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Yang Jiaying Graduate student of the Department of Education and Innovative Pedagogy, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Skovoroda, Kharkiv,
Abstract. The article reveals some physiological, technological, linguistic, aesthetic features of the national vocal manner, which has been cultivated in China for centuries, and their interpenetration, adaptation into the technique of Western European bel canto vocal intonation; the experience and contribution of Chinese vocal masters Shen Xiang and his student Jin Telin to the creation of a national school is briefly analyzed. It is shown that one of the indispensable components of singing is the peculiarities of speech, which are closely related to phonetics and its peculiarities in national languages. This is especially true of the Chinese language, where syllables with the same phonetics can have completely different meanings (and spellings). These syllables differ in meaning from each other due to the use of specific tones. The Chinese language usually uses four tones: the first tone is flat and high in its sound, the second is rising, the pronunciation of the third tone should be first lowered and then gradually raised, with the emphasis on the lowest part; the fourth tone is pronounced like the second tone, instead a falling intonation should be achieved. It is shown that understanding the specifics of the Chinese tonal system is an important aspect of understanding the melodic-intonational features of Chinese vocal music. It has been proven that there is a close relationship between the Chinese language and music, which is especially evident in Chinese melody and intonation and its unique melismatics. It is shown that there are also peculiarities in the breathing system of the vocalist. In the Chinese national style of singing, the breathing technique is reflected in the concept of "air sinking into dantian". It is shown that understanding and mastering the phonetic features of the Chinese language, the breathing technique inherent in the Chinese national manner of singing influence the mastering of the bel canto technique, which characterizes everything related to the European vocal tradition in Chinese vocals. It is determined that the regulations governing the training of Chinese vocalists were formulated in the works of famous teachers such as Shen Xiang and Jin Telin.
Keywords: phonetic features, Chinese language, vocal performance, Western European bel canto.
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