The phylosophy of the inclusive educational space in modern Ukraine

The role of inclusive education, its ability to adapt the educational space in accordance with the needs of different social groups. The creation of an inclusive educational, the problems of social adaptation of students with special educational needs.

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Дата добавления 13.06.2023
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The phylosophy of the inclusive educational space in modern Ukraine

Palchynska Mariana Viktorivna

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department Psychology, Pedagogy and Linguodidacty, State University Intelligence Technologies and Telecommunications

1, Kuznechna str., Odesa, Ukraine

In the modern world the education is one of the key factors in the development of the society as a social system, and it is also a prerequisite for the effective social and professional fulfillment. This determines the special role of the inclusive education, its ability to adapt the educational space in accordance with the special needs of various social groups. In this instance the inclusive educational space is a process of implementation of special educational programs, services, informational and educational activities, contributing to the sociocultural integration of a person with special needs into the system of social interaction.

The experience of integrative programs in Ukraine and around the world in special groups in preschool institutions, schools, high educational institution led to the understanding that, on the one hand, an individual approach that is applied to children with special educational needs is important, and on the other hand, it became obvious that highlighting special classes in schools and cities to children with disabilities often leads to the exclusion of children with disabilities from cultural and social life of the educational institution, creates certain barriers in communication and interaction between the subjects of the educational process. Therefore, from the model of integration they began to move on to the idea of inclusion -joint training and education of children with different opportunities.

Successful implementation of inclusive education for person with special educational needs requires changes in the educational system itself. Based on the principles of the social model, society needs to overcome negative attitudes person with special needs and unusual development and give them equal opportunity to fully participate in all spheres of social life.

Thus, inclusive education is the next step in the development of education not only for children with special educational needs, but also for the entire educational system. The creation of an inclusive educational space is aimed at solving the problems of social adaptation of students with special educational needs, as well as increasing the level of tolerance of society to this group of people. A developing environment is formed according to the principle of variability, an individual approach is carried out when submitting training material, the child's independent activity is developed, and a modular organization of educational programs is being introduced. All this allows achieving high efficiency of educational activities.

Key words: inclusive education, educational space, integration, persons with special needs, social maladjustment, modern society.

Пальчинська Мар'яна Вікторівна

доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувачка кафедри психології, педагогіки та лінгводидактики Державного університету інтелектуальних технологій і зв'язку

вул. Кузнечна, 1, Одеса, Україна


У сучасному світі освіта є одним із ключових факторів розвитку суспільства як соціальної системи, а також необхідною умовою ефективної соціальної та професійної самореалізації. Це визначає особливу роль інклюзивної освіти, її здатність адаптувати освітній простір відповідно до особливих потреб різних соціальних груп. В даному випадку інклюзивний освітній простір є процесом реалізації спеціальних освітніх програм, послуг, інформаційно-освітньої діяльності, що сприяють соціокультурній інтеграції людини з особливими потребами в систему соціальної взаємодії.

Досвід інтеграційних програм в Україні та світі у спеціальних групах у дошкільних закладах, школах, вишах призвів до розуміння того, що, з одного боку, важливий індивідуальний підхід, який застосовується до дітей з особливими освітніми потребами, а з іншого боку, стало очевидним, що виділення у школах та містах спеціальних занять для дітей з ОВЗ часто призводить до виключення дітей з ОВЗ із культурного та соціального життя освітньої установи, створює певні бар'єри у спілкуванні та взаємодії між суб'єктами навчального процесу. Тому від моделі інтеграції почали переходити до ідеї інклюзії - спільного навчання та виховання дітей із різними можливостями. inclusive education educational space

Успішна реалізація інклюзивної освіти для осіб з особливими освітніми потребами потребує змін у самій системі освіти. Спираючись на принципи соціальної моделі, суспільству необхідно подолати негативне ставлення до людей з особливими потребами та незвичайним розвитком та надати їм рівні можливості для повноцінної участі у всіх сферах суспільного життя.

