Psychosomatic medicine: health as a key element of permanent sustainable life affirmation

The results of research confirming the connection between mental state and physical health, as well as the impact of this connection on the general level of a person's life support, are presented. The work calls attention to psychosomatic health.

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Дата добавления 10.10.2024
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Psychosomatic medicine: health as a key element of permanent sustainable life affirmation

Piontkovskii Valentyn Kostyantynovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Reforming Medical Care, KP "Rivna Regional Clinical Hospital named after Yu. Semenyuk" ROR, Rivne

Vizniuk Inessa Mykolaivna, doctor of psychological sciences, professor Department of Psychology and Social Work, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubinskyi State Pedagogical University

Dolynnyi Serhii Serhiiovych, doctor of philosophy (PhD), senior Lecturer Department of Psychology and Social Work, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubinskyi State Pedagogical University


The impact of psychosomatic health on sustainable human life support has been studied. Attention is drawn to the importance of harmony between the mental and physical state of the body to achieve a fulfilling life. Factors that affect psychosomatic health, such as stress, emotional state, physical activity and nutrition, are considered. The results of research confirming the connection between mental state and physical health, as well as the impact of this connection on the general level of a person's life support, are presented. The work calls attention to psychosomatic health as an important element in achieving a sustainable and satisfying life.

The lack of psychological stability of an individual indicates that he cannot harmoniously combine various qualities and abilities, cannot effectively selforganize and self-regulate. Elements of psychological resilience include factors of the social environment and personal aspects such as personal attitudes (including self-esteem), spirituality, emotions and feelings, cognitive processes, behavioral aspects, communication, self-actualization, hope, inner strength (subjectivity), selfdetermination and self-improvement, readiness for change and others.

According to this approach, psychological stability is considered by us as a complex integrative quality of the individual, which ensures high productivity and adequate behavior in difficult life circumstances, harmonization of personal and socio-cultural values; as a component of intelligence, which contributes to the preservation of high functional activity in stressful conditions by adapting to them or as a result of a high level of development of emotional and volitional selfregulation; as a feature of temperament, which allows a person to reliably perform targeted activity tasks due to the optimal use of neuropsychic energy resources.

Key words: personality psychological firmness, self-actualization, pshycosomatic correlates, psychological health, reflexive mechanisms.


psychosomatic medicine life affirmation

Психосоматична медицина: здоров'я як ключовий елемент сталого життєпідтвердження людини

Піонтковський Валентин Костянтинович доктор медичних наук, доцент, Заступник директора з реформування надання медичної допомоги, КП «Рівненська обласна клінічна лікарня ім. Ю. Семенюка» РОР, Рівне

Візнюк Інеса Миколаївна, доктор психологічних наук, професор кафедри психології та соціальної роботи, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського

Долинний Сергій Сергійович, доктор філософії (PhD), старший викладач кафедри психології та соціальної роботи, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського

Досліджено вплив психосоматичного здоров'я на стійкість життєзабезпечення людини. Звертається увага на важливість гармонії між психічним і фізичним станом організму для досягнення повноцінного життя. Розглядаються фактори, що впливають на психосоматичне здоров'я, такі як стрес, емоційний стан, фізична активність і харчування.

Наведено результати досліджень, що підтверджують зв'язок між психічним станом і фізичним здоров'ям, а також вплив цього зв'язку на загальний рівень життєзабезпечення людини. Стаття звертає увагу на психосоматичне здоров'я як важливий елемент у досягненні стійкого та задоволеного життя.

Відмічено, що відсутність психологічної стійкості особистості свідчить про те, що вона не може гармонійно поєднувати різноманітні якості та здібності, не може ефективно самоорганізовуватися та саморегулюватися. Елементи психологічної стійкості включають фактори соціального середовища та особистісні аспекти, такі як особистісні установки (включаючи самооцінку), духовність, емоції та почуття, когнітивні процеси, поведінкові аспекти, спілкування, самоактуалізація, надія, внутрішня сила (суб'єктивність), самовизначення та самовдосконалення, готовність до змін та інші.

Відповідно до цього підходу психологічна стійкість розглядається як комплексна інтегративна якість особистості, що забезпечує високу продуктивність і адекватну поведінку в складних життєвих обставинах, гармонізацію особистісних і соціокультурних цінностей; як компонент інтелекту, що сприяє збереженню високої функціональної активності в стресових умовах шляхом адаптації до них або внаслідок високого рівня розвитку емоційно-вольової саморегуляції; як особливість темпераменту, що дозволяє людині надійно виконувати цілеспрямовані завдання діяльності за рахунок оптимального використання нервово-психічних енергетичних ресурсів.

