Improvement of conducting skills of higher education institutions students with a bachelor’s degree

Stimulating the creativity of modern youth and the formation of the professional competence of future specialists. Improving the effectiveness of teaching choral conducting. Introduction to practice of methods of comparative embodiment of artistic images.

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Дата добавления 08.09.2020
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Mukachevo state university

Improvement of conducting skills of higher education institutions students with a bachelor's degree

Dudash Alla Mykhailivna, assistant



Formulation of the problem. The introduction of the NUSH system in Ukraine creates new essential requirements for the professional training of young specialists graduated from higher education institutions. Therefore, the effectiveness of each lesson has become the task of many educators to qualitatively train professionally mature teachers for the New Ukrainian School, able to successfully solve the complex contemporary problems of education in in educational institutions. Ukrainian society needs a new Ukrainian elite. This shows us historical experience, because in order to build a powerful democratic nation-state, it is necessary to have a leading population interested in the existence of such (powerful) state. Only a socially developed nation that has its own spiritual, intellectual, viable elite can be realized. For conductors it is a collection of specific forms in art, management of choral groups, etc. Improving NUSH art teachers' professional training in choral conducting - a real creative process and a fruitful and effective one is difficult. It is the responsibility for the result of the student's decisions, risks, mistakes ...

Educating a new generation, a new elite, engaging in stimulating creativity and expressing it requires a new vision for preparing students for choral conducting. It is important to emphasize the importance of intensification of the educational process in the discipline of choral conducting in senior courses, because it is during this period that the professional competence of the future specialist is finally formed.

In addition, the current level of preparation of the undergraduate students of the OS Bachelor does not fully meet the modern requirements for choir work in the new Ukrainian school.

Analysis of current research

Developed effective teaching methods for conducting are devoted to books by such well-known authors as: L. Andrieieva, L. Bezborodova, T. Estrina, H. Yerzhemskyi, I. Zabolotnyi, M. Kazachkova, M. Kanershteina, M. Kolessa, K. Olkhova and others. Not all the authors' manuals can be used in the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy, because they are intended for students of conservatories and students of music schools. Particularly noteworthy is L. Bezborodova's book «Dyryhuvannia» («Conducting»), which

directly addresses the problems of studying choral conducting in a pedagogical institution of higher education. However, this study guide was published in 1985 and does not take into account the progressive developments of Ukrainian conductor pedagogy and the new tasks that the school choirmestors set for their time. The main guide is F. Kolesa's Guide to «Fundamentals of Conducting-Choir Technique» («Osnovy dyryhentsko-khorovoi tekhniky»), while others may use the manuals of named authors only on selected issues.

So, today there is an urgent need to find ways to improve the conductor-choral training of future music teachers because the problem of functioning of children's singing groups in Ukraine requires new development and implementation into creative activity. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the individual directions of improving the methodology of teaching choral conducting of pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine in order to increase the level of professional preparation of graduates to work with children's vocal tahor collectives. One of the tasks is to analyze the methodology of teaching choral conducting in high schools, substantiate the need to update the knowledge, skills and skills of students in choral conducting and enhancement of motivation at the stage of improvement of conducting competencies. The main methods of teaching choral conducting are: reproduction, observation, comparison, introspection, discussion, and the main method is self-improvement of students' creative potential.

In junior courses, the teacher focuses on staging a conductor apparatus and learning ways to control dynamics and strokes. In senior courses, the tasks are complicated, and the student is required not only a convincing embodiment of the artistic image of the work during conducting in the classroom, but also the first steps when working with the choir. The main tasks during the preparation of students in the process of studying the discipline are: selection of conductors for expressive performance of the work; maximizing the professional conduct of a conductor; preparation for conducting practice at school; mastering the principles of conductor technology (methods of informing the executive team); updating skills and abilities while working with the choir; preparation of graduates for the state choral conduct exam and choir methodology.

It should be noted that students develop a certain «set of conductor gestures», which can be divided into two. One complex is a set of working gestures that is used to work with singers in the process of studying a work, and another - in the process of artistic performance, that is, during concert performances. The basis of this selection is the professional desire of the conductor to reach a certain level of performance. During the learning period, the conductor will pay more attention to the problems of metro-rhythmic and tempo organization, the establishment of balanced dynamic nuances, strokes, timbre, until the performers fully understand the requirements of the conductor. Of course, the conductor's gesture at runtime will be different from the so-called «working gesture». Effective search for creative solutions here should be considered as the main task in the case of the mastered technique of choral conducting.