Таким чином, інклюзивна освіта є наступним кроком у розвитку освіти не лише дітей з особливими освітніми потребами, а й усієї освітньої системи. Створення інклюзивного освітнього простору спрямовано вирішення завдань соціальної адаптації учнів з особливими освітніми потребами, і навіть підвищення рівня толерантності суспільства до цієї групи людей. Розвиваюче середовище формується за принципом варіативності, здійснюється індивідуальний підхід під час подачі навчального матеріалу, розвивається самостійна діяльність дитини, впроваджується модульна організація освітніх програм. Все це дозволяє досягти високої ефективності освітньої діяльності.

Ключові слова: інклюзивна освіта, освітній простір, інтеграція, особи з особливими потребами, соціальна дезадаптація, сучасне суспільство.

Problem challenge

The foreign policy vector of modern Ukraine, aimed at European integration, involves the introduction of European values, including the educational sphere. One of the necessary conditions for successful European integration is the realization for each member of the society of the right to education, based on the principles of tolerance, equality and respect for special needs [1]. This determines the special role of inclusive education, its ability to adapt the educational space in accordance with the special needs of various social groups [9, с. 28]. In this case, inclusive educational space is the process of implementing special educational programs, services and informational and educational activities that contribute to the socio-cultural integration of individuals with special needs into the system of social interaction: «Yet it is the most unclear of all the basic issues on which the application of child development theories to educational processes depends» [18, с. 79], but «the development is always a prerequisite for learning» [18, с. 80]. Currently, in Ukraine priority is given to the formation of an inclusive educational space in which the educational system changes in accordance with the needs of people with special educational needs, starting from a very young age [5, с. 150]. An increase in the share of the inclusive component in the educational system of Ukraine implies the creation of special conditions for education for people with special needs in order to ensure their subsequent socio-cultural integration and the availability of qualified teaching staff with the competencies necessary for working with pupils and students with special needs [8, с. 144]. One of the most important aspects of the implementation and development of inclusive education in Ukraine is a positive attitude towards creating an inclusive educational space both on the part of the participants in the education system and on the part of the public.

At present the number of children with special needs tends to increase in Ukraine. The social policy in relation to such families provides various assistance, primarily financial payments and benefits. However, the amounts of financing of social programs and social assistance are insufficient for solving the problem of social maladjustment of such families. The social maladjustment can be defined as «... total or partial loss of an ability by a person to adapt to new sociocultural conditions and inability to improve the quality of life» [11, с. 363].

It is a dissociation of a person from the sociocultural environment, characterized by an inability to play an active social role that meets the potential of the person under certain social conditions [3, с. 261]. First of all, this means significant limitations of social fulfillment, which leads to maladjustment. Acquisition of social experience by children with special needs, including them in the existing system of social relations, requires certain additional resources and efforts from society (in particular, special social programs, rehabilitation centers, specialized educational institutions etc.) [12, с. 87].

Difficulties of the families with children with special needs differ much more from the families with normotypical children, as they require far greater material, spiritual and physical resources. This fundamentally changes the socioeconomic status of the family, breaks up social relations, causing social maladjustment [13, с. 532]. The overwhelming majority of parents have a feeling of guilt along with an inadequacy. Usually the family lives under conditions of a psycho-traumatic situation.

The research object: an inclusive educational space contributing to the European integration of Ukraine and the introduction of European values, such as tolerance and ensuring the human right to education.

The research aim: inclusive education as a resource for the adaptation of the individual with special needs in modern Ukraine.

The methodology of the research.

The practical implementation and development prospects of inclusive education is based on the methodology of implementing social projects, the strategic aim of which is to correlate the system of social relations and to take into account the objective living conditions of different social groups and societies (in particular, people with special educational needs). The concept of the inclusive education also includes its organizational aspect, which is expressed in the obligatory documentation and the pooling of various resources for its implementation (technological processes, technical and organizational documentation for them, material, financial, labour and other resources, as well as management decisions and measures to implement them).

Inclusive education poses challenges that are mainly related to improving educational services. In addition, the goal of this project is to improve the higher education system in accordance with European standards. In this article, inclusive education is social innovation, the purpose of which is to create an inclusive educational space, the impact of which on a particular social community or society as a whole is recognized as positive in its social significance.

