endomesomorphic somatotype. The power of anaerobic alactate and lactate processes turned out to be the lowest in girls with an ectomorphic somatotype. Studying the level of anaerobic productivity of females based on the relative indicator of the capacity of anaerobic lactate processes of energy supply showed that girls with a balanced somatotype have the lowest level of anaerobic capacity compared to girls of other somatotypes.
Key words: anaerobic productivity, somatotype, physical health, females.
Анаеробні можливості дівчат постпубертатного періоду онтогенезу мешканок гірських районів Закарпаття
О. А. ДУЛО Кафедра хірургічної стоматології та клінічних дисциплін, ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет», Ужгород, Україна
Анаеробна продуктивність характеризується здатністю організму здійснювати м'язову роботу за рахунок анаеробних процесів енергозабезпечення й характеризується їх потужністю та ємністю. Відомості про вікову динаміку анаеробної продуктивності організму суперечливі. Досліджуючи анаеробні можливості дівчат гірських районів Закарпатської обл., ми розуміємо, що соматотип і функціональні можливості організму формуються у цієї категорії осіб в умовах відносної гіпоксії. Szymczak R.K. et al, досліджуючи вплив на фізіологію організму тривалого перебування на дуже великій висоті (понад 3500 м) чоловіків-альпіністів, зазначають, що в умовах гіпоксії знижується анаеробна продуктивність організму, збільшується максимальний дихальний об'єм та зменшується відносний вміст жирового компоненту маси тіла. Отже, вивчення показників анаеробної продуктивності енергозабезпечення організму у здорових дівчат можуть у подальшому дозволити розробляти індивідуальний і популяційний медичний прогноз [7].
Рівень фізичного здоров'я оцінювали за показниками анаеробної продуктивності організму, оцінюючи здатність мешканок гірських районів адаптуватися до виконання фізичної роботи в анаеробному режимі. З цією метою ми використовували метод Вінгатського анаеробного тесту, описаного Ю. М. Фурманом зі співавт., методику Shogy A., Cherebetin G. та визначали соматотип за Хіт-Картером. Дослідивши анаеробні можливості 102 дівчат у віці від 16 до 20 років, мешканок гірських районів Закарпатської обл., ми зазначали, що виконання фізичної роботи в анаеробному режимі енергозабезпечення організму залежить від соматотипу. Потужність анаеробних алактатних і лактатних процесів виявилася найвищою у дівчат, які мають ендомезоморфний соматотип. Потужність анаеробних алактатних і лактатних процесів виявилася найнижчою у дівчат, які мають ектоморфний соматотип. Вивчаючи рівень анаеробної продуктивності осіб жіночої статі за відносним показником ємності анаеробних лактатних процесів енергозабезпечення, ми встановили, що дівчата зі збалансованим соматотипом мають найнижчий рівень анаеробних можливостей порівняно з дівчатами інших соматотипів.
Ключові слова: анаеробна продуктивність, соматотип, фізичне здоров'я, дівчата.
The main text
A significant role in the formation of physical health is played not only by aerobic, but also by anaerobic energy supply processes of the organism [1, 4, 6, 14]. The results of the research indicate the existence of a close correlation between the aerobic and anaerobic productivity of the organism, where the anaerobic (lactic) productivity of the organism is a factor parameter [5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13].
29 years after the Chernobyl disaster, there are still some regions in Ukraine with iodine deficiency, which significantly affects the hormonal status of the inhabitants of these territories. Zakarpattia is one of such regions. Young people from different biogeochemical zones who study at higher educational institutions are considered practically healthy. However, according to the results of research by leading scientists of Zakarpattia [2], many of the young people have certain deviations in their physical condition. These deviations refer to individual anthropometric (height, weight, proportions of the body structure) and biochemical indicators (for example, a low level of thyroid hormones in the blood). The trend of decreasing indicators of functional status is related to the levels of thyroid hormones in young men living in the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia. This may indicate the negative influence of the biogeochemical zone as an evolutionarily inadequate factor of the external environment [3].
Until now, studies of indicators of anaerobic productivity of the body have been carried out in persons of different ages and genders without taking into account the territorial origin of the examined persons. Therefore, the study of the anaerobic productivity of the body in post-puberty individuals living in the Zakarpattia region, with different somatotypes, will provide the standards of physical health of young females.
The purpose of this study is to establish the ability of females from the mountainous districts of the Zakarpattia region and representing different somatotypes, to adapt to physical work in the anaerobic mode of energy supply.