Ключові слова: психологічна стійкість особистості, самоактуалізація, психосоматичні кореляти, психологічне здоров'я, рефлекторні механізми.

Formulation of the problem

Radical transformations in society, which are taking place in the direction of economic, political and educational improvement in Ukraine, require people to be highly efficient in the professional sphere, taking into account the constant increase in the volume of information and intellectual workload. These changes create a new socio-cultural environment, where the key is the harmonious development of the individual and society, which meets the new requirements of life.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The high level of life demands requires constant attention to psychological health, which determines the stability and reliability of the individual in these conditions. However, the growth of psychosomatic disorders, stress and emotional burden become serious challenges for the individual, which can lead to disharmony and uncertainty in the future.

Therefore, ensuring the psychological stability of the individual becomes an urgent problem. Solving this problem involves achieving harmonious development and maintaining optimal mental health throughout life.

The purpose of our research is to identify special aspects of psychosomatic health as a key factor for ensuring stability and general well-being of a person.

Presenting main material

In order to analyze and find out the individual characteristics of maintaining a state of optimal functioning of a person and his psychological stability, we used several reliable and proven psychological methods. To study the system of value orientations of an individual, we used M. Rokich's "Value Orientations" test, to analyze the motivational and value structure - D. Leontiev's "Meaning Life Orientations" test, to assess individual psychological features - "Multifactorial personality method 16-PF" R. Cattell, to determine the social type - D. Keirsey's test, to analyze the level of adaptation abilities - the social level diagnosis method of A. Maklakov and S. Chermyanin, to determine characterological and personal properties, as well as conflict management methods - the “Wiesbaden Questionnaire” by N. Pezeshkian , and to register the subject's level of self-actualization - "Self-actualization test" (SAT) by A. Maslow.

Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University became the experimental base of the research. 204 people were involved in the experimental study, including 100 psychosomatically healthy people (control group - CG) and 104 patients with psychosomatic disorders (experimental group - EG). The number of the experimental group meets the requirements for the size of the sample, which can be subjected to statistical processing. The age of the participants of the experiment is 18-25 years. Before the start of the study, all participants were informed about the conditions of participation in the experiment and gave their consent to participate. The experiment was carried out according to the decision of the specialized scientific council of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University (protocol No. 17 dated 06/25/2020). The ethical rights of all participants were respected. The study was conducted in the natural conditions of the educational process of higher education institutions, with the provision of general conditions for participation in the experiment: the same time and duration of study, the same measuring materials that allow diagnosing the level of psychological stability according to the criteria for assessing psychosomatic health.

It should be noted that persistence in overcoming difficulties, maintaining self-belief, confidence in oneself, one's abilities, perfection of mental self-regulation are an integral part of mental life. The ability to maintain a constant level of mood, to feel the emotional richness of life, to have diverse interests, polymotivation of life activities are signs of a harmonious characterological status of a person.

Sustainable human behavior, according to N. Pezeshkian, is ensured by a harmonious combination of relevant abilities that reflect norms of social behavior, forms of conflict processing, and role models (Pezeshkian, 1996).

The lack of psychological stability of an individual indicates that he cannot harmoniously combine various qualities and abilities, cannot effectively selforganize and self-regulate. Elements of psychological resilience include factors of the social environment and personal aspects such as personal attitudes (including self-esteem), spirituality, emotions and feelings, cognitive processes, behavioral aspects, communication, self-actualization, hope, inner strength (subjectivity), selfdetermination and self-improvement, readiness for change and others.

According to this approach, psychological stability is considered by us as a complex integrative quality of the individual, which ensures high productivity and adequate behavior in difficult life circumstances, harmonization of personal and socio-cultural values; as a component of intelligence, which contributes to the preservation of high functional activity in stressful conditions by adapting to them or as a result of a high level of development of emotional and volitional selfregulation; as a feature of temperament, which allows a person to reliably perform targeted activity tasks due to the optimal use of neuropsychic energy resources.

The need to reveal the structure and functions of the psychological stability of the individual in the case of psychosomatic disorders and the further development of methods of its restoration determined the main principles of our research work. We established causal relationships between phenomena, formed specific phenomena and analyzed the impact of the same phenomena on individuals with different characteristics. This research method allowed us to identify changed and unchanged aspects of mental activity, to establish cause-and-effect relationships between various phenomena, and to develop strategies for the correction and restoration of these phenomena. Thus, our research scheme combined observation, experimental design and comparison, providing a more complete understanding of the chosen problem.