It is known that the motivating factors, in the driving force of the internal and external order, which create and determine any human activity, are crucial for achieving a positive result within the educational activity. If student activity is important in itself (for example, a cognitive need is met in the learning process), then we can talk about intrinsic motivation. If other needs (value, desire to show oneself) acquire value, then we are dealing with external motives. The Yerks-Dodson law formulated several decades ago speaks of the dependence of activity efficiency on the power of motivation: “The higher the motivation, the higher the performance. But direct communication remains to a certain extent: if, after reaching some optimum level, the strength of motivation continues to increase, then the effectiveness of the activity begins to decline. It is with cognitive motivation (not with motivation for success) that the fruitful creative activity of the individual in the educational process is associated (А. Matiushkin).

The real process of learning choral conducting - fruitful and effective - is difficult. It is the responsibility for the result of the student's decisions, risks, mistakes ... How many images compete in the soul of the student during the process of creative act. Of course, it is more convenient to follow the instructions of the teacher of any discipline: the decision is made by the teacher, he takes responsibility, and he is mistaken (in the case of incomplete creative act). Thus, sometimes the freedom of creative processes is felt to an extent that seems almost unbearable. Creating, deciding, seeking - that is the human vocation. These qualities need must be brought up in students.

Innovative teaching principles that can form the basis of intensification of the educational process and formation of methodological competence of future music teachers should be used in choral conducting classes, namely: the principle of individualization, the principle of national identity, the principle of scientific knowledge, the principle of intensification of learning, the principle of learning. the principle of innovative clarity, the principle of creative development, the principle of increasing the level of innovation, the principle of competitiveness, the principle of interdisciplinary connections [5], the principle of optimization of the educational process [6]. Trainee students are offered a note that reflects the main aspects of analyzing the performance of specific conducting training tasks.


1. Figure blurred.

2. The grid graphic does not match the stroke.

3. Inconsistency size.

4. Violation of verticality of the plane of gestures.

5. Imbalance of individual shares.

6. Too small or large amplitude.

7. Uncertainty of the intraparticular pulsation.


1. Not prepared by attention and look.

2. Weak, fuzzy.

3. There is a superfluous «auftakt like» movement before the auktakt.

4. Sharp, destroys vocal line.

5. Indeterminate in pace, character, dynamics and stroke.

6. Problems with the specificity of appeals.

7. Blurry of crushed impressions and syncope.


1. Crushing points.

2. The point comes out of the brush into the wrist.

3. The discrepancy between the nature of the music and the applied stroke.

4. Uncertainty of the auxiliary points as a means of reflecting the intradermal pulsation.


1. Insufficient or too straight arms.

2. Elbows pressed or placed too far apart.

3. Raised shoulders.

4. Muscle clamp.

5. The brush does not "breathe".

6. Flat or excessively closed brush.

7. Fingers too far apart or over-moving.

8. Squats.

9. Rocking of the body.

10. The position of the body and head is not logically justified.

11. Sliding movements (fates are constantly «going» forward or backward).

12. The brush, forearms and shoulders are used without focusing on the nature of the music.


1. The uncertainty of the nature of the work.

2. Chords and individual sounds are reflected in the gesture carelessly.

3. The gesture is «dry» without the necessary plasticity and cushioning. Inappropriate facial expressions.

4. Fuzzy phrases, climaxes and direction of development of musical material. choral conducting teaching artistic

5. Insufficiency or redundancy of emotions. Absence of conductor will.

Finding ways to overcome the uniformity of performance is certainly not limited to dynamic shades.

Thoughtful attitude to the content of the work, changes of mood of music and text will help to find the right stroke, facial expressions, additional means of performance improvement (reminders to the singers by means of gestures about chain breathing, articulation, cover of sound, etc.).


Thus, the improvement of the method of teaching choral conducting at the faculties of arts of pedagogical educational institutions should take place in the plane of both like the extension of the methodical palette and the actualization of conducting skills and skills in the choral class.


1. Andreeva, L. 1966. Metodyka prepodavanyia khorovoho dyryzhyrovanyia [Methods of teaching choral conducting]. Moscow : Music.

2. Erzhemskyi, H.L. 1993. Zakonomernosty y paradoksy dyryzhyrovanyya [Conducts and paradoxes of conducting]. St. Petersburg.