Materials and methods. 102 females living in the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia (46.4 %) were examined. The examined individuals were in the post-pubertal period of ontogenesis, aged from 16 to 20 years. The physical health of females living in mountainous districts was determined by indicators of the body's anaerobic productivity. The power of anaerobic lactic processes of energy supply of the body was evaluated by the Peak Power Output in 10 s (WAnT10), and the power of anaerobic lactic processes of energy supply of the body by the Peak Power Output in 30 s (WAnT30), using the Wingate anaerobic test described by Yu.M. Furman et al [4]. Shogy A. and Cherebetin G. [15] method was used to estimate the capacity of anaerobic lactic energy supply processes of the body, that is, by the Peak Power Output (PPO) in 1 min. The somatotype was determined according to the Heath-Carter method, which is considered universal. It is therefore recommended for examination of persons of different races, different genders, a wide age range (from 14 to 70 years old), and also provides a three-component (fat, muscle and bone component) anthropometric assessment. With the help of this method, it is possible to quantitatively assess the advantage of: endomorphism, or relative obesity; mesomorphy, or moderate development of the skeletal and muscular system; ectomorphy, or relative linearity (elongation of the body). Each component was defined in the same sequence: endomorphy - mesomorphy - ectomorphy, expressed as numerical values (anthropometric indexes) with an accuracy of one tenth. According to the Heath-Carter method, the somatotype was determined graphically or by an algorithm, since it is more convenient to determine the somatotype using the algorithm [16].
Results and discussion. The somatotype of the studied females was determined by the Heath-Carter method and conditionally divided into five groups: ectomorphic somatotype, endomorphic somatotype, endomesomorphic somatotype, mesoectomorphic somatotype, and balanced somatotype. The percentage distribution of females from mountainous districts by somatotype is shown in Fig. 1. Among the studied females, the largest number was found with a balanced somatotype (41.2 %), and the smallest with an endomorphic somatotype (5.9 %).
Fig. 1 Ratio of the number of mountainous districts residents according to the somatotype, in %
The results of studies of the power of anaerobic lactic processes of energy supply of the body in terms of the absolute value of WAnT in females from mountainous districts revealed a significant prevalence of this indicator in representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype, compared to individuals with other somatotypes. Thus, the value of the absolute indicator WAnT10 in the representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype, on average, is ± 68,2 kgm-min-1, which is 33.2 % higher than the value of the persons with the mesoectomorphic somatotype, which is 1783,0 ± 46,7 kgm-min'1 (p < 0.05). The average value of WAnT of the representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype is 44 % higher than the average value of the representatives of the ectomorphic somatotype, which is 1648,6 ± 44,7 kgm-min-1 (p < 0.01). The average values of WAnT10 of representatives of endomesomorphic, endomorphic and balanced somatotypes do not differ significantly from each other. Likewise, the average values of WAnT10 of representatives of mesoectomorphic and ectomorphic somatotypes do not differ significantly from each other.
The study of the power of anaerobic lactic processes of energy supply of the body by the relative value of WAnT in representatives of mountainous districts proved a significantly lower level of this indicator in females of ectomorphic somatotype compared to the values of representatives of other somatotype groups. In individuals with an endomesomorphic somatotype, the average value of WAnT rel. (42,3 ± 1,36 kgm-min-1-kg-1) does not significantly exceed the average value of endomorphic (39.4 ± 1.1 kgm-min-1-kg-1) and balanced (39,5 ± 1,17 kgm-min-1-kg-1) somatotypes (p > 0.05); at the same time, it exceeds the value of females of the mesoectomorphic somatotype (37.8 ± 0.84 kgm-min-1-kg-1) by 12 % and those of ectomorphic somatotype (36.9 ± 1.08 kgm-min-1-kg-1) by 13.1 %. In representatives of endomorphic, endomesomorphic and balanced somatotypes, the average values of WAnT10 rel. have no significant difference (p > 0.05).
The analysis of the results of anaerobic productivity studies based on the absolute value of the indicator of the power of the anaerobic lactic processes of the body's energy supply (WAnT) in females from mountainous districts showed that the average value of the absolute WAnT indicator of representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype is 2299.9 ± 61.6 kgm-min-1, which is 8.6 % higher than in representatives of the balanced somatotype (p < 0.05), with the value of 2118.3 ± 56.94 kgm-min-1; by 36.7 % higher than in females of the mesoectomorphic somatotype (p < 0.01), whose average value is ± 39.3 kgm-min-1; and by 44 % (p < 0.01) and higher than the value of representatives of the ectomorphic somatotype, which is 1598.7 ± 32.6 kgm-min-1. The average values of the indicator WAnT30 in females from mountainous districts with a mesoectomorphic somatotype and a prevalence for ectomorphism do not differ significantly from each other (p > 0.05).
The results of the study of physical performance based on indicators of the body's anaerobic productivity are shown in Table.
