Essence, functions, theoretical and methodological problems of modern local lore
The authors made an attempt to summarize the experience of domestic local history studies, to analyze the main directions of research and methods of their knowledge, to reveal theoretical questions about the subject, object and tasks of local history.
Рубрика | Краеведение и этнография |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.06.2023 |
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Essence, functions, theoretical and methodological problems of modern local lore
Kashaba Olga Yuriyivna: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Local History and Tourism, Social Sciences and Humanities; Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv,
Shcherbyna Iryna Volodymyrivna: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Local History and Tourism, Social Sciences and Humanities; Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy Kharkiv
Essence, functions, theoretical and methodological problems of modern local lore
Kashaba O.
Shcherbina I.
Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy
The system of modern humanitarian education should focus on the formation of a person who is able to translate cultural values, norms, ideals, and forms of reproduction of the national-cultural world, to promote the formation of interethnic tolerant relations. Local lore as a component of humanitarian education contributes to the activation of the creative potential of students, reveals their diverse opportunities, creates conditions for personal and public interests, and cultivates civic competencies.
The authors of the article made an attempt to summarize the existing experience of domestic local lore studies, to analyze the main directions of research and methods of their study, as well as to reveal theoretical questions about the subject, object and tasks of local lore. The article analyzes the functions and essence of local lore in the modern period of development of Ukrainian society and describes the main directions of local lore research. Emphasis is placed on the educational and consolidating function of local lore in the process of unification of the Ukrainian nation as a result of military aggression from the Russian Federation.
Local lore research is transformed from a methodological approach into a general pedagogical principle and creates a basis for the formation of deep professional knowledge and historical thinking, contributing to the creative understanding of the experience gained by local historians from different regions of Ukraine.
The use of local lore material in the teaching of humanities and the practical application of acquired knowledge about the native land provide ample opportunities to increase the interest of students in the cultural and historical heritage of the Ukrainian people, to activate creative potential, worldview and national dignity of the youth.
Keywords: local lore, humanitarian education, creative potential, national memory, local lore studies, functions of local lore, directions of local lore.
Кашаба О.Ю., Щербина І.В. "Сутність, функції, теоретичні і методологічні проблеми сучасного краєзнавства"
Система сучасної гуманітарної освіти має орієнтуватися на формування особистості, здатної транслювати культурні цінності, норми, ідеали, форми відтворення національно-культурного світу, сприяти формуванню міжетнічних толерантних відносин. Краєзнавство як складова гуманітарної освіти сприяє активізації творчого потенціалу здобувачів освіти, розкриває їх різнобічні можливості, створює умови для задоволення особистих та суспільних інтересів, виховує громадянські компетентності.
Автори статті зробили спробу узагальнити вже існуючий досвід вітчизняних краєзнавчих студій, проаналізувати основні напрями досліджень та методи їх пізнання, а також розкрити теоретичні питання про предмет, об'єкт і завдання краєзнавства. Аналізуються функції і сутність краєзнавства в сучасний період розвитку українського суспільства. Подається характеристика основних напрямів краєзнавчих досліджень. Акцентується увага на виховній і консолідуючій функції краєзнавства в процесі об'єднання української нації в результаті воєнної агресії з боку рф.
Краєзнавчі дослідження перетворюються із методичного прийому в загальнопедагогічний принцип і створюють підґрунтя для формування глибоких фахових знань, історичного мислення, сприяють творчому осмисленню досвіду, напрацьованого краєзнавцями різних регіонів України.
Використання краєзнавчого матеріалу у викладанні гуманітарних дисциплін і практичне застосування набутих знань про рідний край надають широкі можливості для підвищення інтересу здобувачів освіти до культурно-історичної спадщини українського народу, активізації творчого потенціалу, формування світогляду і національної гідності молоді.