The main stages of the experimental program include the following steps: determination of structural components (variables, experimental hypothesis, etc.); measuring the characteristics of the general sample according to the "psychosomatic health" indicator; selection of equivalent (randomized) reference control (CG - persons with normal psychosomatic health) and experimental (EG - persons with psychosomatic disorders) groups, in accordance with the needs of the study; conducting ascertainment diagnostic measurement in CG and EG using psychodiagnostic methods to assess parameters of psychological stability of the individual in the situation of psychosomatic disorder and their relationships with other investigated indicators; qualitative and quantitative analysis of results to determine statistically significant differences between CG and EG; development of a program of psychocorrective effects on the restoration of psychological stability in persons of the experimental group based on the results of the ascertainment stage of the study; conducting a formative experiment in a group with psychosomatic disorders (EG); control diagnostic measurement in EG and CG after completion of the study; qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results in order to identify the psychocorrective effect: comparison of the results of the experimental group "before" and "after" the effect, as well as comparison of the results in groups with different characteristics; systematization and generalization of the results of theoretical and empirical research.

In the process of statistical data processing of psychodiagnostic studies, the method of checking the probability of sample differences in the distribution of features using Pearson's /2 test, Spearman's rank correlation c oefficient - rs, which allows assessing the strength and direction of the consistency of changes between two features, and the Student's t test, which connected with the test of equality of mean values in two samples.

The identified features of psychosomatic disorders made it possible to obtain information about the factors affecting the behavior and manifestations of mental properties of the participants of the experimental group. This made it possible to form a psychodiagnostic toolkit for the next stage of research. In this context, it is important to determine the level of anxiety, assess the importance of events in life and the way to respond to them, adaptive potential, diagnosis of the emotional sphere of the subjects, the level of self-actualization and the characteristics of the characterological construct of the individual.

According to D. Keirsey's methodology, such character traits as stability, reliability, logic, low emotionality, attentiveness, patience, sense of duty (ISTJ), freedom-loving, unrestrictedness, harmonious ease, which are reflected in the spiritual-emotional sphere in the form of works of art, musical works, dancing skills (ISFP), keeping family comfort and love (ISTJ), education (INTJ), insight and poetry (INFJ).

The characterological features of EG also include the desire for spiritual absolutism, dogmatic faith, which are manifested in such qualities as excessive selfsacrifice, compassion, idealism, fighting evil for the ideals of goodness and justice (INFP), altruism, consideration for other people's feelings (ENFJ), etc.

It should be noted that CG and EG individuals did not show significant differences in areas such as the feeling of motherhood (41.2%) and fatherhood (20.6%) and in such a characteristic feature as patience (38.2%).

The results presented above testify to the impact on psychosomatically healthy persons of universal values that determine the meaning of life and the stability of mental structures of the individual. Experimental data reveal significantly higher adaptability of CG individuals and their rational approach to life creation. That is why psychocorrective work was built on the formation of positive characterological tendencies of a harmonious personality. The results of the formative experiment are not the subject of this article, but we note that the proposed approach gave sufficiently high results (t = 0.27; p < 0.01).

The obtained indicators of terminal values confirm the positive psychological adjustment of the interviewed CGs, which indicates such life priorities as taking care of one's health (55.9%), a happy family life (32%), love (spiritual and physical closeness with a loved one) - 26.5%. Indicators of instrumental values reveal that the determining directions of personal life are sensitivity and care - 29%, rationalism (the ability to think realistically and logically, make thoughtful, rational decisions) - 23.5%, education (breadth of knowledge, high general culture, intolerance to one's own and other people's defects) - 20.6%. These values indicate signs of harmonious behavior, the advantage of healthy sanogenic thinking, psychosomatic health, family well-being and psychological stability of the individual.

In contrast to this, we observe high indicators of concern for health in EG individuals - 68.6%, which is reflected in a hypochondriacal mood, limited interests, and fear of illness. Such value orientations as entertainment, pleasant rest, lack of responsibilities in persons of this type make up 27%, which determines the dominance of the present time over the future, existence for its own sake, lack of purposefulness, creative motive, self-realization, faith in one's own strength. 21% of the people of the analyzed group believe that life wisdom (maturity of judgments and common sense, which are achieved through life experience) is not decisive in the process of human activity, therefore they are inclined to believe in the atypicality of the situation, mythical suggestions, in fate. 24% see as terminal value orientations such as honesty (truthfulness, sincerity), 22.9% - education and 17% - neatness, the ability to keep affairs and things in order, which indicates being picky about one's behavior and the actions of others, excessive demandingness, stereotyping and conservatism.

Determination of the average indicators in the walls using this method showed a difference between CG (8.8) and EG (3.0), which allows us to assert a high level of vitality of CG individuals and, accordingly, a low indicator of EG individuals.