Modern education provides for the satisfaction of the educational needs of each person, including people with special needs. Inclusive education should be carried out both in theoretical and in practical areas developed by teachers, teachers, psychologists, etc., have a logical structure and sequence of implementation.

The main aim of introducing inclusive education in modern Ukraine is to create a single educational space based on European values and in accordance with EU standards, as well as cooperate with European universities and public organizations to gain European experience and exchange schoolchildren and students.

Basic research results

The inclusive approach as an effective method of integrating children with special educational needs into the system of social relations is considered as the main element of modern education. Integration processes, in particular, inclusion that takes place in the world community, put the priority task before the education system at its different levels to create conditions for the realization of equal rights and opportunities. The inclusion of persons with disabilities in socio-cultural activities requires the provision accessibility to the education for all categories of citizens and its quality.

Recent significant changes in the field of education are associated with changes in attitudes towards children with special needs. Integration processes more and more cover various categories of children with developmental disabilities. The categorical apparatus is being updated in accordance with international practice and the trend of a humanistic approach, and the conceptual and legal foundations of special education are changing. Along with integration, an inclusive education appears and is actively developing, aimed at ensuring the correction of developmental disorders in various categories of children with special needs, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering kindergarten and school programs. One of the objectives of inclusive education is to provide equal opportunities for the full development of each child during the preschool childhood, regardless of social status, psychophysiological and personal characteristics.

The problem of social maladjustment is caused by the modern sociocultural reality, which is characterized by a high degree of complexity and uncertainty [13, с. 534]. Due to the current changes in the Ukrainian society many families with children with special needs suffer from shortage of adaptive resources [8]. In the course of change of the quality of life a lot of social needs of members of the families with children with special needs, families in difficult life circumstances, families internally displaced from the ATO zone etc. arise.

The social policy provides such families with various kinds of assistance, mainly with financial payments and benefits. However, the amounts of financing of social programs and social assistance are insufficient for solving the problem of social maladjustment of such families. That is why the development of an inclusive educational space that meets the specifics of the modern sociocultural situation contributes to the improvement of the efficiency of the modern educational system, and also levels the marginal status of children with special needs. That is why the creation of an inclusive educational space that meets the specifics of the modern sociocultural situation contributes to increasing the efficiency of the modern educational system, development of effective forms of organization of the educational process, and also optimizes the functioning of the social relations system, in particular due to the leveling of the marginal status of children with special needs and their families: «Social inclusion» appeared as an important policy concept in response to the growing social inequality, which has become a consequence of new conditions in the labor market, and the discrepancy of the existing social security system, which could not meet the needs of different social groups» [17, с. 47].

Recently, issues, related to the socialization and social integration of children with special needs into the educational system at all levels, has become of current importance in Ukraine. These initiatives come from the UN and UNESCO, which pay special attention to ensuring the rights of people with special needs in getting quality and affordable education. In consequence of these initiatives a number of documents were adopted (the Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention against Discrimination in Education, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the UN - Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, the World Program of Action concerning Disabled Persons, the materials of the World Conference on Special Needs Education etc.), in which it is provided that «the development of an inclusive educational system for people with special needs, contributing to maximum possible exercise of their right to education is one of the essential elements of the functioning of the modern society» [4, с. 15].

Ensuring an equal access to education for all social categories, taking into account the diversity of educational needs and individual capabilities, is based on the principle of non-discrimination, as well as on interdependence of the processes of social integration and inclusion. At the same time these concepts should be specified: the integration makes it possible to include a child with special educational needs into the general educational space, while the educational system itself remains unchanged. When integrated it is necessary that a person with special educational needs changes in accordance with the standards that exist in a particular society, at the same time special teaching methods and therapy can be applied. This concept has been prevailing until recently in Ukraine.

At present in Ukraine the priority is given to the formation of an inclusive educational space in which the educational system changes in accordance with the needs of people with special educational needs from a very early age. The increase of the inclusive part in the educational system of Ukraine means creation of special conditions for the education of persons with special needs in order to ensure their further sociocultural integration.