Ключові слова: краєзнавство, гуманітарна освіта, творчий потенціал, національна пам'ять, краєзнавчі студії, функції краєзнавства, напрями краєзнавства.Formulating the general issue. The fundamental task of the modern educational process is the desire to form the foundations for the discovery of diverse opportunities for students, creating a basis for the manifestation of creative abilities and satisfaction of personal and social interests of man-citizen. Humanities education should play a leading role in this matter. Local lore, as a branch of synthetic knowledge, has all the levers to accomplish the tasks. After all, in our opinion, not every science is able to so organically combine the past, present and future, to rely on the natural, and on the historical, and on the art, and on the cultural foundation. local history studies
The social significance of the topic lies in the fact that local lore plays an important ideological and educational role. Local lore studies are becoming a powerful means of cultivating patriotic feelings, a source of national identification. Research and popularization of the region is an integral part of national culture and Ukrainian studies and permeates our entire society and personal life, although not always noticeable. After all, the level of local lore activity and its achievements can be judged on the state of spirituality of the people, their sense of national dignity and self-esteem.
In addition, the challenges of today force us once again to return to our past, to a comprehensive study and perfect knowledge of our homeland.
Analysis of research and publications that have begun to solve the problem.
Theoretical understanding and identification of the discipline that deals with the study of the native land attracted the attention of scientists in the late nineteenth century. During this period, the term "local lore" was introduced into scientific circulation. [12, C. 117]. Most scholars have argued that local history is a folk knowledge and amateur study of the native land, an integral part of primary education. Despite these beliefs, local studios were gaining popularity and becoming more relevant. The process of forming one's own methodological approaches begins, local lore topics are gaining popularity. Educators and scientists of Kharkiv region played a leading role in the process of formation and formation of local lore research, in the development of their theoretical and problem-thematic directions in this period [3]. For a long time, local historians and educators were tireless explorers of the region. They laid the foundation and developed theoretical and methodological recommendations for a fruitful study of history, geography, economics, literature, natural and environmental resources, demography of the native land. Their creative work contributed to the formation of effective work of future generations of local historians. Despite the fact that local lore studies before 1917 were mainly "backstage" (cabinet) in nature, developed in line with statistical, economic and folklore and ethnographic studies of people's lives, collecting factual material, these investigations gave a strong impetus to intensify public initiatives. During this period we observe the emergence of the local lore movement. The initiative community launched field research and provided all possible assistance to academic scientists. Collecting local folklore, factual material, researching ancient monuments, life, folk architecture, participating in archaeological excavations, they made a significant contribution to the development of local lore, trying to understand the present and preserve the heritage for posterity [3, P. 24 - 36] .
In the 1920s, there was a national and cultural revival and the rise and intensification of the local lore movement. Most modern researchers in analyzing this period in the development of local lore, emphasize the incredible activation of public initiatives, theoretical and methodological pluralism, the search for new forms and methods of local lore, coexistence and ideological struggle of different paradigms of knowledge. Thus, this time in the history of local lore and local lore movement is not unreasonably called the "golden decade". At the same time, tendencies of ideological pressure on Soviet society and, consequently, on the humanities, including local lore, began to emerge. In an attempt to rethink ideological and epistemological paradigms, scholars have been deprived of the opportunity to freely reflect their views in historiosophical works, to engage in thorough research, for fear of exposing themselves to persecution by the authorities. For reasons of personal security and trying not to expose themselves to suspicion of "bourgeois nationalism", experts avoided complex methodological issues, experiencing a crisis of the existing paradigm of knowledge, scientists "went" to local, local history research. Thus, the local lore of the October period became a kind of "niche" for the ancients and medievalists, orientalists and linguists, ethnographers and archaeologists, geographers, biologists, economists and sociologists of the imperial universities. Intellectuals have significantly enriched various areas of local lore, given him signs of academicism, brought out of the plane of amateurism. And this led to the formation of a professional level of scientific research in local lore, contributed to the preservation of traditions, culture, values. These processes stimulated the initiative of scientists, who already in the new historical conditions of "sovietization" were able to enrich local lore with meaningful, organizational forms and bring it to a new qualitative level [4].