Anaerobic productivity of females from the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia depending on the somatotype (n = 102)
Indexes |
Average value, M ± m |
endomorphs (n = 6) |
endomesomorphs (n = 25) |
mesoectomorp hs (n = 14) |
ectomorphs (n = 15) |
balanced somatotype (n = 42) |
WAnT10, kgm-miir1 |
2296,7 ± 72,3 |
2374,6 ± 68,2 |
**V 1783,0 ± 46,7 |
**v 1648,6 ± 44,7 |
2219,8 ± 50,34 |
WAnT10, kgm-miiV-kg'1 |
39,4 ± 1,1 |
42,3 ± 1,36 |
* 37,8 ± 0,84 |
* 36,9 ± 1,08 |
39,5 ± 1,17 |
WAnT30, kgm-miir1 |
2227,4 ± 40,8 |
2299,9 ± 61,6 |
**V 1682,6 ± 39,3 |
**v 1598,7 ± 32,6 |
* 2118,3 ± 56,94 |
WAnT3„, kgm-miiV-kg'1 |
38,3 ± 0,91 |
40,83 ± 1,04 |
.* 35,6 ± 0,78 |
.* 35,8 ± 0,73 |
37,7 ± 0,84 |
PPO, kgm-miir1 |
* 1364,5 ± 37,8 |
1488,6 ± 47,4 |
.* 1187,6 ± 23,3 |
.* 1127,4 ± 22,6 |
.* 1208,6 ± 33,9 |
PPO, kgm-miiV-kg'1 |
* 23,4 ± 0,7 |
26,5 ± 1,3 |
25,2 ± 0,98 |
25,2 ± 0,87 |
* * v 21,6 ± 0,61 |
Note: the significance of a difference in average values (p < 0.05):
* -- relative to the endomorphic somatotype;
• -- relative to the endomorphic-mesomorphic somatotype;
¦ -- relative to the mesomorphic-ectomorphic somatotype;
? -- relative to the ectomorphic somatotype;
V -- relative to the balanced somatotype
Peculiarities of the manifestation of anaerobic productivity in residents of mountainous districts of different somatotypes were also revealed when determining the relative power of anaerobic lactic energy supply processes of the body. It is worth noting that the lowest average values of WAnT30 r x are observed in representatives of mesoectomorphic (35.6 ± 0.78 kgmmin^kg-1) and ectomorphic (35.8 ± 0.73 kgm min'1 -kg'1) somatotypes, which do not differ among themselves (p > 0.05). The highest average value of WAnT30 was found in the representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype, i.e. 40.83 ± 1.04 kgm min'1 kg'1. At the same time, the average values of the WAnT, in females from mountainous districts with endomorphic, endomesomorphic and balanced somatotypes do not differ significantly from each other (p > 0.05).
The results of the study of the capacity of anaerobic lactic processes of energy supply of the body in terms of the absolute value of PPO revealed a significant prevalence of this indicator in females of the endomesomorphic somatotype, compared to representatives of other somatotypes. For example, the value of the absolute index of PPO in the representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype is 1488.6 ± 47.4 kgm-min-1, which is on average 24.3 % higher than the value of females with the mesoectomorphic somatotype, which is 1187.6 ± 23.3 kgm-min-1 and 18.8 % higher than the value of females with a balanced somatotype, which is 1208.6 ± 33.9 kgm-min-1 (p < 0.05). The average value of PPOabs of females with the endomesomorphic somatotype is 32 % higher than the average value of the representatives of the ectomorphic somatotype, which is 1127.4 ± 22.6 kgm-min-1 and 9.1% higher than the average value of the representatives of the endomorphic somatotype, which is 1364.5 ± 37.8 kgm-min-1 (p < 0.05). The average values of PPOabs of representatives of mesoectomorphic, ectomorphic and balanced somatotypes do not differ significantly from each other.
The study of the capacity of anaerobic lactic processes of energy supply of the body according to the relative value of PPO showed a significantly lower level of this indicator in representatives of mountainous districts with balanced somatotype compared to the values of representatives of other somatotype groups. In representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype, the average value of PPOrel (26.5 ± 1.3 kgm-min-1-kg-1) does not significantly exceed the average value of ectomorphic (25.2 ± 0.87 kgm-min-1-kg-1) and mesoectomorphic (25.2 ± 0.98 kgm-min-1-kg-1) somatotype (p > 0.05). However, the average value of ectomorphic somatotype individuals exceeds the value of endomorphic somatotype females (23.4 ± 0.7 kgm-min-1-kg-1) by 13 % and the value of balanced somatotype females (21.6 ± 0.61 kgm-min-1-kg-1) by 22.7 %.
The level of anaerobic productivity of females from the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia depends on the somatotype. The power of anaerobic alactic and lactic energy supply processes in females with endomesomorphic somatotype is higher than in females with other somatotypes. These indicators were the lowest in females with a prevalence of ectomorphy.
The value of the relative indicator of the power of anaerobic alactic and lactic energy supply processes in the representatives of the endomesomorphic, endomorphic and balanced somatotypes is higher than in the representatives of the ectomorphic and mesoectomorphic somatotypes.
The results of the research indicate that the values of the absolute and relative indicators of the peak power output per 1 minute in females from mountainous districts were probably higher in the representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype, the values of the absolute indicators were the lowest in the representatives of the ectomorphic and mesomorphic somatotype, while the values of the relative indicators were the lowest in females with a balanced somatotype.
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