It is such an organization of the educational process when all children, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual, cultural-ethnic, linguistic and other traits, are included into the general educational system and are educated with their neurotypical peers in such educational institutions of a general type that take into account their special educational needs and provide necessary special assistance. Also, the inclusive education means joint education and upbringing under special conditions, including the organization of joint learning sessions, leisure activities, and «various types of additional education for physically disabled people and for people who have no disabilities» (Law of Ukraine «On Education», 2018). The main public documents guarantee the right of the person to education and regulate the content of the activity of teachers in accordance with the needs of the population of the country in general and the individual person in particular. These documents are also focused on the prospective development of a network of variable-based special preschool and school institutions: they determine the stages, conditions and mechanisms of their formation and activity, taking into account socio-economic conditions, the reformation system of special education and the necessity for training of skilled professionals of the new generation [1].

First of all the advantages of the inclusive education are the creation of special educational conditions in general educational institutions for people with special educational needs, which sometimes greatly differ from the standard educational needs, the formation of a flexible educational environment that meets the educational needs of all individuals involved in the educational process in a specific educational institution [6, с. 120]. A very important factor is providing necessary psychological and pedagogical comprehensive support by specialized professionals to a person with special needs [7, с. 119]. Only under conditions of inclusion it is possible to prepare students and teachers to accept people with special educational needs and create such conditions for the education that would help to achieve the maximum level of development and contribute to the social rehabilitation of a person, his or her integration into the society and the formation of tolerance [16].

Today, the creation and implementation of the inclusive educational space is one of the priorities of the educational policy of the modern Ukrainian state.

At present the problem of inclusive education becomes more relevant and important in the pedagogical theory and practice, which is fully facilitated by the apparent contradiction between the social demand for professional education of persons with special needs and the insufficient readiness of the higher educational institution to create an inclusive educational space.

The inclusive education has to be developed as nowadays there are more and more children who need a special approach not only in education but also in social communication. In order that any child with special needs could be educated special conditions are necessary, which a standard educational institution cannot always provide [16, c. 61]. These are the conditions for the education, upbringing and development of students, including the application of special educational programs and methods, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical means for the education of collective and individual use, availability of an assistant who would provide the necessary technical assistance to students, holding group and individual disciplinary activities etc. The further development of the inclusive education will lead to lifting of obstacles in the social integration and the further professional realization of persons with special needs.

Conclusion and generalizations

The integration processes (including inclusion), which take place in the world community in all spheres of human activity, set a high-priority task before the system of professional education - creating conditions for the realization of equal rights and opportunities for all categories of citizens. The inclusion of persons with special needs in the sociocultural activity requires ensuring of both accessibility of the education to all categories of citizens and its quality. Therefore, the prior activity of the education teaching personnel is finding optimal ways of reforming the educational system and the provision of quality educational services to the population according to their needs.

For the effective development of the inclusive education, a purposeful, developed system of measures for the humanization of the public opinion, public education in the field of education and upbringing of people with special needs, informational support of the society is necessary, that allows uniting people of different professions and, above all, specialists of different levels and fields: psychologists, teachers-speech pathologists, educators, managers, political leaders and ordinary specialists, as well as representatives of different social groups.

The inclusive approach as an effective method of integrating children with special educational needs into the system of social relations is considered as the main element of modern education. Integration processes, in particular, inclusion that takes place in the world community, put the priority task before the education system at its different levels to create conditions for the realization of equal rights and opportunities. The inclusion of persons with disabilities in socio-cultural activities requires the provision accessibility to the education for all categories of citizens and its quality.

The urgency of introducing inclusive education in teaching practice is beyond doubt. This type of education in the in an educational institution makes it possible to provide the necessary psychological, pedagogical and medico-social assistance to a large number of children, makes it as close as possible to the child's place of residence, provide counseling support, and prepare the society for the adaptation of a person with special needs.

Social integration is understood as the ultimate goal of special inclusive education aimed at integrating the individual into society. Educational integration, being a part of social integration, is considered as a process of raising and educating children with special education needs together with normotypical ones.

Inclusive educational institutions create conditions for community members not only to better understand the issues of education, upbringing, socialization and integration of children with special needs, but also to join the new system of values and attitudes for better interaction regardless of their different.