During this period there is a lively discussion on the definition of the subject, tasks and functions of local lore. Methods and methodologies of local lore work are discussed, local lore is introduced into the educational process in educational institutions, the role of local lore as a means of activating the creative potential of pupils and students, the place of local lore in the system of other sciences is considered. Despite the lack of unity in views on the solution of these key issues, the main goal of local lore - the study of the country on a territorial basis - is quite clear. Numerous cases of institutionalization of local lore became signs of this time. Thus, it was quickly established as a scientific field and as a social movement.
From the mid-1930s, under the pressure of the Bolshevik totalitarian regime, local lore almost ceased to exist, and scientific and theoretical developments in this area slowed down. As a result of the ideological offensive, local lore studies were subjected to devastating criticism, which was accompanied by repression.
The first postwar years were a time of decline of the mass local lore movement.
Further development of local lore was outlined only in the 60 - 80's of the twentieth century. During this period, the problems of local lore were addressed by scientists from many branches of science - historians, geographers, economists, literary critics and more.
The beginning of the 1990s was a turning point in the development of the humanities. The national revival contributed to the creation of a wide space for local lore research. During this period, "white spots" in history are exposed, the problems of "forbidden" topics are removed, and an unprecedented research boom is observed. Both works of general local lore direction and development of separate directions of local lore acquire urgency. In the conditions of development of the Ukrainian state the local lore movement became the expression of cultural and national revival of the country.
Among modern Ukrainian researchers, V. Bezdrabko, O. Bogdashyna, J. Vermenych, V. Gorbyk, J. Zhupansky, S. Zaremba, R. Mankovska, O. Kashaba, M. Kostrytsia, V. Krul are engaged in scientific comprehension of local lore problems. S. Kudelko, P. Skrypnyk, O. Ryabchenko and others. The authors consider a wide range of issues that revealed various aspects of the development of local lore. At the same time, the issues of methodology of local lore work, the influence of local lore material on the formation of the worldview of the future specialist and the activation of his creative potential remain relevant.
The research objective. Based on the above, we can formulate the purpose of our study. Namely - to reveal the essence, functions, theoretical and methodological problems of modern local lore and to analyze the main directions of its research.
The statement of the basic research material.The definition of the term "land" ("krai" - ukr) in the Ukrainian language has a deep meaning - it is identified with the family, small homeland, with the father's home, native land. In the Ukrainian language, this term has acquired semantic diversity both in terms of territorial breadth and spiritual kinship. For Ukrainians, it is extremely important also because it forms the root basis of the toponym "Ukraine". For Ukrainians, it is of exceptional importance also because it forms the root basis of the toponym "Ukraine". Thus, in the Ukrainian language the concept of "land" ("krai" - ukr) contains two qualitative features: administrative-territorial and ethno-spiritual. They are the subject of local lore research.
Based on this, local lore comprehensively studies the region and consistently builds theoretical and methodological foundations of research, expands the source base, strengthens the connection with related scientific disciplines. It performs methodological, ideological, humanistic and applied functions and has the opportunity to unite active circles of the public in a broad movement for research and promotion of various aspects of life in the region. Further, competencies for environmental protection and environmental behavior are formed.
At the same time, the general tendencies of modern science to the integrity and strengthening of the processes of unification, interdependence and synthesis of different branches of knowledge pose new challenges to local lore as an interdisciplinary direction that emerged on the foundations formed by history, ethnography, geography, archeology, science, geology, geology culture, etc.
This in turn leads to mechanical mixing of disparate spheres and contributes to the formation of a contradictory, multi-layered set of disciplines, approaches, principles and worldviews. Thus, we can observe uncertainty and regulation regarding the concept of local lore. This situation has a negative impact on the development of all areas of local lore in Ukraine. In this regard, researchers are faced with urgent tasks of further scientific development of the general theory of local lore.