3. Zabolotnyi, I., Karpenko, Ye. 2007. Dyryhents'ki etyudy [Conducting etudes]. Sumy: «Mriia»TOV.

4. Kazachkov, S. 1967. Dyryzherskyy apparaty eho postanovka [Conducting apparatus and its production]. Moscow: Music.

5. Karpenko Ye. 2001. Dyryhents'ko-khorova pidhotovka vchytelya muzyky [Conducting choir music teacher training]. Sumy: VVP «Mriia».

6. Musyn, Y. 1987. O vospytanyy dyryzhera [About educating a conductor]. Moscow: Music.

Список використаних джерел

1. Андреева Л. Методика преподавания хорового дирижирования / Л. Андреева. - М. : Музыка, 1966. - 120 с.

2. Ержемский Г.Л. Закономерности и парадоксы дирижирования / Г. Л. Ержемский. - СПб. : 1993. - 263 с.

3. Заболотний І. Диригентські етюди / І. Заболотний, Є. Карпенко. - Суми: «Мрія» ТОВ, 2007. - 92 с.

4. Казачков С. Дирижерский аппарат и его постановка / С. Казачков. - М. : Музыка, 1967. - 111с.

5. Карпенко Є. Диригентсько-хорова підготовка вчителя музики / Є. Карпенко. - Суми : ВВП «Мрія - 1» ЛТД, 2001. - 112 с.

6. Мусин И. О воспитании дирижера / И. Мусин. - М. : Музыка, 1987. - 248c.


Improvement of conducting skills of higher education institutions students with a bachelor's degree. Dudash Alla Mykhailivna, assistant, Mukachevo state university, Mukachevo

The article considers the possibility of increasing the efficiency of teaching choral conducting at Bachelor degree by expanding the methodological palette and putting into practice the methods of comparative embodiment of artistic images. The use of the updated methodology is intended to enhance the students' motivation to study, and thus to improve their professional training.

Key words: teaching, methodology, choral conducting, conducting competencies.


Повышение дирижерских навыков студентов вузов со степенью бакалавра. Дудаш Алла Михайловна, ассистент, Мукачевский государственный университет, Мукачево

Воспитание нового поколения, новой элиты, привлечение к стимулированию творчества современной молодежи и ее самовыражение требует нового видения подготовки будущих специалистов по хоровом дирижировании. Автором акцентируется внимание на возможности интенсификации учебного процесса по дисциплине «Хоровое дирижирование» на старших курсах по ОС «Бакалавр», поскольку именно в этот период окончательно формируется профессиональная компетентность будущего специалиста. В статье рассматривается возможность повышения эффективности обучения хорового дирижирования путем расширения методической палитры и введение в практику методов сравнительного воплощения художественных образов.

Ключевые слова: обучение, методика, хоровое дирижирование, дирижёрские компетенции.


Підвищення диригентських навичок студентів вищих навчальних закладів зі ступенем бакалавра. Дудаш Алла Михайлівна, асистент, Мукачівський державний університет, Мукачево

Виховання нового покоління, нової еліти, залучення до стимулювання творчості сучасної молоді та її самовираження вимагає нового бачення підготовки майбутніх фахівців із хорового диригування. Автором акцентується увага на можливості інтенсифікації навчального процесу з дисципліни «Хорове диригування» на старших курсах за ОС «Бакалавр», оскільки саме в цей період остаточно формується професійна компетентність майбутнього фахівця. У статті розглядається можливість підвищення ефективності навчання хорового диригування шляхом розширення методичної палітри та введення в практику методів порівняльного втілення художніх образів. Використання оновленої методики покликане посилити у студентів спонукальний мотив до навчання, і, таким чином, покращити їх професійну підготовку. У статті розглядаються проблеми вивчення хорового диригування в педагогічному ЗВО, що зумовлені необхідністю пошуку шляхів покращення диригентсько-хорової підготовки майбутніх вчителів музики. З'ясовано, що функціонування дитячих співацьких колективів у навчальних освітніх закладах вимагає сьогодні нового розвитку. Автором обґрунтувано необхідність актуалізації знань, умінь і навичок студентів із хорового диригування, посилення спонукальної мотивації на етапі вдосконалення диригентських компетенцій.

Ключові слова: навчання, методика, хорове диригування, диригентські компетенції.

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