Формування національної самосвідомості студентів мистецько–педагогічних спеціальностей засобами театралізації народних свят

Формування національної самосвідомості студентської молоді, критерії та рівні її сформованості у студентів мистецько-педагогічних спеціальностей вищих закладів освіти. Програма формування національної самосвідомості засобами театралізації народних свят.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 08.11.2013
Размер файла 58,7 K

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Historical aspects and scientific premises of formation of national self-consciousness in youth had been considered. The need for use of folk festivals as the means of formation of national self-conciousness had been substantiated ;criteria and levels of its development had been defined and the level of self-conciousness of modern students had been researched.

The program and methods of experimental formation in the process of leaning of the subject "Ukrainian folk studies" and the special course "Theatrical presentation of Ukrainian Folk Studies" is developed. The results of a forming experiment which testifies to the effectiveness of a research-experimental work under conditions of: student' positive cognitive motivation; profound comprehension of contents, forms and functions of national-cultural experience, which is contained in the national traditions, habits, rites and festivals; activization of apprehension and perception by the participants of a ritual symbolism of folk festival event, which has deep historical roots and produces an intensified educational influence; provision of a practical participation of students in theatrical presentations of folk festival by way of their envolvement in the creative activity at all stages of organization, preparation and conducting of a festival event have been presented.

On the basis of analysis of the results of research the ways of improvement of effectiveness of educational work with youth are defined, the recommendations on envolvement of students of art and pedagogical specialties in organization, preparation and conducting of festivals are given.

Key words: national self-conciousness, education, folk habits, folk traditions, folk festivals, theatrical presentation, national-cultural experience, Ukrainian folk studies.

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