The question of how to interpret and perceive local lore, since its inception has always caused a lot of controversy. In encyclopedic publications of different periods, local lore is interpreted as "a comprehensive study of the country (region, district, city) mainly by the local population" [6] or "local lore - a complex field of knowledge about a particular area (region)" [2].
Modern researcher M. Yu. Kostrytsia proves that already in 1742 the first pedagogical recommendations for a deeper acquaintance with the native land in which students live appeared. This is the first step for further comprehensive study of other territories and countries, their history, geography, flora and fauna, etc. [7, pp. 35 - 37].
In 1914, at the Zemsky Congress of Teachers, this term was compared with the term "homeland studies" and considered in the context of geography [9].
A significant contribution to the formation of scientific understanding of local lore belongs to educators, teachers, who in the 1920s tried to determine the subject and objectives of local lore. This period was one of the most important stages in the development of local lore. It was then that the scientific-methodical and organizational foundations of local lore were laid, the institutionalization of research institutions took place, leading specialists in this field of knowledge were trained, and local lore became a powerful social movement. This state of affairs has led modern historians to consider the period of the 1920s - early 1930s "the golden age of local lore" [11, p. 39].
During this period, the term "local lore" acquires a new meaning and meaning. Gradually, he displaces from scientific circulation the previously common term "homeland studies". The region was viewed from different angles. It was proposed to study demographic issues, the causes of migration, the social composition of the peoples living in the area, the state of economic development, the history of individual settlements (cities, towns, settlements, estates, monasteries). All these explorations were conducted in order to expand their knowledge of the production and demographic potential of the region, local markets for raw materials and sales. But at the same time, all this required certain historical excursions. Therefore, intelligence on the history of handicrafts, individual enterprises, prominent families and figures, etc. became relevant.
Over time, local lore acquires signs of movement, they are admired by the general public, educational environment and professional scientists. This is evidenced by numerous cases of founding new local lore centers, many different meetings, conferences, congresses, increasing local lore on the pages of periodicals, the emergence of the first thorough investigations, the introduction of local lore courses in the curricula of educational institutions, conducting various educational activities of local lore and student youth, etc. [1, р. 57].
In scientific research in recent years, the term "local lore" acquires a different interpretation, is considered more deeply than it includes the local lore imperative. Very often it begins to be identified with the term "Ukrainian studies" and is distinguished as "national local lore". It is emphasized that "... a person who was born and raised in his native land has a sense of duty to her, which is genetically laid the foundation of morality from childhood" [10, p. 6]. M. Kostrytsya emphasizes that for "national local lore the main thing is the native land in modern territorial boundaries with a combination of geography, history and social orientation, then local lore should be considered as a threedimensional system consisting of three interrelated elements - geographical, historical and social, which form a specialized link "territory - time - man" [7, p. 35 - 37].
Characteristic features of local lore are its versatility, multi-industry and multi-problem. Unification of different areas of local lore can take place on the platform of national local lore, where the territory acts not only as an object of research, but also as a dominant, system-forming factor.
National local lore is seen as an internal, mobile system that operates in the world of threedimensional system models.
Thus, Ukrainian (national) local lore is an integrated, holistic educational direction, which performs the task of learning about historical and geographical areas in order to revive them culturally and spiritually and find ways of socioeconomic development based on historically established prerequisites for development [9].
Questions about the functions of local lore remain discursive. Analyzing the basic concepts of this discourse, we can determine that local lore in various spheres of human activity plays an important role.
In this regard, the article by M. Yu. Kostrytsia "National local lore: current issues of theory and methodology" is of interest [8, pp. 3 - 9].
The researcher identifies three main functions of local lore (including historical):
I. Pedagogical function - defines local lore as a method and didactic principle. This creates conditions for improving the efficiency of the educational process in educational institutions, creates a basis for mastering the basic sciences, helps to build competencies. In addition, local lore performs a powerful educational function, creating conditions for the formation of a civic position in the individual as an integrated quality. Sometimes in a separate direction allocate educational (educational, school) local lore, emphasizing thus its role in revival of national- historical memory at applicants of education.