Relationships between psychological stability and the level of life stress were experimentally revealed, the indicators of which were measured using the Hopkins symptom list. It turned out that a high level of life stress is not a constitutional prerequisite for the occurrence of diseases. In EG persons with a high level of subjective stress, a low index of psychological stability is a predicate for the development of somatic destruction (the probability of the disease was currently 92%), while high indicators of stability contribute to the preservation of health (somatization occupied only 10%). In addition, a high level of psychological stability of an individual is associated with a developed imagination and creativity in non-standard situations, with a high level of tension. Adequate awareness and assessment of the situation, a person's persistent experience of his actions and circumstances, which are the result of personal choice and responsibility, in somatically ill persons with high vitality acquire the value of a resource, experience that allows adapting to health problems, harmoniously transforming meaningful life orientations.

A person's self-awareness of his essence as a whole structure, activation of the processes of individual development allow the formation of life tactics aimed at preserving and restoring one's own health. The optimal ratio of the structural components of the personality and support for the hierarchical subordination of levels ensures the preservation of the main intrapsychic connections, stability and stability of the psyche at this stage of development (structural aspect of health). At the same time, the dynamics of the interaction of these components and the degree of coherence of the main mental processes determine the peculiar nature of the formation of an individual as a complete and unique individuality (dynamic or procedural aspect of health). A healthy personality is characterized by the orderliness and subordination of its constituent elements, on the one hand, and the coherence of processes that ensure integrity and harmonious development, on the other. At the same time, health is the important indicator that characterizes the personality in its integrity, it is a necessary condition for the integration of all components of the personality into a single, unique, harmonious Self.

Therefore, by using the comparison strategy, significant differences were found in the values and distribution of indicators of psychological stability between the reference control group (individuals with psychosomatic health) and the experimental group (individuals with psychosomatic disorders). These identified differences, both qualitative and quantitative, served as the basis for the development of a corrective strategy aimed at increasing the indicators of the members of the experimental group to the level of the participants of the reference group, that is, at restoring psychosomatic health.


Therefore, the correction process focused on the selfdetermination of the resources of psychological stability of each participant, the change of attitude towards problem-conflict situations, the promotion of selfactualization and the formation of appropriate semantic orientations.


1. Vizniuk I.M. Profesiine vyhorannia yak chynnyk zarodzhennia i rozvytku ipokhondrychnykh rozladiv osobystosti [Professional burnout as a factor in the origin and development of hypochondriac personality disorders]. Profesiina pedahohika : zb. nauk. prats : Vyp. 17. Inst-t prof-tekh. Osvity NAPN Ukrainy; [Red. kol.: V.O. Radkevych (holova) ta in.]. ZhKKHV «Polissia» ZhOR., 2018. S.115-122.

2. Zlyvkov, V.L., Lukomska, S.O. & Fedan, O.V. (2016). Psykhodiahnostyka osobystosti u kryzovykh zhyttievykh sytuatsiiakh [Psychodiagnostics of personality in life crisis situations]. K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 219 [in Ukrainian].

3. Tsekhmister, Yu., Vizniuk, І., Humeniuk, V., Polishchuk, А. & Dolynnyi, S. (2022). Formation of professional skills of future physicians in the process of professional training. Eduweb, 2022, abril-junio, v.16, n.2. /180-193 DOI: 2022.16.02.13

4. Viznrnk, I., Dzekan, O., Dolynnyi, S., Fomin, O., Fomina, N., & Ordatii, N. (2022).

Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration processes. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 65-77.


1. Vizniuk I.M. Profesiine vyhorannia yak chynnyk zarodzhennia i rozvytku ipokhondrychnykh rozladiv osobystosti [Professional burnout as a factor in the origin and development of hypochondriac personality disorders]. Profesiina pedahohika : zb. nauk. prats : Vyp. 17. Inst-t prof-tekh. Osvity NAPN Ukrainy; [Red. kol.: V.O. Radkevych (holova) ta in.]. ZhKKHV «Polissia» ZhOR., 2018. S.115-122.

2. Zlyvkov, V.L., Lukomska, S.O. & Fedan, O.V. (2016). Psykhodiahnostyka osobystosti u kryzovykh zhyttievykh sytuatsiiakh [Psychodiagnostics of personality in life crisis situations]. K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 219 [in Ukrainian].

3. Tsekhmister, Yu., Vizniuk, І., Humeniuk, V., Polishchuk, А. & Dolynnyi, S. (2022). Formation of professional skills of future physicians in the process of professional training. Eduweb, 2022, abril-junio, v.16, n.2. /180-193 DOI: 2022.16.02.13

4. Viznrnk, I., Dzekan, O., Dolynnyi, S., Fomin, O., Fomina, N., & Ordatii, N. (2022).

Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration processes. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 65-77.

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