This kind of education involves the joint education of children with special educational needs and normally developing peers within the same group along different educational routes. Inclusive education is the process impliesing access to education for all, in terms of adaptation to the various needs of all children, for children with special needs. It is a flexible, dynamic system, which takes into account the needs of all children, not only with developmental problems, but also of different ethnic groups, gender, age, membership of a particular social group. The educational system adapts to the child, not the child to the system. Benefits are received by all children, rather than some specific groups, new approaches to learning are often used, varying educational programs, forms and methods of training and education that are adequate to the children with special needs are used. This kind of children may be in a group, studying with informational support and according to an individual curriculum.


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  • Teaching listening comprehension as a part of educational process at school. Teacher's speech as a basic form of teaching listening comprehension. Principles for developing listening ability. The use of activities developing listening comprehension.

    курсовая работа [5,4 M], добавлен 31.10.2013

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • Historical background, basic standards. A Brief Account of American Education: Differences and Similarities. American School from the Point of View of Russian Teenagers. What American Students think their Educational System. Alumni’s Experience.

    реферат [23,1 K], добавлен 22.11.2010

  • The necessity of using innovative social technologies and exploring the concept of social entrepreneurship. Analyzes current level of development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, the existing problems of creating favorable organizational.

    статья [54,5 K], добавлен 19.09.2017

  • Tourism is defined as the act of travel with the intentions of recreational pleasure. There are different types of tourism that can be enjoyed. Description and development of extreme tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, ecological tourism.

    контрольная работа [21,2 K], добавлен 11.11.2010

  • Educational text from English with translation about history of Ukraine. Some information about history of Ukraine, its independence, Zaporizka Sich, activity of the Dnipro Cossacks. Short dictionary, list of questions to the text and answers to them.

    контрольная работа [1,4 M], добавлен 21.11.2010

  • The system of executive authorities. Legislation of Ukraine as sources of social protection. The mechanism and contents of social protection tax. Benefits as the main element of the special legal status of a person. Certain features of protection.

    реферат [18,9 K], добавлен 30.09.2012

  • The need for human society in the social security. Guarantee of social security in old age, in case of an illness full or partial disability, loss of the supporter, and also in other cases provided by the law. Role of social provision in social work.

    презентация [824,4 K], добавлен 16.10.2013

  • The concept, definition, typology, characteristics of social institute. The functions of social institution: overt and latent. The main institution of society: structural elements. Social institutions of policy, economy, science and education, religion.

    курсовая работа [22,2 K], добавлен 21.04.2014

  • Basic approaches to the study of the English language. Intercultural communication and computerization of education. The use of technical means for intensification of the educational process. The use of video and Internet resources in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [333,1 K], добавлен 02.07.2014

  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Literary formation of children. A book role in development of the person. Value of the historical, educational and interesting literature for mankind. Famous authors and poets. Reflection of cultural values of the different countries in the literature.

    презентация [5,0 M], добавлен 14.12.2011

  • The subjective aspects of social life. Social process – those activities, actions, operations that involve the interaction between people. Societal interaction – indirect interaction bearing on the level of community and society. Modern conflict theory.

    реферат [18,5 K], добавлен 18.01.2009

  • Development of guidelines for students of the fifth year of practice teaching with the English language. Definition of reading, writing and speaking skills, socio-cultural component. Research issues in linguistics, literary and educational studies.

    методичка [433,9 K], добавлен 18.01.2012

  • Understanding of social stratification and social inequality. Scientific conceptions of stratification of the society. An aggregated socio-economic status. Stratification and types of stratification profile. Social stratification of modern society.

    реферат [26,9 K], добавлен 05.01.2009

  • The definition of Corporate Social Responsibility and main approaches. Stakeholder VS Shareholders. The principles of CSR: features and problems. Sanofi Group Company and its Social Responsibility program. Results and Perspectives, the global need.

    курсовая работа [43,2 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • The office as a place for work and creation of modern office. The cabinet of the head, general interior, the furniture. Decorating a home office space with technical equipment and efficient storage space. Location in the house where the office must be.

    контрольная работа [13,7 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

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