II. Local lore serves as an initial course. It is the basis of elementary history, geography, science, and so on. As a rule, it is presented in a concise and understandable form in order to interest the subject of research, and in some cases to provide basic concepts for more serious studies in science.
III. Scientific function - defines local lore as an integral part of the branch of science in which it is represented (history, geography, literary studies, etc.), with all the research methods inherent in these sciences. Figuratively speaking, scientific local lore is a living fabric of historical, geographical, philological and other sciences, without which these sciences cannot exist [8, pp. 3 - 9].
Based on the above, we state the multi-field and multi-problem nature of regional studies. These are key features. At the same time, each of the problems has its own specificity. Under such conditions, individual traits are often lost, even when some of the problems are widely covered. This is characteristic of almost all branches of local studies. Therefore, objectively there is a task to bring regional studies out of narrow branch boundaries [4].
That is why we can highlight the following functions of local history, namely:
- informational and scientific, which consists in the collection, unification and presentation of information about the historical development and current state of a certain region in a different plane (characteristics of nature, economic opportunities of the region, its population, economic activity, cultural achievements, monuments of material and spiritual culture, prominent personalities, etc.). In this context, the development of methods of searching, summarizing, systematizing, and differentiating various information for use in scientific, educational, and educational activities becomes relevant. The purpose of this system of methods is to provide a comprehensive, comprehensive description of a certain territory;
- the educational function of regional studies takes place through the study of the native region in educational institutions of various degrees. For this purpose, a variety of normative and selective courses in regional studies are being developed, extracurricular work is being conducted with students;
- educational function aimed at popularizing local history material. For this purpose, it uses the potential of mass media, printed publications, local history and tourism activities. Thanks to the dissemination of local history material, educational work, and the development of tourist routes, a patriotic attitude to the "small homeland", a respectful attitude to the history of one's land, love and respect for the native land is being formed.
The analysis of the functions of local lore allows us to emphasize its multi-disciplinary nature and separate objects of regional studies. These are nature, history, population, economy, culture, art, etc. Based on this, we can also define the directions of local studies, namely:
1. Geographical local lore. Its subject is the natural-territorial system of a certain region. Geographical local history has scientific foundations that are in the system of modern geographical sciences. So, geographical local studies emphasizes the comprehensive study of hydrological, geological, meteorological features of a certain region.
2. Biological local lore. It examines the local flora and fauna, their importance in economic activity. An important role is played by the analysis of local biogecenosis. The scientific basis for biological local history is the biological sciences, their methods of observing nature, collecting collections, botanical and zoological material.
3. Ethnographic local lore. This direction explores the history of settlement and development, spiritual culture, religion, national customs and traditions of ethnic groups living on the territory of their homeland. Ethnographic local history is designed to preserve the ethnographic spiritual and material heritage, national memory, and the genetic code of the nation.
4. Folklore and art local lore. The field includes works of art, folk music, legends, stories, etc. Therefore, the main task of this direction of local studies is to preserve the best achievements of folklore and art.
5. Economic local lore investigates the economic and geographical features of settlements. With its help, versatile factors are analyzed under the influence of which trades, crafts, enterprises, labor resources, etc. were formed in one or another area.
6. Environmental local lore. The subject of research are environmental problems that are becoming more acute as a result of human activity in a certain region. It forms responsibility for the preservation and multiplication of natural resources of the native land, their reasonable use and awareness of one's role in worsening the ecological situation.
7. Historical local lore. It is a branch of historical knowledge that comprehensively studies the historical process of a certain region, settlement, life and activities of people and historical figures. As a science, historical local lore is subject to the theory of historical knowledge, therefore it is constantly replenished with the assets of historical science, but also develops its own methodology and technique of historical research, enriching its own theory and practice. Historical local lore contribute to the formation of historical thinking, the logic of historical knowledge and the understanding of the historical process on the examples of regional history, the history of the native region, the small homeland. On the basis of historical facts and phenomena that are specific and close to the students of education, historical local lore provide an opportunity to evaluate the past, preserve the historical experience of previous generations and make predictions for the future.
8. Literary local lore. The subject of this specific field of literary science is the study of folklore heritage and literary works, artistic images in which various historical events, traditions, customs, everyday life and people of a certain region are glorified. The purpose of literary local lore is the true study of the literary heritage, the study of the tragic fate of writers, the highlighting of silenced pages of the literary annals, etc.
9. Pedagogical local lore aims to form future teachers a holistic vision of pedagogical local lore as a socio-cultural phenomenon, understanding its leading factors, trends in the educational process; research of national traditions and peculiarities of local pedagogical experience, which have scientific, pedagogical and cultural value; has a historical and pedagogical direction. Pedagogical local lore draws attention to the peculiarities of the historical development of the social and economic spheres of the region, which influence the formation and development of various types of educational institutions, their educational systems, etc. Modern pedagogical science is based on the pedagogical heritage, which preserves and transmits to the next generations the experience of outstanding masters of pedagogical work. Pedagogical local lore can act as a means of development of regional pedagogical science, as well as a source of improvement of the education system in the region.
All of the above allows us to state that local lore is a complete, dynamic and inseparable system that is in constant motion and develops in the light of three-way models:
a) space (local lore);
b) time (historical local lore);
c) society (social local lore).
The logical scheme of knowledge looks like this: accumulation of facts, their analysis and identification of general patterns of development, synthesis and scientific explanation, in-depth study of the general and individual in the development of society and nature, their generalization.
Local lore not only adds a local flavor to the canvas of natural and socio-humanitarian research, but also expands the circle of people interested in researching the native land. In addition, local lore plays an extremely important role in the education of national consciousness and patriotic feelings.
At the methodological and methodical levels, local lore have many features in common with country lore. The difference between them lies in the scope of the research subject. Local lore, unlike country studies, which studies the state as a whole, is limited only to the territory of a certain part of it. However, together they reproduce a complete image of a certain country as a state with a distinct geopolitical "personality", with its powerful, peculiar, very complex in structure integral potential.
Thus, we observe the manifestation of one of the laws of dialectics - the unity and struggle of opposites. The history of each individual land is self-sufficient, limited, different from others, with its own characteristics and features unique to it. It resembles enamel, each piece of which has its own color and size. However, when many such fragments are combined into a single whole thanks to generalized fundamental research, a magnificent mosaic panel appears, unprecedented in its beauty - the history of Ukraine, the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian nation.
Having a unique opportunity to organically combine two forms - state and public, which are in close connection, complement and enrich each other, local lore is very popular. Self-sacrificing efforts of local loreprofessionals and amateurs support interest in the history, culture, language, and traditions of the Ukrainian people in the society, thereby contributing to the formation of national selfawareness and historical memory.
A high level of national dignity of citizens is capable of consolidating the nation. And this is not possible without fostering love and respect for the native land, history, customs, and culture. That is why local lore is a unique phenomenon, which is based on a continuous process of knowledge and transmission of knowledge about the native land and life on it, which changes from one generation to the next. Local lore, which is a component of national education, contributes to the revival of regional traditions and the consolidation of the nation. It went through a difficult path of formation and development. The dynamics of this process slowed down due to the influence of politically and culturally dominant trends. However, the periodic updating of local lore, its influence on the development of humanities and the system of national education contributes to the continuity of the establishment of Ukrainian national consciousness as an important component of national identity.
Today, in the conditions of full-scale military aggression by the russian federation, local lore in Ukraine becomes a powerful means of national identification, the awakening of selfawareness of the Ukrainian people, contributes to the understanding of the processes of state formation, the revival of national-historical memory, without which the struggle for freedom and independence would be impossible.
Prospects for further research. We include the comparative analysis of work programs and syllabi of educational disciplines in the area of regional studies as promising areas of research on this issue.
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